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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    Actually I wondereed about where Wraith society was going. I think your right, if they don't evolve they will died out as a species. The males will fight but I wonder if a Queen could control her nature to lead her hive to evolve into Wraith who don't feed on human life force. If the Queen can lead the males may follow her.

    Teyla as the wraith Primary could have done that. I could have seen it being a Season 6 story with Teyla evolving the wraith but after The Prodigal
    she's nothing but a ruthless murderer.
    I fear that if she ever goes back to being the Primary, many more wraith will perish.
    Cass Todd -


      Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
      Teyla as the wraith Primary could have done that. I could have seen it being a Season 6 story with Teyla evolving the wraith but after The Prodigal
      she's nothing but a ruthless murderer.
      I fear that if she ever goes back to being the Primary, many more wraith will perish.
      I don't think Teyla will ever masquerade as a Wraith again. And with the current state of relations between Todd and the Lanteans, I doubt that Todd would ask. We know that Woolsey tried to contact him (during "Inquisition") and he did not answer, but we don't know whether that was due to him

      Thinking back to "First Contact" does anyone remember whether or not Todd has all of the information about the retrovirus? Maybe enough information to manufacture and test it himself?
      Sparrow hawk



        Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
        Handginas? When did they become that?

        Not really sure - it might have been in the S1 Wraith DVD featurette.

        Just a couple of comments on things said above...

        The team is morally bankrupt - good way of putting it. True, they never said they were saints, but they do condemn the Wraith for doing things they themselves do. I said this on JM's blog, and maybe here - the Atlantis Team needs to heed the words of the Pearl Jam song, where it says, "If you hate something, don't you do it, too."

        The Lanteans hate what the Wraith do, condemn them as evil for it, but then turn right around and do the same themselves. Ugh.

        As far as Teyla goes - my sister has said since the first time she ever saw an episode - "that woman has cold, evil eyes".

        Nuff said.

        As far as Todd having the gene therapy - I'm sure he downloaded all of that information before he left the Daedalus - he would have been foolish not to. With it, he has no reason to play nice with the humans. I wonder if he does experiment with it, and discovers that it leads to a deterioration of - not only the Wraith - but of their ships and tech as well, and maybe that's what leads up to Infection. I wonder if they have a symbiotic relationship with their tech, and without human sustenance, it all will die. I guess we'll find out in the episode, but it's something that would make sense to me, since I think the episode deals with the complexity of Wraith biology.

        I think.



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Not really sure - it might have been in the S1 Wraith DVD featurette.
          I'm going to have to watch all of them, I didn't know that, so what else am I misssing?

          I had a horrible dream last night about the last SGA episode with Todd in. Mostly about Todd and the pic of him, the circumstances surrounding it.


            Hello everyone just resurfacing from a weekend sci fi convention and a birthday on the 11 th of this month far too much sugar, sugar and sweets- is it wise to give wraith sweeties- i do not remember the 10th!!!!!.

            I got photos and have thought of a long winded way of getting them on the thread!! there are two of me in the ladies bathroom just for the sheer cheek of it!!! its on topic, wraith and bathrooms!!!! Thats for BlueJay and Masterling!!! oh got someone dressed as an sga ops team member!!!!

            Well i am trying to catch up with everything here- its really deep and i am sorry i missed the dicussions. Yeah Xepherah, i still call Gabriel Gabriel too!!

            I first heard James Lafazanos and Dan Payne in Bognor Regis,call wraith feeding organs, handginas. Made me smirk!!!

            I do not want wraith to take any kind of retrovirius or gene therapy...wraith deserve to be themselves without a bunch of arsy humans turning up and telling them how to live and what is theirs. Wraith rock as they are!!!!! I wish we could buy up the rights to the Wraith..their society. I do believe they make love but is mores sacred and ritual- not like drunk humans round my way on a friday night saturday morning way in the shop door. that is base. i imagine it more like tantric love making where the mind and soul is envolved as much as the body- tantric males see woman as the gateway to love and pleasure- a goddess - without her they can not progress in their spiritual path. Also a tantric male can control his body's reactions to the point he can time his er time to go -this is a pg board right.!!!

            Most humans find tantric love making thrustrating because there is so much mastery over the body and the rites too. I can see wraith doing this and it would tie in lovely with DAS' view that wraith are also sensual in society, males as well, as tantric love does not always end or start with the act of love.

            I will be back tomorrow as i seem to be the only one online. Will see if i can get photos up soon. it looks as though you ladies have been really naughty with the wraith while i am gone- dont mind it makes me smile.....
            Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


              Question? Is it just me, or does anyone else have a pause in a moment when they see the name Todd Palin?

              Unfair coincidence.


                Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                Well, the writers are not really fixing anything. To fix it, the Expedition would have to actually behave like ethical people instead of a morally bankrupt bunch of thugs. But as various people have said on JM's blog, the Expedition never claimed to be heroes or saints. They are flawed. And the writers make no apology for it. Since that is the way they intended to write those characters, we are stuck with the world as it is. Their universe is "working as designed", we just don't happen to like it or agree that it is a good thing.
                I don't mind flawed or some degrees of grey. Or plain unethical. What I truly hate is clearly unethical behaviour posing as righteousness, as the writers write for Atlantis. I remember Gero's observation that
                Kolya had to die. Had to? Or the guy who got fed to Todd. Why? Because he acted like a rogue and endangered McKay’s Sister life? How is that so different from Atlantis endangering the whole of Pegasus? They can be unethical to achieve their goals but others can't?
                That is what truly annoys me here.

                Serious SPOILERS on the PRODIGAL ahead
                Don't even get me started about Michael's demise. What was so interesting about Michael was his underlying humanity (or should I say Wraithicity?). That got completely lost in the Prodigal where he was just an average obsessed villain. He deserved better. Fingers crossed his wraith self repairing skills kicked in and he survived. No one really dies in Sci-fi.
                Last edited by JadedWraith; 12 November 2008, 05:01 AM. Reason: s
                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                  Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                  Question? Is it just me, or does anyone else have a pause in a moment when they see the name Todd Palin?

                  Unfair coincidence.
                  Oh, god - YES!!! I was like...'Todd?! That's a TERRIBLE [waste of a] name!'

                  Palin is so NOT our Todd!

                  @ Craig the Wraith - ahhhhh. Can't wait for the pics! Where was the convention?? We had one in New Jersey last weekend, but I didn't bother with it because the only big star going was Jason, and I think I just might have hurt him for all the things Ronon has done to the Wraith.

                  (Not really, but I wouldn't have been nice if I did get a chance to ask him a question)

                  And the idea of tantric sex does make sense. I've seen snakes mate, all entwined, writhing around, and I've thought, 'Gee. They look like they're having more fun than I do...' (Don't tell Mr. Das I said that... )

                  So, anyway, I can imagine that if Wraith actually mate, it wouldn't be wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am...but something more indulgent and sensual. Except for Eddy. But I can't say how he'd behave on a pg board...



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    But I can't say how he'd behave on a pg board...
                    When did this ever stop you das ? You always find some way around the restrictions?

                    @ Craig
                    If we could buy the rights for the Wraith that would I don't want to think about it.
                    Imagine the struggle in here when everybody jumps on the character of Todd,smaller pocketfights here and there over Steve and Bob and das defending MC Sleazyhands.
           least there are enough Queen characters by now.... ( difficult,difficult....which character rights should I buy. This one...or that one....ahh I take all of them)
                    Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                    Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                    You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                    The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      It could be the new coalition of Pegasus humans who grant territory on the advice of the Atlantis expedition. After all, the Pegasus humans would need to know which planets to stay away from etc. and it would make them feel they'd had a say in things.

                      Having just seen 'Inquisition' there was a line which appears to solve the question of what the female Wraith in Rising was.

                      KELORE: But not before encountering a Queen.

                      Maybe TPTB finally made their minds up concerning Queens and Keepers. A Queen can be a caretaker for sleeping Wraith while Keepers are specialised technicians.
                      I caught that last part, too. I think they needed the clarification that every female we've seen is a queen. At the rate hives have been destroyed, that probably also means that there are probably hardly any queens left...which may spell the end to the Wraith afterall. Unless, of course, they can feed a really pretty male some royal jelly and transform him into a queen. Or...maybe just dress him up in high heels. It'd work either way...



                        Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                        When did this ever stop you das ? You always find some way around the restrictions?

                        @ Craig
                        If we could buy the rights for the Wraith that would I don't want to think about it.
                        Imagine the struggle in here when everybody jumps on the character of Todd,smaller pocketfights here and there over Steve and Bob and das defending MC Sleazyhands.
               least there are enough Queen characters by now.... ( difficult,difficult....which character rights should I buy. This one...or that one....ahh I take all of them)
                        Oh, I'd take Edward Sleazyhands, no prob. I think I'm the only one totally in love with the guy (for very, VERY base reasons). Besides, he's obviously closely related to Steve, so I know he'll clean up pretty good...IF I can get those knots out of his hair...

                        As far as Eddie's more passionate side, I think it would involve
                        lots of spanking, and...
                        barking like a dog.

                        There, that wasn't too bad, right?



                          Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                          I don't mind flawed or some degrees of grey. Or plain unethical. What I truly hate is clearly unethical behaviour posing as righteousness, as the writers write for Atlantis. I remember Gero's observation that
                          Kolya had to die. Had to? Or the guy who got fed to Todd. Why? Because he acted like a rogue and endangered McKay’s Sister life? How is that so different from Atlantis endangering the whole of Pegasus? They can be unethical to achieve their goals but others can't?
                          That is what truly annoys me here.
                          In defense of feeding Wallace to Todd...I have to say that at least Sheppard showed a REAL struggle with his conscience over it...[Outsiders spoilers:]
                          unlike his reaction after murdering a bunch of villagers in a terrorist bombing in Outsiders.
                          Personally, I wonder about Flanigan. In some ways, his heart just doesn't seem to be in it this season...maybe he wanted out, and they made him stick around for another season, or something. There's just something missing there...

                          But back to their actions. If they acknowledge their missteps and stop making excuses ('But we were trying to help!'), then I'd be okay with it. But instead they just keep justifying their actions, like little kids caught doing something wrong.

                          Mom: "Bobby! Stop hitting Tommy!"

                          Bobby: "But Tommy hit me FIRST!!"

                          That's exactly how the Lanteans sound to me.

                          The Wallace incident was one rare exception, and not just because I wanted Todd to be fed. Wallace made the choice of his own free will (even if he was, perhaps, persuaded a bit), and Sheppard showed obvious unease over the course he took in doing the persuading, and just letting the guy sacrifice himself in the first place. So, I'm okay with that one, but [Outsiders spoilers:]
                          I am NOT okay with Sheppard killing those villagers in Outsiders.



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            In defense of feeding Wallace to Todd...I have to say that at least Sheppard showed a REAL struggle with his conscience over it...[Outsiders spoilers:]
                            unlike his reaction after murdering a bunch of villagers in a terrorist bombing in Outsiders.
                            Funny, I have the opposite feeling I resent more the first situation that the second since
                            ..the same villagers were so ready to sacrifice the outsiders, some of their own and the doctor to save themselves, they got a taste of their own medicine. But ethically both situations stink.

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                            Personally, I wonder about Flanigan. In some ways, his heart just doesn't seem to be in it this season...maybe he wanted out, and they made him stick around for another season, or something. There's just something missing there...
                            Can you blame him, considering the direction his character is going? I don't.

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            But back to their actions. If they acknowledge their missteps and stop making excuses ('But we were trying to help!'), then I'd be okay with it. But instead they just keep justifying their actions, like little kids caught doing something wrong.

                            Mom: "Bobby! Stop hitting Tommy!"

                            Bobby: "But Tommy hit me FIRST!!"

                            That's exactly how the Lanteans sound to me.
                            Yeah. I completely agree. No taking responsabilty for their own actions.
                            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              I think they needed the clarification that every female we've seen is a queen.
                              I'm now thinking of Erik as a Keeper who made an alliance with the 'Allies' Queen. There's no way that Wraith who could come up with a sophisticated virus for getting information would be unable to make a hive ship do new things or repair inoperable systems. I'm guessing that little sob story was intended to lull the Atlantis expedition into a false sense of security.

                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Unless, of course, they can feed a really pretty male some royal jelly and transform him into a queen. Or...maybe just dress him up in high heels. It'd work either way...
                              Have now got a very strange mental image of Steve.


                                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                                Funny, I have the opposite feeling I resent more the first situation that the second since
                                ..the same villagers were so ready to sacrifice the outsiders, some of their own and the doctor to save themselves, they got a taste of their own medicine. But ethically both situations stink.
                                Yeah, you're right. I'm still glad that Todd got din-din though.

                                Can you blame him, considering the direction his character is going? I don't.
                                What direction? He's really gone nowhere this season.

                                completely agree. No taking responsabilty for their own actions.
                                That's my biggest pet peeve - take responsibility, admit that you've made bad moral decisions, acknowledge that you're not always right - just do something other than justifying yourselves. (Of course, it could be said that asking Todd - instead of forcing Todd - to try the gene therapy is an acknowledgement that what they did to Steve and Michael was wrong, but they still really haven't said it out loud.)

                                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                                I'm now thinking of Erik as a Keeper who made an alliance with the 'Allies' Queen. There's no way that Wraith who could come up with a sophisticated virus for getting information would be unable to make a hive ship do new things or repair inoperable systems. I'm guessing that little sob story was intended to lull the Atlantis expedition into a false sense of security.
                                Could be. I even wonder if they purposely sabotaged their own ship a little, just so McKay would believe their story and offer to fix it up. They probably sensed his arrogance, and knew that the best way to get him to cooperate would be to make him feel smarter than they were. That way, his arrogance would blind him to the fact that he was stepping into a trap.

                                Have now got a very strange mental image of Steve.
                                Heh. Steve would definitely have been queen material, that little hissy fit he threw is definite proof of it.


