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    Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
    Noir, welcome here. I read many of your comments on JM's blog.
    Thanks. Hope my mistake are not too annoying.
    Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
    As for calling wraith "it", who does? Not the characters themselves (most of them at least; Larrin does in "BAMSR", but even Ronon, with all his hate, doesn't). The only example of people calling wraith "it" that comes to my mind is those transcripts. Very confusing (and unnerving).
    Beckett does in "The Siege 3"

    [(The transporter beam activates. At the sight of what has arrived, the two marines in the Infirmary immediately aim their weapons. The camera pulls back and we see Aiden lying unconscious on the floor face to face with the Wraith guard that attacked him. It is dead -- but its hand is still plunged into his chest.)
    BECKETT: Good Lord! Let's get this thing off of him.]

    And in "Common Ground" the Genii did, too.

    [WRAITH: He is near death. Shall I finish him?
    (Kolya looks at it for a moment, then down at John, whose face is now very wrinkled. He looks about seventy years old.)
    KOLYA (to his guards): Get it out of here.]

    I know these rollercoaster-feelings since five years, but despite you I can't leave. I'll have to drink this poison up to the bitter end. Hope dies last....

    No retreat in the face of battle! No sympathy for the fallen! No mercy for our enemies!


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Yeah, I'm kinda saddened by that picture for several reasons...

      1. If Todd has accepted the therapy, and joined the humans, why can't he keep the clothing of his kind (unless HE has rejected it) - Ronon, Teyla and Teal'c all wear their traditional clothing, with Teyla just changing over to team attire just recently.
      Clothes do not make the wraith...but I do not like to see him like that, either.
      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      2. Is it prison attire? We don't know - but that is a big concern here.
      I hope not. Flimsy as the wraith-human alliance is, Todd deserves better.

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      3. Could it be a flight suit? Could he be in training? Could he have been accepted on the team? I doubt all of this since the suit has no identifying patches on it to suggest he has 'joined' anything.

      4. I asked my husband, and he said he looked like a janitor.
      I like the tension and the uneasiness humans feel around him. So let's hope that was a temporary arrangement. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. As for the humanization of the wraith I hope the Atalanteans learned something with the huge Michael blunder. Besides, Todd is a pretty balanced and tough guy: he was able to bear humiliation and years in captivity and not to loose his poise and his standards. What are a few wet behind the ears Atlanteans to him? Silly kids! LOL@ your husband comment.

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      5. Could Todd have been injured, his clothing ruined, and this is what they've given him to wear so he doesn't walk around naked?
      Let's hope so. Or some strange reason, he had temporarily to "blend " with the human crowd...eeek!

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      6. Does the gene therapy ruin Wraith fashion sense?
      It ruined McKay's so...

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      7. My biggest fear? Todd is the only Wraith to agree to a different way (which is just ridiculous, since there are always others who will naturally follow - even if just a handful). If so, then the next logical step is that they will kill all the rest, and Todd will be the 'last of his kind' -- which, to me would just be heartbreaking, both for us, and for him.
      That will be the day I'll stop watching SGA...Even TPTB can't be that stupid...recycled Asgards as the next foe? I don't think so. Unless it's a device to bring the humans and the Wraith together.

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      This show is making me so terribly depressed. I really think that's been my problem over the weekend - in the back of my head, I'm thinking about the end to a fictional alien race/species. Pathetic. I may take a step back for a while...a show is no longer entertaining if it's actually making me sad.

      And I agree - if they are going to neuter - to totally humiliate - Todd, to strip him of everything that he is, then I don't want anything to do with it.

      And yeah, that 'team on the balcony' pic just makes me ill. This is what the show is about - humans raping a galaxy and a species, then patting themselves on the back for a job well-done. Ugh.

      If it's making you that unhappy, stop watching it. But don't you dare stop visiting us. Let's celebrate the Wraith in their eerie differences that mirror our own behaviour. I hope TPTB can find a dignified path for the wraith, even if they fail at finding one for the team Atlantis. I am an optimist.
      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


        Stargate Stills Challenge 14 Icons: Wraith

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Stargate Stills Challenge 3 Icons: Children of the Gods/Rising

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            I'll be in the minority here: I'd prefer him alive, even studied and violated, because I trust he'd be able to find a way out. However, what I'd hate is him betraying his kind and joining the humans. I want him to remain a wraith even if/when he joins forces with Atlantis, not to become the humans' pet. I couldn't agree more with Das' fear #7.
            You're not in the minority, I would NEVER wish for his death, no matter what they did to him, because while he's still alive, myself (and many others) would stop at nothing to rescue him (I doubt he'd need the help though )
            Cass Todd -


              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
              todd may not relapse, but I'm not sure the same can be said of other wraith.

              todd is only in one of the pictures.

              What the Hockey Stick is Todd wearing? Is that a prisoner's jumpsuit? He looks kind of built beneath that thin thing??

              WK -- a wraith wearing that? How did they get him out of his leathers? And honestly, it looks here like Shepard and Todd have made up. I'm getting tingles up my arms.
              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                So, think that...

                It is indeed Kenny that betrayed Todd, and now he's going to help Shep get down the Wraith fleet?

                Maybe Todd will shoot Kenny, and Shep and Rodney will go all: "OMG, you b@st@rd, you killed Kenny!" on him...

                Or how else would that line fit in there?
                LOL!! Do you watch South Park?

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post

                  Ok, I am so unnerved by that picture. It made my stomach flip. Follow that link to andreas' webpage and tell me what you feel when you see that pic surrounded by all the other pics - ESPECIALLY that first one!
                  Atlantis gets the "hero pic", all glowy and looking-contentedly-off-into-the-sunset/sunrise pic while Todd either gets to go to prison or Shep gets him a job at an oil-change shop! W-T-F!?!?! (And less importantly, McKay and Keller make me want to vomit. And what's up with Ronon? Are they hauling him off to the psych ward?)

                  I gotta go to bed. This has been a really crappy day.
                  G'night all.


                  EDIT: to answer your question quickly StarOcean, I'd rather they gave Todd a glorious death than a humiliated life.
                  I know!! Whatzzzup wit dat?!!

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    Yes, let's give animals some gene therapy so humans would stop feeding on them...

                    It's the humans that's the problem with that one, not the animals.

                    I think that maybe you should flip your own head, as Todd's tattoo is on the other side of his face...

                    Yes, it indeed looks that way. And it never did anyway else for me.

                    Who said anything about the therapy there? It's not gonna be about that, that's my guess.

                    So basically all the humans in the galaxy should clear way for the life sucking Wraith?

                    Therapy, think about it.

                    @ the Carson-bashing:

                    Where are you getting this sh** from?

                    You don't even know if that's the options for later on. No need to make things so black and well, black so you can get a rise out of people again. Or make them cry...

                    Ya know what I mean...

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Yeah, I'm kinda saddened by that picture for several reasons...

                      1. If Todd has accepted the therapy, and joined the humans, why can't he keep the clothing of his kind (unless HE has rejected it) - Ronon, Teyla and Teal'c all wear their traditional clothing, with Teyla just changing over to team attire just recently.

                      2. Is it prison attire? We don't know - but that is a big concern here.

                      3. Could it be a flight suit? Could he be in training? Could he have been accepted on the team? I doubt all of this since the suit has no identifying patches on it to suggest he has 'joined' anything.

                      4. I asked my husband, and he said he looked like a janitor.

                      5. Could Todd have been injured, his clothing ruined, and this is what they've given him to wear so he doesn't walk around naked?

                      6. Does the gene therapy ruin Wraith fashion sense?

                      7. My biggest fear? Todd is the only Wraith to agree to a different way (which is just ridiculous, since there are always others who will naturally follow - even if just a handful). If so, then the next logical step is that they will kill all the rest, and Todd will be the 'last of his kind' -- which, to me would just be heartbreaking, both for us, and for him.

                      This show is making me so terribly depressed. I really think that's been my problem over the weekend - in the back of my head, I'm thinking about the end to a fictional alien race/species. Pathetic. I may take a step back for a while...a show is no longer entertaining if it's actually making me sad.

                      And I agree - if they are going to neuter - to totally humiliate - Todd, to strip him of everything that he is, then I don't want anything to do with it.

                      And yeah, that 'team on the balcony' pic just makes me ill. This is what the show is about - humans raping a galaxy and a species, then patting themselves on the back for a job well-done. Ugh.

                      I agree, I agree, and I agree. The crew on the balcony--WHATEVER! I also really hope that this "gene therapy" doesn't prevent him from feeding. In my ideal world, the wraith would have a choice--carrots or Woolsey?, and not be so vulnerable and so reliant on the human race. You know, when I think about it, the show was a good romp, but the writers missed a really important opportunity. The show really is about the wraith vs. the humans therefore the writers really should develop/explore this.

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                        The thing with Stargate Atlantis and almost any of the rather immoral or borderline decisions that were made in the show.. they all center around the hero of the show...Sheppard.
                        Either he was the one committing warcrimes or he persuaded others to do so as well, even when they were quite uncomfortable with it at first...Carson,Weir,Teyla even McKay.
                        Is not really an excuse for those people to give in to him but for me he is the point of origin for all of that.
                        He might be a courageous guy and a reliable friend but honestly...I do not consider that character completly mentally sane.
                        I agree. I don't know if I would consider him unbalance, but I would definitely say he is rigid in his thinking and highly prejudicial. Snapshot into his thinking: "humans most important--only definition of humans that matters--they look like me...."

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Okay - I just posted my feelings on JM's blog. I've got to take a break for a bit. Friday's ep has me too depressed, and this week's ep is certainly going to be their way of justifying everything they've done, so not even bothering with it.

                          I just need to focus on real life, and not on this. So, I'm going to take a little breather - if you don't see me around, that's why. I might stop in now and then, but - really - I'm just not happy with the show anymore, or the direction I fear it's going in. If anyone sees or hears anything Wraith-POSITIVE, let me know...but for now, I just need to put some space between me, and the fandom.

                          Love ya all!

                          Totally understand!

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                            What the f...? (This is from Andreas for "Enemy at the Gate")
                            A wraith looks soooo wrong in human clothes...

                            Hi The picture from Andreas reminded me of something I'd seen on Joe M blog from 2nd Oct 2008 about I think Enemy at the Gate. Not screencaps

                            Morjana thinks that PG15 posted them before on Gateworld.

                            But even if they are not from E at the G, they are of our fav Wraith. I feel like getting my hankie out he looks abit

                            Anyway just theought I'd remind us of these picture.

                            Last edited by MCH; 21 October 2008, 03:33 PM. Reason: put spoilers on pictures just in case.
                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                              Random replies...

                              The question should probably have been something like: "How do Todd and Atlantis make contact in "The Seer"?"

                              The answer being, of course, "Todd makes contact with an off-world stargate team".

                              StarOcean, I completely agree with you. I believe that humans were the Ancients' pets and experiments, but absolutely not "people" to them.

                              About the race/species, I would call wraith a different species but in truth, the difference between race and species is not as clear as it seems. If wraith and humans can't cross-breed, then it's sure they are a different species. However, language itself is even more fuzzy than biology: We tend to call "race" anything that looks humanoid enough, even when it's technically a different species.

                              As for calling wraith "it", who does? Not the characters themselves (most of them at least; Larrin does in "BAMSR", but even Ronon, with all his hate, doesn't). The only example of people calling wraith "it" that comes to my mind is those transcripts. Very confusing (and unnerving).

                              Noir, welcome here. I read many of your comments on JM's blog.

                              About Beckett in "Outsiders", I agree with Sparrow_hawk: While I'm not happy with his actions, I think he had little choice, considering the circumstances. But StarOcean has a point about him not being open-minded about other people's point of view (unlike Keller; did I say I loved her in "First Contact"?)

                              I'll be in the minority here: I'd prefer him alive, even studied and violated, because I trust he'd be able to find a way out. However, what I'd hate is him betraying his kind and joining the humans. I want him to remain a wraith even if/when he joins forces with Atlantis, not to become the humans' pet. I couldn't agree more with Das' fear #7.

                              Das, I know how you feel about how depressing SGA and Gateworld can be. I'm torn between the urge to defend those who might not be saints but protect themselves or their people, and the depression that watching the arrogance, closed-mindedness and egotism of too many fans (and the characters) causes me.
                              -Makes sense about the quiz--duh?!

                              -I would be in the minority too, because I would rather see him alive--he's pretty clever and this wouldn't be the first time he's been humiliated.

                              -Also, fans being arrogant: there can be so many twits eh? I never mind disagreeing with anyone, in fact I even say to my students "voices of dissent are welcome--we live in a free society so let's make full use while we can." However, I cannot accept or tolerate people who are uncivil. There is no need for that. It is being cowardly--utterly. Hiding behind the keyboard, because you know these people have never crawled out of their parent's basement, let alone stopped feeding their faces long enough to see the world beyond the gut. Morbidly obese mouth breathing malocclusions that have never kissed anyone except maybe a great aunt ten years ago. They're powerless, and "wee" people and they know it. So, they're rude.
                              In the summer I took a break, because a few fans on JM's blog were merciless without reckoning toward me. When I went to that science fiction convention this summer past, one of the writers on the panel said she posted on JM's blog and had developed a writing relationship with him. I was still so teed--off that I was going to ask her if she was the one who posted that nasty comment. (She was really nice, and what are the chances of me meeting someone who posts on JM's blog?--I highly doubt it was her when I look back on it). Nonetheless, I was so irritated at that point I thought "if it were her I would have been very clear and very vocal about the idiocy of her behaviour". Thank goodness my husband was there, as he often tempers my outspokenness. I don't have the philosophy that JM has "If you can't say anything nice about someone don't say anything at all" I'm of the persuasion, "If you want to say something blunt to someone, say it to them--be a woman and take it on the jaw--or shut tfu and sit down" Sorry I could go on, but I'll can it at this.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Hi The picture from Andreas reminded me of something I'd seen on Joe M blog from 2nd Oct 2008 about I think Enemy at the Gate. Not screencaps

                                Morjana thinks that PG15 posted them before on Gateworld.

                                But even if they are not from E at the G, they are of our fav Wraith. I feel like getting my hankie out he looks abit

                                Anyway just theought I'd remind us of these picture.

                                I'd gone back to look at these pics too, to see if there are any clues that could explain the suit, or maybe the suit lying nearby but it's all so vague.
                                I doubt my theory needs a spoiler but better safe than sorry:

                                It's almost like a wraith ship appears near Earth and they send a MALF somewhere to try and find Todd to help them. He agrees to help them but they make him wear that suit on Earth to be sure he doesn't have any more "tricks up his sleeve" - literally. Although they still could've left the black T-shirt out of it

                                Also, there are 3 more pics (on top of those 2)
                                Cass Todd -

