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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    I recognize that question. I started that topic in todd's thread.

    the part in bold is similar to what my first thought was, but like I said in todd's thread... look how many new hives todd has had. you wouldn't want to be the (new) commanding wraith on a hive and be unable to control your own prisons (or other functions of the ship). I think the hive mind theory makes more sense. or... the writers just hoped fans wouldn't pick up on a little thing like that.
    Yes it was in the Todd thread!! thanks

    But in the cloning facility, where there rally alot of others?? or is the queen strong enough. It seems like it would be to cumbersome. What if they happen to run into another hive and start fighting. Im sure their attention would be diverted, so the prisoners would be able to control the doors. I think im leaning towards only a few selected (lets call them security wraith) have access to the holding cells. that way no one can get in/out with out them and it wouldn’t disrupt the rest of the hive. I would image that the Queen, commander and keepers would also have access. Once a Commander in on a new ship he is imprinted on the codes.


      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      I think the hive mind theory makes more sense. or... the writers just hoped fans wouldn't pick up on a little thing like that.
      Most likey thaey didnt think of it. After all, we are quite the obessive bunch arnt we


        Heads up, Wraith fans!! I just looked at the credit list for the upcoming Watchmen movie, and both Dan Payne and Tyler McClendon have roles in it! Bam Bam and Jeffrey Robinson also supposedly did stunt work on it - it's like a Wraith reunion film...only without the green face paint!



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Heads up, Wraith fans!! I just looked at the credit list for the upcoming Watchmen movie, and both Dan Payne and Tyler McClendon have roles in it! Bam Bam and Jeffrey Robinson also supposedly did stunt work on it - it's like a Wraith reunion film...only without the green face paint!

          What is it and when/where will it come out??


            never mind, just found the trailer


              Originally posted by masterling View Post
              What is it and when/where will it come out??
              "Who watches the watchmen?" Watchmen is considered the best graphic novel (fancy name for 'comic book') ever written (written by Alan Moore) - check it out here:

              It's about superheroes in more of a 'real world' setting, and comes out March 2009 in the US, I believe.

              I've never read it, but probably should before the movie comes out. It's a 'must read' for comic book fans, but it's a DC (Superman/Batman) comic, and I'm a Marvel (Spider-Man, Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man) girl! I plan to see the movie, but maybe now I'll read the comic, too.



                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                Yes it was in the Todd thread!! thanks

                But in the cloning facility, where there rally alot of others?? or is the queen strong enough. It seems like it would be to cumbersome. What if they happen to run into another hive and start fighting. Im sure their attention would be diverted, so the prisoners would be able to control the doors. I think im leaning towards only a few selected (lets call them security wraith) have access to the holding cells. that way no one can get in/out with out them and it wouldn’t disrupt the rest of the hive. I would image that the Queen, commander and keepers would also have access. Once a Commander in on a new ship he is imprinted on the codes.
                That's a very practical theory, Masterling. I like it.




                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Yeah, I complained about that to Mallozzi (he wrote it), and it's the reason I'd like to know what Tyler thought Rhys' motivation was. He portrayed the character well, but we still don't know why the Wraith want or need worshippers (besides the power thing). Usually, it's not just about power, or control of your enemies...usually there is something more to it, something...more personal. From Tyler's portrayal, I got the impression that this Wraith just enjoyed turning the strongest of the strong, and - perhaps - got off on casting worshippers out, only to have them grovelling to come back. Is it all about ego? I'd just like to know...

                    You're doing it again; forcing my brain to keep spinning. You probably answered your own question.

                    Why do the Wraith need worshippers when they have the faceless drones to do all the drudgery, and a huge surplus of them too?

                    I just think that a strongly telepathic being would find much comfort in the love and adoration of a True Worshipper. Real worship IS an intense love and reverence for someone. It is definitely telepathic; it cannot be spoken, and we can only radiate it.

                    Of course, many wraith worshippers may simply have an agenda, and some may just serve to escape being fed upon. But a few may be the real thing.


                      Originally posted by masterling View Post
                      Most likey thaey didnt think of it. After all, we are quite the obessive bunch arnt we
                      Hehehe...yes,quite obsessive.
                      Don't you just want to contemplate everything about them? They are so very "Japanese" it seems: very competitive, smart, tough, having to be courteous to everyone 24/7 while living in a crowded hive, and the consequences of incompetence or disrespect are so very drastic...

                      (Or imagine cruising through space on a ship with several hundred relatives, and no escape, ever!


                        Whoa whoa whoa, cool down, guys. Todd is not such an evil overlord that everything bad that happens is his fault.


                        * Replicators had plenty of ZPMs. And by plenty, I mean an insane whole lot of them. They didn't even notice when the human stole one in "Lifeline". Who knows? They might even have kept some in store without using them, just in case. After all, they could create as many as they needed. What are the chances that Todd stole precisely 3 of the half a dozen ZPMs Rodney was going to overload? And what are the chances that it precisely cut down the power in the room Rodney was in?

                        * Todd sent 3 darts to retrieve 3 ZPMs, so I assume that each dart stole one from a different place. As ZPMs tend to come by three, it is doubtful that removing one of them would have cut down all power.

                        * Wraith in general viscerally HATE replicators. And Todd lost his hive because of them (in "Miller's Crossing", it wouldn't make sense for Rodney to refer to the ship Todd lost above Atlantis in "The Seer"). After weeks of fruitless work, this plan was their last hope to stop the replicators once and for all. Todd would sacrifice any life in order to achieve his goal, including his own... but his whole species? (Replicators were depleting their food supply, which would have meant starving to death.) Stealing ZPMs to wipe out the other wraith would make no sense should the replicators survive the attack, especially in an even more dangerous form. Todd sure doesn't want the replicators to win against hives that are loyal to him, and even against Atlantis.

                        * I'm quite sure that Todd planned to steal ZPMs from the replicators even before he came to the humans to ask for help. In "The Seer", Woolsey asks: "So you're going to use this to leverage your way back in" and Todd replies: "In a manner of speaking." I always felt that his idea was not political but by force. It also explains why he would be so reluctant to let the humans upload the virus into the replicators' network: He wanted to be there to steal ZPMs. So when Rodney told he was going to overload some ZPMs, Todd could have chosen others.

                        * If there was any chance that he humans notice that Todd stole ZPMs, they would have destroyed his ship without hesitation. He had to act unnoticed.

                        On a different note, I loved that an Earth ship protected Todd's hive in "Be All My Sins Remember'd". Just after we see Todd in his damaged ship, the Daedalus or the Orion intercepts fire from the replicator ship and destroys it. ( )

                        Originally posted by masterling View Post
                        Im sure that something alone those lines will happen only because that the exact opposite of what i would like to happen!
                        It would be nice if his agenda was something like taking control of the wraith and realizing that they need to change in order to survive. We know he is smart and thinks outside of the box. He if any realizes that something must change, if not it will be the down fall of the spices.

                        I don't know that Todd's ultimate intentions are. I'd like to think that they don't imply Atlantis of Earth, especially since TPTB already ruined Michael by turning him into The Ultimate Bad Guy. Turning Todd into an enemy of Atlantis would basically spoil the show for me, removing the only bit of grey area to fall into the "wraith are evil, mwahahahaha, so anything the good guys do is justified because they are the good guys". Exit the wonderful speech of Michael in "Allies" about how similar humans and wraith are (that has already been thrown out the window), exit Todd's "Common Ground" "there is much about wraith that you do not know", and back to bad guys that can be killed at will.

                        About "The Prodigal": Just like naamiaiset says. Also he

                        figures that he could use the auto-destruction mechanism to permanently eliminate the team. I doubt any reconciliation. I even feel that he might be killed at the end of the episode.

                        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                        I liked Neo, too, but I guess I do like a mine just a bit sleazier or more young and innocent looking (Phineas or that poor, sweet dart pilot Beckett accidentally killed. )
                        Hmmmm, Phineas is really good-looking (hottest wraith ever!), but I still prefer Todd for his personality.
                        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                          Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                          You're doing it again; forcing my brain to keep spinning. You probably answered your own question.

                          Why do the Wraith need worshippers when they have the faceless drones to do all the drudgery, and a huge surplus of them too?

                          I just think that a strongly telepathic being would find much comfort in the love and adoration of a True Worshipper. Real worship IS an intense love and reverence for someone. It is definitely telepathic; it cannot be spoken, and we can only radiate it.

                          Of course, many wraith worshippers may simply have an agenda, and some may just serve to escape being fed upon. But a few may be the real thing.
                          Love the part I highlighted in bold. Since Ellia longed for love once exposed to it, it makes sense that the Wraith have this need, just that they don't understand it since they've never been shown it, so fulfill the need the only way they know how - through force and intimidation.

                          As for me - I'd do it for a little of both - the practical side of me as seeing it as a way to escape death-by-feeding, while the passionate side of me would just wanna hang out with a buncha hot bugmen.

                          Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                          Hehehe...yes,quite obsessive.
                          Don't you just want to contemplate everything about them? They are so very "Japanese" it seems: very competitive, smart, tough, having to be courteous to everyone 24/7 while living in a crowded hive, and the consequences of incompetence or disrespect are so very drastic...

                          (Or imagine cruising through space on a ship with several hundred relatives, and no escape, ever!
                          You're not the first one to compare the Wraith to the Japanese - I've done so, so has Sparrow_hawk, and others. It's just very apt. Todd himself has this very 'samurai' thing going on, and now they're introducing swords as part of the Wraith arsenal, which makes them seem even more like the feudal warriors of ancient Japan.

                          Now - if they'd ONLY make an episode (or, better yet, a movie) with the Wraith as the 'Seven Samurai'.

                          Todd, of course, would be Kambei, tha aging, yet cunning, samurai who brings them all together. It would be excellent to see James resume a Wraith role, this way he could be Shichiroji. Like Shichiroji who resumed his role as Kambei's deputy, James could resume his role as Wraith, perhaps as 'Shawn' from Condemned. Lastly, since I liked Rhys so much, and since he comes across as a bit younger than other Wraith, Tyler could portray Katsushiro, a young samurai yet to prove himself. These three (who survive), along with four others (these will die), standing between a vicious enemy (Michael, other Wraith, a new enemy) and the Lanteans (or better yet, earth).

                          Okay - I'm ready - somebody write the story!!!

                          Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                          Whoa whoa whoa, cool down, guys. Todd is not such an evil overlord that everything bad that happens is his fault.
                          I still think it's highly possible that the Wraith tampering with the ZPMs could have been the problem. For one, Todd learned where these ZPMs would be while sitting at the conference table with the others. Secondly, he knew Rodney was pretty sharp (as indicated by his 'hmmm' after Rodney got his 'best idea'), so could have gambled on McKay's ability to find a way around any problems he may create. Third, Todd's determined to carry out his plans, and is willing to take ultimate risks to do so. I just think it would be cool to learn that Todd's tampering almost screwed up the plan - it would just make him more Wraithy - slippery and cunning - and that's what I like about him. I don't want him too nice, and yet...I don't want him to become an enemy. More like...a pesky ally, the type that helps out, but not without stirring up the pot first.

                          And yeah - it would totally ruin the show for me if they turned him into an all-out enemy. Too easy, too predictable, too...dull.

                          Phineas is really good-looking (hottest wraith ever!)
                          I'm telling Bam Bam you said that! It'll probably make him blush!

                          Last edited by dasNdanger; 14 August 2008, 05:28 AM.


                            what episode is Phineas in? i have not seen all of the first 3 seasons. I would like to check it out.


                              Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                              Whoa whoa whoa, cool down, guys. Todd is not such an evil overlord that everything bad that happens is his fault.

                              Ya i know, i guess i am just worrying that the show will take a turn i dont want and then it will be ruined for me. Because right now im very happy and obsessed with it. If he leaves the grey area and goes "evil" i will have to find another show to entertain me. And im very picky. Also this forum would be in an uproar and get depressing and id lose one of my fav. outlets. (wow, scary to think iv become attached to ya all)
                              ***deep breath. Alright, rant out, feel better, everything’s going to be fine.***


                                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                                what episode is Phineas in? i have not seen all of the first 3 seasons. I would like to check it out.
                                He's the Wraith in Phantoms, portrayed by James (Bam Bam) Bamford. No speaking lines, but we do get to see him carry Teyla. Now, everyone can imagine a Wraith scooping them up in their arms, and carrying them off to the nearest hive.


