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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by susanne View Post
    theyre still fantastic *mutters about evil god not giving her any talent...*

    Mutters about evil god not giving me any talent? hahahaha! Utuku Xul!
    Darling don´t be envious...This is the result of a whole 28 years old life of hard work and good guidance.!!!!
    Besides Master Shawn the Wraith is not such a bad painter as well.


      mmm yes master shawn.... ......oh sorry got distracted there i beleive i dont have the patience for that kind of beutiful detail however i am good with computers

      I'm not dead. Yet.


        Originally posted by susanne View Post
        mmm yes master shawn.... ......oh sorry got distracted there i beleive i dont have the patience for that kind of beutiful detail however i am good with computers

        Yes Master Shawn...Yes.
        Patience is a important issue. So as inspiration. It took me a year to create everything I have shown here. There are days that I just brush a few stripes and then two days later a little more. I don´t paint continuously day in day out. No i take my time. If I get bored or tired i just stop for the moment and contunue another day when I feel like it. Never force such a thing. Besides. It is not only the result that matters...It is the process i enjoy. Like with michaels iratus? I was busy a long time with it. But then I saw vengeance. And decided to adjust it and to call it michaels Iratus. With computers I Am not that good. I can only smoothen things with image ready and all those things. But create things only by the computer? Nope I can´t. It took me long while to find that computer**** out.
        Anyway..i find your stories very exciting. Michael falling in love with Sara and the trouble they have to face for just because Michael is wraith/human....
        Keep up the good work. I am enjoying it and i often get bouncing butterflies myself when i read it. That is good. Writer, painter, or any other artist, What you do does not long as it does something emotionally with yourself and with people. That is one of the most important meanings of art!


          ah thank you its always nice to know your work is appreciated im just writing chapter 7 now its almost done i think.

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            xepherah if you would like a shawn smilie could you find a good piccie of him for me? i can put it up for myn to use.

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              'ello wraithies! what's happening in the pond nowadays?
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                meh chatting, drooling....fanfic...the usual lol

                I'm not dead. Yet.


                  Originally posted by susanne View Post
                  xepherah if you would like a shawn smilie could you find a good piccie of him for me? i can put it up for myn to use.
                  Yes sure...But what do you need? What resolution, size and do i place it here. Through the attachments? Is that okay?


                    yeah attachments would be fine all i need is a nice clear picture of his face for myn to use

                    I'm not dead. Yet.


                      the 7th chapter of my fic is ready im planning the sequal as we speak.

                      Chapter 7
                      Michael emerged from the stargate on a grassy plain he swooped round and rematiealised Sara, he saw her waiver for a few moments before sinking to the dewy grass, it was expected really. He parked the jumper and walked over to her, lightly picking her up in his arms. He felt her head loll onto his shoulder, as he walked off into the gloom more of his creations emerged “she is not to be touched” he hissed as they walked to a bunker. Once inside he lay her down on the bed and tucked her in, for a few minutes he sat watching her. Slowly he got up and kissed her head “sleep well” he muttered as he left closing the door with a snap. Some time later Sara woke up with a slight headache, rolling over she realized Michael had found another world, no doubt another world where he had been experimenting. Silently she got up and walked out, he would be around somewhere. And sure enough she found him, walking through the door she saw Michael look up as a man screamed with agony, an iratus bug latched to his neck. She approached and looked coldly down upon the unfortunate man. “More experimenting?” she asked as the bug dropped off and Michael caught it. “Yes. Im sorry Sara but we do need to protect ourselves.” Sara nodded, she understood, during her search she had passed many of his creations. “You ordered them not to hurt me?” “Yes, I couldn’t let what happened happen again.” He muttered as he placed the bug into a tank where it fluttered its scaly wings and flew at the glass. Sara decided to become useful and grabbed the corpse, hauling it to the other room. When she returned her nose wrinkled as she saw the bug laying an egg “urg I hate those things” she scowled. Michael nodded his head not speaking a word. He was so busy. No time for Sara. She walked behind him and gently slipped her hands around his waist. Michael looked up and behind him. He then realized he’d been neglecting her. He wasn’t alone anymore. “When your done Michael, come find me” she winked and walked off, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before he did. Silently she retreated to the room and waited…and waited…. An hour later Michael was being slowly driven crazy by what she had meant, abandoning his work he walked to the room and opened the door. Sara was lying on the bed waiting. “What did you mean?” Michael asked. Sara smirked “ well shepperd interrupted our fun last time, you gonna make up for it?” Michael smiled as the door to the room slowly snapped shut. “What did you have in mind?” Michael raised an eyebrow and Sara continued” you’ve been ignoring me all day, I want a little love, so give me some love” Michael slowly sauntered over and cupped Sara’s face in his hands “ if you want It that bad…” and slowly began kissing her as they moved further on the bed. His weight pressed against her and she could feel the muscles of his arm as she tenderly stroked it. She had never felt like this about anyone, Michael was so different. He made her feel…. alive with passion. The next morning as the artificial lights came on she felt Michael get up and dressed. Sara sighed and rolled over when the door opened again. “Michael go do whatever im sleeping….” She muttered. No one replied, she looked up to see ronon towering above her, his gun set to kill; she gave a loud shriek as ronon pulled the trigger. Michael, oblivious to what was going on heard her scream and ran to the door, inside he saw Sara slumped on the bed, her eyes blank and unmoving, he looked away as tears pricked his eyes. Ronon he thought quickly and called for his creations “kill anyone who doesn’t belong here” he hissed violently. They sloped off looking for the intruders. Michael then turned back to Sara; stroking her cold face he picked up her lifeless body and carried it to his lab. She couldn’t be dead. She just couldn’t… he began the cloning process, but he would make her stronger…. more powerful. He would make a wraith. He heard several men yell and scream as his creatures attacked. He knew shepperd would escape. But he would get his revenge soon enough. Slowly the creatures returned. “Did shepperd escape?” they nodded silently. “Good” Michael muttered, he wanted shepperd and ronon dead personally. Silently he continued his cloning. It would take months but it would be worth it, she wouldn’t remember anything but ‘Alice’ as he had named her would help him do what he needed to do. Kill the ‘lantians.

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


               this okay?
                        Last edited by Xepherah; 24 March 2007, 02:23 PM.


                          its perfect ill ask myn to make one for you

                          I'm not dead. Yet.


                            susie i really like your fanfic so far, have you read mine, its got michael in too and similar in places


                              lol jess i think we have an obsession oh btw i just put up a new one. the7th chapter no spoilers but he just isnt lucky in love and yes i have. i loved it

                              I'm not dead. Yet.


                                susiesMC: damn steves got tacos.

                                steve: yep and im sharing with shawn.

                                shawn: its delicious.

                                susiesMC: your only doing this cos im on a diet!!!
                                me: damn right you are!!! too many obese people thats what it is!!!!

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

