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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Thank you for the welcome!

    Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
    Oh and I might have forgotten to say Welcome!
    Everybody that likes the Wraith is welcome here.

    They have already shown that the Wraith sense someone being ill. With the man that was fed to Steve to poison him
    If their taste is different? I don't know. But they definitly seem to enjoy people that struggle more. If you have a strong lifeforce and hold on to it longer..this seems to add to the "taste".
    Maybe that could be why Ronan was made a runner. When they finally caught him, his defiance would taste all the more sweeter?

    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
    I second that...remeber Shawn from Condemmed? - he said defience tastes sweet


      Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post

      um, yeah...WDC tends to name wraith

      Shawn is the wraith from Condemed (the wine drinking one)

      naamiaset has the whole namelist somewhere...sorry don't have a link to ut



        Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
        Thank you for the welcome!

        Maybe that could be why Ronan was made a runner. When they finally caught him, his defiance would taste all the more sweeter?

        we have names for all the wraith. another wdc member (Naami) has a LJ page with all their info.


          Originally posted by masterling View Post
          we have names for all the wraith. another wdc member (Naami) has a LJ page with all their info.
          Thanks for the link, that was great! I loved the Akasha reference too. I don't remember Billy being named on the show?


            Originally posted by masterling View Post
            we have names for all the wraith. another wdc member (Naami) has a LJ page with all their info.
            A few names/actors are missing on the list (the Tracker wraith, the tech in FC/Lost Tribe and the forest wraith in Outsiders). I think das may be right and Brenden Penny is the tech/forest wraith.

            Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
            Thanks for the link, that was great! I loved the Akasha reference too. I don't remember Billy being named on the show?
            Billy is the bridge officer in The Queen/First Contact. His name is in the credits at the end of one of those episodes.


              Just had to share this little anecdote:
              Last night, as per usual, I was woken up by my alpha male cat Big Boy fighting with my alpha female cat Sorscha. I was very annoyed but groggy and didn't want to get up to spray or throw water on them, so I just yelled very loudly from my bed "Goddammit, Todd, knock it off!!!!"
              After a moment and a few additional growls the fighting ceased. I sighed and then I heard my sister, in the room next to me say, "Who the hell is Todd???"
              My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly wide awake. "What?" I said.
              "Who's Todd?" she repeated. "You said 'Goddammit, Todd, knock it off.' That was Big Boy and Sorscha."
              I started giggling uncontrollably. I do sort of associate Big Boy with Todd sometimes. I could feel myself blushing.
              "Oh, no one." I said, still giggling.
              There was a long pause and then she said:
              "Is that that blue or green guy from that show you watch? The one that's always on our computer?"
              I smothered my laugh and said "Shut up and go back to sleep."
              She made a disgusted sound but didn't say anything more.
              I, however, could not go back to sleep.

              How demented am I????



                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                Just had to share this little anecdote:
                Last night, as per usual, I was woken up by my alpha male cat Big Boy fighting with my alpha female cat Sorscha. I was very annoyed but groggy and didn't want to get up to spray or throw water on them, so I just yelled very loudly from my bed "Goddammit, Todd, knock it off!!!!"
                After a moment and a few additional growls the fighting ceased. I sighed and then I heard my sister, in the room next to me say, "Who the hell is Todd???"
                My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly wide awake. "What?" I said.
                "Who's Todd?" she repeated. "You said 'Goddammit, Todd, knock it off.' That was Big Boy and Sorscha."
                I started giggling uncontrollably. I do sort of associate Big Boy with Todd sometimes. I could feel myself blushing.
                "Oh, no one." I said, still giggling.
                There was a long pause and then she said:
                "Is that that blue or green guy from that show you watch? The one that's always on our computer?"
                I smothered my laugh and said "Shut up and go back to sleep."
                She made a disgusted sound but didn't say anything more.
                I, however, could not go back to sleep.

                How demented am I????

                Actually MFW, I wish I had a sister like you!

                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                we have names for all the wraith. another wdc member (Naami) has a LJ page with all their info.

                I totally love that page Naamiaiset! I was thinking of starting something like that myself so I could keep track of your names for everyone. So glad I hadn't started yet Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for making it
                Cass Todd -


                  Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
                  I just realized that I forgot to say hi when I snuck in yesterday, so hello all!

                  I adore the Wraith, think they are wonderful, and I definitely would defend them! Do I belong here?

                  Something occurred to me last night, I don't know if you've already discussed this before (I'm not looking through 700+ pages ).

                  In The Queen, Todd talks about fruit tasting as delicious as the farmers who grew them. That got me thinking, do different humans taste different to Wraith? What might constitute to a 'nice' taste for the Wraith? Some of my thoughts would maybe be how healthly the human is, what age they are, their feelings at the time of being fed upon (most would feel scared, yeah, but what about those like Ronan, who hate the Wraith?), etc... Would their sense of delicious be different from each other, like ours is?

                  What do you all think? And what might their favorite taste be?
                  Hi Fandom Addict if you like the Wraith then your in the right place, Welcome to WDC.

                  On Wraith feeding, I imagine that the stronger the definance of the human maybe the stronger the "taste" of a human to the Wraith.

                  Last edited by MCH; 03 November 2008, 02:51 PM.
                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    Originally posted by MCH View Post
                    Hi if you like the Wraith then your in the right place, Welcome to WDC.

                    On Wraith feeding, I imagine that the stronger the definance of the human maybe the stronger the "taste" of a human to the Wraith.

                    Yes, like when Todd said to Sheppard in Common Ground "Stronger than any human I've fed upon", he said it as though he was describing the best dessert ever made for him, all that was missing was a lick of the lips

                    Oh and I forgot to say hello to Fandom Addict too! Sorry... Welcome to our ship!
                    Cass Todd -


                      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                      We know MGM and SciFi announced the cancellation just one or two days after Joe Mallozzi posted on his blog that the script for the last episode on the season was finished being written! It really sounded like a slap in the face of the fans, and the writers too. We're already lucky they never intended to end the 100th episode on a cliffhanger in the first place.

                      Although the decision might have been in negotiation between MGM and SciFi, I think they could have announced it much sooner to the writers, so that they could have wrapped arcs nicely while still leaving an open ending for the movies. But obviously MGM doesn't care, as they are so certain the fans will tune in for SGU no matter what.

                      Still, some things were in the writers' hands. Even with the perspective of a 6th season, they could have given season 5 some story arcs to tie the episodes together. They shouldn't have separated the team members so often. Cancellation or not, they could have given more wraith an interesting personality, instead of limiting it to "The Queen" and then back to wraith = cannon fodder.

                      An earlier announcement might have given the writers a kick that would have forced them to pay more attention to continuity and all, but on another hand... it might have not changed anything for us in the end.
                      You speak the truth!! and Amen!
                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                        Just had to share this little anecdote:
                        Last night, as per usual, I was woken up by my alpha male cat Big Boy fighting with my alpha female cat Sorscha. I was very annoyed but groggy and didn't want to get up to spray or throw water on them, so I just yelled very loudly from my bed "Goddammit, Todd, knock it off!!!!"
                        After a moment and a few additional growls the fighting ceased. I sighed and then I heard my sister, in the room next to me say, "Who the hell is Todd???"
                        My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly wide awake. "What?" I said.
                        "Who's Todd?" she repeated. "You said 'Goddammit, Todd, knock it off.' That was Big Boy and Sorscha."
                        I started giggling uncontrollably. I do sort of associate Big Boy with Todd sometimes. I could feel myself blushing.
                        "Oh, no one." I said, still giggling.
                        There was a long pause and then she said:
                        "Is that that blue or green guy from that show you watch? The one that's always on our computer?"
                        I smothered my laugh and said "Shut up and go back to sleep."
                        She made a disgusted sound but didn't say anything more.
                        I, however, could not go back to sleep.

                        How demented am I????

                        Only demented in the most sane way possible. Now I have this vision in my head of all the peeps here sitting together on a bus with the phrase "wraith dementers club" posted to our silent foreheads.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          Just had to share this little anecdote:
                          Last night, as per usual, I was woken up by my alpha male cat Big Boy fighting with my alpha female cat Sorscha. I was very annoyed but groggy and didn't want to get up to spray or throw water on them, so I just yelled very loudly from my bed "Goddammit, Todd, knock it off!!!!"
                          After a moment and a few additional growls the fighting ceased. I sighed and then I heard my sister, in the room next to me say, "Who the hell is Todd???"
                          My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly wide awake. "What?" I said.
                          "Who's Todd?" she repeated. "You said 'Goddammit, Todd, knock it off.' That was Big Boy and Sorscha."
                          I started giggling uncontrollably. I do sort of associate Big Boy with Todd sometimes. I could feel myself blushing.
                          "Oh, no one." I said, still giggling.
                          There was a long pause and then she said:
                          "Is that that blue or green guy from that show you watch? The one that's always on our computer?"
                          I smothered my laugh and said "Shut up and go back to sleep."
                          She made a disgusted sound but didn't say anything more.
                          I, however, could not go back to sleep.

                          How demented am I????

                          LOL! that is awesone! I can totaly see that play out. I love how your sis called you out on it and no worries lov, you're just as demented as the rest of us


                            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                            We know MGM and SciFi announced the cancellation just one or two days after Joe Mallozzi posted on his blog that the script for the last episode on the season was finished being written! It really sounded like a slap in the face of the fans, and the writers too. We're already lucky they never intended to end the 100th episode on a cliffhanger in the first place.

                            Although the decision might have been in negotiation between MGM and SciFi, I think they could have announced it much sooner to the writers, so that they could have wrapped arcs nicely while still leaving an open ending for the movies. But obviously MGM doesn't care, as they are so certain the fans will tune in for SGU no matter what.

                            Still, some things were in the writers' hands. Even with the perspective of a 6th season, they could have given season 5 some story arcs to tie the episodes together. They shouldn't have separated the team members so often. Cancellation or not, they could have given more wraith an interesting personality, instead of limiting it to "The Queen" and then back to wraith = cannon fodder.

                            An earlier announcement might have given the writers a kick that would have forced them to pay more attention to continuity and all, but on another hand... it might have not changed anything for us in the end.
                            Okay, which picture of Chris H as Todd in a tank top? Can you post again??? paaleeezzzeeee!!!
                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              don't recall ever seeing Todd in a tank top, this site has some behind the scenes images of Todd, one in a blue hoodie
                              FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                                Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                                don't recall ever seeing Todd in a tank top, this site has some behind the scenes images of Todd, one in a blue hoodie
                                Thanks for the link, BlueJay! I've never seen those pictures before. And there is a beautiful pic of Todd by candlelight (#179).

                                G'night everyone!
                                Sparrow hawk


