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    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post

    Ok, I am so unnerved by that picture. It made my stomach flip. Follow that link to andreas' webpage and tell me what you feel when you see that pic surrounded by all the other pics - ESPECIALLY that first one!
    Atlantis gets the "hero pic", all glowy and looking-contentedly-off-into-the-sunset/sunrise pic while Todd either gets to go to prison or Shep gets him a job at an oil-change shop! W-T-F!?!?! (And less importantly, McKay and Keller make me want to vomit. And what's up with Ronon? Are they hauling him off to the psych ward?)

    I gotta go to bed. This has been a really crappy day.
    G'night all.


    EDIT: to answer your question quickly StarOcean, I'd rather they gave Todd a glorious death than a humiliated life.
    OMG I hope not.

    I can't stop thinking about it now, I couldn't stand to watch it if it ends all lovey-dovey rainbows for Atlantians but Todd gets carted away to an Earth prison. If (and I'm praying it doesn't happen) but if he really does go to a jail and was made to wear that clothing, the people who make him do it are worse than the Genii. At least the Genii let him keep his wraith clothing. I wish you could see Todds hands in the pic, is he in chains again or free? His arms are straight down at his sides so I'm really scared they did put that chain contraption on him again

    It's making me cry just thinking of it. I'm going to have terrible nightmares about this episode until we find out more.
    Cass Todd -


      [QUOTE=Todds worshipper;9104777]

      I can't stop thinking about it now, I couldn't stand to watch it if it ends all lovey-dovey rainbows for Atlantians but Todd gets carted away to an Earth prison. If (and I'm praying it doesn't happen) but if he really does go to a jail and was made to wear that clothing, the people who make him do it are worse than the Genii. At least the Genii let him keep his wraith clothing. I wish you could see Todds hands in the pic, is he in chains again or free? His arms are straight down at his sides so I'm really scared they did put that chain contraption on him again

      Although from what we've seen so far it seems quite common that Wraith do hold their arms rather stiffly downwards when at "rest" while standing up?


        [QUOTE=The Veldt;9104796]
        Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post

        I can't stop thinking about it now, I couldn't stand to watch it if it ends all lovey-dovey rainbows for Atlantians but Todd gets carted away to an Earth prison. If (and I'm praying it doesn't happen) but if he really does go to a jail and was made to wear that clothing, the people who make him do it are worse than the Genii. At least the Genii let him keep his wraith clothing. I wish you could see Todds hands in the pic, is he in chains again or free? His arms are straight down at his sides so I'm really scared they did put that chain contraption on him again

        Although from what we've seen so far it seems quite common that Wraith do hold their arms rather stiffly downwards when at "rest" while standing up?
        Thankyou Veldt, that is what I'll keep telling myself to keep the tears away
        Cass Todd -


          To answer your question starocean, i'd rather Todd die an honourable death than become some humans lab rat to do with as they wished.


            Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
            Possible dialogue for the pic?

            Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
            YAY! I just worked out how to paste a picture instead of just a link! I'm so proud of myself....

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
              Re the picture, maybe Shep took a reverse antidote and is now trying to feed on Todd?

              Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
              * Throwing myself in front of Todd *
              If anyone's gonna feed on him it's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Lol, shoulda said 'If anyone's gonna taste him, it's me!!!!!!!!!!' instead.

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                I want them do gene therapy on animals. How come no one has tried that yet? *grumps*
                Yes, let's give animals some gene therapy so humans would stop feeding on them...

                It's the humans that's the problem with that one, not the animals.

                Ha! Good explanation for Sheppard's weird hand position as any! And it looks like they've flipped the scene again. I don't see Todd's tat.

                Also, didn't notice this before, but the smaller size helps but... that doesn't look like Atlantis architect, does it? Is Todd on one of the Earth ships or being held on Earth?

                And speculating on Infection, I wonder if maybe Kenny or whomever betrays Todd and forces the therapy on him as punishment?
                I think that maybe you should flip your own head, as Todd's tattoo is on the other side of his face...

                Yes, it indeed looks that way. And it never did anyway else for me.

                Who said anything about the therapy there? It's not gonna be about that, that's my guess.

                I disagree somewhat with Carson acting out of the well-being for his race.

                So basically all the humans in the galaxy should clear way for the life sucking Wraith?

                Therapy, think about it.

                @ the Carson-bashing:

                Where are you getting this sh** from?

                Got a question for everyone: Would you rather see Todd dead than a living specimen to be studied and violated?
                You don't even know if that's the options for later on. No need to make things so black and well, black so you can get a rise out of people again. Or make them cry...

                Ya know what I mean...
                Last edited by GoSpikey; 21 October 2008, 03:04 AM.

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post

                  Lol, shoulda said 'If anyone's gonna taste him, it's me!!!!!!!!!!' instead.
                  I was thinking more along the lines of millions of tiny nibbles and that it could take many years!
                  Cass Todd -


                    I'm not even gonna spell out what I was thinking about...

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Yeah, I'm kinda saddened by that picture for several reasons...

                      1. If Todd has accepted the therapy, and joined the humans, why can't he keep the clothing of his kind (unless HE has rejected it) - Ronon, Teyla and Teal'c all wear their traditional clothing, with Teyla just changing over to team attire just recently.

                      2. Is it prison attire? We don't know - but that is a big concern here.

                      3. Could it be a flight suit? Could he be in training? Could he have been accepted on the team? I doubt all of this since the suit has no identifying patches on it to suggest he has 'joined' anything.

                      4. I asked my husband, and he said he looked like a janitor.

                      5. Could Todd have been injured, his clothing ruined, and this is what they've given him to wear so he doesn't walk around naked?

                      6. Does the gene therapy ruin Wraith fashion sense?

                      7. My biggest fear? Todd is the only Wraith to agree to a different way (which is just ridiculous, since there are always others who will naturally follow - even if just a handful). If so, then the next logical step is that they will kill all the rest, and Todd will be the 'last of his kind' -- which, to me would just be heartbreaking, both for us, and for him.

                      This show is making me so terribly depressed. I really think that's been my problem over the weekend - in the back of my head, I'm thinking about the end to a fictional alien race/species. Pathetic. I may take a step back for a while...a show is no longer entertaining if it's actually making me sad.

                      And I agree - if they are going to neuter - to totally humiliate - Todd, to strip him of everything that he is, then I don't want anything to do with it.

                      And yeah, that 'team on the balcony' pic just makes me ill. This is what the show is about - humans raping a galaxy and a species, then patting themselves on the back for a job well-done. Ugh.



                        Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                        Kar, thanks for posting the Geneva convention rules -- maybe we should send them to the SGA writers as well!
                        The thing with Stargate Atlantis and almost any of the rather immoral or borderline decisions that were made in the show.. they all center around the hero of the show...Sheppard.
                        Either he was the one committing warcrimes or he persuaded others to do so as well, even when they were quite uncomfortable with it at first...Carson,Weir,Teyla even McKay.
                        Is not really an excuse for those people to give in to him but for me he is the point of origin for all of that.
                        He might be a courageous guy and a reliable friend but honestly...I do not consider that character completly mentally sane.
                        Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                        Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                        You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                        The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                          Okay - I just posted my feelings on JM's blog. I've got to take a break for a bit. Friday's ep has me too depressed, and this week's ep is certainly going to be their way of justifying everything they've done, so not even bothering with it.

                          I just need to focus on real life, and not on this. So, I'm going to take a little breather - if you don't see me around, that's why. I might stop in now and then, but - really - I'm just not happy with the show anymore, or the direction I fear it's going in. If anyone sees or hears anything Wraith-POSITIVE, let me know...but for now, I just need to put some space between me, and the fandom.

                          Love ya all!



                            I know how you feel Das, take care
                            Cass Todd -



                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                Random replies...

                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                I just took the quiz and I think for Todd lovers here it is quite easy. However, maybe I'm blind, but there was no question (on my screen at any rate) for question #5? So, I just answered randomly. Of course, that was the only one I got wrong.
                                The question should probably have been something like: "How do Todd and Atlantis make contact in "The Seer"?"
                                Question 5 of 10
                                ( ) He flies his hive ship to Atlantis
                                ( ) Davos tells them that he has foreseen Todd's request
                                ( ) Todd makes contact with an off-world stargate team
                                The answer being, of course, "Todd makes contact with an off-world stargate team".

                                StarOcean, I completely agree with you. I believe that humans were the Ancients' pets and experiments, but absolutely not "people" to them.

                                About the race/species, I would call wraith a different species but in truth, the difference between race and species is not as clear as it seems. If wraith and humans can't cross-breed, then it's sure they are a different species. However, language itself is even more fuzzy than biology: We tend to call "race" anything that looks humanoid enough, even when it's technically a different species.

                                As for calling wraith "it", who does? Not the characters themselves (most of them at least; Larrin does in "BAMSR", but even Ronon, with all his hate, doesn't). The only example of people calling wraith "it" that comes to my mind is those transcripts. Very confusing (and unnerving).

                                Noir, welcome here. I read many of your comments on JM's blog.

                                About Beckett in "Outsiders", I agree with Sparrow_hawk: While I'm not happy with his actions, I think he had little choice, considering the circumstances. But StarOcean has a point about him not being open-minded about other people's point of view (unlike Keller; did I say I loved her in "First Contact"?)

                                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                                Got a question for everyone: Would you rather see Todd dead than a living specimen to be studied and violated?
                                I'll be in the minority here: I'd prefer him alive, even studied and violated, because I trust he'd be able to find a way out. However, what I'd hate is him betraying his kind and joining the humans. I want him to remain a wraith even if/when he joins forces with Atlantis, not to become the humans' pet. I couldn't agree more with Das' fear #7.

                                Das, I know how you feel about how depressing SGA and Gateworld can be. I'm torn between the urge to defend those who might not be saints but protect themselves or their people, and the depression that watching the arrogance, closed-mindedness and egotism of too many fans (and the characters) causes me.
                                My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                                Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)

