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Wraith Defenders Club

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    by wraith cake
    But Cleese was saying this only accounts for about 30-40% of attraction the rest is brain power. In other words, in humans the greatest erogenous zone is between our ears.
    i have read that people are attracted initially by appearance but remain attracted because of personality.

    apparently the reason why really attractive women often end up with average/nerdy type guys is because the guys have a good sense of humour and are able to make the women laugh a lot which creates positive happy feelings or some such. and vice versa of course though not sure if this has officially been scientifically confirmed anywhere.

    in regard to the current conversation i dont believe that the wraith have any kind of monetary based economy in place. i personally believe that most of their stuff is standard issue and maintained by technicians (eg wraith stunners, info pad thingies or other standard wraith gadgets)

    but i also believe that they maybe have a personalised barter system in place.

    for example if say george the wraith has a malfunctioning personal gadget thing that he picked up offworld somewhere then freddie the wraith who is good with technology will fix it for him in and in return george will braid freddies hair for him because freddie is useless when it comes to hair.

    not sure if thats a good example or not
    Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


      Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
      Happy Christmas and New Year to you to. rien.

      You raise and interesting point. I think in general most females look for the tall, strong handsome type male that is able to protect and provide. This also leads to good offspring in theory. But we are also capable of reason so most of us would look at what the mind was like not just the body - such as you get these big burly fellas and they have little upstairs! And then on the other hand - there is the ones that are like mice - and have a lot of intellect.

      PS. don't stop rambling - that is what we do here.

      If the wraith attack Earth, Earth would have to call on the Jaffa to assist because we only have I think it is 3 battle cruisers. We do have ground to air missiles, but they won't take out a hive in orbit, and with superior fire power I think we would not stand a good chance, because I think they would time there strikes to be the most effective. They also have stun weapons & laser weapons, which can fire from orbit, so I would imagine they would take out all military installation before they started to cull. This would make sense to me, and to get this info all they would have to do was tap into www or google earth and find areas that are clouded over - military installations don't show on google earth! Cause we have one near us and it is clouded over. So easy to give it away.

      Anyway my take on it.
      Interesting. I don't know who the Jaffa are, but I still think there would be heavy casualties on both sides. The Earthers also have Atlantis technology. Even if one wraith cruiser got to Earth, this would not be enough to devastate. The wraith are terrified of humanity becoming technologically advanced, for the very danger the Ancients posed. At the end of the day, I do not believe the wraith would just come in and have a grocery day, maybe more like digging up potatoes in a minefield.

      Your argument is an interesting one.

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by rien View Post
        i have read that people are attracted initially by appearance but remain attracted because of personality.

        apparently the reason why really attractive women often end up with average/nerdy type guys is because the guys have a good sense of humour and are able to make the women laugh a lot which creates positive happy feelings or some such. and vice versa of course though not sure if this has officially been scientifically confirmed anywhere.

        This is definitely the case with my husband and I--he is outrageously, and I mean OUTRAGEOUSLY funny, but it is a very rude humour at times--humour you feel guilty about laughing at. There was a scene from As Good As It Gets where Jack Nicholson says to his gay neighbour "Now there's no need to stop acting like a lady, hey you'll be up on your knees in no time". I thought I was going to upchuck my food, but this is my husband's sense of humour.

        in regard to the current conversation i dont believe that the wraith have any kind of monetary based economy in place. i personally believe that most of their stuff is standard issue and maintained by technicians (eg wraith stunners, info pad thingies or other standard wraith gadgets)

        but i also believe that they maybe have a personalised barter system in place.

        This totally makes sense.

        for example if say george the wraith has a malfunctioning personal gadget thing that he picked up offworld somewhere then freddie the wraith who is good with technology will fix it for him in and in return george will braid freddies hair for him because freddie is useless when it comes to hair.


        not sure if thats a good example or not
        Oh, george and freddie are EXCELLENT examples.

        ha ha ha

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
          Yes, Cianwnn and Starry Waters, those are good theories. I didn't even think about them just simply growing the clothes and making the worshippers measure them and stitch the fabric for them. Maybe if we Terrans/Tau'ri had a little wraith in us, we would not have as many environmental problems as we have now, lol!

          Yes, LS, it is shown tonight. I have a favorite part in that episode. The ones who see it will know what I mean. lol
          This is an interesting idea, but what would they grow them out of? What would be the base material?

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Okay, so can we now discuss Vegas??

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              This is an interesting idea, but what would they grow them out of? What would be the base material?

              That is the question. Where do they find their resources? They are never seen feeding material into the hive to keep it going, since it is basically alive. If they grow clothes in the hive, then they must use special machines. The machines must use energy to work and need to be made out of biological material (cells, dna, etc), so where does it come from?

              Maybe the ship has some way to "eat" the atoms in its surroundings and generate biological stuff like amino acids and tissue and stuff that makes up the machines in the hive and the hive itself, and whatever is left over, such as damaged clothes or dead drones, is put back in the hive for recycling. There is probably a million and one things wrong with that theory, but it is the best guess I can come up with this late at night, lol.


                Sure WC, if ya want. Maybe the others (who are in the right time zones) are asleep or something..


                  about Vegas...

                  squeeeeeeeeee...a shirtless wraith.........squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                  though maybe the plot was not the ultimate best, I liked it a lot...maybe not so much the ending, but

                  a SHIRTLESS WRAITH squeeeeeeeeeeeee

                  that is my two scents



                    Vegas spoilers:

                    Not going to say much because...well...because. Todd's scene was heartbreaking...I can only hope he managed to escape somehow, and eat Rodney.

                    I love the Vegas Wraith - he was everything a Wraith should be. And he was hawt! I felt so bad for him when he was flashing back to the destruction of his hive...poor thing. And yeah, they eat people. So what. I know a couple drug dealers and politicians and not a few bankers on Wall Street that he can feed on, right now. He just wanted to be rescued...I can't hate him for that. In fact, the more I see of Wraith, the more I love them, and the more depressed I get because I know they will all die.

                    But there were some good things.

                    Love his protruding spine (Caps from Laura Dove):


                    Loved his tats.

                    LOVED his nippleless chest:


                    If males don't have fully-developed mammary glands, I wonder if the queens do? If they don't, then that would suggest that Wraith are not born as infants, but as children...which would support the theory of pod births for all Wraith, faced and masked alike...only with the faced Wraith born younger, as adolescents, and not as adults like the masked warriors.

                    Oh well...I would like to be really excited about all of this, but in the end I'm a bit depressed, knowing that they are doomed in this show, no matter what.

                    I'm going to bed before I depress myself to death.




                      Well, I thought that was a great epi. It was a little bit too much like CSI with the footage but it was a nice break from the normal SGA

                      Had to watch the part where the wraith is getting “dolled up” several times. Loved the spine and tats!!!

                      Loved the way the actor even added the meditation pose of his hands during the poker game. And the chase scene was great, good music.

                      AU Todd- made my heart break but was very good. CH did an amazing job!

                      Loved the not so happy ending.

                      Over all I enjoyed it. It was also nice to see how the stranded wraith felt, reliving the event that put him there.

                      Do you all think that “Todd” was in contact with the other wraith?? By what he said it seemed that they may have been communication.


                        Vegas was good. I love the
                        shirtless wraith
                        as well. The
                        spine thing
                        was good too. It makes the wraith seem more alien and it makes me think about Todd more. *shifty eyes*

                        I wonder why the people on Earth didn't notice or
                        could not see the exploding ship and battle in the sky?


                          Vegas Mini-Rant
                          I hated it. There's really no other way to say it. They reduced the proud, honorable, and beautiful warrior that is Todd to a delirious wreck, because that is what they apparently enjoy doing. I may never forgive that. Although, as mentioned above, I enjoyed the shirtless Wraith. A lot.
                          Wraith Humour. I has it.


                            I was just over at the "Vegas" general discussion thread and I seems that you will either love it or hate it. There is a lot of griping about the music and the 'CSI' type episode. Over in that thread they are naming the Wraith' 'Neil'. I will hope to see the episode soon. I hope too, that it will be posted on "TVShack" . I sounds like it might be a good eppy.


                            Just adding a bit more
                            Can't wait until I see the shirtless Wraith. And that spine thing I can tell you we will have a lot of discussion about the Wraith physique
                            Last edited by LiquidSky; 02 January 2009, 08:26 PM.


                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              I was just over at the "Vegas" general discussion thread and I seems that you will either love it or hate it. There is a lot of griping about the music and the 'CIS' type episode. Over in that thread they are naming the Wraith' 'Neil'. I will hope to see the episode soon. I hope too, that it will be posted on "TVShack" . I sounds like it might be a good eppy.

                              The style of the show - the soundtrack, the editing - was amazing - excellent! But
                              it was very dark, and Todd's scene is sad...though it does give insight into how Wraith think...thoughts of hunger, of hope, of the taste of defiance being life itself...that was good info. But he was so tortured, and it just makes me hate the 'heroes' more.

                              Although I was very sympathetic towards AU Sheppard. Felt sorry for the guy.

                              And shirtless Wraith was coolness itself. Strong, silent, smart, sexy...deadly. I wish they had handled ALL Wraith like this from the beginning - they'd be so kickass by now everyone would love them!

                              Still, he was a sympathetic see his torment over losing his hive, his determination to contact his kind and be rescued...

                              I kinda hope he jumped out of that trailer just before it my mind, he did.



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Vegas spoilers:

                                Not going to say much because...well...because. Todd's scene was heartbreaking...I can only hope he managed to escape somehow, and eat Rodney.

                                I love the Vegas Wraith - he was everything a Wraith should be. And he was hawt! I felt so bad for him when he was flashing back to the destruction of his hive...poor thing. And yeah, they eat people. So what. I know a couple drug dealers and politicians and not a few bankers on Wall Street that he can feed on, right now. He just wanted to be rescued...I can't hate him for that. In fact, the more I see of Wraith, the more I love them, and the more depressed I get because I know they will all die.

                                But there were some good things.

                                Love his protruding spine (Caps from Laura Dove):


                                Loved his tats.

                                LOVED his nippleless chest:


                                If males don't have fully-developed mammary glands, I wonder if the queens do? If they don't, then that would suggest that Wraith are not born as infants, but as children...which would support the theory of pod births for all Wraith, faced and masked alike...only with the faced Wraith born younger, as adolescents, and not as adults like the masked warriors.

                                Oh well...I would like to be really excited about all of this, but in the end I'm a bit depressed, knowing that they are doomed in this show, no matter what.

                                I'm going to bed before I depress myself to death.

                                Originally posted by Heqet View Post
                                Vegas Mini-Rant
                                I hated it. There's really no other way to say it. They reduced the proud, honorable, and beautiful warrior that is Todd to a delirious wreck, because that is what they apparently enjoy doing. I may never forgive that. Although, as mentioned above, I enjoyed the shirtless Wraith. A lot.

                                That pretty much says it for me. I've been depressed ever since it was over. I loved the half naked wraith (who wouldn't!!) and I've been crazy about that spine all week (didn't have the front shot so didn't know about the lack of nipples though.) Hated, hated, hated poor Todd in the cage and just wanted to kill them all and let him out and hug him over and over. Hated the western shoot out at the end. Not much into Shep whump and I thought it was kind of unbelievable that Shep was a wash out in this world, McCay tells him he's a hero in an AU and Shep suddenly decides to play the hero here. Yeah right. I did feel sorry for Spike (Someone somewhere else called him George. Is he George somewhere that I missed?) when we got the flashback to the battle!! I'm not a big fan of this ep at this point. I'm glad some of you like it though.
                                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris

