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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Great siggie, Traveler! Puah! It won't let me green you.

    PS: Thankies TMC!


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

      i canNOT wait that long!!!!!!!


      I hope Broken Ties is a good one...but I doubt it will end good for the Wraith. Ugh. This is gonna be a LOOOOONG season...and now...a hope of only 3 episodes. darnit. I need at LEAST 6 Todd episodes to get through the year...

      maybe 7.



      JM said three episodes so far. there's still a few empty slots in S5, he could show up again. I'll be happy just as long as he lives. I hope chris called him the "wraith of the future" for a reason.

      there's always other new wraith in the meantime in S5
      but it'd be better if they lived. I think kenny has a chance of surviving.

      on another note, if wraith quit feeding on humans, will they lose their immortality/healing? suppose we'll have to wait and see what the food alternative is first.

      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
      And now...

      my new sig!

      very nice!
      Last edited by naamiaiset; 30 May 2008, 04:29 PM.


        Just a quick comment.
        Thanks for sharing your great artwork
        Luciana - Naturally Beautiful,
        Sheirrh - The Queen and Sumner
        Risum - Your Queens and Don't Drink or Drive Your Hive.
        Rachelle - I feel pretty and Steve wallie
        Shanthair - You culling hero and his culling report.
        Traveller 64 - love your wraith siggy.
        Thank you. MCH
        Thanks to DS for my siggy


          @wraithie- im glad things are looking good. I like your positive greg siggy.
          @traveler- the idea of the mole, awesome. Will you repost your painting with the new details??—found it, love it!!!
          @shanthaia- Job change- now that is perfect. “culling forcast”!!!

          I too am looking forward to s5, agree that we need to skip June and go straight to July!!


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            But he's not stupid, and so will use humans to his advantage if he has to, even if the idea of it makes him wrinkle his little green nose in disgust.
            he has such a cute little green nose

            Don't think Todd would side with them - they may become his enemy if he wants to find an alternative food source, but they want to continue hunting humans because it's more funsies.
            wraith tension = fun for us.

            *hopes to see a glimpse of Todd's past*
            this would be brilliant. I want to know how an important wraith like Todd was captured. We could also be given a glimpse of any training he had.

            Wraithie glad things are going well for you even if it means no dark writing for a while.


              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              I think they may try to make the Wraith more sinister, and...gooey. LOL. The Wraith tech is creepy, the way they do things - like the way they operated on Ronon, or Michael's maternity ward - is way creepy to me. I think this is what they may amp up - showing the more disgusting things the Wraith do - things normal to them, but total gross-outs to us.
              Can I gush for a moment??? I love chatting with you Das, you always go with people's hair brained ideas and cheerfully bring the discussion to an interesting and logical next step. That is right, I hadn't thought of it wraith tech is creepy but in a sexy kind of way; I guess that would fall into the category of "things that creep" part of the creepy definition. Michael's maternity ward, and the wraith operating on Ronon--that's the interesting creepy: a moral one. One that frightens you and at the same time arouses your pity: sad for Ronon, feel very sad for the children.

              Well, I still don't see them as evil - they were trying to make their food more compatible, but in what sense? Easier to digest, or easier to control? I was under the impression they were trying to make it easier to control so they wouldn't have to work so hard. LOL. I AM coming to the conclusion that they are NOT evil, but lazy, self-absorbed insect men who prefer to style their hair and manicure their nails then work for their food.
              Sorry, wanted to clarify: there are many many human cultures that ARE evil and there really isn't any other way of explaining it, it's not simply "cultural difference" it is systemically and inherently destructive to other people and the people within that said culture. Wraith culture is one of those. As Todd says in I think it's The Seer "The Wraith are divided...the strong are killing the weak". They all have a self destructive mechanism on their arms or chests, they don't rescue each other, they constantly betray and kill each other. Their culture is evil. That is why Tayla had a different sense with Elia. She realized that what she was getting from Elia was love. So, yes absolutely the wraith are not inherently evil, no more than people are. That is why I think they are so compelling, they are glorious, beautiful and deadly and ultimately self annihilating, like the ancient Babylonians. The wraith HAVE to change or face extinction. They, like people, suffer from sins of commission and sins of omission: They either go out of their way to kill or they do nothing about their need to do so, both are equally destructive and both groups are complicit in the perpetuation of the evil.

              In a way his arrogance did kill him. He didn't try to flirt with Sheppard (like Todd does now), but instead he was confrontational and bold. THAT doesn't work with Sheppard. If Steve had humbled himself, shown his vulnerability like Todd did, it may have tugged on Shep's heartstrings and he may have eventually won his release. Maybe, maybe not - we will never know, now.

              You're right.

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by Risem View Post
                Love it! And the queen sig too.
                Originally posted by Sheirrh View Post
                I got a bit sidetracked from making wallies stupid games
                But have this:
                Always great work (and those games are addictive)
                Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                For all the culling sig deprived people:

                Poor Penny, I hope this job has benefits!
                Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                And now...
                my new sig!
                Great work

                @ Wraitie - good greg one He has to be happy sometimes

                I have been reading it all, but my brain is a bit scattered at the moment, so I won't put in my two bits, 'coz they'll be completely incomprehensible
                Except for the drunk wraith. Maybe if we used some really strong alcohol, like high proof whiskey or tequila. If they do have really high metabolisms, if we pour fast enough we might be able to get them at least a bit tipsy. Then we could do the belly button check


                  Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                  Can I gush for a moment??? I love chatting with you Das, you always go with people's hair brained ideas and cheerfully bring the discussion to an interesting and logical next step. That is right, I hadn't thought of it wraith tech is creepy but in a sexy kind of way; I guess that would fall into the category of "things that creep" part of the creepy definition. Michael's maternity ward, and the wraith operating on Ronon--that's the interesting creepy: a moral one. One that frightens you and at the same time arouses your pity: sad for Ronon, feel very sad for the children.
                  Ah, yes. Wraith tech is creepy, and very sexual. Umbilicals and gooey all gives one the impression of birth and reproduction...except, the Wraith don't seem to actually be all that interested in birth and reproduction. Instead, they focus their energies on finding food and feeding, which becomes - in effect - their 'sexual' release (though - for them - it's NOT sexual, just alternative for what they rarely seem to experience, if ever). Humans, on the other hand, focus their energies on finding mates and reproducing. I think it becomes very creepy when we realize the Wraith find the same sort of gratification in feeding as humans do in mating...but - to the Wraith - what humans do is probably EQUALLY as creepy!!

                  Sorry, wanted to clarify: there are many many human cultures that ARE evil and there really isn't any other way of explaining it, it's not simply "cultural difference" it is systemically and inherently destructive to other people and the people within that said culture. Wraith culture is one of those. As Todd says in I think it's The Seer "The Wraith are divided...the strong are killing the weak". They all have a self destructive mechanism on their arms or chests, they don't rescue each other, they constantly betray and kill each other. Their culture is evil.
                  I still would not call it evil. Brutal, yes. Evil, no. Insects can be very brutal - the 'caste' systems that exist, the things they will do to survive - are brutal. But not evil. Evil suggests a sinister motive, and I don't see that with the Wraith - I only see a determination to survive, driven - not by malicious intent - but by instinct.

                  That is why Tayla had a different sense with Elia. She realized that what she was getting from Elia was love. So, yes absolutely the wraith are not inherently evil, no more than people are. That is why I think they are so compelling, they are glorious, beautiful and deadly and ultimately self annihilating, like the ancient Babylonians. The wraith HAVE to change or face extinction. They, like people, suffer from sins of commission and sins of omission: They either go out of their way to kill or they do nothing about their need to do so, both are equally destructive and both groups are complicit in the perpetuation of the evil.
                  Well, this is true. If the Wraith don't choose to find a different way, and follow that different way, they are doomed. I just hope TPTB are looking for a way to save them, instead of annihilate them.

                  JM did answer our questions: Todd still only in 3 episodes (this is NOT boding well for him, I fear), they DO write for the fans (then someone go and tell him the fans want MORE TODD!), and we may see the Wraith scientist from The Gift yet...(I'm thinking it's Todd or Michael...)

                  Oh well...can't have everything. But I DO want more Todd! I am so worried about S5 now...



                    The views both Das and Wraith Cake kick around are fascinating and of a depth that I don't think the writers really thought about; not at first. I think the 'mole' among us (oh, I am absolutely wedded to that idea. I think I have one disciple on this--Masterling.I love the idea.) is communicating all this biological/historical/philosophical and... ahem... worshipful discussion of the Wraiths mores and ways. I think they're scratching their head and wondering how they're going to fix some of the things they just threw in there and now they need to explain or use without some deus ex machina.

                    I just finished watching THE GIFT, and now I see it in a very different light. And now that the scientist will show up again... Todd? Mmmmm... still not sure about that. He is the wayward out, true; and apparently he is in perpetual trouble among the Wraiths. He certainly knows a lot about biology. Still... But, we'll see. I do wonder thought, when Teyla was taken over by the Wraith in the Gift--could that have been the scientist Wraith who conducted the experiment, as it makes sense he would be keeping up with his 'subjects'. Again, there is no evidence that Todd had such powers. As a matter of fact, in SOW he seems stunned by Teyla's powers. He says: 'That's impossible.' So, he's unaware of the possibility.

                    And once again--thanks everyone for your compliments on my new sig. It encourages me to do some more. Now, you've created a monster!

                    So, Hive Five, ya all!
                    Last edited by Traveler64; 30 May 2008, 09:29 PM.
                    HONOR. A story.



                      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                      my new sig!

                      Looks good It would be a waste of a very nice painting if you didn't use it



                        Hi at all
                        I have see all your new sigs and Wallies. Great stuff I like it I have try to make also some sig stuff I hope you like it also:

                        I have read from this Kenny ... Have you a pic from him?? Do you think that Todd fall in love with Teyla???


                          there are no pics of Kenny nor do we know who the actor playing him is.
                          and no to Todd/Teyla
                          FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                            Dunno if it's been done, but does it anyway:

                            DasNdanger also writes: “How many episodes is Todd scheduled for so far? Before you said three, but has that changed?”

                            Answer: So far…nope.
                            See? He lives. Nothing to get worried about, Das!

                            GoSpikey writes: “The scientist from “The Gift,” is that someone we’ll ever actually see, or was he just a one time mention kinda Wraith?”

                            Answer: We may see him again.
                            Which is no answer at all, right?

                            Shawna writes: “This has probably been asked before and I just can’t remember, but is anything in season 5 going to touch on the ability of the wraith to give people back life, as we saw Todd do to Sheppard in Common Ground?”

                            Answer: That’s a definite yes.
                            Broken Ties = Ronon suck fest.


                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              RE: Kenny. Kenny...isn't he the one from South Park that always DIES???!




                                if they kill kenny off we can all scream at the tv
                                'YOU B*ST*RDS'

                                is a south park fan
                                just came from JMs blog but it won't be there yet
                                FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE

