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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
    Why? I've been living without food for awhile.
    Well, small meals here and there.

    a peekage shot!
    Because it's supposedly necessary to live. Keyword: supposedly.
    Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


      Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
      We really haven't seen a con report yet. Just some tidbits here and there like the tweets. Don't give up.
      Huh. That's odd. There's really not much to tell.
      *coughs to clear throat*

      Joe and David are hilarious together on stage! Giving each other a hard time, laughing and trading sarcasm for sarcasm! Very funny. They make such a great team. Answering questions when they weren't picking on each other or asking each other questions! Too cute!
      In the autograph line particularly I really noticed the differences between the two men and their respective personalities, and how each plays off the other so well. Because of those differences, I suspect.

      For example:
      Someone asked about their movies. Joe mentioned GDFI and how it had been screened but he hadn't seen it yet. And he didn't know when it was going to be released. Of course David had to point out that his movie, Splice, was already in the theaters. Joe asked if that was the one with Adrian Brody. David said yes. Described it as a typical Canadian family story, the parents, the screwed-up kid, you know. Laughter. Joe said his character was at first afraid of the bad guys but then gets to kill them. David accused him of giving away the ending of the movie! Now who needs to see it? he asked. Joe hung his head, said I am so ashamed! Too funny.



        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
        Because it's supposedly necessary to live. Keyword: supposedly.
        It's just a theory.
        Hey, I've lost some weight! Just wish I didn't feel so lousy and still queasy at times.



          Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
          It's just a theory.
          Hey, I've lost some weight! Just wish I didn't feel so lousy and still queasy at times.


          Ok, I'm going to force myself to get off the interweb and go do something else. See ya'll later!! *waves*

          Watch, I'll be back in an hour when I'm so blasted BOREDED!!
          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*



            Did I scare everyone away with that brief report?
            I'll try to stick more to the facts and less to my observations/opinions/squee factor.



              Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post

              Did I scare everyone away with that brief report?
              I'll try to stick more to the facts and less to my observations/opinions/squee factor.

              No. Great! Keep going! I prefer the Los's observations/opinions/squee factor version.
              John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

              sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
              Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                Finished another Stealth Dragon fic. I have to space them out they're pretty intense for poor Shep (and me).

                Wait a minute. She has more of these stories? At least give me time to recover from this last one.
                John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

                sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
                Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                  John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

                  sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
                  Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                    John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

                    sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
                    Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                      Thanks, taris!
                      Egads! There are too many people here!

                      A question was asked about how they got started in the business. David said he was still waiting to start. Joe told us about the Pepsi commercials with Cindy Crawford and how she probably doesn't even remember him. *snort* Yeah, right, who would remember that guy among the crowd?
                      He talked about his roles on Providence and Cupid. Said he was brought in for said number of episodes and then the series was cancelled. To which David replied that he was a show killer. Has Flanigan been cast? he mocked. Great, this show is over now! Show killer! Joe laughed at that as we all did. While he was developing Sherman's March he was under contract to NBC, and that's why he was in Providence and a few other shows, their way to hold onto him. (hey, can you blame them?) He said that the networks don't do that now. (their loss, huh?)

                      WAy too blurry! Sorry!


                        It's getting late, thunder is starting to roll in, and new Shep clone #20 has arrived. Need to make sure he gets settled in all right.

                        Good Night and Sweet Dreams!

                        John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

                        sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
                        Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                          Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                          Thanks, taris!
                          Egads! There are too many people here!

                          A question was asked about how they got started in the business. David said he was still waiting to start. Joe told us about the Pepsi commercials with Cindy Crawford and how she probably doesn't even remember him. *snort* Yeah, right, who would remember that guy among the crowd?
                          He talked about his roles on Providence and Cupid. Said he was brought in for said number of episodes and then the series was cancelled. To which David replied that he was a show killer. Has Flanigan been cast? he mocked. Great, this show is over now! Show killer! Joe laughed at that as we all did. While he was developing Sherman's March he was under contract to NBC, and that's why he was in Providence and a few other shows, their way to hold onto him. (hey, can you blame them?) He said that the networks don't do that now. (their loss, huh?)
                          This is great, Los. I haven't seen any other reports like yours. Keep going - I'll catch up later.
                          John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

                          sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
                          Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                            Goodnight, taris!
                            If you have any trouble with Shep Clone #20 send him to me. I get him straightened out.

                            No other reports like mine? Is that good or bad? I know, I tend to inject too much of me into them, my observations/opinions.

                            I'll try to just report the facts tomorrow.

                            May as well go since there's no one here but me, typing away like a good little reporter!



                              *pokes head into thunk thread* S'up gang? Great pix and reports!! Um...odd question. Is Joe as thin as the pix make him? Cuz he looks like he's missed a few meals (him and David H both actually)...aren't pix and video supposed to add 10 lbs? Those lucky con goers blessed enough to hug The Flan...was Joe too svelte or perfectly built for huggles? *cheeky grin* Yeah that last part came out a tad wonky. lol More Flan please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                                *pokes head into thunk thread* S'up gang? Great pix and reports!! Um...odd question. Is Joe as thin as the pix make him? Cuz he looks like he's missed a few meals (him and David H both actually)...aren't pix and video supposed to add 10 lbs? Those lucky con goers blessed enough to hug The Flan...was Joe too svelte or perfectly built for huggles? *cheeky grin* Yeah that last part came out a tad wonky. lol More Flan please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                                Actually in 'real life' he is much thinner. I was sitting next to him at the VanCon 'Meet and Greet' and he is very slender, not skinny, just lean.

