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Wraith Defenders Club

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    OMG @ das Your Comic is fantastic But one Question I have.. Drive a Wraith now a car??????

    The Teyla,Todd McKay Story is soooooo funny.... I think with Teyla as wife Todd swing one time the wooden spoon as a Stunner And Ronon is the babysitter


      Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
      OMG @ das Your Comic is fantastic But one Question I have.. Drive a Wraith now a car??????

      The Teyla,Todd McKay Story is soooooo funny.... I think with Teyla as wife Todd swing one time the wooden spoon as a Stunner And Ronon is the babysitter
      Ronon as babysitter?

      Perfect! Serves him right.
      HONOR. A story.



        Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
        OMG @ das Your Comic is fantastic But one Question I have.. Drive a Wraith now a car??????

        The Teyla,Todd McKay Story is soooooo funny.... I think with Teyla as wife Todd swing one time the wooden spoon as a Stunner And Ronon is the babysitter
        BTW, I just went to your site. That is fantastic! I just love it. I wish I knew how to do that. Sigh...
        HONOR. A story.



          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
          And just because...

          The continuing tale of Todd and Tey'la.

          (It's long, and I hope the post can take it...)
          And just because--

          Previously on TODD AND HIS QUEEN--Todd proposes an 'arrangement' with Tey'la to strengthen the alliance and remove suspicion that something is amiss with Todd's Queen. The proposal involves creating little Todds. Woohoo!!!

          Todd is standing at the command console, his palms firmly planted on the ship guide plates. His aides and scientists are around him, waiting for his command.

          Todd (looking especially tall and splendid): We are going to Atlantis.
          All: Yes, Commander.

          A high pitched noise announces that the hyperdrive has been engaged. The hive jumps into hyperspace.

          Todd: I have news that will make our hive more powerful than any other hive. I am going to be a progenitor. The Queen has agreed.

          There is a hum of excitement.

          Wraith No. 1: You have done well, Commander.
          Todd: That was an understatement. (Todd makes a little noise.)

          Sam, Shepp, Ronon and McKay are present.

          SAM: What can we do for you, T—uh…
          McKay: Commander—
          Sam: Commander.
          Todd: Tey’la has agreed to take me as the progenitor of the hive. For my hive and my hive alone.
          Shepp: Does that mean what I think it means?
          McKay: I think it means what you think it means. Now, in principle, I would be opposed to it, but in this case, I think it would be quite interesting—
          Sam: Rodney!
          Ronon (growling): What did you do to her! (Pulls out Wraith gun and turns it on Todd.)
          Sam: Ronon!
          Shep: Yes, what did you do to her?
          Todd (with a little grin): Nothing. Not yet. I am just irresistible.
          McKay: Now that you mention it… (he snaps fingers as a thought comes to him). You do look different… uh… I mean… younger; if your kind aged, that is… your hair it’s, well… YOU LOOK DIFFERENT. Very impressive. Is that how it is with Wraiths? I wonder… It must be something in the DNA. May be if we could tap it, we, humans could also do it. Just think, no diet, could eat as much as I want—
          ALL: RODNEY!
          McKay (miffed): OK. Fine.
          Sam: And how did Tey’la respond to your proposal?
          Todd: She slapped me.
          Ronon: Yup. She agreed. (lowers the gun).
          Shep (sounding surprised): She actually likes you.
          McKay: How do you know that?
          All: RODNEY!
          Sam: So, T—uh… Commander, what can we do for you?
          McKay: I can be the best man!
          Todd (turning his head to McKay): What is that?
          Shep: A human custom. The best man stands at the side of the… uh… progenitor, as you call it.
          Todd: Really?
          McKay: Yes, stands at the side. And gets to eat first at the—

          Todd looks at him with a tilt of his head.

          McKay: --uh, strike that. But, I am willing to do it without the food…
          Todd: You are? Why?
          McKay: I think this is interesting. And, I… I want to know what makes you look so much better.
          Todd: It’s what we feed on just before we present ourselves as progenitors.
          McKay: Oh…
          Todd: We feed on nectar.
          McKay: Really?
          Sam: You still haven’t told us what you want from us?
          Todd: If Doctor McKay comes with me as, well, best man, as you call it—
          Ronon: What do you call it?
          Todd: Offering to the Queen.
          McKay (getting excited): Really?
          Todd: The Queen feeds on you.
          McKay (making an amused noise): Can I have some of that nectar?
          Todd: Yes.
          McKay: Honest?
          Todd tilts his head and glares at McKay.
          Sam (warning): Rodney… This might not be such a good idea.
          McKay: This is Tey’la we’re talking about here. Not a real Queen—(He peers at Todd and Todd looks back at him.) Right? She doesn’t feed… you know… with her hand… Right?

          Todd smiles.

          Sam: Rodney, I’d rather send someone else.
          McKay: No. It’s me. I am the scientist. I am the one who experiments.
          Sam: I don’t think it’s a good idea.
          Shep: I think it is.
          McKay: You think?
          Ronon: Me too.


          Tey’la is seated on her throne, bored and looking dangerous. Todd stands in front of her. At his feet is a mummy, wrapped in thread and something that looks like dried leaves. Whatever is inside, it’s moving and mumbling. Todd is all resplendent in a new uniform of very dark blue, the silver buckle shining, his hair carefully brushed and braided with silver beads.

          Todd: The offering, my Queen.
          Tey’la: What are you doing? And who’s that?
          Todd (stepping up the ramp to her throne): I am keeping my side of the agreement. This is the offering a Queen demands Queen from the Wraith she has chosen as progenitor.
          Tey’la (taking in a deep breath, her lips tight): Chosen as WHAT?
          Todd: You’ve chosen me, my Queen—
          Tey’la lets out a hiss: Stop calling me that.
          Todd (shivers visibly at the sound of the hiss.) : Oooooooooh…
          Tey’la: Who is that?
          Todd: Only the most satisfying and most fulfilling the highly intelligent Wraith. Doctor McKay.
          McKay (voice suddenly audible): Thank you! Finally someone recognizes my worth beyond just fixing—
          Tey’la: RODNEY! Shut up or I’ll feed on you!
          McKay (sounding worried): You can do that? I thought you couldn’t do that? I don’t think I want to be the best man anymore. (His voice fades in a mumble.)
          Tey’la (to Todd): You are joking, r ight?
          Todd: When was the last time you heard a Wraith joke?

          Tey'la glares at Todd.Todd walks up the steps to Tey’la.

          Todd: This will make us especially powerful since you are a virgin Queen--
          Tey'la: I am a WHAT?
          Todd: In a Wraith's world you are--

          Tey’la springs to her feet, twirls, a stick flashing in her hand and slams it into Todd.

          Todd: Yawza!

          Tey’la swirls around again and the stick whistles in the air as Todd nimbly backs up and lowers himself while the stick flies over his head. Tey’la springs forward and grabs his hair.

          Todd: Ouch! Carramba!

          Tey’la pulls him towards her and slams him down.

          Todd: Oooooooh!
          McKay: What’s going on? Let me out! What?!

          Todd and Tey’la: SHUT UP, RODNEY!

          Tey’la has Todd pinned on the throne.

          Tey’la: Oooooooooh! Habahaba. Now that’s one great hunk of Wraith!
          Todd: It’s my first time, so be gentle.
          McKay: What is the first time?! You too?!
          Todd and Teyla: SHUT UP!


          The gate is activated and McKay’s ID is transmitted.

          Sam: Let him through.

          Shep, Ronon and Dr. Keller run down the steps to meet McKay and help him, if needed.

          McKay swaggers in through the gate.

          Shep: What the—Rodney?
          Ronon (chuckling): You’re uglier than a Wraith!
          Keller: Ooooooooh!

          McKay stops in front of a glass pane to see his own reflection. He’s in black leather pants with silver studs, a black shirt and his hair is long, flowing down his back.

          McKay: I am so beautiful. But, let me tell you. I almost lost my life there. Tey’la wanted to feed on me, but as I am a genius and Todd needed my genius, he saved me, and—

          ALL: RODNEY!
          Traveler 64

          I finally took the time to read your story and



            LS - you should not encourage me...




              love that siggy das




                Wraith feed on everyone they can. They should be stopped at all costs.

                don't we eat cows??? Are we monsters?
                Humans are alot more evolved then cows.

                The Wraith view humans as primative, you agree with this?

                If they cared about the humans at all, they would hold back on how many they eat.

                The Wraith even fight amounst eachother over the food, that shows they have no concern for the lives they take but to feed their hunger.


                  das it's great
                  LS, thanks for encouraging das


                    Hmm...hmm....three more little Wraith pictures. The first is not my favourite, although it ended up better on screen than in real life, and serves to remind me why I tend to draw them in ink and colouring pencils, as opposed to my usual style.

                    The second was done this morning because I saw big big pretty eyes and wanted to have a go at them

                    The third is my favourite, although I believe my first picture of "Jimmy" was more accurate. I think I may stick to the colouring, unless something strikes me as being able to be done quick quick in ink. All were drawn straight into ink with no pencil lines to start.


                    First Steve attempt.

                    Erik again and the big big pretty eyes

                    And another Jimmy. Because I liked him.


                      Traveller64 thanks for the story-a new slant on Todd*****hum*****
                      hen-pecked wonder how he'll cope??????

                      Das like the Eddie wraith update. Can we expect any more updates on his life??????

                      Icarium are those Wraith pictures from your calandar? I love what you've done with all the pictures. But in particular the first with the boarder. Thank you

                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Icarium - those are great! I love the Erik (Scientist) one - he is so lovely. More handsome than even Steve (but Steve is 'prettier' - and yeah, there is a difference). Hard for me to imagine both are James under the makeup! And 'Jimmy' - yeah...he's a special one, too. I've always felt he was the most menacing of all of James' Wraith, mainly because he never speaks, so you really don't know WHAT he's thinking.

                        Veldt - Those are lovely!! I like them all...but am partial to the first one - I love the detail in it, and the's very professional-looking, like an illustration for a book cover, or something. It's very eye-catching!

                        MCH - I want to do more updates - but for other Wraith. You'll see...I am bound and determined to resurrect them all and bring them to earth. Just wait and see who gets to feed on a certain tv producer...



                          First Gif. Thats right. I found out how to make them. If it doesn't work here, I've included a direct link.

                          Yea, I know its super quick. That was on purpose (not really), won't do it again.

                          Last edited by Rachelle; 14 June 2008, 11:52 AM. Reason: teehee



                            Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                            Hmm...hmm....three more little Wraith pictures. The first is not my favourite, although it ended up better on screen than in real life, and serves to remind me why I tend to draw them in ink and colouring pencils, as opposed to my usual style.

                            The second was done this morning because I saw big big pretty eyes and wanted to have a go at them

                            The third is my favourite, although I believe my first picture of "Jimmy" was more accurate. I think I may stick to the colouring, unless something strikes me as being able to be done quick quick in ink. All were drawn straight into ink with no pencil lines to start.


                            First Steve attempt.

                            Erik again and the big big pretty eyes

                            And another Jimmy. Because I liked him.

                            Wow! That is awesome! They are very expressive, very much with the Wraith countenance. They are GREAT!

                            A green coming to you!
                            HONOR. A story.



                              Originally posted by dasndanger View Post
                              so, Very Sorry - Just Couldn't Resist Having A Little Fun With The New Boys...


                              Lol! Lol! Lol! More! More!
                              HONOR. A story.



                                Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                                - tha is great traveler64!
                                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                                Traveler 64

                                I finally took the time to read your story and

                                Thank you! No match for the master, Das, though...

                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Traveller64 thanks for the story-a new slant on Todd*****hum*****
                                hen-pecked wonder how he'll cope??????

                                Nuh... not hen-pecked. Just smitten. He'll get out of it. And Tey'la really adores him.
                                HONOR. A story.


