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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    In Travelers the gun was out of ammo. Sheppard was bluffing. Holding the gun to the wraith's head Sheppard said something to the effect " You just recently fed but I don't think you able to regernrate if I blow your head off" something to the effect. I not quoting the exact words. I don't have a copy of Travelers on my DVR since I bought the thing after Travels was aired. So can't quote correctly. I could go to the transcripts but I don't have time. I have go to work wright now.
    Have seen this scene about 300 000 times
    Can't get enough of this poor wraith looking frightned.

    As far as I can recall it he says:
    I see that you just have fed so your regenerationabilities are at the highest. But I seriously doubt you can grow a new head.

    *Big evil grin* because of the panicked look in the wraith's eyes.



      Hi everyone I'm just stopping by to post this Todd sig i made i hope you all like it.


        @Gospikey See the Tattoos from this guys... They are the same


          Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
          Hi everyone I'm just stopping by to post this Todd sig i made i hope you all like it.
          Wow beautiful signature. *drools*

          Ory battle ship - Andromeda Galaxy?! Why that?



            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Wouldn't it be funny if they are the only ones who breed? LOL... Poor Spikey...
            I'll have ya know my boys just work fine!

            Yeah, the Wraith do seem to be intent on making things bigger and better, and so they wouldn't leave reproduction to chance. Perhaps Michael's obsession with the child might be a sign of this - a throwback to his Wraithy ways when genetic selection was of utmost importance?
            He should try, himself...

            Yeah, Todd's been around a while, he's probably had an opportunity to breed. And he did know a lot about the cloning facility, so he likely had some input there.

            oh...that just doesn't sound right.
            Don't apologize for that one, Das. It was puurrrrfect.

            And I don't suspect that Todd, or any Wraith, would have feelings for their offspring, if they would even know who they are...especially being the male.
            McKay tried to get him to work on the Replicators like that, but it didn't work and he had to poke his feeling of superior intelligence for it, instead.

            But as we've seen in Todd, a Wraith can join with ANY hive, and not the one of his birth. So...yeah. I don't think they have any concept of family like we do.
            Like when Michael phoned home in Misbegotten, the nearest Hive went there. I don't think they play taxi to bring them home? But when someone like Todd joins a Hive, he might be dumped near the Hive Ship Shop? It would be strange if he could just waltz in and claim a Hive, certainly when there's Commanders like the one from Sateda around (let's say he was still around). He'd be downgraded or something. Who knows what needs to happen in order to get a Hive Ship. Poor Todd. Can't be easy, climb back to the top of the Wraith.

            Hard to say with Michael. He looked like a younger Wraith when captured, so it could be that he had not yet been proven worthy of a tattoo. But we still don't know if tats are personal preference, or a sign of something else.
            I think Michael wasn't that far removed from the age of getting a tattoo? Although he might have been Steve's age, and he didn't have one, either. Well, can't say much about it, since it might be personal choice when making a breakthrough in some sort of thing... Or when they, you know...

            LOL...THAT would have been amusing to see! But I think it would just have made him MAD AS A HORNET!!! (sorry folks)
            It's my guess it would have been somewhat effective.

            Ah, not sure! I must watch again! If that was a bluff...dang, the guy DOES have some stones!!! I like Shep - but still have issues with his itchy Wraith-killing trigger finger....
            I saw it as bluff too, he was playing with the energy crystal, or whatever that was... It was white instead of orangy or red, so dead?

            I prefer to think that she took one look at sexy Todd, and decided he'd make 'one very tasty meal'...
            *Startes at Penny again*

            Oh, he's tasty alright! And definitely more so thanks to that one post Das fainted from!

            Would LOVE to see a Wraith getting a tattoo. They probably see the pain as a rite of passage. Not sure they'd give it to themselves - instead I'd like to think of it as part of a social thing, where other Wraith are involved in the process/experience.
            It would be difficult to make a facial tattoo yourself, but if not, you'd have to rely on others to do it for you, and can you trust them with a sharp thing near your eyeball?
            Last edited by GoSpikey; 14 March 2008, 02:57 AM.

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
              Wow beautiful signature. *drools*
              Thanks Shanthaia I'm glad you like it.
              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
              Ory battle ship - Andromeda Galaxy?! Why that?
              Why what why my location says Ori Warship or why the Andromeda Galaxy or both?


                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                I'll have ya know my boys just work fine!

                It would be difficult to make a facial tattoo yourself, but if not, you'd have to rely on others to do it for you, and can you trust them with a sharp thing near your eyeball?
                Wraith are telepatic...

                : You are just fumbeling around my eye if, and only if you open your mind completly to me!!!!



                  Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                  Thanks Shanthaia I'm glad you like it.

                  Why what why my location says Ori Warship or why the Andromeda Galaxy or both?
                  I got used to the ori warship in pegasus galaxy which makes sense to me - though poor wraith...but why adromeda galaxy?

                  Just curious...



                    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                    I got used to the ori warship in pegasus galaxy which makes sense to me - though poor wraith...but why adromeda galaxy?

                    Just curious...
                    Well i was getting a bit tired of having Pegasus written there so i thought I'd change it and Andromeda was the first thing that popped into my head.

                    Though I'm not going to leave it that way i will or should i say hope i can come up with something
                    better soon.


                      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                      Well i was getting a bit tired of having Pegasus written there so i thought I'd change it and Andromeda was the first thing that popped into my head.

                      Though I'm not going to leave it that way i will or should i say hope i can come up with something
                      better soon.
                      Oh, ok. That sounds reasonable. I thought you may think about crossvovering Andromeda and sga. In that case I would have hit you (with a pillow)



                        Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                        I thought you may think about crossvovering Andromeda and sga. In that case I would have hit you (with a pillow)
                        There no need to hit me with a pillow as i would never ever do anything like that anyway i switched it back to Pegasus to avoid any more confusion.


                          Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                          I MISSED all the WRAITH SEX TALK!!???!!!!!

                          DAMN YOU TIMEZONE!!

                          Well i'm putting my two cents worth in too, although most of it's already been said.

                          There's a good possibility that Todd has bred, if this is how things work. He was a high ranking wraith, great standing and intelligent. Don't know if he would have any 'feelings' for his offspring though.

                          and that's all the filthy thoughts all the previous discussion brought up presented in the least possible filthy manner, i hope, cause it could have definately have been worse.
                          I am sure Todd has bred. He's got a sense of humor!
                          HONOR. A story.



                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            I am sure Todd has bred. He's got a sense of humor!
                            And not to mention great 'Aaaaahhhh's' and 'Ooooohhhhh's' and other alike sounds...

                            I just luff his sounds...

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              From previous post by Ciannwn
                              He'd already been of value by recalibrating the cloning factory. If he and this particular Queen had been enemies in the past it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't trust him. From her point of view it might have been a precaution because a live Todd is a tricky individual who could find a way of taking back what he thought belonged to him etc.
                              That particular queen struck me as rather petty and spiteful. She refers to Todd as the "Commander of the defeated hive" and I got the feeling that since he was caught in a plot to destroy other Wraith and lost the battle, his life was forfeit. She would have been stupid to waste him and his skills and knowledge, but I think she was too self-absorbed to care. Or we could just go with das's " tasty meal" theory.

                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              Wraith tattoos. IMO I think tattoos are form of decorations since they have only one form of standred uniform. So the tattoes kind of "dresses" up their bodies. Being that the males look basically the same the tattooes gives a more individual style. Shawn with the pink hair probably just changed his color so he can stand out got to remember his was the more cultured Wraith too. The same with the queens they have elaborate dress and hair styles. Maybe tattoos are a fashion statement.
                              The Wraith are a nomadic species. Nomadic tribes have art that is portable but functional (beautiful woven rugs and tapestries, for example) since they can't waste energy on hauling around stuff that is pretty but useless.

                              Because of what they use to construct their ships there might not be much they can do for decoration in their living space. For the Wraith, it could be that most of their artistic expression is in their appearance: tattoos, clothing that is beautiful but still functional, hair-style (except for Todd) and the finger jewelry. And since they are primarily hunters and warriors, nothing can be too elaborate or it will interfere with their work.

                              LS, I have to disagree with you on the "standard uniform" statement. Most of the males wear the long black leather coats, but there is a lot of subtle and elegant variation between them. And the Queens seem very fashion conscious.
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post


                                Okay, gals. I'm done in. Totally done in for the day. That comment has left my brain full of filthy, vile thoughts...and I don't dare say another thing for fear I'll babble like an idiot.

                                *fans self*


                                are you going to make it, das?

                                I just got a new SGA season 1 dvd as an early birthday gift, so I have "swooning" of my own to do. *puts on poisoning the well*

