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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    It was so funny. They got a lot of lemons...and one apple...there was a question for David and Joe started juggling with lemons in the background. He also threw some lemons at David later and he spoke with a scottish accent to sound like Paul. XD

    The answers to the "what do you think about the slashy fanfictions?" were hilarious, too.


      Here's a link with more links to VanCon videos.
      John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

      sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
      Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


        And are you going to give us what the answers were? Or just torture us with the not knowing?


          Helloooooooo Thunkers!

          I see we have some new pics of JF! YAY
          Bare feet!

          WB Luci! So...I'm surprised no one has the most important question.
          What did he smell like?



            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
            I just repost my post from yesterday now for those who haven't seen it, yet.
            Okay. Where to start?
            The photo op? Okaaaaaaaaaay.
            First of all...we've been so frikking lucky, because dunnie and me were #6 and #7 in the waiting line. *giggles* Took some but finally we made it. I took a pic with, dunnie took one and we both took one with him, too. He had lots of fun with us...I tell ya. I'M TALLER THAN HIM. We did have some troubles to wrap our arms around each other. XD He looked at me (his eyes are really frikking amazing *purrs*) "Gosh she's tall!" XD There's more to tell but dunnie will do. ;D We managed to survive...barely. He looked so frikking HOT. ^^

            A funny thing!
            Open ceremony. He was supossed to be there...but he wasn't...incoming mesaage from Joe Flanigan...kinda: "I f*ucked up! I went one station too far. Will arrive in about 10 minutes...ended up in bad Godesberg!" XD We went outside later, cause we needed a break and fresh air and saw him arriving and the hotel. He looked all so tan. *-*

            And one last panel thing for you!
            A gir asked him, if he did the decortaion in the Sheppard quarters himself. Joe: "The Johnny Cash Poster? The skateboard? The surfing magazines? Yeah...I do have great decoration skills! 'Oh the skateboard in the corner would look great.' Friend say I do have the gay gene!" XD I laughed like crazy.

            Oh and one thing. He did the hair boing for us.

            *takes breath* *is happy*

            And helloooooooooooooooooo! I'm hooooooooooooome.
            And I didn't know Joe can juggle.

            He was so cute. He tried to speak german...he said "I love you" to David in german and later to us as well.
            And some other things...and he loves german beer...but everyone does I guess.
            Squeeeee! Thanks for the report sweetie! Sounds like you two had a wonderful time!


              *impatiently waits for more pics*



                My internet is so slow.

                He smelled awesome.

                The fic answers. David said Joe wrote them all. And Joe said he never read fics.........more than twice a day. And he's in therapy because of them. XD


                  Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                  My internet is so slow.

                  He smelled awesome.

                  The fic answers. David said Joe wrote them all. And Joe said he never read fics.........more than twice a day. And he's in therapy because of them. XD
                  Ah ha! I knew it!

                  Awesome? Describe it, please.



                    I can't actually describe how he smelled... XD I was distracted by him talking to me.


                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      My internet is so slow.

                      He smelled awesome.

                      The fic answers. David said Joe wrote them all. And Joe said he never read fics.........more than twice a day. And he's in therapy because of them. XD
                      Poor Joe. If he does read any slash fanfic, I'd be surprised. But it he did, it *wouldn't* surprise me that he'd be in therapy because of them.

                      What does awesome smell like?


                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        I can't actually describe how he smelled... XD I was distracted by him talking to me.
                        I guess we can forgive you for that.


                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          I can't actually describe how he smelled... XD I was distracted by him talking to me.

                          It's funny, no one can. We all agree he smells really, really nice, but we can't put it into words to describe it.



                            Exactly. He told us about that coffee spilling thing, too. XD


                              Originally posted by csom221 View Post
                              Poor Joe. If he does read any slash fanfic, I'd be surprised. But it he did, it *wouldn't* surprise me that he'd be in therapy because of them.

                              What does awesome smell like?
                              Hi Csom! How's you?

                              I don't know. Maybe some of the slashy fic is more romantic than the hetero fic.

                              Awesome=Joe Flanigan.

                              Roger that!


                                Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
                                Hi Csom! How's you?

                                I don't know. Maybe some of the slashy fic is more romantic than the hetero fic.

                                Awesome=Joe Flanigan.
                                I'm good. Had a good first week at work. How's you?

