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    I'm not politically inclined, but I am happy that Palin won't be VP - I just could NOT handle her voice. Like fingernails on a blackboard... *shudder*

    On topic - I met a gal in the British shop I go to (she's American, not British) - she's very familiar with the Wraith, and loves Prince Nuada. She's a costume maker, and is going to make a Nuada costume as soon as she gets the DVD and can study it. I am halfway tempted to ask her to make me a Hobbit-sized Wraith coat.



      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
      This is odd for us. In the last three days there's been nary but four posts. We're usually a VERY chatty bunch. I'm wondering now about how many American posters we have. They may still be out celebrating, or possibly consoling themselves.

      I'm in recovery from newsrosis and hypolitichondria. Both are manifested by nausea and screaming fits at the news media.
      HONOR. A story.



        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        Actually there has been some strong positive views expressed by family and friends. Then after Ombana won, our lovely politicians started in my humble opinion mind to gush.

        I wish USA and the new president all the best, they could have a very positive effect on the world, but can do without having to the UK politicians gushing.
        I think they need Toddifying, and as their are quite alot of gushing politicians Todd Kenny et al would need to go to sleep, to sleep off the meal!!!


        PS me and T64 did manage to talk about gutter and permanent resident spot. We did try.
        Now you know why I hid under the Wraithship undercarriage. Lovely view.

        . Where is Shawn when you need him?
        Last edited by Traveler64; 07 November 2008, 11:21 PM.
        HONOR. A story.



          ok, this thread has been slow, i've been neglecting youtube, and i'm bored. So.....

          wouldn't we all love this

          pure eye candy (if only they changed it to say 'we will wraith you')

          for all those wraith human shippers out there


          for a laugh

          check out other videos by ElsaTheWraith including: 'The Vampire Club' and 'I Can Change'
          they'll give you a laugh!
          Last edited by BlueJay; 08 November 2008, 01:39 AM.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Well, I've been around, but on vacation. Read, not replying. And, in all honesty, the Vegas/EatG pics and spoilers, plus Mallozzi's comment that someone significant will die (in the movie), and hints that arcs will be wrapped up at the end of the season, all have me a bit down Wraith-wise. I just don't want to be excited over Wraith, especially Todd. If he survives the season, and does so in an agreeable way, then I'll be excited, but right now just thinking about him, and his future, is making me depressed. And I think tonight's ep will be equally might wait and watch it after it airs and I hear feedback.

            Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to Sanctuary - I enjoy all episodes, even those without Chris as Druitt (since I usually get Chris as Bigfoot anyway!).

            So, that's why I've been pretty quiet. My attitude has improved greatly since I've not been dwelling so much on all things Wraith. Shame, because a show is supposed to make you feel good, not morbidly depressed. I might just watch the remainder of the series after it airs, especially the last two episodes. I can't stand the sicky feeling I'm getting just thinking about Todd's future - the show just isn't enjoyable anymore because of it.

            das you're scaring me!

            It can't be Todd, didn't Joe also say that the "pallid one" will be in the movie? It has to be Todd in the movie and that means that he survives EatG!

            At least that's what I keep telling myself to stay sane!
            Cass Todd -


              Just saw "The Prodigal".
              *Is crying*

              That just was not proper closure, not satisfying at all, not even consistent. A little like being kicked in the stomach maybe.
              Ignores all the rules of lit: In such an "epic" arc the tragic antagonist who spirals into insanity must be given the opportunity to show that deep inside he still has some of the redeeming qualities he started with before dying. He wanted to be stopped, but this was not at all the right way. He didn't deserve to die that way. He didn't even protest at what was happening; he just looked so impossibly sad, so completely heartbroken that it was Teyla doing it. Her name was the last word he spoke. She had the key, could have saved the universe AND baby with her heart and didn't use it. She had the power to make him remember who he had been when all this started; he needed to hear it and needed to know that she remembered it: the honest, trusting, brilliant and insecure young Wraith who wanted only to be accepted. He was a hive creature after all; he could not live alone so he tried to "create" a hive of beings like himself. A little understanding would have gone a long long way in his case.
              Last edited by keeperofthehive; 26 November 2008, 10:16 PM.


                well that sucked. talk about poor use of a character. the ending was bad with the way Mikey was killed. It was annoying that teyla never acknowledged what Michael was saying about the blood being on her hand and that Atlantis had wronged him. I think just hearing that would have made a difference. (at least for me)
                The best part.... Ronan taking a header off the balcony. I actually cheered when the big man hit the floor!! so there was a little bright spot in it for me .
                Defiantly could have done with out that epi.
                One thought: Teyla’s baby never cried when Michael was around, maybe the baby had a connection with him. Since Michael is gone the baby will sense it and keep her up all night. Wouldn’t it be great if when he grows up he takes Michaels place and shuns his mother for killing Michael?


                  I haven't watched the ep yet, but this is what I posted on JM's blog this morn:

                  I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the episode yet, for the exact reasons that you have lamented over. I knew this would be Michael’s end, and though I hate what he’s done, I realize he wasn’t fully responsible for his course in life.

                  Now, I probably would have watched the episode along with everyone else if the Lanteans had shown remorse - and accepted full responsibility - in Inquisition for raping Michael in body and soul back in the beginning. But they refuse to acknowledge what they’ve really done to him, instead brushing off their actions as a justified way to rid themselves of the Wraith threat.

                  I keep thinking back to the first episode with him, to Michael, and to that struggling Wraith on the table. THAT is the Michael I feel extreme sympathy for - for the capture ‘animal’ - helpless, mocked, experimented upon, stripped of all he knew, biologically and psychologically raped, corrupted to such an extent that he could no longer live among his own, and so coldly rejected by those who created him. Some compare the Wraith to nazis - well, sorry - the only ‘nazis’ I see in this show are those that would do such horrible experimentation on another sentient being - experimentation they would condemn on their own planet - then hypocritically hide behind the cry that they were doing it to save the galaxy. This is the hypocrisy that I am beginning to hate in this show - everything the Lanteans do, even if it’s 100x worse than anything the Wraith do, is ‘good’, while one hungry Wraith is condemned as the evil villain because he needs to feed. Doesn’t make any sense to me!!!

                  And it worries me that I am one of only a handful that can see it. Makes me realize that humans in general would rather destroy than understand. Makes me hate calling myself human if all it means to be human is to look out for yourself, everything and everyone else be damned.

                  I can only hope that this was a Michael clone, or that there is another Michael out there if this was an original. However, I doubt it. I’ll eventually watch the episode, but I know it’ll just make me hate the human characters even more, and rue the day I ever started watching this show. I had so hoped that there would have been a true coming to terms with what the Lanteans have done in the galaxy, but instead it’s a continued pattern of self-justification that, with all shows completed now, I have no hopes of seeing change. The pattern has been set in stone by Inquistion - the team is ‘not guilty’, just like OJ.

                  I have come to hate the team with a passion over the last few weeks, especially since Outsiders and Inquistion. Makes me regret buying 4 boxsets now. And with Michael gone, that only leaves Todd to be honed into the next big villain, and that worries me. Of course, they could just go and kill him, too…since that’s the Lanteans (and the writers) answer for everything. Cold-blooded bunch of b*****ds, the lot of them (characters, not the writers), and that’s the only way I can see them now. Yeah, cold-blooded b*****ds, killing out of want and not necessity, forcing change on others because they have crowned themselves Gods of the Galaxy (Carson’s the worst of them, too). I’ve said it before, they are more like Wraith than Wraith.

                  Oh, yeah - the Wraith kill. We have clearly seen now - especially in this season - that the Wraith are almost childlike - too willing to trust and easily deceived (Broken Ties, Outsiders), desiring to be ruled over and fearful to be left without a leader (The Queen), and easily defeated at their own games (Tracker). It makes the Lanteans look like high school bullies picking on grade schoolers, and only helps to reinforce my feelings about everything I have already expressed about the show, and its characters. I almost want to stop watching now, but Todd is too much of a draw, even though I fear he’ll be royally screwed over, too…while the Lanteans pat themselves on their treacherous little backs for a job well-done. Ugh.

                  On the other hand, Sanctuary was quite enjoyable…fun, like a sci fi show should be. I’ll watch The Prodigal sometime today - during the day to avoid being depressed right before bed - but I fear my passion for the show, and any enjoyment I used to get from it, has died. I feared this would happen, but I so hoped I was just being a negative nelly and would be proved wrong, but so far the back side of this season has been nothing but depressing. As a show approaches the end it’s depressing enough, but to leave an even more sour taste in fans’ mouths by making it darker and darker with each passing episode, and by justifying every unjust action, is just too much for me.



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Well, I've been around, but on vacation. Read, not replying. And, in all honesty, the Vegas/EatG pics and spoilers, plus Mallozzi's comment that someone significant will die (in the movie), and hints that arcs will be wrapped up at the end of the season, all have me a bit down Wraith-wise. I just don't want to be excited over Wraith, especially Todd. If he survives the season, and does so in an agreeable way, then I'll be excited, but right now just thinking about him, and his future, is making me depressed. And I think tonight's ep will be equally might wait and watch it after it airs and I hear feedback.

                    Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to Sanctuary - I enjoy all episodes, even those without Chris as Druitt (since I usually get Chris as Bigfoot anyway!).

                    Im thinking that it wouldn’t be Todd. The significant part makes me think its someone who has more screen time. Also is the movie written?? Todd has such a draw for fans, even those who cheer for the wrong team (shep and co) At least this is what i tell myself

                    sanctuary OT
                    hearing the big guy talk, it was like having todd. His voice is so amazing!! I'll take todd over the big guy but if i cant have todd at least i get his voice

                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                    On topic - I met a gal in the British shop I go to (she's American, not British) - she's very familiar with the Wraith, and loves Prince Nuada. She's a costume maker, and is going to make a Nuada costume as soon as she gets the DVD and can study it. I am halfway tempted to ask her to make me a Hobbit-sized Wraith coat.

                    I'll try and load pic from a Halloween party i went to. I went as a vampire because no one would know what a wraith was. But the costume i made was based on the wraith(I even had the yellow wraith eyes) the "jacket" was based on Todd's . I think it came out good, it took long enough to make
                    I think you should ask her to make you one.

                    Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                    I'm in recovery from newsrosis and hypolitichondria. Both are manifested by nausea and screaming fits at the news media.
                    the media: done with it. I make it a point to not watch the new or listen to the radio because of that. (i never know whats going on in the world and im a much happier person now , i didnt even watch the election coverage, watched the green mile instead)

                    Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                    Now you know why I hid under the Wraithship undercarriage. Lovely view.

                    . Where is Shawn when you need him?
                    best view on the hive!!! or under it

                    Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                    ok, this thread has been slow, i've been neglecting youtube, and i'm bored. So.....

                    wouldn't we all love this

                    pure eye candy (if only they changed it to say 'we will wraith you')

                    for all those wraith human shippers out there


                    for a laugh

                    check out other videos by ElsaTheWraith including: 'The Vampire Club' and 'I Can Change'
                    they'll give you a laugh!
                    those where great, thanks for the links!!


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      I haven't watched the ep yet, but this is what I posted on JM's blog this morn:

                      I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the episode yet, for the exact reasons that you have lamented over. I knew this would be Michael’s end, and though I hate what he’s done, I realize he wasn’t fully responsible for his course in life.

                      Now, I probably would have watched the episode along with everyone else if the Lanteans had shown remorse - and accepted full responsibility - in Inquisition for raping Michael in body and soul back in the beginning. But they refuse to acknowledge what they’ve really done to him, instead brushing off their actions as a justified way to rid themselves of the Wraith threat.

                      I keep thinking back to the first episode with him, to Michael, and to that struggling Wraith on the table. THAT is the Michael I feel extreme sympathy for - for the capture ‘animal’ - helpless, mocked, experimented upon, stripped of all he knew, biologically and psychologically raped, corrupted to such an extent that he could no longer live among his own, and so coldly rejected by those who created him. Some compare the Wraith to nazis - well, sorry - the only ‘nazis’ I see in this show are those that would do such horrible experimentation on another sentient being - experimentation they would condemn on their own planet - then hypocritically hide behind the cry that they were doing it to save the galaxy. This is the hypocrisy that I am beginning to hate in this show - everything the Lanteans do, even if it’s 100x worse than anything the Wraith do, is ‘good’, while one hungry Wraith is condemned as the evil villain because he needs to feed. Doesn’t make any sense to me!!!

                      And it worries me that I am one of only a handful that can see it. Makes me realize that humans in general would rather destroy than understand. Makes me hate calling myself human if all it means to be human is to look out for yourself, everything and everyone else be damned.

                      I can only hope that this was a Michael clone, or that there is another Michael out there if this was an original. However, I doubt it. I’ll eventually watch the episode, but I know it’ll just make me hate the human characters even more, and rue the day I ever started watching this show. I had so hoped that there would have been a true coming to terms with what the Lanteans have done in the galaxy, but instead it’s a continued pattern of self-justification that, with all shows completed now, I have no hopes of seeing change. The pattern has been set in stone by Inquistion - the team is ‘not guilty’, just like OJ.

                      I have come to hate the team with a passion over the last few weeks, especially since Outsiders and Inquistion. Makes me regret buying 4 boxsets now. And with Michael gone, that only leaves Todd to be honed into the next big villain, and that worries me. Of course, they could just go and kill him, too…since that’s the Lanteans (and the writers) answer for everything. Cold-blooded bunch of b*****ds, the lot of them (characters, not the writers), and that’s the only way I can see them now. Yeah, cold-blooded b*****ds, killing out of want and not necessity, forcing change on others because they have crowned themselves Gods of the Galaxy (Carson’s the worst of them, too). I’ve said it before, they are more like Wraith than Wraith.

                      Oh, yeah - the Wraith kill. We have clearly seen now - especially in this season - that the Wraith are almost childlike - too willing to trust and easily deceived (Broken Ties, Outsiders), desiring to be ruled over and fearful to be left without a leader (The Queen), and easily defeated at their own games (Tracker). It makes the Lanteans look like high school bullies picking on grade schoolers, and only helps to reinforce my feelings about everything I have already expressed about the show, and its characters. I almost want to stop watching now, but Todd is too much of a draw, even though I fear he’ll be royally screwed over, too…while the Lanteans pat themselves on their treacherous little backs for a job well-done. Ugh.

                      On the other hand, Sanctuary was quite enjoyable…fun, like a sci fi show should be. I’ll watch The Prodigal sometime today - during the day to avoid being depressed right before bed - but I fear my passion for the show, and any enjoyment I used to get from it, has died. I feared this would happen, but I so hoped I was just being a negative nelly and would be proved wrong, but so far the back side of this season has been nothing but depressing. As a show approaches the end it’s depressing enough, but to leave an even more sour taste in fans’ mouths by making it darker and darker with each passing episode, and by justifying every unjust action, is just too much for me.

                      Well you are absolutely correct; one certainly can't disagree with that. It really bothers me ,for some reason, that few people try to understand what is happening to Michael in that story arc. I would like to say more, but i have to go out.

                      Please don't give up, Das. Now that SGA is ending, the Wraith fans must continue developing and understanding Hive civilization.

                      BTW, you brought up another point that has never been addressed: how do Michael and his hybrids feed? Michael claimed to have solved that problem without sacrificing any personal strength. And how come no one thought to ask?

                      Have to go now.



                        Originally posted by masterling View Post
                        sanctuary OT
                        hearing the big guy talk, it was like having todd. His voice is so amazing!! I'll take todd over the big guy but if i cant have todd at least i get his voice

                        Bigfoot is certainly growing on me - especially that tap on the window and his funny little grunt, and then when he snatched that last bit of food from Will's hand - too funny! I loves me some Bigfoot Chris!

                        Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                        Well you are absolutely correct; one certainly can't disagree with that. It really bothers me ,for some reason, that few people try to understand what is happening to Michael in that story arc. I would like to say more, but i have to go out.

                        Please don't give up, Das. Now that SGA is ending, the Wraith fans must continue developing and understanding Hive civilization.

                        I'm trying not to give up, but right now it's just so painful to watch. Once I asked Mallozzi if they write stuff specifically for fans, and he said EVERYTHING is written for the fans.

                        Well, it seems they've forgotten an entire sector of fans - Wraith fans. And though they do give us Todd, we all know he stands on shaky ground, at least with this group, he does. Man, if he could only hook up with Helen and her bunch at the Sanctuary, he'd have it made. Of course...Chris might have quite a task trying to keep up with three characters in one show, but still! It would be great!

                        I know - I'm greedy.



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                          I'm not politically inclined, but I am happy that Palin won't be VP - I just could NOT handle her voice. Like fingernails on a blackboard... *shudder*

                          On topic - I met a gal in the British shop I go to (she's American, not British) - she's very familiar with the Wraith, and loves Prince Nuada. She's a costume maker, and is going to make a Nuada costume as soon as she gets the DVD and can study it. I am halfway tempted to ask her to make me a Hobbit-sized Wraith coat.

                          Ha ha ha. I wanted to dress up as a wraith queen for Hallowe'en, but I didn't have the time. Plus I've heard you need weighted wraith eye contacts, otherwise the pupils spin around like fruity loops.

                          I would totally love to dress up as a wraith queen. I'm already fairly tall, and in high boots I would be hoovering over my hubby. But for what occasion? I would never go to one of those sci fi conferences dressed this way, so to where then? (scratches chin) I wish there were some sort of costume party I could attend toward Christmas. That would be awesome!

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            I'm in recovery from newsrosis and hypolitichondria. Both are manifested by nausea and screaming fits at the news media.
                            And congratulations once again!! OT
                            I know that if McCain got in, especially with his judgment (or lack there of) regarding his running mate, I'd be tempted to move to Finland.


                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Hi everyone! I just thought I would stop by so you would be reassured that those of us in the U.S. haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Personally, I'm pleased with the results of the presidential election. But it is the demands of real life rather than politics that prevent me from visiting more often.

                              I really enjoyed most of "The Prodigal", but
                              not with the way they chose to end it. Yes, Michael was mad as a hatter, dangerous as a rabid dog and diabolically clever. And the Pegasus Galaxy would no doubt be a safer place for Wraith and human alike if he was removed from it. I liked the way they developed his character through the episode. The contrast of his genuine affection for Teyla and his cold calculating attitude about everything else was very well done. Maybe that's why the ending was so jarring: Michael looking up at Teyla with those sad eyes as she callously steps on his hands. If the writers wanted Michael dead at Teyla's hands, they could have done it in the heat of battle rather than have her kill him when he was helpless.

                              On the other hand, I loved the Sanctuary episode. Those critters were wonderful -- kind of like Star Trek tribbles crossed with Monty Python vorpal bunnies. And I don't know who came up with the name for them, but it really made for great little jokes throughout the episode. I didn't think I was going to like Sanctuary, but I've really enjoyed it so far. CH does a great job with Bigfoot (can't remember the character's name). He had some nice little moments in the episode!
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                Ha ha ha. I wanted to dress up as a wraith queen for Hallowe'en, but I didn't have the time. Plus I've heard you need weighted wraith eye contacts, otherwise the pupils spin around like fruity loops.

                                I would totally love to dress up as a wraith queen. I'm already fairly tall, and in high boots I would be hoovering over my hubby. But for what occasion? I would never go to one of those sci fi conferences dressed this way, so to where then? (scratches chin) I wish there were some sort of costume party I could attend toward Christmas. That would be awesome!

                                WK, what you need is a New Years Eve Masquerade ball! Then you could go in costume.
                                Sparrow hawk


