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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    He really doesn't look like he is enjoying that protein bar. It is obvious he much prefers popcorn and pretzels.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Well...he is tired and wounded and annoyed by a zombie Wraith and lil' glowing bugs.
      He clearly needs a hug. I'll volunteer.
      Life is short. Eat dessert first.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Oooh, JG isn't too bad either!

        Just flow with the mid-life crisis (I'm in mine as well ). Nothing wrong with tall, lanky guys either. My perfect dream is to have MS, JF, and a few others (whom I can't think of at the moment as I'm still thinking of the dancing JF thing) who are with me on some beach, waiting on me hand and foot, and whatever else I want them to do. I don't think I'm asking for much.

        Oh, I'm flowing! Age doesn't bother me! Especially when all the drooling keeps my skin well lubricated And with subjects like JF and JG to ogle, I drool A LOT!
        Not asking for much at all. Reserve me a spot on that beach! I'll take JF, JG, BB and MS - we can share

        I don't think anyone wanted to share once they'd grabbed and tied up one of the J's...but maybe a cardboard cutout will do?
        I'll take latex please! Much more pliable! And thanks!!

        He really doesn't look like he is enjoying that protein bar. It is obvious he much prefers popcorn and pretzels.
        A real bar man!! Don't forget the beer! Maybe he was carrying the protein bars for Rodney I did enjoy watching him chew the icky sticky stuff though
        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


          Forgot about BB *smacking self*. . but he would have to be in full leather. Don't know how comfy that would be on the beach. Of course, it doesn't have to STAY on.

          Yes, we must have beer. We know Shep likes beer. But I prefer Margaritas so JF and "crew" must have the blender running continuously. When I pass out, the rest of you can have 'em.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Those protein bars taste nasty. I Swear...watching that ep, Joe looked like he wanted to barf. Poor Woobie. Wonder how many he ended up having to eat.

            However, he looks YUMMY doing so!


              Originally posted by Merlin7
              Those protein bars taste nasty. I Swear...watching that ep, Joe looked like he wanted to barf. Poor Woobie. Wonder how many he ended up having to eat.

              However, he looks YUMMY doing so!

              I wonder if they taste similar to army biscuit rations. They are vile. My brother nearly killed our hamster, by giving him a bit. It's surprising that those bugs kept coming back for more. It was very cute when he put that little crumb on his knee for the bug to take.

              "Major. John Sheppard, kind to children, animals and little glowy bugs ~ except when he needs to kill them in order to take out the Wraith."
              ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
              FBI - Body Preservation Division


                Originally posted by smallgirl
                "Major. John Sheppard, kind to children, animals and little glowy bugs ~ except when he needs to kill them in order to take out the Wraith."
                Sounds like an ominous epitaph...

                I'm still not sure if the glowy bugs were blown to bug heaven though...
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"




                    very nice

                    oh yea.

                    BB, MS, RDA, JF, PM, D, CJ ect all in black leather... oh my god... we'd be in thunk heaven


                      don't forget CC!! *is in thunk heaven just thinking about it*


                        Originally posted by CKO

                        BB, MS, RDA, JF, PM, D, CJ ect all in black leather... oh my god... we'd be in thunk heaven
                        O my ... *drools* ... is there a job opening for a new wardrobe consultant???

                        Check out stargate_pad; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom!


                          how bout as a dresser *puddle*


                            oh yeah.. yea uh... *sighs dreamily.* all those hottie guys in leather.. oh yes


                              Originally posted by emily_reich
                              how bout as a dresser *puddle*
                              LOL the line for that job would be a few miles long ... but oh yeah imagine having to go to "work" ... *slips off into daydream*

                              Check out stargate_pad; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom!


                                Originally posted by Sunkissed_stargate_traveller
                                LOL the line for that job would be a few miles long ... but oh yeah imagine having to go to "work" ... *slips off into daydream*

                                oh that would be one job that i would love.

