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    The Queen is the best ever Wraith episode, tied with Common Ground in revelations and character development. Todd was very much his aggressive Common Ground self, especially:
    When teaching Teyla how to sit, and explaining just how things are. However, I do think he's bitten off more than he can chew with Queen Teyla, and me thinks Todd doesn't like women too much, since he certainly doesn't want to be ruled by one. LOLOL. Our loss if it turns out he's gay.



      Now, I can't wait So, in the mean time I made a little something.




        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        The Queen is the best ever Wraith episode, tied with Common Ground in revelations and character development. Todd was very much his aggressive Common Ground self, especially:
        When teaching Teyla how to sit, and explaining just how things are. However, I do think he's bitten off more than he can chew with Queen Teyla, and me thinks Todd doesn't like women too much, since he certainly doesn't want to be ruled by one. LOLOL. Our loss if it turns out he's gay.

        Agreed 100%. CG & The Queen are my "desert island" shows.

        I loved how he yelled "A-GAIN!" at her, like a German drill sergeant. But I also loved how he looked at Keller when she was describing the gene therapy. He looked like a lion eyeing a nice juicy antelope. Is that the Wraith version of lust?
        Kenny was so cute. Sexy voice. If Todd wasn't so hot and oozing charisma in this ep, I would have paid more attention to him. And was that other bridge commander supposed to be "Dave"? He wasn't credited as being played by Aaron.

        It would figure if Todd was gay. Story of my life! And why I have so many gay friends!



          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
          Agreed 100%. CG & The Queen are my "desert island" shows.

          I loved how he yelled "A-GAIN!" at her, like a German drill sergeant. But I also loved how he looked at Keller when she was describing the gene therapy. He looked like a lion eyeing a nice juicy antelope. Is that the Wraith version of lust?
          Kenny was so cute. Sexy voice. If Todd wasn't so hot and oozing charisma in this ep, I would have paid more attention to him. And was that other bridge commander supposed to be "Dave"? He wasn't credited as being played by Aaron.
          I'm not sure if it's dave... his tattoo/beard doesn't match.

          todd and teyla look like a "power couple" walking through the procession of wraith at the end.
          Last edited by naamiaiset; 12 September 2008, 08:23 PM.


            Hey, what happened to Todd's slick hairdo???


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
              Hey, what happened to Todd's slick hairdo???
              I was wondering that also. maybe it was just for the promo pictures? or a cut scene?


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                I was wondering that also. maybe it was just for the promo pictures? or a cut scene?
                Well, hopefully we'll find it in the Director's cut on the DVD. (hint hint MGM)

                I have so many favorite moments in this show I can't stop posting them:
                Teyla's wiggling her butt into the Queen's throne before Todd says "Are you trying to get us killed?!"
                Her mimicry of Todd's "Indeed" when talking to the Queen.
                Todd's "She likes you" after the above conversation between Teyla and the Queen ends. The way he was standing so close to her and looking down at her....whoooo! gave me chills!



                  I think the 'sleek' hair is either an alternative scene, or a deleted one. Perhaps they felt it made Todd look too prissy.

                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  I'm not sure if it's dave... his tattoo/beard doesn't match.
                  Not 'Dave' - the actor's name was credited at the end, and it wasn't Aaron.

                  I also loved Tyler's appearance in this - he acted differently from the Wraith in Broken Ties, which is good because then you don't realize it's the same actor. He also looked quite handsome!

                  Actually - ALL the Wraith looked handsome in this one - I mean, exceedingly so.

                  todd and teyla look like a "power couple" walking through the procession of wraith at the end.
                  Totally. Funny how Todd thinks he's SO in control, only to discover that Teyla is the one calling the shots. LOL...poor guy, can't seem to catch a break.

                  Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                  Well, hopefully we'll find it in the Director's cut on the DVD. (hint hint MGM)

                  I have so many favorite moments in this show I can't stop posting them:
                  Teyla's wiggling her butt into the Queen's throne before Todd says "Are you trying to get us killed?!"
                  Her mimicry of Todd's "Indeed" when talking to the Queen.
                  Todd's "She likes you" after the above conversation between Teyla and the Queen ends. The way he was standing so close to her and looking down at her....whoooo! gave me chills!

                  I tell you - THAT was just about the best moment in the episode. I can't help but feel that Todd was thinking, "and I like you, too." I do believe he was attracted to Teyla Wraith - don't know if he'd admit it, but I'd like to think he used that opportunity to express his own feelings for Teyla. In other words, Todd 'used' the other queen to express the fact that it's actually he who likes Teyla. I mean, he has to respect her for what she was doing for him, and remember, he does consider her to be...'tasty'. LOL...First Michael, now Todd. Teyla's got all the Wraith boys hot for her now!



                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Not 'Dave' - the actor's name was credited at the end, and it wasn't Aaron.

                    I also loved Tyler's appearance in this - he acted differently from the Wraith in Broken Ties, which is good because then you don't realize it's the same actor. He also looked quite handsome!

                    Actually - ALL the Wraith looked handsome in this one - I mean, exceedingly so.
                    who is the "dave look-a-like" (for lack of a better name ) actor? I know richard zeman plays the bald wraith.

                    chris and rachel's acting/dynamic is wonderful in this. I wouldn't mind seeing it revisited. I'm looking forward to todd's other episodes even more now. I like his "new" attitude, he seems much more confident and assured in himself (he walks around atlantis as if he owns the place) - that is, til he feels the wrath of queen teyla. although, I think a part of him enjoys every bit of it. it's also great to finally see the inner workings of wraith society.

                    did anyone notice a bit of the "condemned" wraith in todd when he calls the farmers delicious and that the food would give him a moments pleasure but not sustain him?
                    Last edited by naamiaiset; 12 September 2008, 09:27 PM.


                      It sounds like an excellent episode probably one of the best for season five. However I shall wait. They say it's well worth the wait. But, waiting is no fun.

                      So, I will go a play in the games thread



                        Sorry, here's more:


                        Teyla is pacing in her quarters (and did you get a look at those heels she was wearing? 3 inches at least! and she still looked tiny!) and when Todd enters she says "You nearly got us killed!" The way Todd says "I know" is almost gleeful. He's enjoying every minute of this! I would hate to be his eucher partner. Or play poker against him. (I'm kidding - I would LOVE to sit at a table with him any time!

                        Edit: I'm sorry for all the spoilers but I'd rather hang out here than stay in The Queen pre-show thread. And I really don't want to deal with all the traffic in the post-show thread. So thanks for bearing with me.


                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          [SPOILERS]who is the "dave look-a-like" (for lack of a better name ) actor? I know richard zeman plays the bald wraith.

                          I believe the guy's name was Dave Chutter. I know Chutter was his last name, not so sure about the first. He was listed as Wraith Bridge Commander.

                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          chris and rachel's acting/dynamic is wonderful in this. I wouldn't mind seeing it revisited. I'm looking forward to todd's other episodes even more now. I like his "new" attitude, he seems much more confident and assured in himself (he walks around atlantis as if he owns the place) - that is, til he feels the wrath of queen teyla. although, I think a part of him enjoys every bit of it. it's also great to finally see the inner workings of wraith society.

                          did anyone notice a bit of the "condemned" wraith in todd when he calls the farmers delicious and that the food would give him a moments pleasure but not sustain him?
                          I loved the Todd we saw in this ep. I think it's the most "real" Todd we've seen since SOW. In command of his own hive, we all saw that determination and "don't question me" 'tude but it was just a glimpse. He's such a politician otherwise, the slippery bugger. He was stripped to the core and purely in survival mode in CG. It's interesting to compare the Wraith he was then to the one he is now. He's back with a vengeance!

                          Well, I've watched both showings of the ep and I rewatched my recording. And tomorrow I will be downloading the ep from Amazon to watch again and again and again. *sigh* Time for sweet dreams for me for now.

                          G'night Wraithies!



                            The 'Dave look-a-like' actor was James Chutter (described as 'Bridge Officer Wraith'). He portrayed a Wraith in Midway, it says, and Babbis, in The Return Pt. 1.

                            Some things I've noticed...

                            After the 'you almost got us killed' moment, when Teyla tells him he should have told her of his plan, he says, 'Perhaps', and submissively bows away from her. Do you think this was his instinct taking over? His instinct to be submissive to a queen, though he knows Teyla is an imposter?

                            I was right about Todd putting the knife in Teyla's hand - just wrong about the reason.

                            I was really happy to see Tyler again - it was good to have another Wraith for Todd to play off of, and to see him survive the episode. At least this one episode - who knows what's gonna happen down the road.

                            Loved seeing all the Wraith in the throne room at the end - it didn't make the hive seem so empty, like they usually seem.

                            The Hive ship's weapons sound like the Asteroids arcade game.

                            The whole fruit farmers bit was a riot!!! Naughty Todd - and yes, it did remind me of Condemned. This was necessary because not everything could be shown in a flashback at the beginning, so for newer viewers there had to be a bit of explanation, and it was nicely done. Nice to hear Todd say it, and in a way it was a nod to James' earlier performance.

                            Ronon confronting Todd was priceless! Not sure what line I liked best - the fruit farmer one, or "Is that all?....Right" bit Todd pulled on Ronon. Those two should just get a room and get it over with, 'cause obviously they both want each other soooo bad, they can taste it!

                            So much more to say, but will stop there. After the excitement wears off, I'll be ready to discuss the deeper issues of this episode - Wraith society, culture, and politics - and the 'cure'. It's nice to know that our earlier discussions about the brutality in Wraith society shaping who they are was accurate. Dang - just SO much in this episode, it's hard to absorb it all right now...

                            Oh! And Will Waring (director of Common Ground) answered my questions - all of which really makes me love Chris even more (seems Waring doesn't know how long Todd was locked up, either ):

                            1. In your mind, how long had Todd been held captive?

                            ...doesn’t Todd reference how long he’s been there? (No, Will...he doesn't! 'Many years' doesn't count!)

                            2. After the last feeding in the prision, Todd leers at Kolya as he’s taken away. I found this very effective in suggesting his readiness to turn on his master. Who’s idea was this - the writer’s, Chris’, or yours?

                            3. In the scene where Todd is looking down through the bars at Sheppard, I swear he’s positively purring under his breath as Sheppard says “I could’a sworn I was gonna wake up dead today.” Again, a little detail that caught my attention and made me think more deeply about the scene. Was Todd’s ‘purring’ vocalization here your idea, and if so, what was your thinking behind it?

                            4. Funniest moment in the episode was when Todd ‘pointed’ the gun at Shep as he examined it - hilarious, without one word being said. Was this scene done as scripted, or did the actors ad lib at all?

                            2) 3) and 4) These are all straight from Chris whom I didn’t get to see out of make up till the episode was almost over! It was real interesting carrying on all these heart to hearts with 6’3” of imposing wraith, But with really smiley eyes!

                            God, this just makes me love Chris even more because you know it's HIM creating the character, and not just taking direction from others.

                            and..."really smiley eyes"...*sigh*

                            Last edited by dasNdanger; 12 September 2008, 10:40 PM.


                              OH, MINE, OH MINE!!!

                              There was more Wraith eye candy than I could take.

                              That aside, this was full of such good stuff about Wraiths and how they operate.

                              Todd and Keller made such a cute couple. Really...
                              HONOR. A story.



                                can those of us not lucky enough to see the episode hear about Kenny and the rest of the team left behind.

                                Todd sounds absolutely brilliant!! i want to see it now!
                                FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE

