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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    I was up late last night and had an idea for these icons. I thought I'd share them with ya'll. They're pretty much the same but I can't decide which I like better so I'm posting them both.

    Comment spoiler tags

      I know I don't need them but what the hey!



      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by cindyz

        just a few more days 10 or so...until I can finally meet the man behind Teh Hair!
        Your going to the Vancouver Con? Cool! Your a lucky girl you know that? *lol* He's wonderful in person I tell you!...those eyes... *droolz*

        You'll melt when he looks at you I swear...just remember to take your drool bucket.

        Speaking of cons... Must remember to get my MS and CJ pics off my camera

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          Major Moomin,
          you have pics of MS??? show pretty please...maybe a link over in the MS thread???

          to stay on topic!!

          keeps an eye out for intruders to Atlantis!


            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
   spoiler tags

            I know I don't need them but what the hey!


            That is a good use for the new code...

            ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
            "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
     spoiler tags

              I know I don't need them but what the hey!


              Oh, that's nifty... I like it. Highlighting can be a pain sometimes (anybody read some of the posts in J/T? Long, long spoilery posts).

              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                Originally posted by cindyz
                Major Moomin,
                you have pics of MS??? show pretty please...maybe a link over in the MS thread???

                to stay on topic!!

                keeps an eye out for intruders to Atlantis!
                What episode is this one from?, he's kind off pouting, makes me want to pinch his cheeks .


                  Originally posted by Luz
                  What episode is this one from?, he's kind off pouting, makes me want to pinch his cheeks .
                  my pic tag indicates it is from Brotherhood.


                    Hi all!

                    Welcome back Admiral!!

                    Very cool to hear about the audio commentary! I love those! David and Joe should be great!

                    All those going to the con, get great pics of our guy!! We need to live through y'all!

                    And that DVD cover is a crime!! His hair is not flat!!!


                      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
             spoiler tags

                      I know I don't need them but what the hey!


                      That's really cool. And I love that piccy too. JF and Starbucks, two of my favourite things.


                        Originally posted by Naeara
                        That's really cool. And I love that piccy too. JF and Starbucks, two of my favourite things.
                        *starts whisting the obvious tune from The Sound of Music*

                        Hey, I'm a musician. Everything reminds me of a song.

                        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                          Well, I better get some sleep. 'Night, all!

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                            *starts whisting the obvious tune from The Sound of Music*

                            Hey, I'm a musician. Everything reminds me of a song.
                            LOL. I was humming that song as I was typing. Great minds think alike?

                            Night CeeKay.


                              Hey fellow thunkers


                                Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                       spoiler tags

                                I know I don't need them but what the hey!


                                That makes me really......thirsty.
                                "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                                "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                                Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                                Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                                "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                                Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                                Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                                (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)

