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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by florence

    Now, back to thunking... One of the new Critical Mass pics (linked as url since I don't know if it can be considered as a spoiler... )
    God Flo! That cap is ....I'm speechless


      Originally posted by florence
      I LOVE your ideas !

      But you know, with an ep like that, they'd better put a warning sign before the beginning : "Warning ! This show can cause many troubles to the sanity of fangirls. Watch with caution..."
      I think they'd need to put health warnings up before airing such an episode...
      'Warning, may cause hypertension and possible cardiac arrest in certain sad women who really should know better...' Yep, that sounds like me....


        Originally posted by Linzi
        Nicely put Flo! Anyway (can't believe I'm actually saying this out loud), BUT.......Sam and Rodney DO NOT go together, coz ......SambelongswithJack. Ok, I'm going away to shoot myself now.......
        ROFL !!!

        Okay, let's go away from that slippery topic and go back to... Shep !

        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Originally posted by Linzi
          If only they would hire you Eli! I know I'd get to see exactly what I want in an Atlantis eppie. Oh, don't forget the crippling, agonising whump!!!
          Oh I did forget the whump didn't I?!!

          Would anyone like to suggest a suitable form for this type of story?!


            Originally posted by Elinor
            Oh I did forget the whump didn't I?!!

            Would anyone like to suggest a suitable form for this type of story?!

            Well, Shep could get viciously attacked by an Atlantean shark...It could tear his wet suit to shreds.... how terrible would that be?


              Originally posted by florence
              ROFL !!!

              Okay, let's go away from that slippery topic and go back to... Shep !

              Nice pic Flo!

              Whenever I see him wearing that vest, I feel like I want to run over to him and rip all those pockets open!! Lovely 'velcro' noise!!


                Originally posted by Linzi
                I think they'd need to put health warnings up before airing such an episode...
                'Warning, may cause hypertension and possible cardiac arrest in certain sad women who really should know better...' Yep, that sounds like me....
                Don't worry, you're not the only one, and I wouldn't consider us as 'sad women'...
                It's just that we've found an fascinating center of interest with which we're having fun for hours... Men have football, we have Shep ! (well, I also like football, but certainly not as much as I like Shep ! )
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Originally posted by Elinor
                  Nice pic Flo!

                  Whenever I see him wearing that vest, I feel like I want to run over to him and rip all those pockets open!! Lovely 'velcro' noise!!

                  Velcro does make a lovely noise doesn't it? Ripping the pockets open isn't exactly what I had in mind though.....


                    Originally posted by florence
                    ROFL !!!

                    Okay, let's go away from that slippery topic and go back to... Shep !


                    Hee! I love all your story ideas. Especially the shark tearing off Shep's wetsuit


                      Originally posted by florence
                      Don't worry, you're not the only one, and I wouldn't consider us as 'sad women'...
                      It's just that we've found an fascinating center of interest with which we're having fun for hours... Men have football, we have Shep ! (well, I also like football, but certainly not as much as I like Shep ! )
                      I wasn't including everybody else in the 'sad woman' category Flo, just me!
                      That's a great piccie from Allies though! (I think it's Allies) GUH!


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Well, Shep could get viciously attacked by an Atlantean shark...It could tear his wet suit to shreds.... how terrible would that be?
                        Wet and whumped at the same time ? You want to kill me or what ?

                        Excellent ideas girls ! Keep on like that and you'll have soon an entire script to send to TPTB !
                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          Originally posted by Linzi
                          Well, Shep could get viciously attacked by an Atlantean shark...It could tear his wet suit to shreds.... how terrible would that be?
                          Yes...that'd be beautifully terrible!

                          Especially if the rips were in strategic positions. Eg. diagonally across the chest, across the upper thigh, up the forearm etc.etc.!!


                            Originally posted by florence
                            Wet and whumped at the same time ? You want to kill me or what ?

                            Excellent ideas girls ! Keep on like that and you'll have soon an entire script to send to TPTB !
                            Well, perhaps we could do a better job sometimes... Not sure Mr F would be happy acting out our script though! Of course he'd get the best lines!


                              Originally posted by Elinor
                              Yes...that'd be beautifully terrible!

                              Especially if the rips were in strategic positions. Eg. diagonally across the chest, across the upper thigh, up the forearm etc.etc.!!

                              Ok, you REALLY shouldn't have said that! My B.P. is now dangerously high. I could implode at any minute....


                                Originally posted by Elinor
                                Nice pic Flo!

                                Whenever I see him wearing that vest, I feel like I want to run over to him and rip all those pockets open!! Lovely 'velcro' noise!!

                                LOL ! You know you're crazy ?

                                Like Linzi, ripping his pockets open wouldn't be my 1st priority, I'd rather tear off his vest !
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

