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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by knocknashee
    I have learnt just to stay in here.

    Yeah. There are a bunch of threads that I post in regularly, but I choose them very carefully, and the JFT is kind of "home" for me on GW.

    ...and to laugh at the patheticness of people in general who have to make fandom so damn's a *beep*ing TV show for crying out loud...
    Exactly. I come here to relax and chat with friends. I thought that's what the forum was for. I mean, if someone were to start bashing my fanfics, then it would get personal – the characters may belong to someone else, but the way I write, the stories aren't just mine, in a sense, they're me – so I take everything I write (fanfics and originals) very seriously. But I don't understand why people have to be nasty about piddly things like favorite characters, 'ship of choice, opinions of eps, etc. We're all Stargate fans. If we all agreed on everything about it, this place would get boring in a hurry.
    Last edited by CeeKay Sheppard; 06 March 2006, 06:48 PM.

    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


      Hi gals, great pics and sentiment. Sorry to see you go Flo, I alway enjoyed your lovely pics and your love for Shep.

      I have to stop in once in a while to say keep up the thunking and to give you all hugs.... (((()))) OK, commence the thunkage again!


        Originally posted by knocknashee
's a *beep*ing TV show for crying out loud...
        Exactly!! It should all be about FUN!! That's why I try to be silly at every opportunity!!

        Let the thunking resume!


          Well, it's ten to three in the morning where I am, so I'm off to try and get some sleep. Adiós, thunkers!

          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


            Originally posted by Luz
            It's always the same two people spamming every thread with their insults, and they insist they're fans. ITA, to be honest it's so hard to be a sheppard fan these days, i've been thinking of just quitting the online community too.
            Where did all this hatred come from?, if you don't like what the writers are doing with Sheppard why are you attacking him?, he's just a character it's not his fault. They say their animosity is with the writers, but they still love Sheppard, yeah right, like calling him those idiotic names is going to show how much you love him.
            I think what bothers me more is to see how easy people can turn on you, one day you're happily discussing whatever subject on a thread, then someone starts with all that blah blah blah how inmature he is and what a flirt, you know the drill (and you know what i'm talking about). And if you decide to step on and say hey it's not like flirting is a crime or anything, and suddenly you're satan, prepare yourself for the backlash. My neck is still in pain by seeing how fast people turn on you.
            Luff to you Luz.
            You said it much more consicely than I could have!
            My whiplash isn't so good at the moment!


              Originally posted by Merlin7
              Wordity McWord. The negativity and hypocrisy are what slay me.

              Bottom line, I love Sheppard. I don't blame Shep for what the writers do. I do, however, give Joe tons of credit and accolades for not letting Shep become what the writers/PTB obviously want him to become. Joe seems to want what we want for Shep. Heroics and action with a bit of angst. Okay...we want tons of angst and whump too, but he'll get over that.

              This place is wonderful. Still the safest thread to be on. As for other places. I've learned to IGNORE. Makes my life so much easier.
              You're my hero Merlin.
              This is the only nice place to be if you're a Sheppard fan. But how sad is that?


                Originally posted by Linzi
                Luff to you Luz.
                You said it much more consicely than I could have!
                My whiplash isn't so good at the moment!
                You got whiplash? Did you get in an accident?

                I read through the last few pages of the discussion and appreciation thread and know now what you mean... But I gotta say that the best thing is to just ignore posts that call him 'whore' or other nasty words... If nobody responds, there'll be no canon to get into an argument and thoses posters will also lose interest in posting in that particular thread.
                I know that it's not easy to stay quiet when somebody else is berating your favorite character, but IMHO it's the best way to deal with it and also makes it unneccessary for the mods to intervene (which I think it's sad if they have to)..
                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                  Originally posted by caty
                  You got whiplash? Did you get in an accident?

                  I read through the last few pages of the discussion and appreciation thread and know now what you mean... But I gotta say that the best thing is to just ignore posts that call him 'whore' or other nasty words... If nobody responds, there'll be no canon to get into an argument and thoses posters will also lose interest in posting in that particular thread.
                  I know that it's not easy to stay quiet when somebody else is berating your favorite character, but IMHO it's the best way to deal with it and also makes it unneccessary for the mods to intervene (which I think it's sad if they have to)..
                  I have actually, but in this instance it's from the backlash against Shep, Lol.
                  Ignore is the proper way to deal with things you don't like. Sometimes though if somome says something maybe things will change, and improve? Call me an eternal optimist!


                    Originally posted by Linzi
                    I have actually, but in this instance it's from the backlash against Shep, Lol.
                    Ignore is the proper way to deal with things you don't like. Sometimes though if somome says something maybe things will change, and improve? Call me an eternal optimist!
                    OK... Eternal Optimist... LOL

                    I don't think to ignore is the proper way to deal with things you don't like... That's just like running away from everything that doesn't go your way... That's not what I meant...
                    No, but if people who don't even know you get personal or say something nasty about somebody you like (even if it is just a fictional character) just to get you angry, you should ignore them.. You can see if somebody is willing to discuss and maybe even be convinced otherwise by the way they're talking (or posting for that matter).. If they use words like 'whore', all things are lost. Those posts we should ignore...
                    *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                      According to the spoilers of 'Sateda', we don't get any Shep backstory in that one, either... I know they were talking about it...
                      Honestly, I'd rather have a whole episode dedicated to Shep instead of one that is shared with Ronon's backstory, but little is better than none...
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Just a quick post to thank all the people who left a message here for me (and gorgeous pics ! ), or sent me a PM, rep comment or mail. I didn't know I was so... appreciated, and it has been a very nice, and emotional, surprise

                        I also want you to know that my decision to leave GW has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with this thread. The JFT is a wonderful thread, with great people, beautiful pics, and the hottest guy on Earth !
                        I had so much fun in this thread, I'll always keep fantastic memories of the time I spent here, and I will miss you all. Immensely.

                        At this moment, I'm still a little hurt/upset/sad about some other things (the reasons why I decided to leave this forum), even after all the wonderful messages I've received. And I still don't know what I'm going to do later.
                        I've thought about it for some time now. Each time, I said to myself "Well, let's try not to take it too personally. Let's try to stay in the threads where it's 'safe', the threads where you know (almost) everyone, with people who see the show like you do, an entertainment program, a sci-fi tv show. People who appreciate Sheppard the way he is..."
                        But it's not working. And I've reached a point where it's too painful and stressful for me to be here and to read post after post denigrating my favorite character. And when it comes to denigrate the people who are fans of this character... well, I don't think it's worth it.
                        I could have left without saying one word. But I couldn't leave without at least saying how much you all mean to me, because I love this thead so much.
                        I'm still a Shep thunker. More than ever !
                        But, I'll do my thunking and appreciating of JF/Shep somewhere else

                        I certainly don't want my opinion to lessen what you can think about GW. It's only my personal opinion. If you think GW is a wonderful place, go for it !
                        I know I would have said the same thing only a few months ago (in fact, I said it. Many times. )

                        I also want to say that I've met in this thread great people. People I never would have imagined to meet some day. People coming from different horizons, from all over the planet. With very different life from me, with very different way of thinking. If there's one thing that I've learnt thanks to GW, is to keep an open mind and to be tolerant towards the others. Never make generalisations about other people because people are so different from each other, you can't say that, because one person belongs to one group, this person will automatically be and think like the other ones of this group.

                        I'm going to stop my so-serious post *looks right and left to see if someone is still here... not asleep*
                        If some people want to stay in touch with me, here's my mail address : [email protected]
                        Every mail from a member of the JFT will be welcome
                        And, well, Beanie already said where you could find me

                        Now, go back to having fun and thunking. Don't let my opinion make you sad or bitter. Just focus on what's important : SHEP !

                        I'll leave you my favorite JF pic... Bye everyone !

                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          Originally posted by caty
                          OK... Eternal Optimist... LOL

                          I don't think to ignore is the proper way to deal with things you don't like... That's just like running away from everything that doesn't go your way... That's not what I meant...
                          No, but if people who don't even know you get personal or say something nasty about somebody you like (even if it is just a fictional character) just to get you angry, you should ignore them.. You can see if somebody is willing to discuss and maybe even be convinced otherwise by the way they're talking (or posting for that matter).. If they use words like 'whore', all things are lost. Those posts we should ignore...
                          Agreed Caty. You're very sensible!
                          More thunking, I think...


                            Originally posted by florence
                            Just a quick post to thank all the people who left a message here for me (and gorgeous pics ! ), or sent me a PM, rep comment or mail. I didn't know I was so... appreciated, and it has been a very nice, and emotional, surprise

                            I also want you to know that my decision to leave GW has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with this thread. The JFT is a wonderful thread, with great people, beautiful pics, and the hottest guy on Earth !
                            I had so much fun in this thread, I'll always keep fantastic memories of the time I spent here, and I will miss you all. Immensely.

                            At this moment, I'm still a little hurt/upset/sad about some other things (the reasons why I decided to leave this forum), even after all the wonderful messages I've received. And I still don't know what I'm going to do later.
                            I've thought about it for some time now. Each time, I said to myself "Well, let's try not to take it too personally. Let's try to stay in the threads where it's 'safe', the threads where you know (almost) everyone, with people who see the show like you do, an entertainment program, a sci-fi tv show. People who appreciate Sheppard the way he is..."
                            But it's not working. And I've reached a point where it's too painful and stressful for me to be here and to read post after post denigrating my favorite character. And when it comes to denigrate the people who are fans of this character... well, I don't think it's worth it.
                            I could have left without saying one word. But I couldn't leave without at least saying how much you all mean to me, because I love this thead so much.
                            I'm still a Shep thunker. More than ever !
                            But, I'll do my thunking and appreciating of JF/Shep somewhere else

                            I certainly don't want my opinion to lessen what you can think about GW. It's only my personal opinion. If you think GW is a wonderful place, go for it !
                            I know I would have said the same thing only a few months ago (in fact, I said it. Many times. )

                            I also want to say that I've met in this thread great people. People I never would have imagined to meet some day. People coming from different horizons, from all over the planet. With very different life from me, with very different way of thinking. If there's one thing that I've learnt thanks to GW, is to keep an open mind and to be tolerant towards the others. Never make generalisations about other people because people are so different from each other, you can't say that, because one person belongs to one group, this person will automatically be and think like the other ones of this group.

                            I'm going to stop my so-serious post *looks right and left to see if someone is still here... not asleep*
                            If some people want to stay in touch with me, here's my mail address : [email protected]
                            Every mail from a member of the JFT will be welcome
                            And, well, Beanie already said where you could find me

                            Now, go back to having fun and thunking. Don't let my opinion make you sad or bitter. Just focus on what's important : SHEP !

                            I'll leave you my favorite JF pic... Bye everyone !

                            I'll miss your calm wisdom Flo.
                            JFT won't be the same anymore. We've already lost Mer, Vk, Trippy to name a few.... How very sad.


                              Yes, it is! This is just awful and I am kind of angry...

                              BUT, I think I've said enough to voice my opinion, you just can't change stupid and immature people...

                              Miss ya, Flo!

                              PS: I think I'll register at Beanie's forum so I can still talk to you guys...
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                I feel really sad that we're losing all these people. When I first joined this thread, everyone was so welcome! I could always come here and you guys would put a smile on my face. I didn't know that Mer, VK and Trippy had left...I'm even more upset now!

                                We're really gonna miss you Flo!

                                Tied up Shep just for you

                                And welcome to all the Newbies we've had!

                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

