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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    I wouldn't hold your breath. Shep & McKay are never in the background.
    Shep and McKay are the only two who have been in every single episode... I'm just hoping for some good Lorne in there!

    Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
    MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


      Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
      Do I? Maybe because we get a new epi this Friday and I swear if this doesn't focus on Teyla and Ronon saving the day and kicking some serious @$$ I'm going to be beyond pissed off! Shep and McKay better be the ones fading in the background for this epi.
      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
      I wouldn't hold your breath. Shep & McKay are never in the background.
      I like my Mcshep, but i agree, it would be great to see Ronon and Teyla kicking some a**. teyla has been the one to miss out this season, and its just sad. There are still heaps of stories to tell about both of them, sadly i don't think we will ever get the chance to explore that

      Originally posted by Nika View Post
      Shep and McKay are the only two who have been in every single episode... I'm just hoping for some good Lorne in there!
      We always need Lorne


        I suppose whatever TPTB do, somebody will end up dissatisfied. Can't please all of the people etc.

        Badboyz - you still up? I'm amazed you can keep your eyes open!

        Wooo hoo. Phantoms on is on Sky 2.


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I suppose whatever TPTB do, somebody will end up dissatisfied. Can't please all of the people etc.

          Badboyz - you still up? I'm amazed you can keep your eyes open!

          Wooo hoo. Phantoms on is on Sky 2.
          Yeah im still here. It's a busy time of year for me. Busy with assignments, as uni comes to an end for the year at the end of november. So im doing work, well actually im not atm, listening to Obama's speech on race relations he gave in March, and watching the Formula 1. Its 5am now. i find once i get past 3am, i can just go on and on.


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            DG, I just went to add it to the C2 and it said that it was already there. Maybe it just takes a few minutes to get there?

            And I totally forgot to tell you all! You'll get a kick out of it. Hubby, daughter and I went to the city today. We were in the middle of Sam's Club (warehouse store for you outside the states) and my daughter announced - with some reason - that I was officially the weirdest mom in the world! I did a happy dance right there! LOL. I have done my job right!
            that's when we know we have suceeded as parents! we love sam's club here, and costco too! I am a super shopper it seems!
            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            We can dream I suppose - but it might mean that Todd wears some high heels and serenades Shep with a rendition of Love Me Tender.

            ActuallY I think I would pay good money to see that.
            almost sprayed my screen with water at that one! me too! that would be a riot!


              Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
              I understand what you are saying. I on the other hand have no problem with shipping whether it is canon or long as it is written well and flows with the shouldn't feel like everything stops so we can have a "moment" the moments should just happen without it feeling forced or out of nowhere.
              But there are times and there are places and a primarily SF show revolving around aliens and stargates and epic space battles isn't exactly the best time and place for a well-written canon ship.

              Ships just come across as an afterthought or as poorly written because most of the focus needs to be on other things.

              And then the fans complain when there's "too much" shippyness.



                I have a busy and I still don't feel very good but I have to go to work tomorrow. I think I will have lot to do...
                Abou the Vegas, I think
                They both will be some way in it. I am sure Joe is right but he always says the truth - it just means something totaly different from what we think

                And more Lorne, yes Always more Lorne!
                I hope the new ep will be good, at least we will have both Jenn and Ronon in the ep.


                  Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

                  I have a busy and I still don't feel very good but I have to go to work tomorrow. I think I will have lot to do...
                  Abou the Vegas, I think
                  They both will be some way in it. I am sure Joe is right but he always says the truth - it just means something totaly different from what we think

                  And more Lorne, yes Always more Lorne!
                  I hope the new ep will be good, at least we will have both Jenn and Ronon in the ep.
                  Is Jenn going to be in this epi?
                  Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                    Hey, ladies. And gentleman. I'm here, probably not going to my stepbrother's birthday party today, but I'm sure my dad and the kids, at least, will understand, since I'm not feeling well. The cough is a lot better than yesterday, though. Yesterday it was hurting like mad. So I think I'm going to stay home, polish off the remainder of my Halloween candy, write a bit, pray my friend is online so I can do a roleplay, watch some videos and movies, read up more on the election...while writing, so I can hide which sites I'm on when Grandma comes snooping, so I don't have to deal with her telling me how I have to vote...and maybe daydream. A lot. About guys. -drools-


                      Glad you are feeling better Jenn. I just watched 21 and it was an OK movie. I have the hulk next to watch
                      Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                        Tell me how The Hulk is, please? I've already seen 21 and liked it, my uncle and I went when he could still get us in free to the movies(the theater got bought out by another company, and they decided they're not going to let anyone in free anymore. I personally think it's a bad idea, my uncle and his friends buy A LOT of snacks at the movies.)


                          Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
                          Is Jenn going to be in this epi?
                          Yes they said she was going to be in 15 eppys meaning 5 w/o her and we have had 5 epps that had no Jennifer so she should be in all of them now


                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Yes they said she was going to be in 15 eppys meaning 5 w/o her and we have had 5 epps that had no Jennifer so she should be in all of them now
                            wow have we really had 5 eps without her. Geez, feels like shes been in all of them apart from DV


                              Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
                              Is Jenn going to be in this epi?
                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              Yes they said she was going to be in 15 eppys meaning 5 w/o her and we have had 5 epps that had no Jennifer so she should be in all of them now
                              Yeah, I was just gonna to say that. I am glad she will. And I really want some interaction between them, how Ronon will behave around her.


                                Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                                Yeah, I was just gonna to say that. I am glad she will. And I really want some interaction between them, how Ronon will behave around her.
                                Ronon will carry on with business as usual and Jenn will be a little uneasy around him and both of them will avoid talking about "lets be clear" because Jenn thought he liked her but he told her he didn't and he thought she liked him but was wrong because she is kind of interested in someone else. If one of them don't bring it up they will just both continue down this path of misunderstanding..maybe Teyla will talk some sense into Jenn.
                                Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic

