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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by dollsnatch View Post

    Hope his face gets out on a porcupine! (Bridget Jones quote lol!)

    Oh wow...would you look at that tattoo??

    God do I love tatooed men!

    Btw am currently watching the first Firefly epi-loving it so far-thanks for the channel!

    I agree with that and YAY!!! watching Firefly!!!!!!


      Originally posted by Seythia View Post
      Ah, well.
      I love the name Evan
      Marcus on the other hand...
      that's my ex-boyfriend's name.
      He's cheated on me serveral times, he drinks... you DO understand why I don't really like that name?

      OH GOOD GOD *groans*
      That picture is awesome.
      This guy is PURE sex.
      I love men with tatoos...
      Ok, so Seythia can call him Evan. But. . . Ho-ly Mo-ly!!!!!!

      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
      I am SUCH a Ronon girl but Everlovin..let me tell you....this pic could make me thunk Lorne in a *heartbeat*! sits in a corner drooling.......
      Tell me about it! That is my favorite pic of Kavan!

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        I was off cause we had a storm here.
        I see I infected the others with Lorne

        But I like Evan


          That is a great pic. I've been looking through Tab Rasa pics & can only find our two heroes in one or two pics together and then only the back of Evan/Marcus' head.


            Wow, this is an active thread! I've just spent a good hour catching up on all the reading. Obviously, I need to make time and jump on more than once a day.

            Kudos to you, MellowYellow, for your post on JM's blog! I understand everyone has their favorites and those they just don't sympathize with (I never warmed up to the Elizabeth Weir character), but I'm a little startled by the often very vehement protests against Jennifer Keller.

            I can only assume it's viewer backlash to Carson's death, who I believe was a very popular character. I know I screamed in shock when I watched Sunday and wondered what in God's name the writers were thinking with that move. I'm guessing the Keller character provides a good scapegoat for some viewers who are still very pissed at Carson's death, despite the writer's compromise to bring him back as a guest star for 5 episodes.

            Now, I'm not going to apply that logic with a broad brush as some people just may not connect with the new CMO's character, but I think Paul McGillion did such a good job with portraying Carson Beckett, that he almost made the role of the CMO an eponymous one--that's a hell of a challenge for any actor coming into the role to overcome. Personally, I think Jewel Staite has done a brilliant job of it, and I hope to see much more of her in Season 5 now that she's a regular cast member.

            As an unabashed and unapologetic Ronon/Keller shipper, I'm keeping everything crossed that Tracker will put some of the conjecture to rest and hopefully send all us R/K shippers dancing across the room and cheering, followed by a run to the PC for those of us who write to tap out newly inspired R/K fic.

            Today, I rewatched some Quarantine clips. While Ronon's remark that Keller really showed her capabilities was the catalyst that changed the dynamic of that relationship, I thought an earlier scene really captured his belief in her abilities. When she hesitates to cut that oxygen tank, he tells her very matter-of-factly "Come on, you can do this," and walks away. There's a lot of trust there, as well as a healthy dose of respect. Not only did he leave it to her responsibility in the first place, he reiterated she could do it. It was an implicit show of faith and a reminder to her that she should have the same faith in herself that he did.

            Granted, since I'm very fond of this potential pairing, I may be seeing what I want, but I don't think so. At least I hope I'm seeing what the writers intend in the near future.

            On a last note before I fall back into lurkdom again, there is an R/K fic posted on Live Journal by the talented sc_angel72. It's a WIP, and she currently has 2 chapters posted. A lovely read and well-worth your time.


            And thank you, Blencartha, for that link to the RubyCaspar fic! Loved it!


              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              I agree with that and YAY!!! watching Firefly!!!!!!
              Yeah and liking it!

              But Jayne is so mean!!!

              Why the frick is he so mean to Simon??

              "Can I have your share?"


              "If you die can I have your share?"

              He he.

              Dr Keller Supporter!

              Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

              Adorer of s hair!

              loves its just the way it is!

              Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


                You really need some best Lorne pics?


                Mm, too many I will stop now


                  Originally posted by dollsnatch
                  Yeah and liking it!

                  But Jayne is so mean!!!

                  Why the frick is he so mean to Simon??

                  "Can I have your share?"


                  "If you die can I have your share?"

                  He he.

                  Lol. i love firefly i spent a week a few months ago and watched the whole season nd then Serenity.

                  whitemunin uhm that was a very long post .. lol.

                  Also who had that Sam/Jack fic i was going to beta .. am i ever going to get it ..?
                  sig by


                    -giggles- I see Sneezy!Lorne...


                      Originally posted by whitemunin View Post
                      ...I can only assume it's viewer backlash to Carson's death, who I believe was a very popular character. I know I screamed in shock when I watched Sunday and wondered what in God's name the writers were thinking with that move. I'm guessing the Keller character provides a good scapegoat for some viewers who are still very pissed at Carson's death, despite the writer's compromise to bring him back as a guest star for 5 episodes.

                      Now, I'm not going to apply that logic with a broad brush as some people just may not connect with the new CMO's character, but I think Paul McGillion did such a good job with portraying Carson Beckett, that he almost made the role of the CMO an eponymous one--that's a hell of a challenge for any actor coming into the role to overcome. Personally, I think Jewel Staite has done a brilliant job of it, and I hope to see much more of her in Season 5 now that she's a regular cast member.
                      That's my basic understanding of the situation as well. I honestly think that anyone who was picked to be the new CMO would have a hellish time.

                      My own feelings toward Carson are a little different. I was a latecomer to SGA. In fact the first episode I watched was Quarantine, so I had no affection for Carson built up over time. Jennifer Keller is the CMO I love.

                      As an unabashed and unapologetic Ronon/Keller shipper, I'm keeping everything crossed that Tracker will put some of the conjecture to rest and hopefully send all us R/K shippers dancing across the room and cheering, followed by a run to the PC for those of us who write to tap out newly inspired R/K fic.
                      I sincerely hope you are right! We know there have to be some shippy moments somewhere and like you I think that will be the best episode to get them I'm also hoping we may get a bit of a lead up to it as well. An occasional glance or sigh or something. *hopeless romantic*

                      Have you seen the spoilers for Identity yet? That looks like it could have some shippy moments as well.

                      Today, I rewatched some Quarantine clips. While Ronon's remark that Keller really showed her capabilities was the catalyst that changed the dynamic of that relationship, I thought an earlier scene really captured his belief in her abilities. When she hesitates to cut that oxygen tank, he tells her very matter-of-factly "Come on, you can do this," and walks away. There's a lot of trust there, as well as a healthy dose of respect. Not only did he leave it to her responsibility in the first place, he reiterated she could do it. It was an implicit show of faith and a reminder to her that she should have the same faith in herself that he did.
                      That is a super analysis. I wouldn't have liked to have been within 100 feet of anyone cutting an oxygen tank like that, but Jennifer did it and did so without being frightened or "whining" about it.

                      Granted, since I'm very fond of this potential pairing, I may be seeing what I want, but I don't think so. At least I hope I'm seeing what the writers intend in the near future.
                      I just hope the McKeller people aren't too disappointed when things go our way

                      On a last note before I fall back into lurkdom again, there is an R/K fic posted on Live Journal by the talented sc_angel72. It's a WIP, and she currently has 2 chapters posted. A lovely read and well-worth your time.

                      Off to check it out.

                      And thank you, Blencartha, for that link to the RubyCaspar fic! Loved it!
                      You're welcome. It is a cracker isn't it!


                        Please click my eggs they have like no clicks and only four days left to hatch.
                        sig by


                          Kay. So. Was playing around on Flickr with a pic from our favorite scene in Quarantine. This is the result.


                          EDIT-Don't know why it didn't show up.

                          Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

                          My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


                            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                            You really need some best Lorne pics?


                            Mm, too many I will stop now

                            Lorne looks like a guy I know! A tad cuter...but anyway!

                            A doctor-who spent a year in Kuwait patching up soldiers...*sigh*

                            Almost as good as a USAF pilot eh??

                            I find myself vaguely annoyed that Lorne doesnt get more airtime!

                            I wonder could we petition for a Lorne-centric epi??

                            On a last note before I fall back into lurkdom again, there is an R/K fic posted on Live Journal by the talented sc_angel72. It's a WIP, and she currently has 2 chapters posted. A lovely read and well-worth your time.

                            Fantastic!!! Hope theres more soon!

                            Dr Keller Supporter!

                            Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

                            Adorer of s hair!

                            loves its just the way it is!

                            Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


                              Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                              Please click my eggs they have like no clicks and only four days left to hatch.
                              try going to this site and post there everyone's eggs get a lot of clicks there

                              Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                              Kay. So. Was playing around on Flickr with a pic from our favorite scene in Quarantine. This is the result.


                              EDIT-Don't know why it didn't show up.
                              Shanna you have an egg that hatched!


                                Ooh, no, I haven't seen the Identity spoilers. Linkie, please?

                                Hehe. Sorry, Gategirl. I'm not a multi-poster. Instead, I wait and then dump a massive comment on the poor souls of the forums I visit. I'll try to keep it a little briefer the next time.

