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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    You know what? That season 3 promo pic is just so darn hot that I am doing the unthinkable... I am putting myself through the hell and torment of Photoshop elements to try and make something pretty with it....


      Originally posted by Alipeeps
      You know what? That season 3 promo pic is just so darn hot that I am doing the unthinkable... I am putting myself through the hell and torment of Photoshop elements to try and make something pretty with it....
      Wow...that is dedication...

      Elements does it's big brother Photoshop...give me PSPX any day...

      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


        Originally posted by knocknashee
        Wow...that is dedication...

        Elements does it's big brother Photoshop...give me PSPX any day...
        I hate Elements! But the thunk cannot be denied... see how I willingly sacrifice my peace of mind for the sake of the thunk!

        Hee! Lookit! I made a siggy!


          Originally posted by Alipeeps
          I hate Elements! But the thunk cannot be denied... see how I willingly sacrifice my peace of mind for the sake of the thunk!

          Hee! Lookit! I made a siggy!

          I really should try making something with those...

          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


            Originally posted by knocknashee

            I really should try making something with those...
            Considering how arsey a programme Elements is and how pitiful my skills with it, I'm feeling pretty darn impressed with myself for making that!


              hot siggie Ali...


                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                yeah it's a TV general knowledge quiz show where you kinda work as a team (like you have to answer one question each to build up prize money but if someone gets an answer wrong (unless you've "banked" to save the money) you lose what you've earned so far). And at the end of every round everyone on the team gets to vote for who they think was "The Weakest Link" (i.e. the crappiest player that round) and whoever gets the most votes gets kicked off the team! This carries on until there's just 2 people left and then they go head to head with 5 questions each to find the winner.

                And the "gimmick" is that the presenter is quite sharp and nasty to the contestants and tells them how crap they are before they get voted off!

                I won't take any nonsense from her!

                I might not get on but it's fun to be invited for an audition.. and if I do get on I have a chance to win some money!

                Did I ever tell you guys I had an audition for Stars In Their Eyes several years back?!

                W - O -W ! i think i saw something about that show in E! entertainment there a woman, always dressed with black clothes and she`s very serious all the time? but i just only saw that, here any channel show that tv show....
                Well good luck in the auditions so!!!

                And good luck with this woman if is her....she didnt look very friendly at all






                          Hi...first time here...I"m just following Annie with her wonderful pics...
                          sounds like you guys have fun in here..I love to have fun...

                          Joe looks...AH! FABULOSO in S3 promo pics...those light grey hairs are showing more though...LOL...SEXY!

                          Um..Great always...

                          Nice Sig, Allie....

                          *slips away slowly*


                            I`m so dead with the new promo pics!!!!! my gooood!!!!!!!!
                            How hot is this man?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            *so faints*
                            So so so so so good to see these promo pics!!!! I`ll wait the only shep promo pics.....*sights*

                            Did you see the real world pics? no much shep but.......


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Hi...first time here...I"m just following Annie with her wonderful pics...
                              sounds like you guys have fun in here..I love to have fun...

                              Joe looks...AH! FABULOSO in S3 promo pics...those light grey hairs are showing more though...LOL...SEXY!

                              Um..Great always...

                              Nice Sig, Allie....

                              *slips away slowly*
                              thank you hon...



