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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by smallgirl
    We know so little about him and the pressure he is under is revealing chinks in the Shep armour which make him open up more.

    spoilers for LFP
    his message to Sumner's 'potential' family was very moving and although the purpose was for Sheppard to say something about the person of Sumner it essentially revealed more of Sheppard's own person than we usually get and his 'goodbye' at the end was pretty powerful
    See, I'm still of the firm belief that (spoilers for Letters from Pegasus):
    there were TWO messages.

    Heres's why:

    I think the writers wanted to sneak that second message by us and find a way to return to it in future episodes. Possibly when they've decided who he sent the message to. Or they could have all the little details figured out already and just wanted to tease us. Like I said; sneaky.

    I don't know how to otherwise explain away the change of backgrounds here. That Johnny Cash poster definitely belongs to Sheppard (it's even hung up above his bed in the next episode) so I'm assuming he's in his own quarters when he's recording the message that ends with "goodbye".

    As far as I know, none of the other recordings changed in scenery; so why Sheppard's? No, I'm pretty sure there was a second message and I'd really like to know who he sent it to and why he changed his mind.

    That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.
    Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


      I never noticed that Liv
      spoilers for LFP...
      I was probably concentrating soo hard on Shep's face that I never saw the background. All I remember thinking was that it was kind of a strange goodbye to say to a supposed bunch of people that he'd never met. Although he had to end the message to Sumner's 'family' with something. It was just very wistful but yet the actual Sumner message showed a different kind of emotion to what we usually see. All in all the circumstances were very difficult for him. However there was something else I wondered at the time when he said goodbye and that maybe it was the end of a message to the SGC people. At the beginning of the episode when discussing sending the messages, prior to any discussion about personal messages etc, they talked about sending information, like mission reports from all the senior staff, which I assume would have meant from Sheppard as well as Weir, McKay etc. Weir made it clear that she wanted Sheppard and Teyla back before the message was sent and although they only showed her asking him when he got back about a personal message and to do Sumner's that doesn't necessarily mean that was all he did. It just seemed strange to me that with all that information being sent back to the SGC on their situation it would have been odd for Sheppard as the military CO not to have made a contribution. He was off world with Teyla whilst most of the recording was going on but I still think Weir would have wanted him included in reporting things back to the SGC.

      He's looking a bit emotionally whumped in this cap, poor woobie!
      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
      FBI - Body Preservation Division


        from what i've heard, and those pics... i'm convinced!!! then again, you know me and theories seriously, though.... i think you're right
        i think there were definately two messages .... and i DO hope this comes back later!!!! i must ask though, where was the first message being recorded?? as in, was it DEFINATELY not in shep's quarters????
        Last edited by emily_reich; 22 February 2005, 06:49 AM.


          hmm do we need some pics


            Wow, Liv, this is interesting stuff. I agree with you and emily (hey, it doesn't involve math this time ), and I'm definitely sitting on hot coals now because I'd really like to know
            about that second message. I seriously hope it was intentional, it makes speculations 10 times more interesting.

            Thanks for pointing it out!!

            And now for some pictures, the first one incidentally also from LFP

            Hmm, I'm running out of material - I need to make new ones soon...
            Life is short. Eat dessert first.


              Originally posted by CKO
              hmm do we need some pics
              YES!! because all these blank spoiler spaces are KILLING me!! I'm dying to find out what you're all talking about with LFP! And I won't break! I won't give in! I won't be spoiled!!
              Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                Originally posted by smallgirl
                I never noticed that Liv
                spoilers for LFP...
                I was probably concentrating soo hard on Shep's face that I never saw the background.
                Yes... well... I multitask.

                Originally posted by smallgirl
                However there was something else I wondered at the time when he said goodbye and that maybe it was the end of a message to the SGC people. At the beginning of the episode when discussing sending the messages, prior to any discussion about personal messages etc, they talked about sending information, like mission reports from all the senior staff, which I assume would have meant from Sheppard as well as Weir, McKay etc.
                I considered that, but it seems odd that
                they would relocate to Sheppard's quarters for that message alone. And if it was a recording for the SGC, why only show Sheppard's part and not Weir's or McKay's? I just don't see the point in changing locations unless it was done specifically so that Sheppard could record another message. A personal one. Of course, this is purely speculation on my part, but I do think there was more to that message then we were first made to believe.
                Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


                  Originally posted by smallgirl
                  is spot on.

                  Shep got whumped a lot in 'The Defiant One' and I loved that ep. Emotionally speaking he's got more and more whumped as the season has progressed. I've only got as far as LFP and in that ep he looked at being almost at the point of being 'whumped' out. Not that I am a sadist and want Shep to be in pain all the time whether physically or emotionally, I like it when he is happy Shep and bantering with McKay, but I am interested in seeing the character being pushed to the limit the way he has been recently and curious to find out where it takes him. We know so little about him and the pressure he is under is revealing chinks in the Shep armour which make him open up more.

                  spoilers for LFP
                  his message to Sumner's 'potential' family was very moving and although the purpose was for Sheppard to say something about the person of Sumner it essentially revealed more of Sheppard's own person than we usually get and his 'goodbye' at the end was pretty powerful
                  Loved the DEFIANT Whumping. And the 38 minutes Whumping. And he so totally is getting WHUMPED emotionally from LETTERS on through. SIEGE is fab too. Breaks my heart. Sheppard is just...he's kinda cracking inside. And Joe is so good it's really heartbreaking, yet beautiful, to watch.


                    Our favourite beautiful man in technicolour...
                    (Well, sort of...) Recently "whumped"...

                    "Shoot first and ask questions later"

                    *What a wonderful way to die*
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Originally posted by Merlin7
                      Loved the DEFIANT Whumping. And the 38 minutes Whumping. And he so totally is getting WHUMPED emotionally from LETTERS on through. SIEGE is fab too. Breaks my heart. Sheppard is just...he's kinda cracking inside. And Joe is so good it's really heartbreaking, yet beautiful, to watch.
                      yes! absolutely... he's heading for a breakdown, poor guy.... he was kinda thrust into this whole thing and now that relative unpreparedness is coming back to bite him and it's as you said: heartbreaking, yet so beautiful


                        Hello! I would love to join the Joe Flanigan/Maj. Sheppard Thunk Thread!!!! Joe is the reason I started watching Stargate in the first place. He is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! When I go through this thread and see all the wonderful pics, I fall right out of my chair, THUNK! I've got a permanent dent in my forehead from striking the keyboard constantly!

                        Joe is such a great actor. You believe what he's going through is real.

                        I was browsing through Amazon and found out that one of his movies, A Reason to Believe, is coming out April 5!! I enlarged the photo of the cover and there was Joe!!!!!!!!


                          *Handing joescookiem an ice pack for head injury and a pillow to prevent future injuries*

                          Welcome!!. . psst. It is best to put computer on the floor. Less distance to fall.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            welcome to the club!!! and it's best to take FP's advice in these situtions... she's usually correct


                              The Cockpit Boxer Brigade welcomes you to the sandbox, joescookiem!

                              (We really need some photoshop wizard to make us a welcome sign... anyone want to volunteer?)

                              Anyway, I shall keep my mouth shut for LFP... when does it air for you guys?
                              Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                              Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                                I think you're right Liv I went and watched LFP again and they mention that
                                they have already sorted all the mission reports out before Shep and Teyla get back so it doesn't make sense that that is something he does when he gets back, besides you're right why on earth would he relocate to his bedroom? It's kind of like he did what McKay did and recorded his own little something and then got Ford to add to the rest...interesting. If it isn't followed up later, I will be annoyed.

                                welcome joescookiem , yes Joe does make everything seem very real.

                                Two blank banners using caps from Family Album ( JPC)

                                ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                                FBI - Body Preservation Division

