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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
    Just something to do until TS Fay blows herself out.


    nice job. I felt creative this morning also.
    Last edited by naamiaiset; 19 August 2008, 11:42 PM.


      Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
      OK, have learned to use the spoiler button. Am looking for the HIDE now.

      Continued from last post:, the Wraith written Language:

      Dr. Weir determines that the Wraith font is a derivative of Ancient and concludes that this is proof of their accidental evolution due to the presence of humans on their planet. Rodney raises an objection, but Elizabeth silences him.

      Well, Rodney always thinks very much outside the box, so what was his opinion? My initial reaction was that an important Wraith archive had been destroyed during the war, much like the great library at Alexandria. But much more likely is that the Wraith had a system like many human cultures in which entire clans had the responsibility of memorizing cultural histories (eg. the Maoris, some Native Americans). Separate Hives may have had the duties of memorizing different aspects of Wraith knowledge, and maybe they were not so splintered back than. When entire hive ships were lost to war and starvation, the ever practical Wraith decided on a less risky method and adapted the writing of their enemies. (Again, liasbuttissexy shot this down by pointing out that the Wraith had computer technology. it possible to understand a binary code without needing a written alphabet?)
      I wanted to weigh in here, but please forgive me if I don't have the whole context (I'm a little too lazy to read previous posts )

      I'll have to go back and review but I don't think Weir was merely looking at font. When you look at language derivatives the thing focused on are phoneme patterns that are similar in a region, this rather than the written word determines "language" roots. For instance the word "concept" in French, Portuguese and Spanish is concepto in Italian it's concetto - concezione, yet in Latin it's informatio --These languages are Latinate. Whereas English (though made up of 50% Latin French words--another long story) is a Germanic language. For instance, the word "house" is huis in Dutch, hus in Danish, and haus, in German.
      The written word is a relatively new invention. It seems you're also talking about oral culture, versus a written one. There are still a number of oral cultures today. It's interesting when you try to teach students who are refugees, or are misplaced persons from countries like Honduras (they may be aboriginal etc.) and they come from an oral culture, it is quite different trying to teaching them reading and writing. They don't come from an "illiterate" society they come from a "non-literate" society. So, though they are masters at language, being native speakers of their own language, they do have a difficult time making pictures of specific sounds.
      Language is one of the primary tools Anthropologists use to determine almost everything basic known about a culture, because language is culture. We had this huge discussion a while back about wraith names etc. and would they have them bla bla bla. Logically the wraith would, because language is a naming system--that's essentially what language is too-- a system of naming things. How certain languages name their individuals indicates a great deal about the cultural mind-set of the people who make up a given society. For instance, I can ask my English speaking students "What's your last name?" and they say "Brown" or "Williams" etc, but I can't ask that question to my ESL Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean or Chinese students. For them I have to ask for their "family" name vs. their "given" name.

      This is where the water gets so murky when it comes to the origin of the wraith and the endless debate about whether they are more bug or more mammal. The show's not going to tell us: it's more 'romantic' in the exotic sense, to think of them evolving from something as foreign and 'other' as insects than mammals, though none of what we talk about here makes that idea makes sense (Oh, well its more fiction than science eh?). If the wraith have ever had an time when their culture was "oral" they would also have had a significant time of human evolution. Oral cultures primarily exist in non technologically advanced societies, because written language is a technology. If wraith language is a derivative of Ancient then either of two things would have needed to happen: 1/ The wraith were humans seeded by the ancients on a planet that had the iratus bug. The bug fed on them, they evolved regenerative abilities, sexy eyes, pouty mouths ect. and their language changed (as language is wont to do) into modern wraith. Or 2/ The iratus bug would need to have evolved into humans at a high rate of speed, live with and among the humans who spoke the ancient language then pick the language up from the humans and speak their own version of it ie. "wraith". The reason I point to two options is because of the predatory nature of the wraith toward humans.
      This is where I have always fundamentally had a difficult time with the logic of wraith origins. A predatory insect like the iratus bug would more than likely not live along side humans for any length of time in order to pick up their language, and this is exactly what they would have needed to do in order for the "science" of wraith starting off as the iratus bug. Oh, well again this isn't science, it IS fiction.

      Well, this was another long winded post and thanks for reading my blab. Can you tell I haven't posted in a while?
      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        And it's very frustrating it is too. Hum

        WK:- Nice to have you back. Lovely cake looks very very very yummy. What type is it? Is there a piece avaialble for me?
        I wonder how one would get the cake looking so red? I want some too.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Oops. That info is OT, so I should have put that in spoilers.

          Red food coloring. It's a traditional recipe of the US South (as in Deep South). It's made with cocoa, but the food coloring makes it red. It's kind of a specialty cake and it's often made with creme cheese icing.


            @ Wraithie - Wonderful calender, *wonders who will be december*, and thanks for the info your house is surviving
            @ Naami - Lovely
            @ Artifysial - Welcome

            To continue on theories on wraith development
            Sometimes I think they were actually experiments of some Ancients, but were done on the sly. Possibly as a weapon (for we know the Ancients have a habit of creating something specifically as a weapon, then when they can't control it, they abandon it. The asurans are an example).

            Another theory that has been mentioned elsewhere (can't remember which thread) is that they were experiments some Ancients did (again on the sly) to help them ascend, such as trying to find ways to live longer.

            In both theories, the experiments would have been exposed to the language.

            Yummy cake OT
            I think it's called Devil's food cake over here - a choccolate cake with a lot of red coloring added.
            Mmmmmm. Cream cheese frosting. *drools*

            Edit - just remembered - there's supposed to be an article on Wraith Evolution in the next Stargate mag. Hopefully we will get our answers!
            Last edited by toomuchcaf; 19 August 2008, 10:50 PM.


              This one is special for das!

              Mr December 2009.jpg



                Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                Evolution isn't so much time dependent but more generation dependent - I see the wraith as slow breeding, for what reason, other than that they are long lived, I do not know
                I see the wraith as a slow breeding race as well, considering their fast evolution it somehow contradicts itself.
                How long was the ancients war? 1000 year or something? That would be roughly 15,000 years to evolve. I would think that they started out as a fast breeding race, then they kinda slowed down....

                Also thanks guys for all your nice comments. Yes; it's Teyla!Wraith.


                  Welcome here...
                  Hmm I don´t think that Wraith are so Arrogant like Vampires... I Think Vampires are younger than a wraith or?? And the only one who are Arrogant are Acients and now the Humans from the earth...

                  But what happen if a Wraith meet a Vampire??

                  @ Das Who is Tyler Wraith???



                    GW has now returned to not allowing me to upload pics (Who knows what the deal is? The button just doesn't work!), but at least PB is back up and running from being down for maintenance. Hope ya'll like the new wallie.

                    (Gosh dang it! I'm already seeing things I could've done with it!)
                    Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 20 August 2008, 02:22 AM.


                      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                      If I had to sum up the attitude of the Wraith in a few words, I'd have to say, "Extraordinarily sexy and supremely confident of their superiority over all other races they encounter."

                      Well...the fun got started early. OT
                      I dropped outta here earlier because the power went bye-bye on me, BUT at least my roof didn't. Can't say the same for the house across the street, and that was before the storm proper got to us! Since the pics below were taken, some of the metal panels are now flapping in the wind. Every once in a while, I go out to see if any have flown away. None so far....

                      View from the Porch

                      View from the Front Yard

                      On a brighter note, the screamer metal band that lives next door is sounding better than I've ever heard them before, and their music fits quite nicely with Mother Nature's mood!
                      Gladto hear that your trailer is OK, Wraithworshipper. Sorry to hear you lost power; hope it wasn't for too long. Poor people across the street!

                      FPL here did an awesome job and kept power going this time, so we were shutterred up but not in the dark. One section of our roof is being worked on so we were bailing! I derived great enjoyment from Ms. Abram's Lake Worth weather updates; she was so over-the-top ENTHUSIASTic! Let's all rush out and become storm reporters!


                        Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                        Gladto hear that your trailer is OK, Wraithworshipper. Sorry to hear you lost power; hope it wasn't for too long. Poor people across the street!

                        FPL here did an awesome job and kept power going this time, so we were shutterred up but not in the dark. One section of our roof is being worked on so we were bailing! I derived great enjoyment from Ms. Abram's Lake Worth weather updates; she was so over-the-top ENTHUSIASTic! Let's all rush out and become storm reporters!
                        Thanks Keeper!

                        LIke I said,the fun started early! The storm proper hadn't even gotten to us yet. When I died, at about 6:18 this morning, I'd been up about 22 hours, and the storm's eye was just passing. It had broken up a bit though, so except for a few more rain squalls, it was pretty much done. Now here's where I sound like Rodney, "Yes, but having said that, however, the eye of the storm is now passing out over open, warmer water. The eye could regroup and intensify as a stronger tropical storm and come back at us, or it could become a category one hurricane and reverse course hitting juuust ever so slightly north of us. Or it could hit South Carolina."

                        Personally...I'm voting for none-of-the-above!

                        Anyhoo...the roof across the street decided to split and settle further down onto the house. Thankfully, none of the panels came loose to fly away. Except for the fact that it came off, that's one tough roof!


                          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                          If I had to sum up the attitude of the Wraith in a few words, I'd have to say, "Extraordinarily sexy and supremely confident of their superiority over all other races they encounter."

                          In otherword we the Wraith are the best and you will not get much better than us. We are giving you the supreme honour of being our food to ensure the survivial and the superiority of the Wraith. They sure don't lack confidence.

                          Well...the fun got started early. OT
                          I dropped outta here earlier because the power went bye-bye on me, BUT at least my roof didn't. Can't say the same for the house across the street, and that was before the storm proper got to us! Since the pics below were taken, some of the metal panels are now flapping in the wind. Every once in a while, I go out to see if any have flown away. None so far....

                          View from the Porch

                          View from the Front Yard

                          On a brighter note, the screamer metal band that lives next door is sounding better than I've ever heard them before, and their music fits quite nicely with Mother Nature's mood!
                          Well it's all part of life's rich tapestry or so I've been told. . More like a bad joke of nature deciding Florida been tooooo quiet lately so lets send a hurricane to wake them up.
                          Stay safe Wraithie.

                          Thanks to DS for my siggy


                            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                            Just something to do until TS Fay blows herself out.


                            Love your queen thank you. What this queen's name cos if she doesn't have one Fay sounds good.


                            nice job. I felt creative this morning also.


                            Like the black and white picture of the queen. She lovely
                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              I wonder how one would get the cake looking so red? I want some too.

                              Abit OT
                              You mean you didn't make it like you do the Wraithtini's? Ohhh.

                              To get it that red, Summer fruits. like a Summer Pudding.
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                                This one is special for das!


                                Lucky DAS, thanks for letting us all have a look

                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

