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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    I have an Indian style one, in white, but I don't wear it since I put a little weight on. Must get my bike fixed. I wish the council would fix the walking bridges so I could do my old bike run I used to do before the earthquakes


      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
      I have an Indian style one, in white, but I don't wear it since I put a little weight on. Must get my bike fixed. I wish the council would fix the walking bridges so I could do my old bike run I used to do before the earthquakes
      I've got a legitimate corset somewhere but that sucker hurts to wear for too long -- never finished the Corset training -- so I stick to my favorite corset-style top. In fact I have a top I think Teyla might envy...if I could find it in my disaster of a closet!

      Yeow, I think hurricanes are enough for me. There was one quake here last year but it was SO weird. My best friend said people on the other side of her classroom felt it but she didn't, and my boyfriend at the time had called to see if I was OK 'cause he'd felt it but I didn't...weirdest thing ever...


        You get that here too, but the big ones you couldn't miss, half our CBD fell down, other half was (and still is being) pulled down due to damage


          Yikes. I thank my lucky stars that I don't see many quakes around here. Hurricanes are a pain in the rear but a few inches' flooding, a couple closed roads and a few days without power hardly seems that bad compared with quake damage...


            Oh well, whatever problem you end up with, you just have to pull up your sleeves and get on with it.


              This is true, very true. I was made to spend half of last Sunday outdoors hauling broken tree branches and such around to the back woods while my dad took a leaf blower to clean up the mountains of leaves in the front lawn....


                I shoveled liquifaction and dumped it by the road side...for days!


                  Oh dear...I suppose I'm lucky our clean-up only lasted a day and then I was allowed to get on with my Carson thunking and sneaking over to Shep's thread...


                    I didn't have Shep then, so I didn't miss him


                      now it would kill me!


                        Ok, I got to go do the dinner thing, and watch some Tv with the Dd's
                        Great talking to you all
                        see you tomorrow


                          Alright, see ye tomorrow, lass!

                          Alright Dell, I'll see you tomorrow!

                          Goodnight, Dell! It's nearly 2:30am here so I'm probably going to watch SG-1 episode Cold Lazarus and then go to sleep..


                            Yes you should go to sleep.
                            night Carson
                            Night Shep, see you in my dreams!


                              Yup, I'll be there

                              Awlright, it's back to the good old MilkyWay for me for the night. I'll come back tomorrow though, you can count on it


                                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                                Did my good deed for the day, I went and gave blood today...we don't get paid for it in this country, we do it out of the kindness of our hearts.
                                We do it out of kindness AND are getting paid But only at the hospital - Red Cross gives out packed lunch ... nice.

                                I like your new avi

                                Originally posted by kaprikorn View Post
                                I can't believe I just delete one album in my PB,what the hell happened with my brain.
                                Ah, that's why your pics aren't showing anymore
                                But very cool sig!

