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Wraith Defenders Club

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    they probably have to have them for the human worshippers already! why on earth do the sga team think wraith want to come down to their level in evolution.

    I have been away for the while- been feeling bit green about the gills!!!

    I am still trying to gather photos of myself to put here- i dont have a scanner and my friend has magicked his away to the wild blue yonder. Sadly i could not find the photo of me wearing a woman's huge diamante tiara with my wraith costume and i lost contact with friend who had one me pole dancing- well attempt to pole dance in full wraith kit in a goth night club.

    Someone asked me about James Lafazanos telling me that the triple cap uniform part sleeves were made of stingray leather. Yes i had spoken him- he was trying to ask me how i made the sleeves for my uniform and my brain went dead and nothing came out of my mouth. Ah he touched the sleeve on my uniform and my brain just went bye bye!! Meet Andee Frizzell to- She called me her Hench man steve!! i apolgogise to who asked me that but i can remember who you are !!

    I am also looking for the post of the actor who played the first wraith f rom sateda who got beamed down from the dart- who i know as Jude and he also played the wraith on travellors who got a knife through his hand and shot in the back by Shepard-

    Not liking the EATG pic of Gabriel Todd- lets hope it doesnt end in tears for flaming hecks sake

    Hello Wraith Princess- yes i think Steve is rather suave too!
    Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


      Oh Wraith and toilets dont mix- i have some rather silly moments in public bathrooms- if you have read myspace blog you already know how bad- but why did they have to happen to me in the ladies toilets i dont know... very embaressed male wraith twit.........
      Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


        Naami, not really, it just happened...

        I didn't know there were so many links out there. By the time I noticed the next ones, I had already long pushed 'post' on that one with the one link. Normally I don't find that many...

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
          Seriously, I wonder what the he's saying to Dave there.
          my guess is that he tells 'dave' their hive ship has arrived.

          or he's complimenting him on his stunner...
          being his gun, of course.


            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
            my guess is that he was telling 'dave' their hive ship had arrived.
            Now that's just a boring reply.

            You can do better than that! *g*

            Das' siggy is a nice idea... Was that the Commander Penny!Wraith was whispering that to?

            Shouldn't he have noticed that before his yummy side kick did?

            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
              Now that's just a boring reply.

              You can do better than that! *g*
              you read it before I edited it.


                Originally posted by Wraith Princess View Post
                I was much more fond of Steve and Bob myself...James Lafazanos made the Wraith so very...sensual and elegant. I have noticed a distinct difference in their teeth of late; these recent Wraith (sans Todd) appear far more tossled and unkempt, their long coats are simpler and less it just me, or have you noticed these things as well? A good comparison would be Steve "Suspicion" "Poisoning the Well" vs. Wraith Commander in "Outsiders". Note the difference in their teeth, their appearance and their attire. Perhaps Steve was a bit of a Fashionista among the Wraith? Preferring to look as sickeningly beautiful as possible, right down to his silken white hair that always appeared freshly brushed? Wraith vanity, what a concept.
                I have already speculated that perhaps the Commander from Outsiders was wearing Todd's coat, lol.

                But yes, I don't know what's up with Todd not brushing his mop any longer. He had it so nice last season, and now it just hangs there. There's one tempting bit about it though: he has this lock that I just can't resist tucking behind his ear.

                Did you see the promo pics for The Queen where he had it all combed out? It didn't happen in the ep, though.

                And we don't even know if it was just for fun, or an actual cut scene. Though I guess there's room for a 'welcome to my Hive, my Queen' scene just after the making of, and the instructing of...

                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                This made me lol!

                (Thanks to noir for the snerched laughing Wraith!)

                I think this is why I love the Wraith - they don't poop.

                Ew! Nice one, das!

                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                you read it before I edited it.
                I did? I'm like sooo fast! ^^

                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                my guess is that he tells 'dave' their hive ship has arrived.

                or he's complimenting him on his stunner...
                being his gun, of course.
                Now, that's better.

                Hyperdrive online...

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                  I have already speculated that perhaps the Commander from Outsiders was wearing Todd's coat, lol.
                  no, he's wearing the bridge wraith's coat. (billy in TQ/FC)

                  But yes, I don't know what's up with Todd not brushing his mop any longer. He had it so nice last season, and now it just hangs there. There's one tempting bit about it though: he has this lock that I just can't resist tucking behind his ear.
                  you leave his lock alone, I like it!

                  Did you see the promo pics for The Queen where he had it all combed out? It didn't happen in the ep, though.

                  And we don't even know if it was just for fun, or an actual cut scene. Though I guess there's room for a 'welcome to my Hive, my Queen' scene just after the making of, and the instructing of...
                  I asked JM if that was a cut scene or simply for the promo pictures, he didn't answer. (big surprise). the picture made me think that maybe male wraith (or a fellow queen) have to look their best when entering in to negotiations with a primary. I guess we'll never know now.

                  Now, that's better.

                  Hyperdrive online...
                  so when kenny tells todd that hyperdrives are coming back in TLT...


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    How about discussing another picture instead? Not much more can be said about that other one.

                    Here it is, linked, because I don't have it on my PB account yet. I know, I know, how can you *not* have gone through those caps yet?


                    You all know of course which scene it is, and what comes next, right? Todd hears the 'proposal' of the Lanteans, and glances over at his second in command, a bit later also known as 'Kenny'.

                    So, the look. Panicked? Surprised?

                    Let's hear what could have possibly flashed through Todd's mind when he heard them say *that*!

                    I would say Todd is very laid back, I love his reactions--or his under reactions! You can tell he and Kenny talk a lot and probably share a great many political views. I think he's giving Kenny a look like I give to a colleague who has just over heard a student of mine give me the most outrageously crazy excuse for why he/she missed a mid-term test. It's almost an incredulous look, or a look of "this is crazy--or at the very least outrageous, but I like "crazy". When he looks over at Kenny, who probably knows Todd likes "crazy" (the more hair-brained a plan is, the more fly by the seat of your pants a plan is, the more Todd likes it), Todd's probably thinking "this could be interesting, you know I find this interesting." This is what prompts Kenny to say "this is outrageous" or whatever he says, because I think he knows Todd's thinking about it perhaps a little too seriously for Kenny's comfort level.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      I asked JM if that was a cut scene or simply for the promo pictures, he didn't answer. (big surprise). the picture made me think that maybe male wraith (or a fellow queen) have to look their best when entering in to negotiations with a primary. I guess we'll never know now.


                      I thought that too...that it was meant to be him dressing up for the visit to the Primary but that Chris/Todd must have said that he feels ridiculous and changes it back?

                      I hope the special features on the S5 box set take up 2 discs or so
                      Cass Todd -


                        It's confirmed we get an extra disc or what? Not just the added parts on each dvd?

                        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                        I wish I got to know you better.


                          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                          It's confirmed we get an extra disc or what? Not just the added parts on each dvd?
                          I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere...I'm probably just dreaming
                          Cass Todd -


                            I remember Joe saying something about it in his blog, but I really didn't understand what he was saying...

                            *Hopes for a Wraith thing or two, three in there*

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Can someone please tell me what episode Edward Sleazyhands was in?


                                that was in "The Hive"


