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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by S.G.C
    Some nice caps there Freyja

    In related thunking news, I have recently uploaded several Sheppard Avatars to be enjoyed, you can find them here

    SGC, I thank you for making these lovelies! taking/saving the bearded Shep, of course!


      Woo hoo! Thank goodness it’s Friday!

      I love how Shep and McKay just bounce off each other in their scenes together.

      Here's a cap from Allies with cute!!!!


        I love McKay and Shep too. They are like brothers. Always fighting, but you can tell they really love each other. (As friends, and if you prefer something more. )

        And I liked Shep firstly because of his looks. (What can I say? I'm shallow. ) Then for his sense of humor.


          Originally posted by NikkiH
          I love McKay and Shep too. They are like brothers. Always fighting, but you can tell they really love each other. (As friends, and if you prefer something more. )

          And I liked Shep firstly because of his looks. (What can I say? I'm shallow. ) Then for his sense of humor.
          No, no, no.. Not shallow. Only human

          Who could ever resist that face?
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            Yeah the sibling rivalry thing between them is cool but nothing else. Come on! Don't diminish all us girl’s dreams of Shep! Need I say more?

            Here's a pic to cheer us all up after that scare....



              After reading your Clown-Quote, I have a question...

              Is there any weird connection between clowns and Volkswagen's or what does one have to do with the other?????
              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                Originally posted by caty
                After reading your Clown-Quote, I have a question...

                Is there any weird connection between clowns and Volkswagen's or what does one have to do with the other?????
                It's the old clown sketch with lots of clowns coming out of a tiny car.


                  Originally posted by Elinor
                  Thanks for that info Admiral. Everyone who meets him say he's a really nice guy!

                  SGC - love your avs!

                  I got my new 'Lantis novel 'Reliquary' today. I've got to about page 13 and I've already decided I like this author 'cos of this little section:
                  'Zalenka waved his hands, glaring up at them from his seat on the floor. 'Hush, enough! I'm tired of hearing the Major play Bugs Bunny to McKay's Daffy Duck!'
                  McKay frowned down at him 'Hey, why is he Bugs Bunny?'
                  'It's the teeth' Ford nodded seriously.
                  John turned to him saying earnestly 'What did you say Ford? You want to go to the mainland and dig irrigation ditches for Halling? Why yes, that can be arranged!!'


                  I'm back from Leeds! My eldest had an interview at the Uni there, so I went with her, and I finished the new Atlantis novel, Reliquary today! It's really, really good. If you're a Shep whump fan you won't be disappointed.
                  As for the episode polls here, I never take any notice. Those of us who post here are die-hard fans and don't really represent the feelings of the general audience. For example, in Season 1, The Defiant One didn't receive loads of praise here. Most people don't even rate it in their top season 1 episodes , (I do !), yet it had one of the highest ratings of any season One episode, except for Rising.
                  Duet is not one of my favourite episodes as I found some bits really made me cringe, but GUP was just plain boring, IMO.


                    Originally posted by Linzi
                    As for the episode polls here, I never take any notice. Those of us who post here are die-hard fans and don't really represent the feelings of the general audience. For example, in Season 1, The Defiant One didn't receive loads of praise here. Most people don't even rate it in their top season 1 episodes , (I do !), yet it had one of the highest ratings of any season One episode, except for Rising.
                    Duet is not one of my favourite episodes as I found some bits really made me cringe, but GUP was just plain boring, IMO.
                    I just caught The Defiant One on re-runs here, *so* cool, lots of Sheppard whumpin' with the black shirt and *the* vest , and McKay and Sheppard snark.
                    I loved Duet, but then i'm a big McKay fan, my favorite character is Weir, followed by Sheppard, and McKay comes third. So any episode centered on either of the three is bound to make me happy. Even better if it's Sheppard/McKay centered . And Duet had me cracking up the entire hour, so fun. I voted for Coup though, i like funnies, but i like darker episodes better, and this one had badass Weir and Sheppard with those sexy yellow glasses, and being whumped. It's a win-win situation .


                      Originally posted by caty
                      After reading your Clown-Quote, I have a question...

                      Is there any weird connection between clowns and Volkswagen's or what does one have to do with the other?????
                      Originally posted by Luz
                      It's the old clown sketch with lots of clowns coming out of a tiny car.
                      lol you beat me to it, thanks for answering that one for me Luz

                      Caty my quote is from The Hive…Shep says that clowns scare the crap out of him to Neera (The Wraith worshipper trying to get info from Shep). Later on both Shep and Neera are talking about the Wraith and Neera asks about the clowns and that when its said…It’s so funny I crack up every time I see it!

                      Anyway off to get ready for Uni now so here's one more pic for the road

                      Cya Ya'll!


                        Originally posted by isis2381ice
                        lol you beat me to it, thanks for answering that one for me Luz

                        Caty my quote is from The Hive…Shep says that clowns scare the crap out of him to Neera (The Wraith worshipper trying to get info from Shep). Later on both Shep and Neera are talking about the Wraith and Neera asks about the clowns and that when its said…It’s so funny I crack up every time I see it!

                        Anyway off to get ready for Uni now so here's one more pic for the road

                        Cya Ya'll!

                        It's one of his best lines (and he has many), someone from other planet who doesn't know what clowns are must think after hearing this that they are scary creatures that reproduce indiscriminatedly. And travel by some sort of ship named VW .


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          It's the old clown sketch with lots of clowns coming out of a tiny car.
                          Hmm, never heard of it. I don't think we have any sketch like that in German...

                          Linzi, you said the novel had some whump???????? What kind of whump???I have to have it!!! Now!
                          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                            Now, that is just mean! Amazon Germany has 4-6 weeks delivery time...
                            Are they kidding????
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Originally posted by caty
                              Hmm, never heard of it. I don't think we have any sketch like that in German...
                              Really?, i thought it was universal. I'm from Colombia and i saw it once when i was a little girl, wonder how they fit so many people in a car . I didn't like the circus so i've never been to another in my life.


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                                Good morning, everyone!

                                So, Joe wasn't at the con I went to...didn't do the SG con this time. However, the one lady doing all the autographed pics in front of the main auditorium had a nice chat with me about him. She was impressed that he and Tori went walking around and visited with the various vendors at whatever con it was that she worked and they were at. I forget which one. Anyway, she said they couldn't have been nicer and that he spent quite a bit of time chatting with the volunteers, etc. She said that it's a level of class that she rarely sees anymore from the actors.

                                Just thought I'd share that.

                                Oh...yeah...and I bought one of his autographed pics. Once the new computer is up and running, I'll scan it in. Very nice close up that really shows off his eyes.
                                I can't wait to see your piccie Admiral! JF was amazingly nice when I met him last year. He's going to be at the con I'm going to next weekend and I can't wait.

                                Elinor - that snippet made me LOL. I should buy the book and give it a read.

                                caty - I'm not really surprised that GUP and Duet are doing quite well. McKay's a pretty popular character and a lot of McKay fans are probably voting like Merlin suggested.. *shrug* How's Conversion doing? Ah, I'll probably just go check out the poll.

