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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Elinor
    Hi and welcome OxNatashaxO!!

    Yep...loving the white shirt! I'm quite fond of this one to!!

    *OMG OMG OMG*...thund...thund...thund...from where is it??...a con??...which??...


      Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
      ...that why he wears them so often...
      I was thinking that maybe he just doesn't like to have to spend so much time thinking about what to wear, so he just buys loads of white shirts, so he grabs one and he's done. Plus those shirts look so comfy, and fresh.
      Last edited by Luz; 02 April 2006, 04:30 PM.


        Originally posted by Naughtrish
        Thanks all for the links - Elinor that last report about Teh Hair own force was hilarious!!
        Beanie, you almost made me ROFLPMP with the Hermiod "nickname"

        For the "newbies" on this thread, that wonder about Teh Hair, I uncovered his secret some time ago! Here's a pic in between takes

        just hilarious Trish.......


          Originally posted by Luz
          I was thinking that maybe he just doen't like to have to spend so much time thinking about what to wear, so he just buys loads of white shirts, so he grabs one and he's done. Plus those shirts look so comfy, and fresh.
          heheheh...good explanation Luz...comfy...yeah you just want to give him a hug...


            Originally posted by knocknashee
            It's not due for release until the 10th now...

            The extras are funny as well...there's a Mission Directive for The Siege Part 3...and...

            Joe is behind Martin Wood taking the piss out of him. Martin turns around and Joe stops, with this "I'm innocent, me" look on his face. Anyway, it continues on and Joe is like, "I can change the character, I can be anything you want," blah blah blah. So Martin asks him if he can play a girl, to which Joe replies "Yeah, sure."

            So, Joe walks off and Martin is carrying on about how he doesn't want to change the character, just get a certain angle out of him, and how now Joe's thinking about playing it as a girl, he'll get it. It cuts to a shot of Joe giggling and looking a little embarrassed, a kind of "I'll get you for that later" expression on his face. So cute!!!

            Later on, you see Martin and Joe in a production meeting, and I swear, Joe has one seriously limited wardrobe...yeah, it's THAT cream shirt...again! With a black t-shirt under it...AGAIN!!!

            Also in the commentary...

            Martin's Wood and Gero and David H explaining the concept of ship and Joe going "Oh, so that's what that means." Someone really should write him a list of common fandom terms.

            Joe telling the others to shut up so he could watch the ep!

            Near the end, it was revealed that where he was chasing Ford into the transporter was originally done as one shot - and because of this, when you see Joe in the transporter, what you don't see to the left is Rainbow still standing in there, who aparently was waving and trying to be distracting.
            heheheheh...LOL...that so funny...thanks Beanie...


              apparently, JF can no longer to manage to dress himself. looks like he needs our help ladies!

              missing a button, there JF?


                Originally posted by cindyz
                apparently, JF can no longer to manage to dress himself. looks like he needs our help ladies!

                missing a button, there JF?
                He's such a baby , so adorable, i don't want to help him do the button, i wanna undo the rest of them .


                  Congrats on 2200 , Linzi!!

                  Lea's piccies are amazing! And LOL at that last one.

                  Beanie, thanks for the links to those goofy John pics. Very funny.

                  Originally posted by L-JADE
                  *peek in* Hookay... these are for Naeara (Naaae-Ah-Rah! YEY! I can pronounce it ) since she made me promise to post them here.
                  Wahey!! Thanks for posting your piccies, L-Jade. And yes, you are like the only person who can pronouce my screen name. LOL. Wait, there was one other person who said it right from the first go but I can't remember who it was! And I think David did a reasonable job when he called me up for my prize at the dinner.

                  Gotta go squee over your piccies now.
                  Last edited by Naeara; 02 April 2006, 06:55 PM.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    He's such a baby , so adorable, i don't want to help him do the button, i wanna undo the rest of them .
                    Oh, I know... no man should be allowed to be that hot. It's hazardous to women's health! *is ded*

                    Congrats on 2200, Linzi! I don't know about you, but this is my social life... lol!
                    Last edited by CeeKay Sheppard; 02 April 2006, 07:19 PM. Reason: Freudian slip... :p

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                      Oh, I know... no man should be allowed to be that hot. It's hazardous to women's health! *is ded*

                      Congrats on 2200, Linzi! I don't know about you, but this is my social life... lol!
                      LOL! Mine too!

                      I honor of The Eye airing tonight. Well...It's supposed to anyway...

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        oh yes wet sheppy *drools*


                          Thanks L-JADE for those smashin' pics!

                          Congrats on 2200 Linzi! Hee... about the wedding ring in 'Hot Zone'! How many times have I watched that and never noticed?!! Will have to check every single episode now!!

                          Beanie - those links to goofy Shep are hilarious! Thanks!

                          Must admit, I noticed he puts his hands on his hips a lot! Now, the idea of him making an exercise vid...*swoon*! LOL!! I wouldn't be doing any exercise...just enjoying the view!!


                            Trish - thanks for the links to Lea's pics! Liked the last one!

                            Annie - I'm not sure, but I think the gaping shirt pic is from the Burbank (?) con. S'good one isn't it?!!


                              Thanks for the congrats guys! Obviously NONE of us have social lives! Oh well, it's not that bad. I definitely list thunking over Shep as my favourtie hobby, well that and whumping!

                              Beanie, thanks for the link to the goofy Shep caps! I actually laughed myself silly, while simultaneously drooling!

                              Trish, thanks for the link to Lea's con piccies! There was one piccie that had me going 'cor!', I can't remember which one that was though....


                                Hey all....

                                I can't believe that I still don't have Atlantis Season 1 on DVD and now with Season 2 being released I feel as if I am missing the commentaries which I love!

                                And of course thanks to all those who have posted con pics, the more the better I always say

                                The chances are that I'm not going to be around much over the next couple of weeks, what with going away next week and having a ton of assignments to get down this week!

                                Sticking with my behind the scene theme....

