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Wraith Defenders Club

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    We are actually planning for the moment a photo gallery, bio and resume page. You can always subscribe to the mailing list to be directly informed when the site is updated!

    For that occasion, I created several new wraith queen smilies!
    See the homepage.

    We are happy, already 200 visitors on the first day
    What do you think of the site so far?

    Amanda Tapping interview
    Ben Browder interview
    Beau Bridges interview


      Originally posted by Wallpaperman View Post

      We are actually planning for the moment a photo gallery, bio and resume page. You can always subscribe to the mailing list to be directly informed when the site is updated!

      For that occasion, I created several new wraith queen smilies!
      See the homepage.

      We are happy, already 200 visitors on the first day
      What do you think of the site so far?
      cant wait to see it all and i think the site is brilliant i love it and love the smilies they look great


        Originally posted by Ehecatl View Post
        I would be happy to join the wraith defenders club.

        The wraith wouldn't be hostile if the ancients had provided them with a plentiful food supply like clones (they wouldn't even have to be intelligent clones either; all they would have to be is living).

        Welocme to the club

        Kaeyla, the new chapter is great
        Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
        My fan fiction


          hi fellow wraithies hows a going made a new wallpaper its of the wraith queen in allies hope you all like it


            Hello everyone! I've been traveling and have missed several pages of postings, stories, links to fan sites and wallpapers. Sounds like fun! I can't wait to catch up on the action.

            Question - Is the petition limited to this forum or can anyone sign up? I found another forum where people are saying they want the Wraith back and I would like to post the link there too!
            Atlantis Girl

            Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

            please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


              it's open to whomever wants to look at it... the more, the merrier... besides, we'd never fill our goal if we turned down any potential suporters
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                just thought i mention that andee frizzell has a blog at the her website and has updated it here is the link to the blog
                she talks about her experiences on set and confirms that there will be a another hive queen appearing near the end of the season and that she is making her first appearance at the Stargate Convention held in Vancouver BC this March


                  Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                  it's open to whomever wants to look at it... the more, the merrier... besides, we'd never fill our goal if we turned down any potential suporters
                  Well it worked, we have 5 more signatures! Up to 50 now.

                  Thanks for the links to Andee's site Wraithlord! It's nice to know we'll see another queen! I'm still waiting for March for "Return Part II" and I must confess to sometimes looking at the spoilers and from what I've read - I won't be seeing wraith anytime soon so it's nice to know there is hope!
                  Atlantis Girl

                  Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                  please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                    speaking of the Return Pt 2... it's on youtube... i just watched it last night.... gah!! i want more!!!
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                      speaking of the Return Pt 2... it's on youtube... i just watched it last night.... gah!! i want more!!!
                      Thanks for the tip. I didn't even think of trying You Tube which is dumb considering I've favorited several Atlantis/ SG1 eps and compilations. I just watched it but I shouldn't have because now I want more too! 51 sigs now on the petition!
                      Atlantis Girl

                      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                        Hello, my fellow wraithies

                        I see you became to hybernate these days. So my duty is to awake you and to show you a new rich feeding groud.)))))))))))))))))


                        While I was watching last week The Ark an idea hit me:

                        We saw what is the Wraith society:

                        Leader of the Hive is a Queen / or a King, if we accept that the male Wraith in Sateda was a King /

                        She /He/ rules the Hive. All other Wraiths follow the Leader' orders.

                        Everything in the Wraith society is focused in Feeding. The main goal is to search and collect food - humans.
                        Or at least we think this is the main goal.

                        BUT...what if...

                        Imagine that Atlantis team or someone else finds an alternate food source or a way humans to recover from Wraith feeding. Then what will happen to the Wraith society??

                        Will the Wraith continue to live in Hives and be ruled by an absolute ruler? Or they will became more and more emancipated and individual? Will be there any Hives at all after they have a limitless food source??
                        LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                        Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                        My fan fiction


                          interesting question FW... i believe there would still be hives b/c each hive acts a lot like a city-state, so logically, the hives would still function as primarily wraith dominated cities.... the Wratih leaders would loose power though, and so logically, they would fight the introduction of the new food source or whatever the solution may be.

                          secondly, i mentioned a long while back, that if the wraith were to feed off a human for short periods at a time, taking only a few years of life, the human could, and probably would recover those few years with a day or two of bed rest. remember, a wraith is a type of vampire, and as all vampires, they do not have to kill to feed. a "humane," and i use that term for lack of a better word, vampire would only feed a little and allow their prey to recuperate so as to draw out the prey's longgevity. why kill a human in one feeding when you could easily spend the rest of their lives feeding off of several humans? by doing so, the scarcity of prey is lessened. unfortunately, the wraith feed ll at once instead of baiting their hunger.

                          thirdly, if a wraith, such as Gabriel, would willingly help up, we could test the above theory as well as synthesise and test new theories. the humans' problem is that they do not have a live wraith to study.. now if they argreed to go about things a bit more humanely, some wraith may not feel threatened by these scientific experiments... like Gabriel said, there is much we don't know about them, and as Shep added, there is much they don't know about us.
                          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                            Good points, Lilith I am not sure that with the Earth medicine a human could restore but as you said e have never tested that statement.

                            About the Hives - do they fuctioned like a cities? Or more like fortresses. If the food is everywhere and humans are willing to cooperate in feeding, then what will stop the Wraith to leave the Hives and settled near the food? I think the females will be still in the top of their society but they will be no more rulers.
                            LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                            Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                            My fan fiction


                              good points Lilith and female wraith i just had a thought if there was a alternate food source would the wraith want it they have been feeding of humans for more then 10,000 years would they want to stop?


                                I think the Wraith feed upon humans not because they like it but because there are no other option.
                                But ...another idea just crossed my mind.
                                In Rising the Ancient woman from the Hologram said that while the Lanteans explored the galaxy they met the sleeping Wraith. So I suppose that the Wraith had been in hybernation after feeding upon other worlds and may be another spieces different from humans. Or maybe they were fed upon humans that Ancients populated the galaxy and just had forgotten for them. So may be the Wraith have been feeding upon humans more than 10 000 years.
                                LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                                Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                                My fan fiction

