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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    good night kaprikorn sweet shep dream
    its was so nice talking with you today


      Originally posted by kaprikorn View Post
      Hey I'm back, from twitter of course,and Dell I have 1962 followers(bloody earned) on twitter,and I follow 1062,other 900 I do not bloody hell who they are,most importantly I have 26,837 tweets and I'm three years on twitter,so do not be sad if someone unfollowed you no big dil,you are still young twitter user!
      I consider myself told!

      Originally posted by kaprikorn View Post
      So enough from me tonight,I'm going in bed bla bla bla bla....
      ....Sweat Dreams Thunkers!
      I'm sorry I disappeared like that, my battery died , then RL hunted me down, chewed me up and spat me out. I feel like I coulD go to bed right now....6pm at night....and I forgot to eat! (how the hell does that happen?) .
      Littlest Dell has a friend over for a sleep over.....guess I should cook them something.
      Where is everyone?
      Talk To Me!


        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
        I'm sorry I disappeared like that, my battery died , then RL hunted me down, chewed me up and spat me out. I feel like I coulD go to bed right now....6pm at night....and I forgot to eat! (how the hell does that happen?) .
        Littlest Dell has a friend over for a sleep over.....guess I should cook them something.
        Where is everyone?
        Talk To Me!
        Hi Luv. I'm here *hugs* I felt the same way by 6pm over here. Ended up crashing out for two hours and not getting any organizing done in the 'bucket like I intended to.
        As for forgetting to eat...been there and done -that-. Not a good habit...but it happens. How it happens, I'm sure I dunno, but it does.
        ...I miss the days of having sleepovers with my friends. But we were easy, we would hide in the bedroom and play with dolls until we were called out for dinner or told to go to sleep. And then we'd keep playing. My Mum and my friends' Mums never had to even think about it when I had sleepovers.


          well these 2 are doing pretty much that....but their dolls want to sing, so at the moment they are on the computer looking for the words to a one direction song....heaven help me!


            ...Our dolls sang High School Musical...and Hannah Montana. I knew all the words. But I told everyone else I hated that music. But it's STILL on my iPod and laptop.

            But I have never listened to One Direction and I likely never will Not big on most of the current "music" these days. Prefer my Dolly Parton, thanx.


              one of their songs is catchy, but not the one they were just doing!. Mainly I don't like that I could go out and buy all their dolls, but couldn't get a Shep doll.
              Hey where do they sell Shep dolls in the states, I want to see if I can get one while I'm there!
              I mean an action figure.



                *biting back the harsh comment about at least they MADE Shep figures, because they never did make Carson*

                Um well, I'm sure I don't know, I haven't seen any Stargate stuff at any of the stores at least on the East Coast since...forever ago. I used to see it and not know what the hell it was, but once I found out what it was...they took it all away on me. *facepalm*


                  Story of all our lives!


                    good morning to dell and kaprikorn and to all my other friends


                      Originally posted by Aang View Post
                      *biting back the harsh comment about at least they MADE Shep figures, because they never did make Carson*

                      Um well, I'm sure I don't know, I haven't seen any Stargate stuff at any of the stores at least on the East Coast since...forever ago. I used to see it and not know what the hell it was, but once I found out what it was...they took it all away on me. *facepalm*
                      Hey me & one girl on twitter kinda started a MACBAF campaign, (Make A Carson Beckett Action Figure) I thought of the name MACBAF & the girl did some posters & we were hash tagging the name, but that's as far as we got, lol.

                      Want to help us Aang?
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post

                        Our boy can't keep a shirt tucked in to save is life. Isn't he cute.
                        In Thoughtcrimes, his first scene... he spills cough syrup on himself and changes his shirt. This is the point where I became very disturbed with myself... because the whole shirt changing scene, and the subsequent make-a-mess of the tie and getting the jacket back on is so completely adorable it really should have it's own video on YT.

                        I am a mature, cynical female... I should not find this CUTE... but it is... very.
                        At least you aren't drinking Cartesian Dualism. I'm in two minds about that. On the one hand, you spend the night KNOWING you exist, but the hangover makes you wish your mind wasn't in your body.


                          Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                          Hey me & one girl on twitter kinda started a MACBAF campaign, (Make A Carson Beckett Action Figure) I thought of the name MACBAF & the girl did some posters & we were hash tagging the name, but that's as far as we got, lol.

                          Want to help us Aang?
                          *after she stopped laughing at the Carson face-palm emote*

                          I'd love to help you with that I'd give anything to have a Carson action figure


                            Quick jump to say hello everybody.

                            (Shep and Carson action figures are sold on eBay, take a look.....I bought my Shep last friday. Now he is flying in Italy from USA. Long trip.)


                              Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post

                              Our boy can't keep a shirt tucked in to save is life. Isn't he cute.

                              I do not know if all his shirts are too short or it's him to be too high ......

                              (Joe tweeted something today.....well, he is alive!!!)


                                Originally posted by luisa_ View Post
                                I do not know if all his shirts are too short or it's him to be too high ......


                                (Joe tweeted something today.....well, he is alive!!!)
                                His pants tend to ride very low on his hips... in a lesser man this would be slightly revolting, but somehow Joe manages to make the half dressed in the dark look seem both sexy and cute at the same time.
                                At least you aren't drinking Cartesian Dualism. I'm in two minds about that. On the one hand, you spend the night KNOWING you exist, but the hangover makes you wish your mind wasn't in your body.

