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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
    pouts because he can't find a decent picture of the gateroom to make a wedding photo...

    there's the wedding album though

    There has to be a decent pic somewhere......I'll search too. Love the albums!! Snagging with credit for future use on my LJ.

    sig by nicole9514

    Voting for The Doctor and the Wild Man marriage in season 5 of Atlantis

    My Ronon/Keller Fan Vids:
    1/27/08 - Somewhere I Belong
    High Quality Stage6 & Download


      Originally posted by renisanz View Post
      Yeah, I have a bit of a dilemma going on. I'm not nearly finished with the story, but I am excited for feedback. However, the story is for a fic-a-thon in February. So, maybe I could post part of it here, and then post the rest on the due date, if you guys (or y'all, b/c I'm Southern ) don't mind waiting? I think my day to post is February 6.
      Ooh Late birthday present for me!! My b-day is the day before! Whenever you want a cheerleader for your fic, or maybe some critical analysis, let me know!

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
        Well, it's not just the anti who are worried about this. I am, too. I mean, I was really all over this ship, but that one scene in Quarantine where Ronon tells Jenn about Melena? That was so totally out of character. All that shiftiness, and grinning in the wrong places... really freaked me out.

        The (almost) kissing scene, on the other hand, that was better. Although I always liked the idea that Ronon did have a soft center under that rough shell, I never saw him as weak. So if he likes a girl, and there's an opportunity, I felt certain he'd just grab it and make his move.

        Sorry if I'm stepping on anybody's toes here, but I was seeing this whole thing more in a light-hearted way, not the really heavy emotional stuff. Fanfiction is the place for that, but on the show I think it would become too distracting.

        Roast me if you like, but that's how I feel.
        This post must have been hard for you! I dont think there is anything wrong with questioning his characterization on the episode and in how they will handle this relationship in the future. As much as I would love to see them together I also wouldnt want to see Ronon walking behind keller holding shopping bags and saying "yes dear" Although I dont want this to turn into a soap opera (fanfic is the best!!) I think there will have to be subtle changes in his characterization because of this relationship. Hopefully in future episodes tptb will handle them with care.

        Thanks for my sig Methos


          Originally posted by Penegal View Post
          This post must have been hard for you! I dont think there is anything wrong with questioning his characterization on the episode and in how they will handle this relationship in the future. As much as I would love to see them together I also wouldnt want to see Ronon walking behind keller holding shopping bags and saying "yes dear"
          Who would like this?! That not what the Ronon character is. And if Keller wanted Ronon to change into someone else, I'm not interested.
          SGA does TOO good of a job IMO of keeping characters EXACTLY the same forever and ever (John Sheppard I'm looking at you!)
          I crave character change over the seasons!!!! Ronon has been shown to be very emotional with people he cares about.
          Since he stopped running, everybody knows that his gruff, grumpiness is a cover-up for his soft gooey center!!

          Another thought on the "Yes Dear" fear. One of my favorite parts of Quarantine was when
          Keller asked Ronon to help her prepare, and he respected her authority & knowledge to turn around and say "tell me what to do"

          For me it's a respect thing. Good relationships have it.


            Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
            for anyone that wants them...


            Need I say more?

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              glad ya like it


              Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


                Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
                pouts because he can't find a decent picture of the gateroom to make a wedding photo...

                there's the wedding album though

                LOL! In our dreams...

                You are so talented!

                Need I say more?

                Got Fanfic?


                  lol, i just have lots of practice with photoshop


                  Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


                    Originally posted by Penegal View Post
                    This post must have been hard for you! I dont think there is anything wrong with questioning his characterization on the episode and in how they will handle this relationship in the future. As much as I would love to see them together I also wouldnt want to see Ronon walking behind keller holding shopping bags and saying "yes dear" Although I dont want this to turn into a soap opera (fanfic is the best!!) I think there will have to be subtle changes in his characterization because of this relationship. Hopefully in future episodes tptb will handle them with care.
                    Well said.

                    Need I say more?

                    Got Fanfic?


                      Originally posted by Rubicon View Post
                      Since he stopped running, everybody knows that his gruff, grumpiness is a cover-up for his soft gooey center!!
                      You make him sound like a truffle. :-)

                      While I don't want to see Ronon wearing sweater vests and loafers...the image of him holding her shopping bags and saying "Yes dear." is hysterical!


                      Need I say more?

                      Got Fanfic?


                        Originally posted by writeangel View Post
                        green for you!
                        Yeah, thats what I was saying I don't want Ronon domesticated - it will ruin the show. But I was always always under the impression that all the years of running took such a toll on his social skills that if he ever did get a romantic interest it would be incredibly awkward in the beginning filled with heavy angst. Luckily for some I think a lot of the issues this will take place off screen and because of that I believe this ship has the potential to be the first true couple in the Stargate universe.
                        yes! i hope they handle this better then katie/rodney.

                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Flirty stuff will be wonderful. There's going to be some jealousy, some cultural misunderstandings (I hope because then that means the writers will come up with some culture for the Satedans). I think that under the gruffness that running has put on Ronon he is still the man he was before on Sateda. It is just overlayed with the anger and the survivalist that he is now.

                        Maybe it is because my husband and I are such opposites. No one who knows our backgrounds would have ever put us together. But I can easily see them (Ronon/Jenn) being a couple.
                        Just from that episode, we now know more about their background. I am hoping that we learn more about them as the relationship progresses.

                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        I see what you mean, and it was what I was expecting from that scene - but somehow for me it came out all wrong. (I'm spoilering the rest because I don't want to rain on anybody's parade - only read on if sentiments of disappointment in the ship don't bother you...)
                        I don't know, Jason is usually such a good actor, and he is so on top of portraying Ronon's emotions. Maybe he didn't feel comfortable with the scene himself, or he wanted to play it another way and they wouldn't let him (of course pure conjecture on my part)... and that's why it seemed so contrived and rubbed me the wrong way.

                        Just for the record, I'm still totally on board with this ship, I think my fanfics speak for themselves. That's probably my problem, I've set them up my way, and now it's hard to see TPTB take them down another path.
                        I guess we will have to see what they do next.

                        Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
                        pouts because he can't find a decent picture of the gateroom to make a wedding photo...

                        there's the wedding album though

                        nice pic!!

                        Originally posted by Rubicon View Post
                        Who would like this?! That not what the Ronon character is. And if Keller wanted Ronon to change into someone else, I'm not interested.
                        SGA does TOO good of a job IMO of keeping characters EXACTLY the same forever and ever (John Sheppard I'm looking at you!)
                        I crave character change over the seasons!!!! Ronon has been shown to be very emotional with people he cares about.
                        Since he stopped running, everybody knows that his gruff, grumpiness is a cover-up for his soft gooey center!!

                        Another thought on the "Yes Dear" fear. One of my favorite parts of Quarantine was when
                        Keller asked Ronon to help her prepare, and he respected her authority & knowledge to turn around and say "tell me what to do"

                        For me it's a respect thing. Good relationships have it.
                        Since we have never seen ronon in a romantic relationship its hard to say how he will act. Soft gooey center, I dont think I have ever thought that when thinking of ronon cracking me up!

                        Thanks for my sig Methos


                          Man, I go offline for a few hours and have to catch up on 5 pages...dang...

                          Out of curiousity, did anyone think of a good phrase to put on this?

                          or any ideas for improvement?


                            Originally posted by methosivanhoe
                            came across this little gem while looking for some good pics to use...

                            Twenty Minutes by sanssong

                            She knew the minute he came into sick-bay. She was that attuned to him now.

                            Ronon Dex.

                            He only had to walk within fifty yards of her and she knew he was there; it was like she had this inner Ronon-radar. Something inside her laughed hysterically at the idea.

                            Heart rate sped, womb clenched, temperature rose, she was fast becoming a hormonal mess- it was heady and new and driving her absolutely crazy.

                            How was she supposed to do her job when *he* was around her? She turned into a ridiculous pile of girly mush. No sign of the level headed double-doctorate anywhere. Just when Dr. Jennifer Keller thought Elizabeth had been right about her ability to do this job, Ronon Dex had wandered into her sickbay injured and looked her in the eyes.

                            She'd been a goner from that moment on.

                            "Hey," he said nodding in her direction, holding his shoulder. "You gotta minute?"

                            Well, sure, Jen had noticed Ronon before, there weren't many women on Atlantis who hadn't. Heck, there were even women working in the SGC on Earth who knew about him. But she'd never *noticed* him that way, like he might notice back or like she was a woman and he was a man. Not until he'd held her eyes with his and forced her to see what she'd always missed before.

                            That under all the sexy testosterone was the soul of a poet; the old soul of someone who saw everything and everyone around him and appreciated the beauty of it. That had gotten her attention and held it. More than held it in fact, she could hardly think of anything else these days.

                            "Ah, okay," she smiled and desperately tried to look confident and not love-struck.

                            "This shoulder," he winced as he tried to move it. "It's still bothering me."

                            Ronon looked apologetic – almost embarrassed - as if three days were sufficient time for someone to recover from major surgery.

                            Jen did her best impression of a disapproving frown and walked over to him. She could do this; she could be around him and not turn into a witless stuttering idiot. She would not drop, spill or dump anything on him this time, she sternly lectured the star-struck part of herself.

                            Good. She was controlled, professional, she could do this. For now.

                            "Ronon, you still need medical care." Jen grabbed a syringe and some painkiller after swabbing down his upper arm. "I know you deal with injuries better than most on Atlantis, but you aren't superman." Jen gently stuck his beautiful tanned muscular arm with the needle.

                            Ronon winced slightly, "Superman?"

                            "Oh, sorry, I always forget you don't have a cultural reference for half of what we say around here. There all done." Jen put the syringe down on the cart and stripped off her gloves.

                            "It just means that there are some things you can't shake off, you have to take time to heal properly and rest. If I had my way, you'd still be in here with me, in bed."

                            Ronon's eye's collided with hers, the ghost of a smug male smile on his face.

                            Crap! So much for controlled professionalism.

                            Jennifer could feel the color drain from her face, then rush back again to flaming bright red. Oh, God. "Oh, God... that's not what I..." she scooped up the gloves and darted across room to the furthest trash can. Her witless nervousness came back in spades. How could she have said something so – stupid.

                            "I only meant to say that," her back to him as she looked up at the ceiling and dropped the gloves in the can. "You should still be..."

                            She was so embarrassed and busy trying to talk her way out of her latest faux paux with him that she didn't hear him slide off the table and walk up behind her till it was too late.

                            "I should still be what?" He purred next to her ear.

                            Jennifer gave a small shriek of surprise spinning around so fast she nearly knocked them both over. If not for his excellent reflexes she would have.

                            Oh, God, now she was trapped between the wall and her every fantasy come to life. She couldn't think and she didn't dare look up at him or she really would embarrass herself. "I... you...ah..."

                            Damn, she couldn't talk and now she could hardly breathe. She really couldn't unless she wanted to drown in his scent. That little bit she could smell was a heady mix of maleness and shower soap triggering all her dizzy little hormones who wanted nothing more that to kiss him or better yet, drag him off to her room.

                            He inched closer and her brain seized.

                            A low deep chuckle was all the warning she got before his warm fingers caressed her chin and lifted it, forcing her to look in his eyes. The connection was immediate and electric and she was utterly lost to the current zinging between them.

                            "I should still be what?" his whispered again.

                            "I..." was as far as she got before drew her to him and covered her lips with his.

                            Fire whipped through Jen like lightening at the first touch of those incredible lips. In an instant of clarity everything in her knew she'd been created to kiss Ronon Dex. Hungry, she kissed him back, opening for him as he made their joining more intimate offering her mouth to him in mute sexual sacrifice. With god-like dominance, he accepted. The kiss went on minute after delicious minute connecting her to him more strongly with each passing second.

                            He must have lifted her off the floor because the next thing she knew her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were holding his head to hers and he devoured her mouth. His growl of satisfaction indicated he was more than pleased with the situation.

                            Jen wholeheartedly agreed. She'd never felt so good in her life. She wanted to feel him everywhere, around her, in her. She wanted to feel his warm skin on hers. He was a drug and she was already addicted. She needed his kiss.

                            "Ronon, buddy, we gotta go," an amused but irritated John Sheppard ordered from the door of sickbay.

                            Jen stopped dead for a handful of seconds before quietly sliding her legs to the floor.

                            Ronon still held her to him however, shielding her from his friends prying eyes. It was as if he were unable to let her go.

                            "I told you twenty minutes, Sheppard.' Ronon growled sounding very annoyed.

                            "I thought you were gonna ask her out, not..." he left the sentence unfinished.

                            Reluctantly, Ronon dropped his arms and turned. Jen was grateful that he still stood between her and the Colonel because she was beyond embarrassed at this point. John Sheppard could have her fired. What had she been thinking? Oh, that's right she hadn't. She jumped a member of the Gate team in her own sickbay.

                            "I was getting to it. That's why I said twenty minutes."

                            "Sorry Doc," John tried to call to her over Ronon's massive shoulder. "Guess my timing stinks. I'll wait outside."

                            "We'll meet at the Jumper." Ronon barked.

                            He may not be in charge, but Jen knew an order when she heard one. The only answer was footsteps retreating down the hallway.

                            Ronon turned back around a satisfied smile spread across his handsome face. "Dinner. Tonight. My quarters." It wasn't a question.

                            "So you really didn't need..."


                            "And you weren't really in any pain or..."

                            "Not any more," Ronon flexed his impressive muscles and rotated his shoulder once for good measure. "See you tonight."

                            He kissed her quick and hard her hormone drugged mind didn't seem to care that he didn't wait for her answer. "Yes," she whispered to no one as she watched his gorgeous body disappear out the door.

                            love it, thought i'd share it with the rest of the shippers here

                            That was one of the first bits of Ronon/Jenn goodness. Always love to read it again though!! Thanks.

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                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              hey guys
                              kind of random but i was wondering what might hav happened after the lockdown ended and before they went to dinner and realized ronan said he'd heard rodney had felt sick. is it possible he heard it from the person who probably treated rodneys' "illness". guess thats something jen and ronan talked about after.


                                Hmmm. Maybe. It would also explain why Ronon was expecting Jenn in the mess hall after the whole mess.

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

