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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    hmm... asking for a signature to me is a sign of respect that you enjoy that actor and you appreciate them as an actor (this coming from someone who's spent plenty of time in the theatre world!! actors can get very excited when you actually want their autograph ) and obviously at conventions you can get pictures... if i met someone and i had a digital camera with me or something i might ask if i could get a pic with 'em, if for no other reason than to remember it (i have a very visual memory... i LOVE taking pictures ) anything beyond that though (even taking pics without their permission out in public is borderline stalker and quite cheesy honestly.... obviously conventions are an exception)

    just my 2 cents...


      Originally posted by emily_reich
      hmm... asking for a signature to me is a sign of respect that you enjoy that actor and you appreciate them as an actor (this coming from someone who's spent plenty of time in the theatre world!! actors can get very excited when you actually want their autograph ) and obviously at conventions you can get pictures... if i met someone and i had a digital camera with me or something i might ask if i could get a pic with 'em, if for no other reason than to remember it (i have a very visual memory... i LOVE taking pictures ) anything beyond that though (even taking pics without their permission out in public is borderline stalker and quite cheesy honestly.... obviously conventions are an exception)

      just my 2 cents...
      My bad! Of course asking for an autograph or getting a photo or just saying something nice about their acting isn't wrong. I didn't explain myself very well. At a convention or in a situation where they are promoting a project and available to the public then there's nothing wrong with that. Of course people want to feel that their job is appreciated and positive feedback must be nice. What I don't feel comfortable with is when people hassle celebrities when they just happen to be in the same place at the same time. You know invading their personal space. That said, if you bumped into someone, asking for an autograph or just saying hello isn't wrong but it's just that some people cross the line in making demands of a person's time when it's not appropriate. The autograph thing, is just me personally, there's nothing wong with it, I'm just shy and on the few occasions when I have been around celebrities, I've never asked even though other people were.
      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
      FBI - Body Preservation Division


        I love and thunk after both.

        It's a bit, odd, either way to THUNK over a fictional characters as much as thunking over a stranger.

        But Joe being married and having kids? <Which I am too> Doesn't take away from my admiration for the man he seems to be. From his looks/talent and wit. I admire JOE's acting so much. And I watch him in everything he does that I can get my hands on. Hence THunking over JOE.

        But I also adore Sheppard and wish I had one of my very own.

        And as someone who has gotten to know STALKERISH Fans from other me so long as you don't cross the can thunk for either.

        I like knowing little tidbits about Joe. Like he reads the NY times and Wall st. Journal daily. That he rides a skateboard everywhere. Loves Johnny Cash. Was a competetive skiier. Has two beautiful boys. Thinks his wife is exotic..blah blah. Cause he's offered that info. Anything he doesn't care to share? Off limits.

        Just my two cents about the gorgeous man.


          Originally posted by Merlin7
          But I also adore Sheppard and wish I had one of my very own.
          Hmmm .... what a dilemma ... i think we need to start creating some clones ... especially since the auction went astray ...

          Check out stargate_pad; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom!


            *gasp* the dredded page two thing... yikes


              yikes!! yes!! must thunk more!!!


                Originally posted by Sunkissed_stargate_traveller
                Hmmm .... what a dilemma ... i think we need to start creating some clones ... especially since the auction went astray ...
                Clones! Yes!

                I agree with those who said they thunk for Shep and not JF. Although JF is certainly the hotness behind the character, he is married - and I... it's just wrong IMO. I mean - I also think that I thunk quite a lot for Shep's personality, that's what makes him so *cute*, to me.

                Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                  totally agreed... "cute"ness always includes both personaliy and looks... "hot"ness only includes looks... and while the latter is fine for random thunking, personally i prefer to go with the former for dedicated thunking

                  and i love that pic lol


                    Originally posted by emily_reich
                    and i love that pic lol
                    He's just so charming, isn't he?
                    Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                    Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                      i only wish I could be so charming around large explosions


                        Hee hee! Well said.

                        I'm having trouble typing right now. My cat is proving to be in a very loving mood today...
                        Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                        Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                          lol... i SO know how that is... you should meet my sister's cat

                          more pics anyone??


                            You rang?...

                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Originally posted by Easter Lily
                              Meep! THUNK.

                              Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                              Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                                very nice find E Lily

                                only he could look so cute with his mouth open (well only he and major davis anyway )

