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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Love the hair, thanks for the pic's. Have fun at work. I'm off to bed. It's night time here in Australia. Lots of Shep dreams to have. Amongst other's....



      Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
      As a mum, I can only say this. It's not going to happen....
      Damn I can remember being seventeen. Didn't pull the wool over my mum's eyes either. I tried... I tried real hard. But didn't work.
      Now as a mum I can say I understand perfectly.
      Then again, I think John Sheppard is a red hot spunk... my daughter just thinks I'm sick... Oh well. She'll grow up one day and realize her mum was right... I'm going to make sure of it.

      His hair is just so damn cute....

      i might be movin to australia



        Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
        As a mum, I can only say this. It's not going to happen....
        Damn I can remember being seventeen. Didn't pull the wool over my mum's eyes either. I tried... I tried real hard. But didn't work.
        Now as a mum I can say I understand perfectly.
        Then again, I think John Sheppard is a red hot spunk... my daughter just thinks I'm sick... Oh well. She'll grow up one day and realize her mum was right... I'm going to make sure of it.

        His hair is just so damn cute....
        Welcome to the JFT, Dr.J.

        My kids think my adoration of Sheppard and all things Atlantis is sick too, and deranged!...But, hey, kids always think that about their oldies!


          Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
          did you learn to poledance ffSC?
          *blows kisses*
          how ws that chocolate sauce?

          ffSC: I prefer to watch than participate.
          ffMC: You *like* watching me poledance?
          ffSC: Oh, HELL no! But firefly, if you're offering...
          firefly: *snorts* Fat chance. The only time you'll ever see me dancing with a pole is if some European guys turn up to my prom.
          ffMC: *confused look* Huh???
          ffSC: Firefly, whoever is writing your jokes needs to be shot.
          firefly: Well I thought it was funny...
          ffSC: *raises eyebrow* Anyway...thanks for the chocolate sauce, mayo. I still felt stick when I woke up this morning. *grins*
          firefly: No wonder, you ate the entire thing yourself.
          ffSC: I was only thinking of you, and how guilty you'd feel about your prom dress if you ate any...
          firefly: Of course you were...

          Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
          you doin pretty well on your own missy!!!!!

          Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
          As a mum, I can only say this. It's not going to happen....
          Damn I can remember being seventeen. Didn't pull the wool over my mum's eyes either. I tried... I tried real hard. But didn't work.
          Now as a mum I can say I understand perfectly.
          Then again, I think John Sheppard is a red hot spunk... my daughter just thinks I'm sick... Oh well. She'll grow up one day and realize her mum was right... I'm going to make sure of it.

          His hair is just so damn cute....
          Welcome to the thread! And my mum probably wouldn't even know what GateWorld is. Every time I mention stargate her eyes glaze over Although I did make her watch a few Atlantis episodes with me once and as soon as she saw Sheppard without his flight helmet on she said "he has nice hair". Now every time I talk about stargate she says "is that the one with the man with the nice hair?"

          Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post

          i might be movin to australia

          *clings to mayo and wails*


            Originally posted by Listy View Post
            Respect Teh Hair
            Love Teh Hair
            But never ever Comb or cut teh hair!!!
            Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
            ladies and gentle folks....
            we have a motto

            Originally posted by Listy View Post

            Welcome Elflinn and Dr.J to the jft



              Originally posted by Arctic Penguin View Post

              Welcome Elflinn and Dr.J to the jft

              welcome Elflinn and Dr.J


                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

                ffSC: I prefer to watch than participate.
                ffMC: You *like* watching me poledance?
                ffSC: Oh, HELL no! But firefly, if you're offering...
                firefly: *snorts* Fat chance. The only time you'll ever see me dancing with a pole is if some European guys turn up to my prom.
                ffMC: *confused look* Huh???
                ffSC: Firefly, whoever is writing your jokes needs to be shot.
                firefly: Well I thought it was funny...
                ffSC: *raises eyebrow* Anyway...thanks for the chocolate sauce, mayo. I still felt stick when I woke up this morning. *grins*
                firefly: No wonder, you ate the entire thing yourself.
                ffSC: I was only thinking of you, and how guilty you'd feel about your prom dress if you ate any...
                firefly: Of course you were...


                Welcome to the thread! And my mum probably wouldn't even know what GateWorld is. Every time I mention stargate her eyes glaze over Although I did make her watch a few Atlantis episodes with me once and as soon as she saw Sheppard without his flight helmet on she said "he has nice hair". Now every time I talk about stargate she says "is that the one with the man with the nice hair?"

                *clings to mayo and wails*

                evilshep: *kisses*


                  Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                  As a mum, I can only say this. It's not going to happen....
                  Damn I can remember being seventeen. Didn't pull the wool over my mum's eyes either. I tried... I tried real hard. But didn't work.
                  Now as a mum I can say I understand perfectly.
                  Then again, I think John Sheppard is a red hot spunk... my daughter just thinks I'm sick... Oh well. She'll grow up one day and realize her mum was right... I'm going to make sure of it.

                  His hair is just so damn cute....
                  Welcome to the thread!!

                  Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                  Welcome to the thread! And my mum probably wouldn't even know what GateWorld is. Every time I mention stargate her eyes glaze over Although I did make her watch a few Atlantis episodes with me once and as soon as she saw Sheppard without his flight helmet on she said "he has nice hair". Now every time I talk about stargate she says "is that the one with the man with the nice hair?"
                  My mom used to sit down everytime i tried to watch Star Trek and say (and this is every week!) "What's wrong with his head?" everytime Worf came on screen. She did the same with D'Argo on Farscape. And gawd help me if one of the freakier looking aliens came on!!

                  She has never seen Stargate and i'd gladly keep it that way...except she wants to go to VanCon with me - but that's more to do with it being in Canada.....

                  Now her sister on the other hand is a bit of a sci-fi freak....and i'm the spitting image of my cousin.....just sayin'........
                  The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                  l My LJ l


                    morning thunkers
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Originally posted by Dr.J View Post
                      As a mum, I can only say this. It's not going to happen....
                      Damn I can remember being seventeen. Didn't pull the wool over my mum's eyes either. I tried... I tried real hard. But didn't work.
                      Now as a mum I can say I understand perfectly.
                      Then again, I think John Sheppard is a red hot spunk... my daughter just thinks I'm sick... Oh well. She'll grow up one day and realize her mum was right... I'm going to make sure of it.

                      His hair is just so damn cute....
                      Welcome to the JFT!! We're a lot little strange, but lots of fun.
                      Sig by Luciana
                      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                        Welcome to the JFT, Dr.J!!

                        My Mom is a scifi fan, just not as much as I am!

                        H2SO4! TeeHee!!


                          Hello newbies *waves*

                          Oh the trauma. Had a powercut at 8.30pm on saturday, didnt get any power back till at least 11 the following mornin, was awful, just sat in the dark all night with nothing to do. Didnt have any candles coz we're not allowed them and I didnt have a torch coz powercuts arent really what u think of when u move to uni. Just to make it that bit worse iv been without the internet since then until today. I tell ya bank holidays are a con.

                          So now im gonna have to go on a thunking spree to make up for it and to prepare myself for the cold turkey i face in just over a week. *wails* tis so not fair.


                            Welcome back kylie!


                              Just enough time to squeeze in a few more ep pics before work begins again

                              Hot Zone


                              Before I Sleep


                              Whew. One more batch and I will be done season 1!

                              Oops, I hear kids coming down the hall to see me. Gotta go!


                                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                                Well I'm sure you'll have fun learning, we Joe thunkers don't bite. Much...

                                Oh, but watch out for the one we call...'Kady'...she scares people...
                                *hides from wrath of Kady*

                                Just kidding Kady, we love ya really!
                                hey i'm not that bad!! *clones slowly back away* okay, maybe i am!

                                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                                ffSC: Guess what McKay learned from tv?
                                ffMC: Don't you dare...
                                firefly: *rolls eyes* What did McKay learn, Sheppy?
                                ffSC: *grins* How to poledance.
                                ffMC: *scowls*
                                firefly: *headdesk*
                                I remember reading a fanfic where Rodney had a secret exposed where he had actually been a pole dancer before SGA. Then he ended up pole dancing in front of shep, teyla, ronan, weir, lorne and zelenka, because it was required for a ritual! it provided images which were both interesting and disturbing!

                                Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                                Hello newbies *waves*

                                Oh the trauma. Had a powercut at 8.30pm on saturday, didnt get any power back till at least 11 the following mornin, was awful, just sat in the dark all night with nothing to do. Didnt have any candles coz we're not allowed them and I didnt have a torch coz powercuts arent really what u think of when u move to uni. Just to make it that bit worse iv been without the internet since then until today. I tell ya bank holidays are a con.

                                So now im gonna have to go on a thunking spree to make up for it and to prepare myself for the cold turkey i face in just over a week. *wails* tis so not fair.
                                Kylie, you're back!! *tacklehugs*

