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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip

    I think 'Trinity' comes in second for me.
    I loved Trinity too. Liked the Shep/McKay there. To be honest I've enjoyed all of the 7 eppies I've seen so far.I think the standard has been generally high. Course I've not seen eppies 8-12 yet. I don't realistically expect to love every eppie. My least favourite would probably be Duet, as some bits were too silly for my taste. Some bits were funny though. I'm not a great fan of comedy eppies on the whole really. As I said I loved Instinct tonight though. A good story and nice set up for Conversion.


      Originally posted by florence
      Anyway, I think you're right. It's the kind of episode you can probably enjoy more the second time and if you focus on what's in it instead of what could have been in it...
      Exactly. It took me a full 24 hours to get over, well, you know...but I like it better now. Come the end of the season, it may move up in my ranking of episodes. I have resolved not to watch any more until the rest of the season starts here, though. We'll see how long that lasts.

      Happily, I don't have that much shopping left to do. The down side is, I'm enrolling in school (which I haven't been in for like ten years) and that's nervewrecking.

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by florence
        You know what they say : great minds think alike...
        Anyway, I think you're right. It's the kind of episode you can probably enjoy more the second time and if you focus on what's in it instead of what could have been in it...

        And right again on Conversion being the best one ! For some time I thought it was The Siege III (I love
        space battles !
        ), but regarding the characters (and especially Shep) Conversion is far better ! (Linzi, you're going to love it ! )
        I loved Siege III. Loved the space battles, the Deddy etc. Great conclusion to the trilogy of episodes.It far exceeded my expectations. I know I'm going to probably be hyper-ventilating as Conversion starts.
        (Infirmary, IV, etc).
        . I'm looking forward to seeing the actual Conversion, so to speak. I really can't wait. It seems so long since you guys first saw it!


          hi thunkers,

          xjust got back home from doing a little xmas shopping...bought my bf's xmas prezzie he collects M&M stuff so i got him the new M&M dispenser


            Yeah. Conversion is really good.
            I liked froggy Shep. He was so hot as 'evil'...
            S.T.A.K.S. if you think kirking stinks...

            Jackson: Earth minutes?
            Mitchell: Yeah, I've always wanted to say that.
            Vala: Well, now you have.

            Image hosted by

            Member of Ben Hiney Club, Happy Trails Club and The Amazing Arm Appreciation Association Dex's Devil


              Originally posted by Linzi
              I loved Trinity too. Liked the Shep/McKay there. To be honest I've enjoyed all of the 7 eppies I've seen so far.I think the standard has been generally high. Course I've not seen eppies 8-12 yet. I don't realistically expect to love every eppie. My least favourite would probably be Duet, as some bits were too silly for my taste. Some bits were funny though. I'm not a great fan of comedy eppies on the whole really. As I said I loved Instinct tonight though. A good story and nice set up for Conversion.
              See, here's my thing. I'll always enjoy and be entertained by SGA. That said, for me, S1 set the bar very high, and TPTB said S2 would be even better. Like a dumb*** I fell for that. S2 so far has been on par with S1, but I think the SFX have been better.

              I just really like the show. And I just really like Joe.

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by majortrip

                Happily, I don't have that much shopping left to do. The down side is, I'm enrolling in school (which I haven't been in for like ten years) and that's nervewrecking.

                I'll be doing the same soon, quite honestly I'm terrified! Can't I be a scifi critic?


                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  I'll be doing the same soon, quite honestly I'm terrified! Can't I be a scifi critic?
                  Oh, that would be ideal, wouldn't it. Get paid to watch TV and write something slick sounding.

                  I'm wishing there really was a Shep University right about now

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by majortrip
                    See, here's my thing. I'll always enjoy and be entertained by SGA. That said, for me, S1 set the bar very high, and TPTB said S2 would be even better. Like a dumb*** I fell for that. S2 so far has been on par with S1, but I think the SFX have been better.

                    I just really like the show. And I just really like Joe.

                    I love SGA. I'm really not that hard to please, to be honest. i thought Season 1 was outstanding. Season 2 so far has been equal to that. The SFX are better, I agree. But I'm beginning to feel a little more danger is in order. I need to feel a little more on edge, a bit more gritiness. I'm hoping to see it soon. Am still a trifle disappointed in some aspects though.


                      Bravo to both of you for going back to school ! I wouldn't like to do it... hey, I'm already working at Uni, I don't want to stay there longer than necessary !

                      Last pic before going to bed (Epiphany - the beard - with the little grey streaks)...

                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Okay, well again my problem...TPTB have said that the back half of S2 will be 'darker'. Do I trust TPTB? Meh...they want people to watch, so they'll say whatever. It's the cast that makes it for me- I grew to love the characters in S1 (S2 for Ronon) and I will continue to watch. This group of people can pull a lot off, even when they're handed mediocre material. That said, could their guests please be a little more interesting, with the execption of Connor Trinneer ('Michael') of course. I've said too much...pic time!

                        Sig by Camy


                          See, I like the beard! Not for everyday wear, but if I was stranded in the woods and he had to grow a beard, I still wouldn't be able to peel my eyes off him.

                          I've declared the next five minutes "Beard Apprecition Moment". Yes, I for the feeble minded.
                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by majortrip
                            Okay, well again my problem...TPTB have said that the back half of S2 will be 'darker'. Do I trust TPTB? Meh...they want people to watch, so they'll say whatever. It's the cast that makes it for me- I grew to love the characters in S1 (S2 for Ronon) and I will continue to watch. This group of people can pull a lot off, even when they're handed mediocre material. That said, could their guests please be a little more interesting, with the execption of Connor Trinneer ('Michael') of course. I've said too much...pic time!

                            I agree with you. There have been episodes that I have thought: "if this cast wasn't so good this episode would probably really suck." I think that Joe and David get great material, but I think Torri and Rachel (especially in season 2 so far) haven't really gotten all that much "great" material, especially Rachel. I love all the characters as well, although Ronon had me a little worried at first, but he's a hottie and I have grown to like him too. I love his interactions with Sheppard.

                            Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

                            *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


                              You know what- I let the hype about Ronon get to me at first I was heartened by the fact that Joe liked him, though. I like Ronon. I have no problems with any character on the show.

                              Regarding the hype, I've read on this forum that some people are trying to stay spoiler-free so they can judge the episodes for themselves, and I think that's the best policy whether you read spoilers or not. Look at us thunkers- some of us don't mind 'Sanctuary', others abhor it. Different strokes for different folks. It saddens me to read that some people aren't looking forward to some episodes due to reviews/spoilers. Like I said, it took me two viewings to say to myself, "Epiphany wasn't so bad."


                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by majortrip
                                You know what- I let the hype about Ronon get to me at first I was heartened by the fact that Joe liked him, though. I like Ronon. I have no problems with any character on the show.

                                Regarding the hype, I've read on this forum that some people are trying to stay spoiler-free so they can judge the episodes for themselves, and I think that's the best policy whether you read spoilers or not. Look at us thunkers- some of us don't mind 'Sanctuary', others abhor it. Different strokes for different folks. It saddens me to read that some people aren't looking forward to some episodes due to reviews/spoilers. Like I said, it took me two viewings to say to myself, "Epiphany wasn't so bad."


                                First off, I love your pic!

                                Secondly, I concur that you shouldn't judge an episode before it airs. I read spoilers for "Runner" and "Trinity" and I was like WTF??? But after I saw them I was like, "hey that was really good". So now I read the spoilers with a suspicious eye, then I watch the episode with an open eye.

                                Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

                                *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*

