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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    Anyone watch tonight's episode? I recorded it, but don't want to see it until I hear some feedback. Meanwhile. gonna watch Sanctuary.


    it's one of those filler episodes. I didn't think very interesting. I suppose, for regular viewers they need the splice back reflection episodes before a series goes forward, but I don't like them. They always remind me of writing team that has "writers block". If a show has a good story arch this story of "reminiscing" episode is not necessary.

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      Re: Inquisition

      Yep, that was about the biggest waste of an episode I've seen since "Harmony". I am sooo glad I wasn't home to be tempted to watch it live. I watched it on DVR and besides fast-forwarding through all the commercials, I fast-forwarded through almost all the clips, too. Blech. The only saving grace was:
      Woolsey. I love to hate the guy but I also love to see him get a little credit too. And I like the fact that he tried to contact Todd for a subspace tracking transmitter. And Todd didn't answer. HA! He's still pouting from the betrayal. I'm beginning to see what kind of boyfriend he'd make. (Who am I kidding - I'd put up with *anything* from him. lol) And Woolsey defended Todd, too, so maybe that bodes well for their future interactions with him? Hope springs eternal.

      Next ep is in two weeks? Ahhhhhh! And it should be a good one. Should. We'll see.

      Sanctuary on the otoh was great! Chris got to show us his "smiley eyes". sigh *thunk*

      I agree. Inquisition: pretty much a waist of an episode.

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
        Not to mention 'Teyla'.

        Last edited by Wraith Cake; 25 October 2008, 07:43 AM.
        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          Of course everybody had to go to the front of the Jumper each time someone had to 'p' or 'p'... And then they had to open the hatch to 'let the matter go'...

          I wish Todd was there.

          LOL! I wonder how long they could stick an appendage out the hatch before it froze off.

          Last edited by Wraith Cake; 25 October 2008, 07:48 AM.
          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
            This is on topic, how exactly?

            LOL!!! Youuuu are so funny! It's so hard when you're writing to fully catch someone's sense of humour. However, I have a feeling I would laugh my b**bies off far more so in person, with you.

            In the picture, I love the woman's blissfully happy expression--sheer obliviousness.

            And yes, you're right it is off-topic. I will amend my ways.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post

              The Wraith vs toilets/showers/bathing is interesting.
              Sorry--I meant to come across like I was actually asking. I wasn't sure whether we had that conversation, or I had been imagining it.

              I guess we I have to remember what we said???

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                But Vampires are considered part of the fantasy genre, in other words the only explanation for a phenomenon is "magic". When it comes to science fiction, which typically science fans like to indulge, explanations consist of science not magic. As Brad Wright has said, he wanted to rewrite all mythical creatures in human folklore and present them as a scientific possibility--an alien origin to creatures such as the vampire. So, in this case the only guideline writers need to abide by is 1/ using science, and 2/ making sure the science is believable.

                If wraith are organic creatures--which Mr. Wright wants to present them as, they therefore produce waist like every other living creature. And this is normal, even the queen of England must use the lavatory.

                For me, the daily bodily functions of a fictional creature is far less interesting than the ethical, social and perhaps political implications their presence represents in a story.


                BUT POOP IS FUN! LOL...yeah...right now, this is where my brain is at. I just can't get into the deeper discussions.

                I think what WP means is that the Wraith feeding process is so advanced, so efficient, that the only 'waste' produced by it is the dried up human shell they toss aside afterwards. That's the 'waste' - everything else, every ounce of energy and every bit of nutrition is fully absorbed, without any byproduct. Why would they want to give that up? It is a perfect way to feed. Think of it, by bypassing the digestive system and directly absorbing everything they need straight into their bodies, they never have to deal with such discomforts as gas, intestinal bugs, upset stomachs, constipation or diarrhea...not to mention they never need to pull the hive over to the side of the galaxy so everyone can jump out and take a pee. (Of course, we still don't know if they require water, or if they get all the liquids they need through feeding, as well.)

                So, now they are considering giving that tell you the truth, I WOULDN'T! I hate going to the bathroom! I HATE using public bathrooms! If I could figure out a way to just absorb all the nutrition I needed without ever using a bathroom again, I'd be thrilled! It is just such an inconvenient process...but a necessary evil because we eat food, and just can't absorb it through our hands.

                Now - different living things have different sorts of waste. Some, like birds and most reptiles, don't excrete urine, but instead excrete crystalized uric acid (the white part in their solid waste). So, it would be interesting to speculate, since we KNOW the show will never tackle this subject!!!

                Here's a little snippet I found on-line, just to get us started, if interested:

                Martha R Weiss ~ "Insects exhibit a range of intriguing behavioral and morphological adaptations related to waste disposal in a range of contexts, including predator-prey interactions, hygiene, habitat location, reproduction, feeding, and shelter construction. Some insects, for example, make use of their own excrement as a physical or chemical defense against natural enemies, while others actively distance themselves from their waste material. Internally feeding insects, fluid-feeders, and social insects face particular challenges because their feeding behavior and/or site fidelity makes them especially vulnerable to problems associated with waste accumulation. As is true for foraging, ecological interactions involving defecation may have far-reaching evolutionary consequences and merit further study."

                I agree! This merits further study!!



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Okay - I posted, then I went to another forum -then this made me come back.
                  That actually makes sense - make him strip to be sure he has nothing up his sleeve - literally. Which...hmmmm...could this mean that Todd is the 'shirtless Wraith' that Mallozzi hinted at?????


                  Of course, of course. That totally makes sense.

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                    It's been quite some time since the writers bothered with any details at all.

                    Leads to another question : Will we see the harmless Wraith of the end of Atlantis or the strong Wraith from the beginning in the movie/s?
                    I still hope that they will not use a "downgraded" version of them but my expectations are quite low

                    You know I completely agree. I just saw Inquisition and
                    there is a clip where Shepard talks about meeting a queen in the first wraith encounter. It reminded me how much I loved their voices. So wicked and sonorous, and very powerful. I wish they would bring that back.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                      It's been quite some time since the writers bothered with any details at all.

                      Leads to another question : Will we see the harmless Wraith of the end of Atlantis or the strong Wraith from the beginning in the movie/s?
                      I still hope that they will not use a "downgraded" version of them but my expectations are quite low

                      Well, we did get some good stuff in The Queen, and we learned a bit about their tech in The Seed - and Mallozzi wrote that one, right? So...maybe if we beg enough, or something, they will add some Wraithy details in the movie. Maybe. I hope.

                      As far as how they will be presented - IF they are taming Todd, they may be doing so to make the other Wraith more fierce - but it takes time for the transition, and that would require - ohhh...I dunno. Another season, perhaps?

                      I would love to see the Wraith - even Todd - more feral, more vicious, and FAR less stupid. Right now, they are just too naive - like children. I wanted to create a thread about it last week, and maybe I will. But, honestly, they have made the Wraith almost childlike, which is one reason I am feeling even more compassion for them...they're like the poor emo kids getting beaten up by the jocks on the playground...and I've always had a soft spot in me heart for the underdogs.

                      So, in a way I don't mind the Wraith being a tad wussy because it makes me feel more sympathetic towards them, but at the same time I am REALLY in the mood to see them start kicking some butt - or, at least, being a bit more threatening.

                      Right now, I just wanna kiss their boo-boos and make it all better.



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        BUT POOP IS FUN! LOL...yeah...right now, this is where my brain is at. I just can't get into the deeper discussions.

                        I think what WP means is that the Wraith feeding process is so advanced, so efficient, that the only 'waste' produced by it is the dried up human shell they toss aside afterwards. That's the 'waste' - everything else, every ounce of energy and every bit of nutrition is fully absorbed, without any byproduct. Why would they want to give that up? It is a perfect way to feed. Think of it, by bypassing the digestive system and directly absorbing everything they need straight into their bodies, they never have to deal with such discomforts as gas, intestinal bugs, upset stomachs, constipation or diarrhea...not to mention they never need to pull the hive over to the side of the galaxy so everyone can jump out and take a pee. (Of course, we still don't know if they require water, or if they get all the liquids they need through feeding, as well.)

                        So, now they are considering giving that tell you the truth, I WOULDN'T! I hate going to the bathroom! I HATE using public bathrooms! If I could figure out a way to just absorb all the nutrition I needed without ever using a bathroom again, I'd be thrilled! It is just such an inconvenient process...but a necessary evil because we eat food, and just can't absorb it through our hands.

                        Now - different living things have different sorts of waste. Some, like birds and most reptiles, don't excrete urine, but instead excrete crystalized uric acid (the white part in their solid waste). So, it would be interesting to speculate, since we KNOW the show will never tackle this subject!!!

                        Here's a little snippet I found on-line, just to get us started, if interested:

                        Martha R Weiss ~ "Insects exhibit a range of intriguing behavioral and morphological adaptations related to waste disposal in a range of contexts, including predator-prey interactions, hygiene, habitat location, reproduction, feeding, and shelter construction. Some insects, for example, make use of their own excrement as a physical or chemical defense against natural enemies, while others actively distance themselves from their waste material. Internally feeding insects, fluid-feeders, and social insects face particular challenges because their feeding behavior and/or site fidelity makes them especially vulnerable to problems associated with waste accumulation. As is true for foraging, ecological interactions involving defecation may have far-reaching evolutionary consequences and merit further study."

                        I agree! This merits further study!!

                        My uncle is suppose to get back to me next week. I should have asked this question. What is a way
                        and I didn't realize this until a few years ago, that human excrement really is the mashed up food we ingested twelve hours earlier. I always thought that the body completely absorbed the food, then deposited the parts that were inedible back into the bowels. This is so basic that everyone probably knew this except me. But, if we take a really unhealthy piece of junk food and put it in the food processor, THIS is essentially what comes out of us--the food we eat pulverized--and our teeth are what pulverizes the food. Now, once in the stomach, enzymes rush over the pulverized food and liquefy the fat, starch and sugar; stomach fluids and blood carry that liquefied stuff away to the pancreas, liver, kidneys, gallbladder by seeping through the walls of the stomach. The blood cells that die in the process fall to the bottom of the stomach. So, when that pulverized food is pushed through the stomach and into the small intestines for further processing, all the dead blood cells get mixed into the food--that's why our fecal matter looks like that brown colour. The intestines are full of healthy bacteria, which further breakdown the food and ferment it. When the food is excreted, it is brown from the dead blood cells at the bottom of the stomach, and it is smelly because of the bacteria that attaches to it as it goes through the intestines. Anyway, I am most likely overly simplifying the process, but I did think it was neat that the food we eat is the pulverized version we poop out.

                        The wraith probably have a wall cell in one of their apartments (like the one Michael had) which probably have tube like tentacles that stuck the waist from their rectums, and where the wraith can pee into. That waist is probably pushed through the hive ship, like a creature digests food then it may emit it as a gas in the atmosphere.

                        Anyway, what I found the most disturbing about Michael's apartment, is that the wraith had taken all the personal effects of Rodney and Ronon and left it on his main table. Sort of like serial killers who take the stuff of their victims and sort through it like it is their own. I've always found this sort of thing disturbing.

                        I remember once, when I was a little girl I visited this other little girl's house in our neighbourhood. My parents liked to get me all sorts of toys. Well, I guess this girl didn't have any toys, or she didn't have the toys she liked, because when I went down into her basement she had so many of my missing toys: a large red ball, a dolly carriage, a wagon full of my dolls, and a few of my barbies. I was looking around her basement and all I saw were my toys, so many of them. I can distinctly remembering how disturbing it was to see this. Then she wanted to negotiate with me to get them back--I was six, she was seven. I'll never forget that. My mother argued with her mother, and we got most of them back, but my parents also let her keep a few.

                        Anyway, I find this sort of this so utterly unnerving.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Hey there, my dear Wraith Defenders

                          After watching the yesterday episode it occured to me that new feeding grounds that were lately under Atlantis protection will be set free...for a certain Wraith fraction. Many new and fresh snacks...yummy LOL

                          Btw I was wondering why Todd didn't respond?

                          Ps Das a great new signature...Made me blush
                          LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                          My fan fiction


                            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                            The wraith probably have a wall cell in one of their apartments (like the one Michael had) which probably have tube like tentacles that stuck the waist from their rectums, and where the wraith can pee into. That waist is probably pushed through the hive ship, like a creature digests food then it may emit it as a gas in the atmosphere.


                            Cool idea of the ship processing the organic waste and turn it into gas and energy, like today's anaerobic digesters. So, mental green.
                            Last edited by JadedWraith; 25 October 2008, 08:27 AM. Reason: spelling, duh
                            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              Anyway, what I found the most disturbing about Michael's apartment, is that the wraith had taken all the personal effects of Rodney and Ronon and left it on his main table. Sort of like serial killers who take the stuff of their victims and sort through it like it is their own. I've always found this sort of thing disturbing.

                              I remember once, when I was a little girl I visited this other little girl's house in our neighbourhood. My parents liked to get me all sorts of toys. Well, I guess this girl didn't have any toys, or she didn't have the toys she liked, because when I went down into her basement she had so many of my missing toys: a large red ball, a dolly carriage, a wagon full of my dolls, and a few of my barbies. I was looking around her basement and all I saw were my toys, so many of them. I can distinctly remembering how disturbing it was to see this. Then she wanted to negotiate with me to get them back--I was six, she was seven. I'll never forget that. My mother argued with her mother, and we got most of them back, but my parents also let her keep a few.

                              Anyway, I find this sort of this so utterly unnerving.

                              That is so distrubing. About the little girl, I mean. Sadly it reminds me a lot of the kids in my neighborhood that I grew up with. Did the parents know they were raising kids with criminal tendencies? I really believe this is part of the reason why I never wanted to have kids - the kids I grew up with were so scary I didn't want to risk producing anything like them myself!
                              But I don't see the Wraith collecting human things as the same as a serial killer collecting momentos. The Wraith don't need most of these human trappings that are left over from their cullings. I think they're more like curiosity pieces or things to show off to other Wraith visiting the hive. Like Todd and his table, chairs, candles and bowls of fruit.

                              Lol, what if some farming couple's romantic dinner was interrupted by this culling and Todd sees the setting afterward and says: "Hey, niiiice! Gather up everything and bring it with us." *This will really impress Sheppard* he thinks. Little does he know he's setting up a scene for seduction rather than a simple scene of welcome. LOL Talk about mixed messages! The team walks into their prepared chamber on Todd's hive and are looking around in wonder like "What in the hell have we gotten ourselves into!? Is Todd a swinger?"



                                Originally posted by myfavoritewraith View Post
                                That is so distrubing. About the little girl, i mean. Sadly it reminds me a lot of the kids in my neighborhood that i grew up with. Did the parents know they were raising kids with criminal tendencies? I really believe this is part of the reason why i never wanted to have kids - the kids i grew up with were so scary i didn't want to risk producing anything like them myself!
                                But i don't see the wraith collecting human things as the same as a serial killer collecting momentos. The wraith don't need most of these human trappings that are left over from their cullings. I think they're more like curiosity pieces or things to show off to other wraith visiting the hive. Like todd and his table, chairs, candles and bowls of fruit.

                                Lol, what if some farming couple's romantic dinner was interrupted by this culling and todd sees the setting afterward and says: "hey, niiiice! Gather up everything and bring it with us." *this will really impress sheppard* he thinks. Little does he know he's setting up a scene for seduction rather than a simple scene of welcome. Lol talk about mixed messages! The team walks into their prepared chamber on todd's hive and are looking around in wonder like "what in the hell have we gotten ourselves into!? Is todd a swinger?"


                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

