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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Aww, Heath Great sig and pic Aqua. It still makes me sad to think about him.

    And another rant about McKeller cos I'm feeling that way out tonight.

    Since BadBoyz has been coming on our thread I've been thinking a bit more about McShep. I watched The Prodigal with that in mind and you know I can really see more McShep than McKeller. IMO there is more chemistry between Shep & Rodney in that one episode than between Jennifer & Rodney in a whole season. Curious that - Carl Binder writing more for McShep than McKeller perhaps!

    Edit - Good night Kitten.


      Thanks Blen I loved him very much, I've been thinking long time to make something with him, but I just couldn't
      And why do you guys still discus Rodney. Jenn is suppose to be with Ronon and that's that. At least that is my opinion


        Well I was starting to think about Brain Storm next week & needed to get some things off my chest. I think I'm done now.


          That's OK Blen It's good to take things of you chest


            Aqua, great artwor. Yeah, too sad...

            I think I like discussing Rodney It lways proves that he is not the rigth one for Jenn... Of course it's Ronon!


              Rodney just
              got eaten
              at the "40,000 chevrons Thread"


                How does that chevrons thing word Aqua? I've never looked at it to be honest.


                  We are counting the chevrons of the gate till we reach the number that's the goal.
                  And we have fun in the process


                    Okay, watching Remnants now, short little comments, since I can't remember what I was going to say earlier.
                    I was going to say I don't get something, and I know it was involving Woolsey, but I don't remember exactly what it was that I didn't get...And honestly, I already love Kolya in this episode, he's awesome. The lopped-off hand coulda been done better, though, you know, I expected a bloody, dirty bandage, or a stump, since Sheppard had his arm lying on the ground, not a perfectly clean white bandage, and not a completely soundless, blankly staring reaction. Too bad Woolsey's "You poached my private spot" joke fell flat, it gave me a giggle, anyway. And I agree with Joe M, Bob Picardo's delivery of 'You can call me...Dick' was flawless. Aww, poor Woolsey's losin' it. And honestly, I'm seeing a lot more Radek/McKay than either Amelia/Ronon or Jennifer/McKay. Okay, didn't see the 'artificial intelligence' thing coming...And you know who I really hate? Shen. As good as the actress is, and as good of a character as she is, I hate her. Good riddance. Okay, never mind, I like her. Sheppard can see Woolsey's version of the AI, too? Hahaha, Zelenka was a hallucination!!!


                      I think a lot of the blood & gore is cleaned up on SGA because of the age groups watching. I suppose TPTB can't have people fainting & stuff. I mean Teyla's
                      birth scene in S&R. Has to have been the cleanest birth in history.

                      So how did Rodney get eaten in the chevrons things Aqua?


                        Just popped in in the midst of my nasty cold (sneeze) to say hello all and I miss you! next weekend maybe? I will watch the ep soon.


                          My favorite part from 'Remnants' was:
                          Ronon: Sometimes when I walk by his quarters at night, I hear him cry.
                          Rodney: What? Really?
                          Ronon: No.
                          Rodney: AHHH
                          Ronon: HAHAHA

                          He got eaten by a the Wraith Blen


                            Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                            My favorite part from 'Remnants' was:
                            Ronon: Sometimes when I walk by his quarters at night, I hear him cry.
                            Rodney: What? Really?
                            Ronon: No.
                            Rodney: AHHH
                            Ronon: HAHAHA

                            He got eaten by a the Wraith Blen

                            I loved that bit and the look he gave Rodney when
                            Rodney asked why he went to the mainland


                              Well I'm tired guys, I'm off to bed Good Night all


                                I'm off to bed now everyone.

                                Rache - I hope your cold is better soon.

                                Aquq - so Rodney got eaten by a wraith? Knowing Rodney he probably gave the wraith indigestion.

                                Good night all.

                                Edit - Great minds think alike Aqua. I just said that as well. Nighty night.

