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Save Elizabeth Weir! SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4

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    Weir should stay in charge!!! for the gazillionth time. A guest spot here and there, its bones to me. Not the full enchilada.

    Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
    I was thinking... Why not use Dr. Weir background as a diplomat, linguist etc. in the campaign? Per instance, "Save Dr. Weir 'cause the world needs more diplomacy." Isn't TH into that "coexist" stuff as well? He, he... We could ask: "Why can't Weir and Carter coexist?"
    That is really cool!


      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      ZOMG another spin off. Stargate Petlantis. Here's one I made up earlier .

      And yes, great news about Torri. Certainly sounds more positive lets hope we can change JM's mind about the whole recurring thing for season five .
      Last edited by Wormhole; 13 April 2007, 08:29 AM.


        I think Weir should stay on the show, but not as leader. She would be much better as a negotiator or adviser to the military leader (a leader who listens and appreciates her advice).
        Kevan Smith: "I shoot it, I go home, I get drunk."


          Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
          From JM's blog:

          There is still a chance! We can do it! But I must ask, that if fans are writing, emailing or posting in threads to please be polite. It's okay to state your opinion and tell people how much we want Weir/Torri back. But let's be as nice as possible about it.
          Some ray of sunshine then. I hope those with the power know how popular Torri is and how much she brings to the show.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Suddenly JM has become much more forthcoming and tolerant of fan protest, so maybe it was all part of his diabolical plan to generate publicity. Notice that he changed his approach just before the premier of the back half of S3 in the US. Just thinking out loud.
            Carson fans had great timing, they managed to achieve their goal, the protests, the banner seen on TV, just before the premier of the back half of S3, great timing for JM as well, he could announce Carson coming back just before the premier too. hehe No connection whatsoever.

            He's also stopped ignoring Torri questions just before the premier, one of those is even the first one he answered yesterday! Quite a big change from before.

            Originally posted by Hyperspace View Post
            Weir should stay in charge!!! for the gazillionth time. A guest spot here and there, its bones to me. Not the full enchilada.
            Agreed. 4 for a character previously a leader and one of the main characters is just unthinkable. I bet the wonderful Zelenka will be in more episodes if it stayed at this. But it won't. I just want A LOT more.
            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


              Fantastic news about Torri let's just hope it's true and not just an attempt to shut us up.

              Sorry if i sound cynical but i don't want to get my hopes up too much and then be disappointed

              Thanks to Marcy for the banner


                Good news indeed! It seems something is changing because 4 eps + ??? is quite different than "I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show," sighs Cooper. "Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen."

                SAVE WEIR!!!


                  Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                  Good news indeed! It seems something is changing because 4 eps + ??? is quite different than "I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show," sighs Cooper. "Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen."

                  SAVE WEIR!!!
                  Yup, it is good if you look at it that way.
                  Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                  at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                  R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                    "Anonymous #1 writes: “For the rest of us, can you tell us if the four episodes Torri will be in are all in the first half of season four? Is there a chance Torri could appear in more episodes in the back of the season (hopefully a lot more)?”

                    Answer: Yes and yes."

                    Okay, this is where we're getting mixed messages. Cooper says in an interview that she had to go and there's nothing he can say to make her fans feel better, and now you're saying there is hope...

                    This confusion is why people are so upset. I'm hoping you're being honest with us and that Cooper is just stirring the pot. Because his interview basically said the opposite to what you've said.

                    The more episodes for Torri the better. Her fans would be thrilled to see her in as many episodes as Amanda. That would be only fair to this brilliant character and actress.
                    I'd have to agree with this. Two different people telling us two different things is where things get confusing. Lets hope we get the later with what JM said.

                    Oh nearly the big 3.000 everyone.
                    BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                      But then thinking back a couple of months ago or so, I do remember JM saying that things aren't going to be as bad as we all think and he critised some fans for jumping to conclusions and presuming that everything was gonna be awful.
                      Well, looking back now, maybe he was right.
                      Things definitely aren't as bad as I thought they were gonna be. I was beginning to think they would kill her off after 2/3 eps and we'd never see her again.
                      I also thought Carson would be dead and gone for good.

                      So, for me, I'm feeling 100 times happier about season 4. I would have watched it whatever happens, but I like knowing that at the moment I am feeling a lot more excited about what we will see and how different plots will evolve

                      And JM has given us the hope that we will get more than 4 episodes as well.
                      Maybe Rob Cooper was just being very very cautious. He didn't want to give the fans false hope. In truth though, I never read his comments as meaning that Elizabeth would be going for good. So *shrugs* I do think some fans overreacted to his comments...and eventually stupid me got sucked into that nevermind though.

                      The important thing is that things are looking up

                      livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                      ~You are who you choose to be~


                        The news from JM has made me happier too and if there’s a chance he does get Torri/Weir in more episodes preferably as many as JS or even as many as AT then yes I will watch it. But I won’t give up the fight to get her back full time for Season 5.

                        PS That’s providing we get Sky One back .
                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          I believe what Cooper was refering to was the removal of Weir from the main cast, not that she'll be removed from the show completely.


                            I'm feeling better too, but that doesn't mean we didn't have reason for concern. and still do until she' s back in charge full time

                            You have to be very careful not to take anything TPTB say too literally. Every word has to be parsed very carefully for hidden meanings or double meanings. Rob Cooper could have been referring just to S4, and probably was because they don't know if there will be an S5. The thing to watch for now is how they end S4, especially if they complete filming before they hear about renewal. This is a very fluid business, and I think a lot of factors go into their decisions. They always leave themselves open for changing their minds, and boy are we glad about that.

                            No time to relax though. I plan to continue to let JM know that we appreciate his consideration of our desire to get her back, being careful not to say anything negative. Let those who come on his blog saying they're glad she's gone be the negative nellies for a change.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                              I believe what Cooper was refering to was the removal of Weir from the main cast, not that she'll be removed from the show completely.
                              The way it was worded sounded like she'll be gone from the show. So we actually had the right to be concerned at the time.

                              "I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show," sighs Cooper. "Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen."

                              I'm glad we're hearing some more positive things from JM at the moment.
                              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                                Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                                The way it was worded sounded like she'll be gone from the show. So we actually had the right to be concerned at the time.

                                "I can't make people feel better who just love Torri and Dr. Weir and want to see her on the show," sighs Cooper. "Unfortunately, that's just not going to happen."

                                I'm glad we're hearing some more positive things from JM at the moment.
                                Ther is a way he can make us happy

                                KEEP TORRI

