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    I just finished watching "The Queen" and I love the whole episode One word excellent!

    I loved all the political twists and turns and the look on Todd"s face when Teyla ordered the attack on the other hive. I think Todd is a little more wary of Teyla now after when she said "I'll be watching you now" I was wondering what he was thinking "What have I created?". I will be back again tomorrow to talk more. because I want to watch it again. I'm just a little tired to night. Keep up the great disscustions



      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      I am SO, SO sorry, are being replaced....


      I had that same thought putting the two pictures together but, you beat to it. Great minds think alike. Now we have our bare chested Wraith.



        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
        I had that same thought putting the two pictures together but, you beat to it. Great minds think alike. Now we have our bare chested Wraith.


        And only two nips, like it should be!

        I think I'm going to bed now, too. Hopefully this pic will inspire sweet dreams!!!

        I want to get back into the discussion myself, but rather busy today/tonight. Hubby and I went out for our anniversary dinner (18-yr wedding anniversary was 3/31 - but the 20-year anniversary of the day we met was 9/11, so we combined the two and had a lovely 3-hour, $180 dinner out. Yes...I am now broke.

        I just want to say two things, though - I LOVED snarly, angry, in-yer-face Todd!!! I also loved how he softened his voice - both in an 'affectionate' way when trying to easy Teyla's fears, and in a cautionary way, when advising Teyla while aboard the Primary's hive.

        It was excellent...HE was excellent. I love him to pieces, even if I have a half-nekked Steve in my sig.



          I'm getting to love Todd more and more now. yeah, that snarly in your face love that, and his concern for Telya. I didn't have a problem when he yell at Teyla I could see he wanted to pull their ruse off with out any suspicions . Being a Wraith isn't an easy life.

          Happy Anniversary das and to mr das

          Good night everyone. Sleep well and dream well.



            Wanna see what I got redded for?


            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

            I wish I got to know you better.


              Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
              What the hell is that about?

              Anyways, who cares who started it.


                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                Hello WDC!

                I was wondering if I could get some opinions. As Wraith fans, how do you view Season 5 so far? Was The Queen the only highlight so far in the season for Wraith-fans/Todd-fans? Was The Queen the only highlight, period? What are your radar senses telling you about future episodes?

                Hi StarOcean,
                Welcome and thanks for the question. The Queen has been my favorite episode of S5 so far. It has also been the most anticipated one because it was the return of Todd. He is the only reason I started watching SGA with Common Ground. It gave us the wraithier side of him and I loved it. The interactions and dialog was great. The best parts I think though were the settle expressions the CH used to bring more depth to Todds character. Also the addition of Kenny is great. He is very different from Todd but seems quite able to handle himself around the humans. Getting the interaction between the Primary and her commander was great. It was satisfying to get a glimpse of the wraith culture. And to have it reinforced by Todd that their culture was different for the humans.
                As for other episodes: the seed gave us clues to the origins of wraith ships, at least we think it did. And Broken Ties give us Rhys! His character was well executed by Tyler. He was able to bring that creepy factor to Rhys with his mannerism. That episode left a lot of questions about why Rhys needed worshippers and should have been a 2 part. It was wrapped up to quickly in my mind and could have been done better. Mainly Rhys should have lived. I have also enjoyed Woosley. RP has done a great job and I think he is a good addition to the show. Im looking forward to any episode that will feature the wraith where they are more than just hissing, life sucking, bad guys that get killed with 1 shot.


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                  Seriously? Man, talk about touchy!


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    I am SO, SO sorry, are being replaced....

                    Ahhhhhh! Why can't I green you??? Very, very scrumptious. But Todd is still my number 1. (It's gonna take one helluva Wraith to topple him from that spot!)


                    btw - here's your green again
                    Nice work!


                      mfw, I greened das for you.

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                        mfw, I greened das for you.
                        Merci beaucoup!


                          Love The Queen, loved Todd in it. I like it when he get cranky TPTB definably taken his character to a whole new level. Wish there was a season six to look forward to so we can see more of his development. and Wraith too. Just when the going get good they cancel the show so they can be on DVDs .

                          Now, after The Queen which we were on a high, Trackers is next it won't generate as much interest. but, after will be First Contact and Lost Tribe I will be looking forward to those episodes. I want to talk more about The Queen but, RL is calling


                          Another thing about Todd aside from his crankiness it was the way he handled that piece of fruit and the way he said " It gives me a moment's pleasure but, doesn't substain me." was ah, hmmm... very sensual yes, character development indeed.

                          Last edited by LiquidSky; 15 September 2008, 11:19 AM. Reason: adding more


                            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                            Don't worry Laura, it doesn't bother me how you post, and probably not most people here--I mean who else posts on this thread except fanatics of the lovely wraith!!
                            I personally don't mind, and even welcome spoilers, but I know not everybody does.

                            About "The Queen" (again )

                            I was reading about how the US trains soldiers to kill. They found that 80% of the time, soldiers will shoot above the head of their targets intentionally, because (obviously) most find it difficult to kill. However, the key was to kill quickly and without looking your enemy in the eye, otherwise you identify too quickly. Todd does this (except in CG where he wanted to savour the vengeance).
                            That's a very interesting insight.

                            If Tayla hadn't given him a reason at the end of the episode to betray them later, I think he would have had a very difficult time killing any of the Atlantis crew. After she started to kill the second hive, and when she threatened him, I think this is fodder enough for Todd to get rid of the Atlantis humans (in later episodes). I guess we always knew they would be enemies. It's not that Tayla didn't have a right to say what she said to Todd, I think it just could have been handled differently.
                            Seeing Todd and Atlantis eventually becoming enemies is my biggest fear. Well, along with seeing him die. But actually,
                            I'm not so sure what Teyla did really changed things for him. After all, it would have been very easy for him to kill her just after their last argument, and then order the rest of the team on his hive to be killed too. Even without using the hive communication system (which could seem suspicious), I'm sure he could have contacted Kenny telepathically to give that order. But despite his anger when she made it clear that he still had to obey her, he did nothing against her. My opinion is that even though he is furious that he hasn't managed to get rid of the domination of all queens, it's not enough for him to betray Atlantis. Not now at least.

                            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                            Oh well, I wish they would produce a show on the wraith as a spin off.
                            Yesss!! Now THAT would be a spin-off I'd love to watch.

                            Originally posted by masterling View Post
                            So, because of the queen and all of the toddy goodness i got a little carried away and made a tripped out todd painting. enjoy!!!!
                            Gah. I can't green you! This is wonderful, masterling. He looks even better on your drawing than on the original picture! Do you have it in a bigger format? I'd love to make myself a background with it but my screen resolution is huge (1600x1200 at home, and 1920x1200 at work ).

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            The SEXIEST part was when...
                            Todd caught the fruit, it appeared that his handgina opened a little. Gaaaah! They didn't just paint it on, they purposely gave him a natural-looking opening - probably because they read this freakin' thread and found out that we find handginas incredibly sexy.
                            Todd IS lovely. But I found
                            the scene with his feeding slit a bit TOO obvious. I would have preferred it if the focus were on the fruit, and you just "happen" to see the feeding slit very well. I'm not sure I'm clear: I mean, I think the scene would have been better with more subtlety.

                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            ... do you realize that this is, unless I am mistake, when Todd has for the first time put one over the Atlanteans, and a big one at that? He has finally won and didn't lose his hive and everything?
                            Hey, you're right!
                            It's good to see him really gain something for a change. Well, there was the research on the Hoffan drug in "The Kindred", but it's not as if it would instantly give him a cure. At best, he can use it to test humans before eating them. But here, although he still has Teyla behind his back, he really is in a better place than before.

                            I'd love to see Todd in the role of an enlightened despot for the wraith, and eventually after a few generations for both the wraith and the humans in the Pegasus galaxy. *dreams*

                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            Yes, the irony... but, I think, if he wanted to he could neutralize Tey'la. We've just seen that when it comes to his own plans and designs, and power, he's got no scruples. Unless of course... he's smitten. A smitten Wraith? Now that is scary.
                            Teyla would be horrified! Anyway, as I said above, I agree with you he could have killed her easily at the end if he had wanted to.

                            Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                            I was wondering if I could get some opinions. As Wraith fans, how do you view Season 5 so far? Was The Queen the only highlight so far in the season for Wraith-fans/Todd-fans? Was The Queen the only highlight, period? What are your radar senses telling you about future episodes?
                            Welcome! We might be crazy, but we don't eat people.

                            Of course, I love "The Queen". It stands over all other season 5 episodes so far, and most SGA episodes (with the exception of... "Common Ground", what a surprise ). However, I liked "The Seed" a lot because of the insight about
                            how wraith ships are grown.
                            It rose more questions than it answered, but still, this was unexpected and interesting. I wasn't fond of "Broken Ties", however. Although I liked the wraith for the acting, the writing wasn't very interesting. He was little more than just a plot device.

                            As for future episodes, I expect to enjoy
                            "First Contact" and "The Lost Tribe" for Todd, but I fear that it will just be his usual awesomeness instead of discovering new facets of his personality, like in "The Queen". I also fear that we will see too little of him for my taste. I cross my fingers for him to save the day when he arrives at the facility with McKay and Jackson!

                            I don't know enough about "Infection" yet to tell for sure. I'm eager to see more Todd, but I'm not expecting much more for now. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

                            Funny enough, "Outsiders" sounds good to me, although I know next to nothing about how the wraith in it will be portrayed. It might be because he appears to make some kind of deal with the natives here.

                            "Vegas" sounds funny and entertaining, but I don't expect much with respect to wraith lore. The wraith in it looks like shooting material.

                            And then, "Enemy at the Gate"... It's likely the last Todd episode this season, and I'm very, very, very anxious about it. I'm afraid the "enemy" will be Todd's faction that tries to reach Earth, which would mean the end of a wonderful character AND of any chance to lean more about wraith as people.

                            As a general rule, I love two things:
                            * When Todd (or other wraith: I love "Allies" and "No Man's Land" for Michael) and Atlantis cooperate for a common goal,
                            * When we learn more about wraith, their technology, and even more so their society.

                            Whenever wraith are written as people instead of generic enemies, I tend to be happy.

                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                            Huh... You sure it wasn't a mistake? You gave me red once, but I bet you didn't do it on purpose.
                            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              I am SO, SO sorry, are being replaced....

                              May I ask where you got that very nice pic from?


                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Glad you dropped by!

                                I think it's a combo of good writing, and good acting. Chris *knows* this character, and hasn't been afraid to add his own flare to the portrayal. He's confident in this role, and it shows. Some credit can also be given to the director[s], since they decide how the scene is played out, but - according to Will Waring - Chris added a lot of his own ideas to 'Todd's' characterization/action in Common Ground, so I suspect he has done the same in other episodes, especially this one. Now I wanna know if Todd's yawn in Miller's Crossing was scripted, or Chris' idea.

                                As far as Todd being a 'villain' - even if he turns and eats the whole of Atlantis, I will never see him as a villain. He's fighting for his survival, sometimes against a group of invaders from the Milky Way (although he's mostly cooperated with them, despite his tricksy ways). I can't see him as evil, bad or wrong for any of that. I'd like to think of him more as someone who comes in and stirs up the pot. Yup - that's our Todd - Pot Stirrer.

                                Someone mentioned earlier how lost the wraith feel without their queens. Perhaps, looking back this is how Todd felt about loosing his queen and this is what we see in Miller's crossing. And Rodney asks if he has lost anyone close to him--his partner....mmmm. (You know the part in MC when Rodney tries to convince Todd to help Rodney help his sister.)

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

