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    - oh goodie

    THanks for posting naamiaset!



      Originally posted by Platschu View Post
      I don't know why should a new woman play the Wraith Queen. I thought they planned a bigger reason, why was Andee called back in every year. For example the Queens are sisters or clones etc.
      Maybe Andee was unavailable at the time so, they had to find another actress.



        Originally posted by Risem View Post
        Awesome vid, they sound so american.

        Yes, It was a great vid and, indeed they do sound so Canadian



          That video is very funny! Funnier still, is a couple days BEFORE the vid, I asked - on JM's blog - 'who invented the Wraith zipper?' - I wonder if Joe thinks I'm telepathic now...

          Rhys/Tyler Wraith is one fine figure of a bug. I hope they don't kill off ALL of his Wraithy characters, but...alas...I doubt any will survive. I think that one pic that says it's 'Chris' is really Tyler - not 100% sure, but it doesn't look like Chris. Hehe - maybe it's his 'son'.

          JM answered a couple of my questions:

          DasNdanger writes: “However, Ellia proved that - in the right environment - a Wraith can be different.”

          Answer: Yes. This and several other instances suggest that the wraith’s arguably “evil” disposition is not genetic but shaped by their upbringing and their environment. Check out The Queen for an interesting lesson on wraith politics and diplomacy.

          DasNdanger also writes: “ My opinion about it is this - true, you can’t please all the fans, and only a very small percentage participate in on-line discussions. However, I think it’s fairly safe to use the internet input as a reflection of how the fanbase as a whole is reacting - taking the ‘pulse’ of the fans, as it were.”

          Answer: True. I don’t think anyone should dismiss the response of online fans. But what you read on the forums must be taken with a grain of salt. As someone in that article pointed out, unhappy fans are far, far more likely to take the time to express their feelings that fans who are pleased with a show’s creative direction. Also, the opinion of fans with diverse opinions (both positive and negative) holds a lot more weight than, say, the opinions of the same dozen fans over on Gateworld who complain about anything and everything. Another interesting point is that, while online fandom is generally weighted toward the vocal minority, focus group testing seeks out a more balanced opinion. And, while I am personally not a fan of this approach, I was amazed by the difference in opinion between focus groups and online fandom.

          I just cannot wait for The Queen!! It's gonna be a killer of a wait, too. I think it'll be the best of the season for us - but, well...who knows. And very nice of JM to address my questions/comments...esp. after I seemed to piss him off the other week.

          Last edited by dasNdanger; 16 June 2008, 09:53 PM.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            That video is very funny! Funnier still, is a couple days BEFORE the vid, I asked - on JM's blog - 'who invented the Wraith zipper?' - I wonder if Joe thinks I'm telepathic now...

            Rhys/Tyler Wraith is one fine figure of a bug. I hope they don't kill off ALL of his Wraithy characters, but...alas...I doubt any will survive. I think that one pic that says it's 'Chris' is really Tyler - not 100% sure, but it doesn't look like Chris. Hehe - maybe it's his 'son'.

            JM answered a couple of my questions:

            DasNdanger writes: “However, Ellia proved that - in the right environment - a Wraith can be different.”

            Answer: Yes. This and several other instances suggest that the wraith’s arguably “evil” disposition is not genetic but shaped by their upbringing and their environment. Check out The Queen for an interesting lesson on wraith politics and diplomacy.
            DasNdanger also writes: “ My opinion about it is this - true, you can’t please all the fans, and only a very small percentage participate in on-line discussions. However, I think it’s fairly safe to use the internet input as a reflection of how the fanbase as a whole is reacting - taking the ‘pulse’ of the fans, as it were.”

            Answer: True. I don’t think anyone should dismiss the response of online fans. But what you read on the forums must be taken with a grain of salt. As someone in that article pointed out, unhappy fans are far, far more likely to take the time to express their feelings that fans who are pleased with a show’s creative direction. Also, the opinion of fans with diverse opinions (both positive and negative) holds a lot more weight than, say, the opinions of the same dozen fans over on Gateworld who complain about anything and everything. Another interesting point is that, while online fandom is generally weighted toward the vocal minority, focus group testing seeks out a more balanced opinion. And, while I am personally not a fan of this approach, I was amazed by the difference in opinion between focus groups and online fandom.

            I just cannot wait for The Queen!! It's gonna be a killer of a wait, too. I think it'll be the best of the season for us - but, well...who knows.

            Hi das: I concur with 'The Queen' also, I saw your question and Joe's answer on his blog. This gives us some hope for the Wraith that maybe we can see a more compassionate side to the Wraith, maybe in season six. I noticed they are using a different actress to play a Wraith queen.



              about wraith pics
              it looks like the team is in a hive having a meal in some of those pics, maybe more in the ones with the other cast members. Well Das, it looks as if you will get to see one of the things you mentioned. The food doesn't look icky and disgusting though, mainly fruit is what i could make out.
              Is anyone a regular at Andees blog? did she say she was unavailable to play the queen role?
              Last edited by BlueJay; 16 June 2008, 11:20 PM.


                These are incredible! And Todd looks absolutely magnificent. In general, from these photos, it looks like they've taken the Wraith to a whole new dimension. They are far from the cartoonish of the early episodes. This is great. Season 5 promises to have reached a new maturity.
                HONOR. A story.



                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  That video is very funny! Funnier still, is a couple days BEFORE the vid, I asked - on JM's blog - 'who invented the Wraith zipper?' - I wonder if Joe thinks I'm telepathic now...

                  Rhys/Tyler Wraith is one fine figure of a bug. I hope they don't kill off ALL of his Wraithy characters, but...alas...I doubt any will survive. I think that one pic that says it's 'Chris' is really Tyler - not 100% sure, but it doesn't look like Chris. Hehe - maybe it's his 'son'.

                  JM answered a couple of my questions:

                  DasNdanger writes: “However, Ellia proved that - in the right environment - a Wraith can be different.”

                  Answer: Yes. This and several other instances suggest that the wraith’s arguably “evil” disposition is not genetic but shaped by their upbringing and their environment. Check out The Queen for an interesting lesson on wraith politics and diplomacy.

                  DasNdanger also writes: “ My opinion about it is this - true, you can’t please all the fans, and only a very small percentage participate in on-line discussions. However, I think it’s fairly safe to use the internet input as a reflection of how the fanbase as a whole is reacting - taking the ‘pulse’ of the fans, as it were.”

                  Answer: True. I don’t think anyone should dismiss the response of online fans. But what you read on the forums must be taken with a grain of salt. As someone in that article pointed out, unhappy fans are far, far more likely to take the time to express their feelings that fans who are pleased with a show’s creative direction. Also, the opinion of fans with diverse opinions (both positive and negative) holds a lot more weight than, say, the opinions of the same dozen fans over on Gateworld who complain about anything and everything. Another interesting point is that, while online fandom is generally weighted toward the vocal minority, focus group testing seeks out a more balanced opinion. And, while I am personally not a fan of this approach, I was amazed by the difference in opinion between focus groups and online fandom.

                  I just cannot wait for The Queen!! It's gonna be a killer of a wait, too. I think it'll be the best of the season for us - but, well...who knows. And very nice of JM to address my questions/comments...esp. after I seemed to piss him off the other week.


                  Your patience is paying off.
                  HONOR. A story.



                    Comments on pics:

                    Chris is yummy as always. Todd seems to be sweating in that head shot one ^^

                    13: Trying out positions? Lol!

                    15?: Teyla's still laughing, for now!

                    18: Chris? Huh? Next thing you know all recurring Wraith females is Andee, and males is Chris...

                    25: Great! Now they drink diet!

                    37: If the guy is the bald Commander from the other Hive in The Queen, does that mean that either he's fighting his own Queen, or he's fighting Teyla?

                    She *is* wearing gloves. Maybe they did that because Teyla doesn't have a feeding slith?

                    38: Where's Andee?

                    On the other hand, phew, it's not Ruby... (Who knows what's supposed to happen with her... Don't wanna kill Ruby again. She should be the regular one, if they ever have one)

                    Oh, and did you see? There's a cable running towards her, so maybe she's one that you need to put air in? Plus, it seems to me like there's blood on the ground?

                    40: He ain't gonna cater much, hanging there!

                    Put it in tags for the Queen stuff that's in there.

                    *Goes to read the comments above her post*

                    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                    I wish I got to know you better.


                      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                      about wraith pics
                      it looks like the team is in a hive having a meal in some of those pics, maybe more in the ones with the other cast members. Well Das, it looks as if you will get to see one of the things you mentioned. The food doesn't look icky and disgusting though, mainly fruit is what i could make out.
                      Is anyone a regular at Andees blog? did she say she was unavailable to play the queen role?
                      All we know is that she winked, but that was months ago, maybe she didn't make it?

                      On the fights:

                      On the pics, you can clearly see it's two different Queens right? One gloved, one not gloved. The gloved one is getting attacked by the other Hive's Commander, so you think this is some kind of ritual?

                      In order for one Queen to take control of another Queen's Hive, or take the top Queen position, she has to battle the Queen and Commander of the other Hive? Do note that Todd doesn't appear to be fighting...

                      Maybe she has to slay the other Queen? Todd did mention there's only one Queen per Alliance, right? And two is a crowd with their females, mostly. So: kill the Queen, battle/kill the Commander? And then one of Todd's faithful ones takes control of the left over Hive? Must be a hostile environment, if so.

                      Of course, it could be something Teyla said.

                      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                      I wish I got to know you better.


                        This is the woman who plays the Wraith Queen. Apolonia Vanova
                        She is identified underneath the pic of her in the pool of blood.

                        The other person is identified as being a stunt woman. They do not identify her as a Queen, and she looks nothing like the pics of Wraith Teyla we've seen. Remember, JM said something about out seeing more about Wraith social interaction and something about Wraith development regarding children. We'll just have to wait and see.
                        Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 12 July 2008, 12:21 PM.


                          Hey peeps, haven't posted in a while, I've been trying to wrap up the marking (these are the intense days), then enter them into a ridiculously overly complicated marking database. I can't believe HOW time consuming it was. So many people I work with have exactly the same problem and our school board of course touts it as "this is the best database in the highschool system" bla bla bla. It's the only system in place. Half the people don't know how to use it, and the other half don't remember. Aaaarrrrrr! Well I'm finished entering as of today--now to clean the house which is full of wraith dust bunnies!!

                          So, have been thinking about the wraith lately, endlessly surprising eh? Well, I'm insatiably curious about everything, glad I was born in the age of the internet. Anyhoo, I was curious about slit eyes. I was reading about animals that have slit pupils and they are primarily for night sighters, however there are humans who have this. Apparently this syndrome is for the brain to function again...Stickler syndrome. It is incredibly rare (really???) and it has to do with lack of collagen cohesion--whatever this means. Anyway, if a person has slit pupils they also tend to have a cleft pallet. However, there are approximately 8 people in the world who have slit pupils and do not have a cleft pallet. How horrible, I mean it's fine if you're a wraith, but real people I couldn't imagine.

                          Also, I did a dumb thing, I think this is the third time, but I've accidentally erased the SGA screencap web address from my Bookmarks tab--duahhhhh!!! I was moving it to make it more accessible and of course I deleted it. I can't check my history because I disable this. Does anyone have this website? Pleasssse post it if you do. I have a hankerin' to draw a picture of Eric.


                          PS I promise to tattoo it to my forehead like the wraith do--won't lose it again.
                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Hi all, haven't posted in a while either. I am currently suffering from post Macroeconomics brain drain So I hope I remember everyone.

                            @ T64 - Loved the Todd/Teyla story And the vid. Hearing those accents while they were in costume was a spin.
                            @ Degilwen, those artworks were wonderful.
                            @ The Veldt, I also loved yours.
                            @ Naamiaiset, thanks for the pics.
                            @ Wraithie, thanks for the actress info
                            @ Das, keep posting those answers! And thanks for asking the questions in the first place

                            Ok, this is something that has been bugging me for a while. And my apologies if it's a stupid question. I can't find anywhere searching that it may have been talked about. How do the wraiths tattoos stay put while doing them? Tattooing involves injecting ink into the skin, with a needle. Surely their bodies would heal themselves, forcing the ink back out? Like forcing bullets out of their bodies while healing? If that's the case, then something must stop it, like some kind of inhibitor, or they are able to 'control' their systems' functions.

                            And I have made a smilie, but I can't remember if I've seen another like it elsewhere. If someone else has, please tell, so I can change it. I don't want to have subconsiously copied someone else .



                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              Also, I did a dumb thing, I think this is the third time, but I've accidentally erased the SGA screencap web address from my Bookmarks tab--duahhhhh!!! I was moving it to make it more accessible and of course I deleted it. I can't check my history because I disable this. Does anyone have this website? Pleasssse post it if you do. I have a hankerin' to draw a picture of Eric.

                              but I think this is a much better site, it's up to date unlike stargatecaps.


                                Actually, I will modify the last bit: it's probably quite awesome to look on someone who has slit pupils, probably not for the person who has them. When I was younger I would do more people watching than I have time for now. There's this cafe at the end of my parent's street that we use to meet up at in highschool. When I was the first to get there I would people watch. I would look out the window and hope that I would see a really really tall woman, or I would hope that I might see a man with naturally platinum blond hair, super fair skin and dark dark brown eyes. Now it would be neat to meet someone who "naturally" has large fairly sharp looking teeth. My roommate, eons ago, had turquoise eyes--bright turquoise. When she wore something turquoise people thought she had contacts in but she didn't. Anyhow, you can tell I have more time on my hands.

                                In terms of the queens, I think they probably wanted to get some new faces in the mix. In terms of the same wraith and the cloning thing, because The Queens have mostly looked alike wouldn't the cloning apply to them as well??

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

