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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    All joking aside, THAT is why I haven't made plans to go to Baltimore - I'm not sure it will physically be possible for me to attend. Otherwise, I would already have the tickets in my hand!'s not just shyness...but a medical issue that has me holding off right now.

    We all understand, das, and I'm sure I speak for everyone in sending you hugs and best wishes and as much mental lifeforce as we can muster to make sure you stay safe and well. *hugs*
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      So...Mallozzi's taking questions for Peter DeLuise...

      And I figured - what the hey! I'll just ask him!

      I mean, why not?
      So, I ask...
      "Wraith, exactly how many prongs DO they have in their prong region??"

      I really doubt Joe will give it to him...



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        So...Mallozzi's taking questions for Peter DeLuise...

        And I figured - what the hey! I'll just ask him!

        I mean, why not?
        So, I ask...
        "Wraith, exactly how many prongs DO they have in their prong region??"

        I really doubt Joe will give it to him...


        You never know your luck.


          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

          You never know your luck.

          Well, if Joe has a good sense of humor, and Peter certainly does, then he might let it in, unless he needs to trim the questions like he had to for Amanda.

          I asked three: Will he be working next season on Sanctuary, if he remembers working with Chris Heyerdahl 20+ years ago on 21 Jump Street, and the prong thing.

          Joe might think I'm asking too many Chris questions lately, and so he might feel I've had enough response, and give someone else a chance. I don't mind, since for the most part I asked the questions tongue-in-cheek.



            Hey, maybe you guys know the answer to this question that's been bugging me lately (despite being kind of silly). ^^; Here it is:

            Do Wraith have feeding slits on both hands, or just one?

            Yes, that's really it. XD

            ~Threshie <3
            Click here to visit my DeviantArt gallery for Wraith fanart!


            Fan of SG-1, Atlantis, AND the original SG movie! Why pick just one?


              Originally posted by Threshie View Post
              Hey, maybe you guys know the answer to this question that's been bugging me lately (despite being kind of silly). ^^; Here it is:

              Do Wraith have feeding slits on both hands, or just one?

              Yes, that's really it. XD

              ~Threshie <3
              They only have it on one hand.
              Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                Huh, weird... XD; Guess my sister was right, LOL. Thanks! =) I presume it's always on their right hand, since that's the hand they use in all the feeding scenes I can remember, queens included...

                ~Threshie <3
                Click here to visit my DeviantArt gallery for Wraith fanart!


                Fan of SG-1, Atlantis, AND the original SG movie! Why pick just one?


                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  I'd just like to say something about Chris' invitation...

                  Keep in mind that he ONLY invited me personally because someone had told him about me. Had they mentioned any one of you - ciannwn, DS, Todd's Pet, Todds Worshipper, WK, Solla, Starry Waters, Mariellelita, MCH, Sevenofnine, Isolde, Draygon, MFW, T64...or anyone else who appreciates him as an actor and loves his characters - his response would have been the same. So, please - think of Chris' invitation as an open invitation to ALL of his fans, and not just to me specifically.

                  As far as my reluctance to go, it actually has to do with a health issue I've been putting off, but that has worsened since I was sick over the winter. It's a serious one that may require major surgery, and I'm not sure what the doc is going to recommend when I go see him in the next month or so. All joking aside, THAT is why I haven't made plans to go to Baltimore - I'm not sure it will physically be possible for me to attend. Otherwise, I would already have the tickets in my hand!

        's not just shyness...but a medical issue that has me holding off right now.

                  Well that is very understandable das, but I do hope all will turn out good for you, even if you can't make the convention as least you know Chris H knows about you. And yeah you're right, if someone had mentioned others of the WDC he might've invited us all there! Not that I can go to America anytime soon, would like to go and visit my relatives there in Michigan.
                  But a big hug and hope surgery, whenever it happens will be successful and you'll be on top of the world again!
                  I came, I saw, I conquered!
                  We are unique! Created unique!


                    Originally posted by Threshie View Post
                    Do Wraith have feeding slits on both hands, or just one?~Threshie <3
                    Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
                    They only have it on one hand.
                    Originally posted by Threshie View Post
                    I presume it's always on their right hand, since that's the hand they use in all the feeding scenes~Threshie <3

                    Actually you know, I;ve always wondered if there are left handed wraith???? Or even ambidextrous wraith???
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      So...Mallozzi's taking questions for Peter DeLuise...

                      And I figured - what the hey! I'll just ask him!

                      I mean, why not?
                      So, I ask...
                      "Wraith, exactly how many prongs DO they have in their prong region??"

                      I really doubt Joe will give it to him...

                      Well Peter DeLuise started that subject so maybe he will pass your query on.

                      Sorry to hear you need an op, look after yourself and get well soon.

                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by Solla View Post
                        Well, if my memory serves me correctly, Laura Dove stayed alive after seeing him . Actors are just people like you, after all. So throw away your doubts and enjoy the situation
                        And if he's a Canadian actor (which he is) he probably teaches ESL in between gigs. In fact, I think Heyerdahl made pottery for a living. In the last five years he's had more acting success, so I think he's given up his small business, or perhaps one of his family members runs it. I remember reading about this a few years back. If my memory serves me correctly.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                          I agree helminths are not the kind of creature you'd like to have as a pet or best friend.

                          What really gives me the creeps in movies are human psychopath serial killers. That's a bit compareable to your horror criteria. Something outwardly human with a twisted unpredictable side that might strike at you any second for no other reason than its violent nature. And I'm terribly scared of ghost movies. I couldn't sleep properly for weeks when I saw The Sith Sense for the first time.

                          It's so good we have the Wraith. They're so reliable. All they want is our life force and they're honest about that.

                          Originally posted by Solla View Post
                          Yes, I share your attitude. I consider Silence of the Lambs to be a brilliant movie in this respect. Hopkins is simply unforgettable there, he is equally fascinating and repulsive. His bizarre interaction with Starling, and the whole atmosphere of the story are really scary...

                          The Sixth Sense is among my favourites... I'm not afraid of ghosts but I incredibly enjoy twist endings and I liked the boy and how did he help Willis's hero to solve his problem.

                          You are right with the Wraith. You always know what to expect. But who has said they are scary?
                          I remember posting this on JM's forum a number of months back regarding what scares me. I think, like the genre of comedy, horror movies are quite individual in who and how they scare. What hits one person's fear button won't necessarily hit someone else's. For instance, my husband and his buddies were terrified when they saw the Blair Witch Project. I didn't find it frightening at all. By the end of it, I was getting so tired of the female character screaming, I so hoped that she had been one of the first ones killed. However, the film Gothic, with Hallie Berry terrified me. It was so hokey, but there is a scene when she comes across her dead serial killer husband's lair--where he took his young victims. Because he was a doctor, he had a defibrillator beside a blood soaked bed, and next to this a movie camera. He would kidnap sixteen year old girls, and do whatever it was that he and his partner did with them. They were so terrified, their hearts stopped (this is what kept me awake for days), then Berry's husband and his co-psycho partner would restart their hearts only to torture them some more. My husband could not relate to this movie being frightening at all, but it scared the (everything!!!) out of me. The funny thing was, with this particular scene, there was no violence, or bodies. All you saw was an underground bunker, with a stained mattress, a defibrillator and a movie camera set up on a tripod. The psychological suggestion of young women meeting their deaths in this way was too much for me. Of course my husband being a man couldn't relate to it. Much the same reaction I got from Mallozzi.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Solla View Post
                            Well, I have seen Farscape, Babylon 5, Lexx and I'm into Lost at the moment (would this count as sci-fi show?). Still can't force myself to watch SG-1, although I have all 10 seasons. And I really don't know where to start with the plenty of Star Trek . Actually, I feel myself like Buridan's donkey who can't make up its mind which stack of hay to eat .

                            I will answer to your book question next time, I feel unwell at the moment. But I'm really impressed with tons of books you have read
                            Part of the reason I read so much obviously has to do with my profession, but also this is the primary medium I feel comfortable getting my information from. For instance, I would rather read the newspaper than watch the news on T.V. It's not that I'm not a visual person, because I very much am, but when it comes to information I process it better when I read it rather than hear it. Its pretty funny when my pretentious grade twelve students tell me about a book they have or are reading (now this doesn't always happen, but usually it does) and they inform me what it is about--I'm not really happy with this group of 12s I'm teaching; a few of the boys tend to be a little sexist. Anyway, they're taken off guard when I tell them I've read the book they're reading and am quite familiar with it.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              I'd just like to say something about Chris' invitation...

                              Keep in mind that he ONLY invited me personally because someone had told him about me. Had they mentioned any one of you - ciannwn, DS, Todd's Pet, Todds Worshipper, WK, Solla, Starry Waters, Mariellelita, MCH, Sevenofnine, Isolde, Draygon, MFW, T64...or anyone else who appreciates him as an actor and loves his characters - his response would have been the same. So, please - think of Chris' invitation as an open invitation to ALL of his fans, and not just to me specifically.

                              As far as my reluctance to go, it actually has to do with a health issue I've been putting off, but that has worsened since I was sick over the winter. It's a serious one that may require major surgery, and I'm not sure what the doc is going to recommend when I go see him in the next month or so. All joking aside, THAT is why I haven't made plans to go to Baltimore - I'm not sure it will physically be possible for me to attend. Otherwise, I would already have the tickets in my hand!

                    's not just shyness...but a medical issue that has me holding off right now.

                              I'm really encouraged for you Das, that you have received this invitation from CH! It's wonderful. I know meeting actors, especially the ones that inspire you, is important to you. And it is a shame that you aren't able to go to where ever it is that...(I guess it's a conference? --I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thing about the infite. ). And yes, I did get the impression it is an open invitation--which is nice.

                              I think also there is a bit of a cultural difference as well. Canadians, typically don't really give two hoots about their actors. In fact, many Canadian actors live here in Toronto and walk openly around, and no one really says anything to them. Once in a blue moon someone might get stopped for an autograph, but no one cares here. And I'm not exaggerating. Canadians tend to be a little apathetic, especially when it comes to the arts.

                              The impression I get however, I may be wrong, but Americans get really really excited about their actors, it's a big deal in America to meet an actor. Here for the most part, this just isn't the case. In fact Das, if you wanted to you could easily go to Chistopher's house and visit him--I don't know how comfortable he'd feel about that, but it's really not that difficult--and again I'm not exaggerating.

                              Anyhow, I hope this acknowledgment by CH has encouraged you. He is a wonderful actor.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                And if he's a Canadian actor (which he is) he probably teaches ESL in between gigs. In fact, I think Heyerdahl made pottery for a living. In the last five years he's had more acting success, so I think he's given up his small business, or perhaps one of his family members runs it. I remember reading about this a few years back. If my memory serves me correctly.

                                Really? I wouldn’t mind taking a couple of lessons .
                                ~ Created by Draygon ~

