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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Well personally i love this Thread and i love this Ship apart from jt
    Ditto, my R/K love has nothing to do with my J/T love and EVERYTHING to do with my desire to see Ronon with someone who he can love.


      Originally posted by Rubicon View Post
      You know a ship is On BIG TIME once the antis come out to play.

      And, even Mr. Rubicon picked up on the ship in the very first scene in Quarantine. "Oh he really likes her doesn't he?" Yes silly husband he does!
      isn't it amazing when our hubbies actually "get it" with ships?? mine saw quarantine and figured it out too at the beginning. (beginning to beleive that all men are not blind to subtlety)

      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
      I am DOOMED! Doomed I tell you! At home I have dial up. My son has a function at school so I borrow his school issued computer with their fancy high speed internet and I'm wanting to surf the various threads and actually SEE the pic spams and go to youtube and see the vids. BUT NO! The school has all sorts of filters and I can't see the pics. I can't go to youtube. AAARRRGH!
      Oh I love your flair for drama!

      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
      Ditto, my R/K love has nothing to do with my J/T love and EVERYTHING to do with my desire to see Ronon with someone who he can love.
      I actually ship D/V and S/J as well as this one. never can have too much romance.


        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        isn't it amazing when our hubbies actually "get it" with ships?? mine saw quarantine and figured it out too at the beginning. (beginning to beleive that all men are not blind to subtlety)

        Oh I love your flair for drama!

        I actually ship D/V and S/J as well as this one. never can have too much romance.
        Well my husband started out Friday night saying something about how he doesn't like Jenn. Something about her being whiney and useless. But even he saw that Ronon was into her. I think he picked up on it with the "third time in the infirmary" bit.

        Thank you I try. I really try. My kids are all embarassed by me. I figure if they're embarassed by it then I'm doing my job!!

        One can NEVER have too much romance. And while I ship in many of the usual places, I also ship some unusual ones.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin
          I think the anti's came out to play because there are a whole bunch of people put there who ship Ronon/Teyla. Well tough for them.
          Shippers know that TPTB will do whatever they want. Shippers be damned!
          I loved Spanky as much as the next shipper, but TPTB decided they were "brother & sister", who apparently just happened to give each other the sexin' eye All The Time. Whatever PTB. OK, I let it go.

          Sparky? [sarcasm]Not canon. Doesn't exist.[/sarcasm] We'll show you shippers! We'll kill Weir, make her evil & Sheppard won't really care! Voila! No ship.

          Sheyla I guess is a canon ship? Which Of Course means she'd be pregnant from a non-existent relationship off-screen. Riiiight.

          I'm cautiously hopeful for a nice ship from these 2 secondary characters. Please PTB, be nice to me for once!!
          My advice to myself is enjoy this sweet little ship as long as both characters are alive and/or not a robot, and not the big bad. (R.I.P. Sparky *sniffle)


            Originally posted by Rubicon View Post
            Shippers know that TPTB will do whatever they want. Shippers be damned!
            I loved Spanky as much as the next shipper, but TPTB decided they were "brother & sister", who apparently just happened to give each other the sexin' eye All The Time. Whatever PTB. OK, I let it go.

            Sparky? [sarcasm]Not canon. Doesn't exist.[/sarcasm] We'll show you shippers! We'll kill Weir, make her evil & Sheppard won't really care! Voila! No ship.

            Sheyla I guess is a canon ship? Which Of Course means she'd be pregnant from a non-existent relationship off-screen. Riiiight.

            I'm cautiously hopeful for a nice ship from these 2 secondary characters. Please PTB, be nice to me for once!!
            My advice to myself is enjoy this sweet little ship as long as both characters are alive and/or not a robot, and not the big bad. (R.I.P. Sparky *sniffle)

            A word of caution, there are many different shipper camps here and I think we need stay on topic to keep the peace. I'm not trying to play mod here, I just don't want comments to offend people so that they don't come back or feel comfortable here.


              Wow, cool! We have our own Anti thread!! I guess we know we're really on the map now.


                SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! so many pages to catch up on! This thread is BOOMIN'!

                What's been happenin'?


                  Originally posted by writeangel View Post
                  Well, It took me a million attempts but I finally completed a half decent vid to the song - 'Something to Talk About'. It was just soooo hard to edit too - in my opinion it came out pretty crappy but rest assured I will try to do better on my next vid.

                  Great job on both of the videos! The songs/caps seemed to go together perfectly.

                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Morning all!!! I'm loving the new artwork from everyone and I can't wait to see the vid that was posted! Whooo!

                  Don't forget to start uploading your great K/R fic in the new archive. Here's the link
                  I am going over to register and cant wait to read all the stories posted!

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  No problem, glad to help someone who can make such awesome sigs.

                  Just remembered two more eps where Ronon was carrying his sword. Instinct was a bust, but I found these three in Epiphany:

                  I love these pics starg8fans! Tupopoflungo how is your ronon with a sword signature coming along?

                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  thank you for the warm welcome! I will visit when my classes allow (I am an "old lady" who is in college trying to keep up with the kids!) and with this new fanfic site I suddenly have another distraction to getting classwork done.....!
                  hi Rac80! hopefully school doesnt keep you away from the thread too much!

                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Hi Welcome to the thread!! Hope you come back and visit often!!

                  I think it's a lot more believable that two people who are attracted to each other, would try to connect and start to act on it. Because Jenn is only a recurring character one of two things will happen: One, a lot of the relationship will take place off camera or two the writers will slow the relationship down some.
                  Hi egle01, I agree with Everlovin on this. I am hoping this romance is kind of like the one on csi new york with danny and lindsay.
                  spoilers for that show
                  They got together and I was afraid it would turn into the d/l show, but it hasnt. They leave it to us to assume most of the relationship is off camera.

                  Originally posted by sobz View Post
                  hi everyone, i've been shipping ronan and jen for a while now but just joined today
                  since every1s been talking about fanvids was wondering if any1 had seen this 1
                  complete novice so don't know how to link it but heres the address
                  Hello Sobz! I will have to check this vid out.

                  Originally posted by authorfan View Post
                  I've been a member of Gateworld Forums for over a year now, but I've never posted. I watch Atlantis to watch Shepherd, but I've slowly grown to really like Ronan. And now they brought Jewel from Firefly(best show ever) and I have to admit I like Ronan and Keller together. I love some ship on the show, and they've practically made it impossible for Shepherd to have a relationship so I'm cheering for this one. I love reading everything and enjoy the pictures. Thanks to all the people who take the time and have the knowledge of how to do it.
                  welcome authorfan! I totally agree with you about this! Thanks to all the people who make the caps, signatures, smilies and write the fic!! another firefly fan! woo woo!

                  Thanks for my sig Methos


                    I know probably everyone frequents the official sci-fi Atlantis board but I thought I would post it anyway. One the Quarantine thread their weekly poll question had two related to Ronon/Keller - the first was,

                    What do you think about a Ronon and Keller ship?
                    Sure [ 69 ] [65.09%]
                    No way [ 37 ] [34.91%]

                    and the second,

                    As you know each member got locked into different sections of Atlantis. Which was your favorite pairing?
                    Katie and Rodney [ 15 ] [14.15%]
                    Teyla and Sheppard [ 18 ] [16.98%]
                    Carter and Zelenka [ 31 ] [29.25%]
                    Ronon and Keller [ 42 ] [39.62%]
                    (while the J/T shipper part of me is a little ticked their not a bit higher - their scenes weren't all that so...... )

                    This news really cheered me up and if Keller is in fact in the fifth season (no reason to think she isnt) then I think this ship is in for a long voyage.

                    sig by nicole9514

                    Voting for The Doctor and the Wild Man marriage in season 5 of Atlantis

                    My Ronon/Keller Fan Vids:
                    1/27/08 - Somewhere I Belong
                    High Quality Stage6 & Download


                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Well my husband started out Friday night saying something about how he doesn't like Jenn. Something about her being whiney and useless. But even he saw that Ronon was into her. I think he picked up on it with the "third time in the infirmary" bit.

                      Thank you I try. I really try. My kids are all embarassed by me. I figure if they're embarassed by it then I'm doing my job!!

                      One can NEVER have too much romance. And while I ship in many of the usual places, I also ship some unusual ones.
                      This cracked me up!! My husband likes the ships as well (closet s/j shipper) so he is ok with my weirdness. My kids are too young to be embarrassed but i am patient!!

                      what other ships do you like?

                      Thanks for my sig Methos


                        My "Odd ships" are Rodney/Laura; Carson/Liz or Radek/Liz (I really can't decide) and over on ST:TNG I ship Jean Luc/Guinan. I ship in the usual places. JS, DV, JT, and of course Ronon/Jenn.

                        My kids are in that early adolescence where all parents are embarassing. I just try to be more so. (sometimes)

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Thank you! I snagged it, I needed a siggy.


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

                            isn't it amazing when our hubbies actually "get it" with ships?? mine saw quarantine and figured it out too at the beginning. (beginning to beleive that all men are not blind to subtlety)

                            Oh I love your flair for drama!
                            I would like to state that I am a male, and I resemble that remark...

                            Originally posted by Penegal View Post

                            I love these pics starg8fans! Tupopoflungo how is your ronon with a sword signature coming along?
                            I am actually about to start it, have not had a whole lot of time on the Computer here we go...


                              Well my latest is nearing completion, I am afraid however, that I am not quite eloquent enough to form a phrase to put on it...give me some input...


                                Originally posted by Penegal View Post
                                I love these pics starg8fans! Tupopoflungo how is your ronon with a sword signature coming along?
                                Thanks. I'm gonna out myself now as a total Ronon Thunker, so if there's any particular shot you need of him just let me know - it's probably already in my photobucket, and if not I know where to find it. I'm capping my own shots, too, but anything from this season isn't so great quality wise since I can only get the eps from iTunes - which, incidentally still has not posted 'Quarantine'!! If it wasn't for a kindly soul who put the whole ep on youtube, I still wouldn't know what you're talking about.

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

