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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip
    LOL! I'm sorry- I totally didn't see your name. We'll change it to just fake name, then. Please forgive me!
    "Look what you've got yourself into now!"
    Ah don't worry you're forgiven, well as long as you keep posting pretty pictures you are anyway. I'm pretty much invisible around here so you probably just picked up my name on a subconcious level.

    As for the negativity thing, like I've said before it can be depressing at times especially when people are so vitriolic in their criticism, but having been around sci fi internet fandom for a couple of years I've just come to the conclusion some people are never happy unless their complaining about something. So although it annoys me I try to ignore it as best as possible and lurk around the more easy going threads like this one.


      Just to spread a little Shep thunk!


        Originally posted by slcz3
        Just to spread a little Shep thunk!
        Yumm - what ep is that from? Shep looks like he's been at the fake tan. Where the hell do you get that in the Pegasus galaxy? It's not like there's a chemist on the mainland or anything.
        I guess this is where my signature should go, right?

        Visit my LJ?


          Originally posted by mirafemina
          Yumm - what ep is that from? Shep looks like he's been at the fake tan. Where the hell do you get that in the Pegasus galaxy? It's not like there's a chemist on the mainland or anything.
          You are right he does! (The Lost Boys)


            Just an FYI. I created a thread called

            Sheppard: Character development and suggestion


            where fans can critically dissect the pros and cons of the character, what we know about him, etc. It's not an anti-thread, nor a 'squee' thread, but dissecting episodes, why the character did what he did, is what we're doing


              Originally posted by majortrip
              Well, the key is to try to take everything with a grain of salt. Someone once reminded me that some people simply love to spar or pick fights. As Beanie said, sometimes you just have to say, 'Whatever...' and move on.

              Indeed...I love that word, has soooooo many applications...great music video too.

              Y'know, if I listened to every thing that someone else said, it would drive me even more nuts than I already am. It astounds me the level of w*nk there is in this fandom. Some people act like their opinion is gospel - it does my head in. Voice your opinion, discuss, agree to disagree. And get the hell over it. How hard is that? Some people just cannot - or more to the point, just plain won't - accept that they cannot change other people's viewpoint.

              Linzi, was anything done about that turd-for-brains?

              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                Originally posted by knocknashee
                Indeed...I love that word, has soooooo many applications...great music video too.

                Y'know, if I listened to every thing that someone else said, it would drive me even more nuts than I already am. It astounds me the level of w*nk there is in this fandom. Some people act like their opinion is gospel - it does my head in. Voice your opinion, discuss, agree to disagree. And get the hell over it. How hard is that? Some people just cannot - or more to the point, just plain won't - accept that they cannot change other people's viewpoint.

                Linzi, was anything done about that turd-for-brains?
                I've not had any feeback on that, I'm afraid. So I'm presuming it was considered acceptable.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  Hey I made it to 50 posts today! Not bad considering I joined the forum um.... maybe 2 weeks ago?

                  Wow. The man even has sexy *feet*!


                  Sorry, that's my fault I'm afraid.... Whumpers Anonynous, Sheppard Patrol.. *blushes*
                  aaaaaaaw....thanks for the explanation.......


                    okay i knew there was something....

                    welcome all newbies......

                    Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 12 April 2006, 01:56 PM.


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      I've not had any feeback on that, I'm afraid. So I'm presuming it was considered acceptable.
                      *growl* It doesn't want to very out of order...

                      Just look at THE pic and breathe...

                      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                        Originally posted by knocknashee
                        *growl* It doesn't want to very out of order...

                        Just look at THE pic and breathe...
                        What's this about? PM me, please, I'm nosey.


                        Mer's pretty HD stuff...
                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by majortrip
                          What's this about? PM me, please, I'm nosey.



                          Mer's pretty HD stuff...
                          PM sent.

                          I'd post the pic here, but I'd be shot for indecency, even though there is actually no nudity involved. You'll see when I catch you on MSN...

                          BTW, that TV stuff we were discussing the other know when you wish you hadn't mentioned something to someone else...cos they tell everyone and you get asked about it ad infinitum..? *shakes head*

                          I will learn to keep my mouth shut one of these days...

                          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                            Originally posted by knocknashee
                            PM sent.

                            I'd post the pic here, but I'd be shot for indecency, even though there is actually no nudity involved.
                            Eh? I'm nosey too! PM me?

                            And what's this about indecency? Me wanna see!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              Eh? I'm nosey too! PM me?

                              And what's this about indecency? Me wanna see!
                              Hey, I thought I was at the top of the list for indecent pics! *pouts*


                                Originally posted by knocknashee
                                PM sent.

                                I'd post the pic here, but I'd be shot for indecency, even though there is actually no nudity involved. You'll see when I catch you on MSN...

                                BTW, that TV stuff we were discussing the other know when you wish you hadn't mentioned something to someone else...cos they tell everyone and you get asked about it ad infinitum..? *shakes head*

                                I will learn to keep my mouth shut one of these days...
                                PM received. *growl*

                                We'd all be better off if we could learn to keep our mouths shut.
                                Sig by Camy

