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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    Well what can I say it definitely liven up the thread here. So, everyone calm down. I didn't help matter much by making a flippant remark on Wraith using human skin for the Queen's undies. Now let's hope JM doesn't get a ideas. We maybe wondering what Todd is wearing under his leathers.

    Woohoo! Another fine thought to end the night -- what does Todd wear beneath those leathers? (I do think we have had this discussion once or twice before). It always reminds me of an old song I used to hear in an Irish pub about what the Scotsman wears beneath his kilt!

    It certainly HAS been lively around here since JM's offhand remark. And I, too, appreciate the fact that everyone on this board can post their opinions and feelings and respect those of others.
    Sparrow hawk



      Ok, so horse whipped is rather harsh. I just remember the episode "Reunion" didn't Ronon have a necklace of Wraith fingers? and in one other episode I can't remember which one. Didn't Ronon wear a braid of Wraith hair?



        MGM's trailer for "lost tribe" is up.

        it's about time todd quits playing so nice with the lanteans.
        Last edited by naamiaiset; 06 October 2008, 07:12 PM.


          Hey, everyone...

          Joe is taking questions for Brad Wright - I suggest anyone who wants to encourage them to keep the Wraith alive and kicking to go there and ask Brad a nice, Wraithy question.



            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
            MGM's trailer for "lost tribe" is up.


            it's about time todd quits playing so nice with the lanteans.
            Thanks naamiaiset for the link

            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Hey, everyone...

            Joe is taking questions for Brad Wright - I suggest anyone who wants to encourage them to keep the Wraith alive and kicking to go there and ask Brad a nice, Wraithy question.

            Thanks das I will go over and ask a couple of Wraithy questions. When will he be answering them?



              Hi WDC! I decided to try to write a fanfic again, and I was wondering if any of you would be nice enough to Beta it for me. If it is okay, I may post it. I want to make sure that it is good enough first though. It is supposed to be a humor fic and I only have one chapter done currently. I would have asked for a beta in the fanfic forum, but I thought I may have better luck in the WDC first.


                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                Ok, so horse whipped is rather harsh. I just remember the episode "Reunion" didn't Ronon have a necklace of Wraith fingers? and in one other episode I can't remember which one. Didn't Ronon wear a braid of Wraith hair?

                I sorta remember seeing a drawing of a sword i think was Ronons and it was made from pieces of dead wraith. A jawbone was in there and hair too i think.
                off to watch the trailer, thanks for the link naami


                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  MGM's trailer for "lost tribe" is up.


                  it's about time todd quits playing so nice with the lanteans.

                  Holy crap, is it just me or does it look like todd getting shot by ronon's gun? It's in a stupid player so I can pause it to have a look. It's one of the first scenes on the bridge. It moves so fast I can't tell if it is Todd or not....


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    I don't believe that Todd just picked that table up in his travels randomly, but that he purposely obtained it in preparation for his guests. Now, did he just go to a planet and ask all nice-nice for some furniture, and spare the humans from a culling? Or did he take it during a culling, knowing that soon he'd be entertaining humans aboard his ship instead of eating them? IF I were Todd - and knowing that Shep & Co. were soon coming for a visit - I would eat VERY well ahead of time, just in case. The fruit was very fresh - that means he had JUST culled a planet, and fed. Unless, of course, he actually did 'barter' for it (Todd: "Fruit and candles and a table, for your lives!" - Now THAT would really have the humans confused!! LOL! Can you imagine the stories? "Many ages ago the Wraith came, and culled a dining room set, and fruit bowls. We still do not know the meaning of this, but we refer to it as The Great Wraith Culling of Ikea. )
                    the "as delicious as the farmers who grew them" line seems to indicate they picked up the fruits during a culling,
                    I can totally imagine Todd going to a village and requesting what he needs in exchange for sparing (temporarily) the people's lives. After all, when he contacted Sheppard in "The Seer", his hive wasn't the one doing the culling. (However, knowing how territorial wraith usually are, I can't help but wonder. Was the other hive part of his alliance? Or was it an enemy hive, and in this case, whom did this planet belong to? Did the two hives fight for the possession of this world? Or did Todd's hive only make a quick enough intrusion on the territory of another hive, and flew away before said hive attacked them?)

                    I think of how Ronon pushed him down in the jumper seat in BAMSR. Perhaps Todd was prepared to stand, as is his habit, and Ronon had to not-so-gently remind him of how humans do things.
                    Hm, interesting thought. As always, I doubt TPTB put too much into it, but it must have been weird for Todd to be forced to sit. Even when he was working with McKay, he was rarely sitting.

                    @ JadedWraith - I don't even see Wraith cannibalism as making them sadistic or evil, either. Again, it boils down to instinct. As long as the show has established that factor, and has established that the Wraith do what they do out of an instinct to survive, then feeding on one another is no different (to me) than when animals eat their own kind (sometimes even their own young) in order to survive, or in acts of domination. It's a TOTALLY different mindset to eat out of survival (shipwreck victims) or eat out of sadistic pleasure (Hannibal the cannibal, or Jeffrey Dahmer). Even humans have eaten their own children during times of great hunger can make you do things you once thought yourself incapable of. Since I have never experienced that sort of hunger, I cannot judge those who have.
                    I agree. As for wraith cannibalism, I'd like to distinguish two types: Feeding on their enemies, which seems well-accepted, and feeding on members of their own hives, which must be taboo for them if I judge from Greg's "I've fed upon [...] even a part of my own crew": It doesn't seem like something that is usually done. In their mind, an enemy hive must not be part of their "family", and thus, can be considered eatable.

                    The Queen:
                    We also learn here that MOST Wraith (who are primarily male) LIKE it this way "Most Wraith seek to be ruled, they fear to be without a Queen" - that is very telling. First, it tells us that the writers must be a buncha guys who like being tied up and spanked.
                    *rolls eyes* Larrin *rolls eyes*

                    Second, it tells us the male Wraith are probably just the same. They LIKE being dominated by a female, by their queen..they like being led, they like obeying orders. It gives them structure, it gives them a purpose.
                    Isn't that cute that under all their displayed arrogance,
                    wraith are just a bunch of scared kids who want their mom/queen to tell them what to do?

                    Todd, however, seems not to be of this sort. He seems to be the one who wants to do the 'spanking', not the other way round. I suppose it's because he was away from his kind for so long, he realized that if you need to get something done, sometimes you have to step up and be the one who takes control, regardless of whether you are queen or once-submissive male.
                    I love him so much for that! But I wonder if
                    he used to be submissive before his capture by the Genii. In fact, I don't think so. He used to have many, many loyal followers, possibly because of a prominent role he played during the war against the Ancients... or because he used the cloning facility to wipe out the other wraith after he wiped out the Ancients. But I think he was already very cunning and undertaking at this time, totally unlike other wraith who "seek to be ruled". He always was more of a ruler than a follower.

                    So, we have learned a LOT about their culture, and a bit about their morals, as well. Still, we need more - lots more - and I hope we eventually get that.
                    We ALWAYS need more. We had to wait so long to get these fascinating insights, just when SGA is now ending. Let's hope we get many wraith movies in the future.

                    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                    MGM's trailer for "lost tribe" is up.
                    it's about time todd quits playing so nice with the lanteans.
                    Cool! I can't wait to see more Todd next week-end.

                    About wraith wearing human remains as clothes or not, I agree with both Das and Wraith Cake. I'm with Das in that I'm not offended by the thought, but I'm completely with WK in that it sounds like an attempt to turn us against our beloved wraith.

                    Here's I made to Das which summarises my position:

                    On a theoretical point of view, I don't mind the idea of wraith using human body parts as clothes. From their own point of view, it makes sense without implying they are evil or sadistic. Well, as a human, I would probably feel more than a bit disgusted to hug Todd with his coat... Oh well, I'd just have to hug him naked instead.

                    But my concern is that although I agree it sounds like a bad joke more than a serious answer, it feels like one too many "wraith are bad guys, stop caring about them" statement to my taste. It wouldn't be the first time JM or other writers make such comments meant to turn us away from our love for the wraith. While you and I are both able to think from the wraith point of view, Stargate audience and JM's blog readers are primary supposed to be humans, and most humans can't get past a visceral rejection, just like Wraith Cake. While I can consider the wraith side of the coin, I also can acknowledge how much it might gross people out to imagine wraith clad in human skin. It would have been totally different had JM insisted on how similar it is to us wearing leather: In that case, it would have been an attempt to relativise things instead of an attempt to disgust us.

                    You see, I'm as worried as you about wraith and Todd's future. I don't trust the writers when it comes to their fate, and while the show itself seems to generally go the way I like, remarks such as this one scare me about what TPTB plan for the wraith. How can they write such wonderful episodes and characters if thy consider wraith only as big bad evil repulsive monsters? And if not, why constantly say such things that are obviously meant for us to think they are?
                    Now, besides the impracticality of using human skin, I thought of something else that renders it very unlikely: Unlike human hunters who wear animal skins as a way to honour their prey, to get (even if only metaphorically) some of the qualities they see in the animal, wraith make their best efforts to distance themselves from their human cousins. Wearing a human skin, even as a trophy, would make them closer to mankind, a thing they can't stand. When you look at their clothes, especially in recent seasons, it seems that they tend to make wraith look more like bugs. Todd's coat looks like an insect carapace. It would make no sense to use human remains to give themselves a more insect-like appearance.

                    Anyway, my policy is that as long as it's not stated clearly on-show, it's not canon, even if TPTB say it.

                    Originally posted by Risem View Post

                    Holy crap, is it just me or does it look like todd getting shot by ronon's gun? It's in a stupid player so I can pause it to have a look. It's one of the first scenes on the bridge. It moves so fast I can't tell if it is Todd or not....
                    Todd or Kenny (who's supposed to repair the ship AFAIK)? Anyway I'm afraid for all these wraith, although we know that Todd at least survives the episode.
                    My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                    Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                      Originally posted by Risem View Post

                      Holy crap, is it just me or does it look like todd getting shot by ronon's gun? It's in a stupid player so I can pause it to have a look. It's one of the first scenes on the bridge. It moves so fast I can't tell if it is Todd or not....
                      Todd came on board with Kenny and some other wraith. From what I can tell, Kenny's hair is too long for that to be him, and Todd is in later episodes, so my guess is its that third wraith that gets shot. Or one of the random others Todd beamed aboard.


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        @ Spikey - I saw Todd's uncomfortableness (or Chris') - and though he DID stll look sexy, as I said before, he also looked like me trying to sit down while wearing too-tight jeans. At any moment, I was expecting him to pop his waistband button and let out a huge sigh of relief!!


                        We do agree, though, poor Todd in that too tight coat, and maybe also trousers...

                        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                        I wish I got to know you better.


                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          @ JadedWraith - I don't even see Wraith cannibalism as making them sadistic or evil, either. Again, it boils down to instinct. As long as the show has established that factor, and has established that the Wraith do what they do out of an instinct to survive, then feeding on one another is no different (to me) than when animals eat their own kind (sometimes even their own young) in order to survive, or in acts of domination. It's a TOTALLY different mindset to eat out of survival (shipwreck victims) or eat out of sadistic pleasure (Hannibal the cannibal, or Jeffrey Dahmer). Even humans have eaten their own children during times of great hunger can make you do things you once thought yourself incapable of. Since I have never experienced that sort of hunger, I cannot judge those who have.
                          Agreed. I just think the writers push the alternative feed button too often. Come on, there are lots of humans just waiting to be culled

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          And I TOTALLY agree that we need to see more of Wraith morality among their own kind. We did get to see what IS acceptable, and what is NOT, it The Queen:
                          It IS acceptable for a Queen to kill another, but it is not acceptable for a male to kill a queen (or, at least, not to kill the Primary). It must also be acceptable for a queen to feed on a male (SoW) - the queen thought nothing of it, and the commander only objected because he believed Todd to still be useful to them. As for some cultural things, we learned that it seems it's not acceptable for a male to be in the presence of another queen, uninvited. The Wraith do not like surprises. We learned that males must show submissiveness before their queens. The Queen is a Dominatrix, males must submit to her (oh, how she must love that power!). We also learn here that MOST Wraith (who are primarily male) LIKE it this way "Most Wraith seek to be ruled, they fear to be without a Queen" - that is very telling. First, it tells us that the writers must be a buncha guys who like being tied up and spanked. Second, it tells us the male Wraith are probably just the same. They LIKE being dominated by a female, by their queen..they like being led, they like obeying orders. It gives them structure, it gives them a purpose. Todd, however, seems not to be of this sort. He seems to be the one who wants to do the 'spanking', not the other way round. I suppose it's because he was away from his kind for so long, he realized that if you need to get something done, sometimes you have to step up and be the one who takes control, regardless of whether you are queen or once-submissive male. So, we have learned a LOT about their culture, and a bit about their morals, as well. Still, we need more - lots more - and I hope we eventually get that.
                          In insects' society the Queen is the key to genetic heritage and survival, hence the hives or communities gravitate around her. The killing of the queen by another queen, as far as I know, as no parallel in the earth insect world. But it makes the stakes way more interesting. Females are fierce. And I am glad Wraith females keep their males in their rightful place. But I would like to see a bit less plotting and scheming and bit more of the solidarity among wraiths, at least among those of the same hive.
                          Last edited by JadedWraith; 07 October 2008, 03:05 AM. Reason: spelling, duh
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            oh... well with the forum being so slow, I didn't look back a page.


                            ^ who's going to name him?
                            He's a cutie, isn't he?

                            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                            I'm not good at finding names... I'll just stick with the watching part: He's cute.
                            Lol, me neither.

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Love these...

                            Listen up!

                            That was rather cute, wasn't it?

                            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                            @Spikey: how do you turn off add block?
                            If you have Mozilla with adblock, click on it so it opens, then type in '' and enter. It'll be blocked that way (a script).

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                              why is everyone so riled up? JM has already said wraith will be a presence beyond season five. I really wouldn't put too much stock in his remarks...
                              It's no secret that half the thread should be on anti-depressants, or is, right?

                              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                              I agree! I'll be glad when Friday comes and we have some new things to talk about!
                              Like it'll last long. I predict 3 positive Todd posts, and then they go right back to the 'meh, they'll shoot him in Infection, and then in EatG, maybe Sheppard is dreaming it up, because he's really DEAD!'

                              You get my point.

                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              Well what can I say it definitely liven up the thread here. So, everyone calm down. I didn't help matter much by making a flippant remark on Wraith using human skin for the Queen's undies. Now let's hope JM doesn't get a ideas. We maybe wondering what Todd is wearing under his leathers.

                              I have it on good authority, namely my own, that our beloved Commander goes Commando.

                              Fitting, no?

                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Hey, everyone...

                              Joe is taking questions for Brad Wright - I suggest anyone who wants to encourage them to keep the Wraith alive and kicking to go there and ask Brad a nice, Wraithy question.

                              *Throws oil all over Brad and puts him on fire*

                              I think not. He 'created' Stargate: 90210, so... Got the Wraith dumped for hormonal teenagers.

                              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                              I wish I got to know you better.


                                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                                oh... well with the forum being so slow, I didn't look back a page.


                                ^ who's going to name him?
                                Oh, my my. He was a pretty one, wasn't he??! I could handle and enitre hive looking JUST like that! Beautiful thing that he is...

                                Name-wise, my first reaction would be to call him Eye Candy. But if not that, then how 'bout...

                                Craig, in honor of Craig the Wraith?


