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    Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
    Hmmm. That gives me an idea. My bf likes Halloween, and always dresses up. Bad thing is, he always dresses up as the V for Vendetta guy. If I could just knock him unconscious without causing too much brain damage, I could carry out the above orders and just take a picture of him, instead of me.

    Can't wait!! (I have Mr. Das totally convinced that he'd look just like Steve if we shaved off his eyebrows and painted him green! Mr. Das has deepset eyes, and a Wraithy browline...not nearly as prominent, but it wouldn't take much to enhance it to Wraith proportions. Just gotta find a good wig...)

    Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
    I did discuss drinking Wraith with a friend the once. She thinks they have an incredibly high metabolic rate, so if it would work, would get drunk fast, sober fast, and then need to pee. Lots. Charming
    Okay - now I'm picturing a bunch of Wraith doing the 'pee-pee dance'...

    My hair has the same demeanour, disposition and length as Todd's. In mornings it can get to be a tense battle Brush vs Bird's Nest.
    My hair is about his length, too...maybe a bit shorter, but brown and straight, with a little more layering, and bangs.

    Come to think of it, my hair is nothing like Todd's!

    Originally posted by toomuchcaf
    I love the wraith, but me dressing up as one and posting it would scare them away. We wouldn't have anything left to defend!
    And this is EXACTLY why we all should dress up like Wraith, and attend a convention. Afterall, they have been trying to come up with a new Wraith 'look' - well...WE could be THAT look!!

    Originally posted by Reed
    About to the length of Steve.

    I'd have to post results now wouldn't I?
    Oh, yeah. But you might not survive long afterwards...seeing as how we're all a bit 'hair obsessed'. I saw a guy tonight with gorgeous hair!! Hubby and I were eating, and I just couldn't stop raving about the guy. I told hubby that long hair on dudes has the same affect on me as big boobies on a chick have on him. I think he understands. This guy was short (okay by me since I'm short, too), with straight brown hair down to his behind. It was very much like Steve's (except for color) - just perfect! And his face wasn't bad either! Only...he was probably young enough to be my son...


    I wish hubby could grow his long, but his job and other responsibilities won't allow it. Double rats.

    Originally posted by masterling View Post
    Ronan will have to have a dignified way out of the story. I cant see him just going off. I feel that they would prob. kill him off. What if they plan to use the AF from TLM, where he and todd go out together. That way they have a story arc. I dont know why that thought came to me but i could see TPTB doing that. So if todd makes it though S5 i have to worry about S6
    Well, I for one, am worried about Todd in every episode he appears in from here on out. I have a bad feeling about the second half of this season...and if they do kill off Todd and NOT Michael, I'll be seriously pissed!! Todd needs to be someone special - and I'm afraid they'll just use him as a gimmick, instead of a pivotal character who really has a lasting impact on the show, especially in the way we perceive the Wraith. (In other words, Todd should reflect all the good the Wraith are capable of, even if he remains an outsider who can't totally be trusted.)

    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    OK now I'm frustrated I have just lost my post this is the 2nd time..grrrr
    Hate when that happens.

    I also got your message...very tired tonight, will look into it tomorrow!

    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
    Spoilers for The Queen:

    Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.


    Naami, back to your theory?
    What do you suspect?
    That Todd is going to ask Teyla to have his Wraithy babies?

    Man, I'm beat. Blame it on this cold. Gonna call it a night... *hugs, everyone*



      GAWD!!!!!!!!!!! Bring in the hives and the queens and the commanders! GW needs feeding on!

      My whole thing was kicked out because I was a 'guest.' GUEST, MOI?

      I had to log in. BOTHER! I guess they've been overwhelmed or something. Anywhoo...

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      (ugh, just lost my entire post 'cause I'm an idiot!)

      So true!!!

      "For my hive, and my hive alone" is more like a motto.

      Something like, 'Greetings' would work - sounds a bit snooty. Afterall, the Wraith are good at 'snooty'. 'Greetings, fellow Worshippers'...something like that? Open to other suggestions...
      Let's see... something short, Wraithy and insufferable-sounding.

      May the Hive be with you!

      ANYONE, ANY GOOD IDEAS? May be Todd said something, or Steve that we could use as greeting.

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Please explain this to me. How is it done - with a 'pen' or 'brush' on a pad (held like you would normally hold a pen or brush), or is it more like using a mouse, something that you click and drag, etc? I know absolutely NOTHING about digital/epainting. NOTHING.

      I have a problem, too. See, I'm left-handed, but I can ONLY use the mouse with my right hand...which explains some of my limitations with sigs and stuff because I'm doing it all with a mouse in my not-normal hand. So, if epainting is done just like regular painting, I should have no problem - but if it's done with a mouse-type thing, then I don't know if I could do it.
      I use a software, Corell Paint, that uses virtual canvas, brushes, pencils, colors (you can actually mix colors like you do with real paint) and all sorts of tools, the same as you would have in real life. I use a drawing table (Wacom) with a pen. You chose the medium--let's say oil--and then the brush size, and then you use the pen on the drawing pad as you would use a pencil to draw. The pressure you use on the pad determines the thickness of the line. You can thin the paint, you can use a 'heavy loaded' brush etc. Whatever you draw on the pad it is transmitted to the computer and you see it on the screen, the medium of your choice. The painting of my sig was done entirely this way. It takes a bit to get used to drawing on a pad and control it by what you see on the screen, and I am still learning that skill--it's a matter of eye and hand coordination. I tell you, once you master it, it's incredible. You can do shading with 'pencil' by chaging the pressure you apply to the pad.

      It took me a while, but, I'm almost there. That's why I think I'm ready for a Todd portrait. (Well, sort of, since I'm not good at protraits; or rather, I haven't tried it yet.)

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      For instance, we don't know how Greg 'cocooned' his victims, it seems to have come from him - but from where? Don't say from his butt - like a spider ;\

      I started to laugh so hard, I spilled coffee everywhere!

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      ( - and ciannwn already said it couldn't come from their mouths because then they'd risk webbing up their own heads on a windy day - so it's most likely produced from their hand. Greg had to produce it - it doesn't seem like he just pulled webbing out of his ship and wrapped the kid in it.
      I always thought that it was something that the ship did, since it is an organic entity. Like refrigeration... I never imagined that it would be done by the Wraith himself. Especially, since we've always seen the cacooning inside the hive ships. I think it makes more sense that it is something done by the ship, which is in some ways also a living thing.

      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Not sure how it would compare to what insects secrete. Different insects have different forms of waste - caterpillars produce little pellets, fleas expel black 'dirt', and others have a liquid-based waste. Reptiles and birds don't produce urine, but instead produce uric acid/urate of ammonia, which is the white substance mixed in with their other waste.

      Mammals (and amphibians, which also produce urine) have one type of waste, insects - another, and reptiles and birds yet another. I'm thinking that Wraith would be closer to mammals in this regard, based simply on the fact that - as children - they DO use their digestive system as we do.

      And yeah, I know way too much about pee-pee.

      Yes, I think we've done the digestive thingy to... death. But, still, interesting.

      May the hive be with you!
      HONOR. A story.



        TODD (under the cut). My attempt to draw him.

        OK. It doesn't look even close like Todd. But, it's a Wraith. MY personal Wraith I guess. I mean... it sort of has his features, as I used my epainting and his pic side by side and even cheated and overlapped the images to try to get things in their right spot. ***frustrated***


        No tomatoes, please.
        Last edited by Traveler64; 28 May 2008, 10:21 PM.
        HONOR. A story.



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

          And this is EXACTLY why we all should dress up like Wraith, and attend a convention. Afterall, they have been trying to come up with a new Wraith 'look' - well...WE could be THAT look!!

          Yup, we could give them a new Wraith look--in my case the Hobbit Wraith.
          HONOR. A story.



            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

            What do you suspect?
            That Todd is going to ask Teyla to have his Wraithy babies?

            I'm all for that! THAT would be a twist!
            Todd: I have a proposal that will benefit both of us.
            Teyla (looking suspiciously at Todd who has combed his hair and is wearing a new earing) What can possibly benefit me when it comes to a Wraith?
            Todd (coming closer, passing his fingers through his hair): I think it would send the right message to our alliance, and also remove any doubts that you are a Wraith Queen if you... uh... what do you human call that thing you do?
            Teyla (growing increasingly suspicious) What thing?
            Todd (makes on of his little sounds of frustrationa.) Do read my mind. You can do that!
            (Telya concentrates and reads Todd's mind.)
            Teyla (wide eyed.) You want me to do WHAT with you?
            Todd: What do you humans call it? Ah, I remember! Making whoopy! (Teyla sputters)
            Todd: And after we accomplish the whoopy, we'll have little Wraiths running around and no one will doubt our alliance, or that you are a Wraith Queen.
            TEYLA SLAPS TODD.
            Todd (holding his face and grinning): So, you agree. You are more Wraith than you think, Teyla.

            OK, I am going to bed.

            Good night, all!
            HONOR. A story.



              Todd: I have a proposal that will benefit both of us.
              Teyla (looking suspiciously at Todd who has combed his hair and is wearing a new earing) What can possibly benefit me when it comes to a Wraith?
              Todd (coming closer, passing his fingers through his hair): I think it would send the right message to our alliance, and also remove any doubts that you are a Wraith Queen if you... uh... what do you human call that thing you do?
              Teyla (growing increasingly suspicious) What thing?
              Todd (makes on of his little sounds of frustrationa.) Do read my mind. You can do that!
              (Telya concentrates and reads Todd's mind.)
              Teyla (wide eyed.) You want me to do WHAT with you?
              Todd: What do you humans call it? Ah, I remember! Making whoopy! (Teyla sputters)
              Todd: And after we accomplish the whoopy, we'll have little Wraiths running around and no one will doubt our alliance, or that you are a Wraith Queen.
              TEYLA SLAPS TODD.
              Todd (holding his face and grinning): So, you agree. You are more Wraith than you think, Teyla.
              OMG! Biggest LOL in the world!



                Yikes! I have a lot of "catching-up" to do. ...

                @Sheirrh - Your new Ruby wallpaper is so neat!

                @das - I understand how you feel about writing. I love writing so long as it’s on my time. When I am required to write essay after essay for my classes, I get sick of it rather quickly. Also, I’m sorry to hear about the circumstances surrounding your hypergraphia. It must have been difficult for you, I can’t even imagine being in that situation.

                On a different note ... drawing drunk, I can’t picture it! And, the snippet of Todd’s response to being hosed down was hilarious. Although, I can’t picture him “biting” the water! I need preserve at least some of his dignity. Hehe.

                WDC initiation rights?! Oh my goodness, those sound positively terrifying!

                Last thought, I hope you get over your cold soon. Colds are such a downer

                @LS - (Is it alright if I refer to you as simply LS?) Your picture of Erik is so neat! I love the blue tones you used; it’s so pretty. It has a really soft feel to it. Also, I really love your Bob signature (it’s hilarious!)

                @masterling - Wow! Your painting of the Allies Queen is just stunning. It’s so realistic and I love the coloring. She has such emotion in the painting.

                @Risem - Daww, I love your sketch of Bob! You have so much artistic talent, it’s amazing.

                @Rachelle - Your wallpaper of The Hive wraith makes me crack up. I see you put the famous picture of Edward Sleazyhands in there!

                @wraithlord - Wonderful Todd siggy!

                @Wraith Cake - Thanks for the welcome and I really love your Todd drawing! The shading is amazing; I love the eyes especially. Also, I hope you feel better soon. Being sick isn’t any fun.

                @Degilwen - I like your siggy!

                @Icarium - Classy wallpaper, the queens are all so pretty.

                @Luciana – Those are two positively pretty pink banners!

                @female Wraith – Thank you for the welcome.

                @MCH - Thank you for the release date information.

                @Traveler64 - Very neat Todd picture! Also, the Todd and Teyla drabble was hilarious.


                  You know, I'm sure this has been asked before and I just haven't seen it, but why do wraith insist on feeding on free-range humans? Have they ever considered human-farming? I know it's all the rage now to do the the whole "organic foods" thing, but you'd think that humans-as-livestock would make a lot more sense as far as their nutritional concerns go. They've seen humans doing agriculture; they're smart, I'm sure they could put two and two together and one of them would say, "Hey, that's a really good idea there!".


                    Just my 2 cents

                    The Wraith are great characters, and a great enemy!!!

                    I'll join if i may

                    <<<I have watched you play with those who would play GOD<<<

                    A Random but Cool Quote:
                    If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
                    - Bertrand Russell


                      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                      , but you do know that you can switch the hands on your mouse right?
                      I tried it once. It came out badly. I swear I'll need to rewire my entire brain to make use of my left hand again. I've been "trained" to use my right hand since first starting on computers at like 7ish.

                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      Hello! *waves*
                      Did two banner I'd like to share.




                      Pretty! I love the keeper one!

                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                      Drunk Wraith would be hilarious. For one thing, I suspect they would...drool.
                      LOL! I can imagine that too. If out dear Shawn wasn't intent on culling that world he might have stayed for another glass.

                      Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                      As someone who does fancy dress on a relatively regular basis....this might actually be likely to happen, at least to me, one day.
                      Oh! Cool, I'd love to be able to dress up loads, but alas no one I know does too and there are no real events where I live.

                      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                      TODD (under the cut). My attempt to draw him.


                      No tomatoes, please.
                      Very nice!
                      Here's a tip: It's not so much the lines of someone's face that count when trying to get a likeness. It's more the contours of their face and thus the shading. You could trace and image then paint it and have it look completely different. Also try getting the values the same, or at least in the same ratios.
                      But you've still go yourself a very cool wraith painting.

                      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                      Todd: I have a proposal that will benefit both of us.
                      Teyla (looking suspiciously at Todd who has combed his hair and is wearing a new earing) What can possibly benefit me when it comes to a Wraith?
                      Todd (coming closer, passing his fingers through his hair): I think it would send the right message to our alliance, and also remove any doubts that you are a Wraith Queen if you... uh... what do you human call that thing you do?
                      Teyla (growing increasingly suspicious) What thing?
                      Todd (makes on of his little sounds of frustrationa.) Do read my mind. You can do that!
                      (Telya concentrates and reads Todd's mind.)
                      Teyla (wide eyed.) You want me to do WHAT with you?
                      Todd: What do you humans call it? Ah, I remember! Making whoopy! (Teyla sputters)
                      Todd: And after we accomplish the whoopy, we'll have little Wraiths running around and no one will doubt our alliance, or that you are a Wraith Queen.
                      TEYLA SLAPS TODD.
                      Todd (holding his face and grinning): So, you agree. You are more Wraith than you think, Teyla.

                      LMAO! Brilliant.

                      Originally posted by Aidan View Post
                      @Risem - Daww, I love your sketch of Bob! You have so much artistic talent, it’s amazing.

                      Originally posted by dolfynnchick View Post
                      You know, I'm sure this has been asked before and I just haven't seen it, but why do wraith insist on feeding on free-range humans? Have they ever considered human-farming? I know it's all the rage now to do the the whole "organic foods" thing, but you'd think that humans-as-livestock would make a lot more sense as far as their nutritional concerns go. They've seen humans doing agriculture; they're smart, I'm sure they could put two and two together and one of them would say, "Hey, that's a really good idea there!".
                      I've just guessed they're too lazy to look after humans in that sort of setting.


                        Originally posted by WereWraith06 View Post
                        Just my 2 cents

                        The Wraith are great characters, and a great enemy!!!

                        I'll join if i may



                          welcome mrbob, Goauld System Lord, WereWraith06

                          Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post

                          Ok, here's the deal. I have been writing down one of my 'daydreams'. I have had it for a long time now, but only figured out how to really introduce it after the episode with the bola Kai. Its my way of explaining a few things TPTB do not (or at least how I would like them explained). I do have a fan fic account, but it says I can't upload anything for another day, and by that time I won't have any time! I have put it on my blog. Wraithie kindly read part 1 for me, and gave some pointers (one of her comments gave me the idea for my characters name, which I hadn't decided on yet). I do know that if I wait until another 2 days to tell that I have written one, I will chicken out. If its known, even if it doesn't get read, I will have the motivation to finish and put it on fanfic. Here's the link.


                          You have to scroll down to get to the first part. Hope you enjoy it.

                          reading your story. it's good, i'll add you to my favourites and check in for updates.

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                          Speaking of which - can you imagine poor Todd getting hosed down? LOL!! I just got a crazy image in my head...

                          You know when you turn a hose on a dog, and - sometimes - the dog likes it and starts frantically 'biting' the water?? *chomp!chomp!chomp!* I just imagined Todd doing that when they turned the hose on him...

                          i'm glad to have inspired weirdness, love the image of bitey todd!

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          WDC Initiation rites:

                          1. You must post at least once a week on JM's blog declaring your love for all things Wraith, justifying their feeding habits and demanding that they never, ever be annihilated from the Pegasus Galaxy.

                          5. You must not listen to anything das says, because she's missing a few essential screws. I think they fell out when I jumped to hyperspace.

                          No. 1 is done and done. and i mean DONE!
                          No. 5, i thought i heard something rattling around but just figgered they were mine.

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          we really should ask JM if the Wraith can get drunk...or, if they'd be the sort to enjoy drinking, 'cause if so, then I wanna...


                          I was just gonna suggest something that involves

                          who else just wants to rub steves tummy when he's sprawled out on the floor, right after he's been stuned of course.

                          Originally posted by Reed
                          About to the length of Steve.

                          I'd have to post results now wouldn't I?
                          don't suppose you'd show us, you don't have to include your face if you don't want us to see, just a shot from the back. My brother, when he was younger, had hair that was nearing Steves length, but his hair is thin and never looked as impressive as Steves.

                          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                          I'm all for that! THAT would be a twist!
                          Todd: I have a proposal that will benefit both of us.
                          Teyla (looking suspiciously at Todd who has combed his hair and is wearing a new earing) What can possibly benefit me when it comes to a Wraith?
                          Todd (coming closer, passing his fingers through his hair): I think it would send the right message to our alliance, and also remove any doubts that you are a Wraith Queen if you... uh... what do you human call that thing you do?
                          Teyla (growing increasingly suspicious) What thing?
                          Todd (makes on of his little sounds of frustrationa.) Do read my mind. You can do that!
                          (Telya concentrates and reads Todd's mind.)
                          Teyla (wide eyed.) You want me to do WHAT with you?
                          Todd: What do you humans call it? Ah, I remember! Making whoopy! (Teyla sputters)
                          Todd: And after we accomplish the whoopy, we'll have little Wraiths running around and no one will doubt our alliance, or that you are a Wraith Queen.
                          TEYLA SLAPS TODD.
                          Todd (holding his face and grinning): So, you agree. You are more Wraith than you think, Teyla.

                          OK, I am going to bed.

                          Good night, all!
                          FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                            Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                            Spoilers for The Queen:

                            Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.


                            Naami, back to your theory?
                            it's looking possible again!

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            What do you suspect?
                            teyla becomes/remains a queen.

                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            TODD (under the cut). My attempt to draw him.

                            OK. It doesn't look even close like Todd. But, it's a Wraith. MY personal Wraith I guess. I mean... it sort of has his features, as I used my epainting and his pic side by side and even cheated and overlapped the images to try to get things in their right spot. ***frustrated***


                            No tomatoes, please.
                            I like it. it reminds me of the end of common ground and todd is in front of the gate. one of my favorite scenes.

                            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                            I'm all for that! THAT would be a twist!
                            Todd: I have a proposal that will benefit both of us.
                            Teyla (looking suspiciously at Todd who has combed his hair and is wearing a new earing) What can possibly benefit me when it comes to a Wraith?
                            Todd (coming closer, passing his fingers through his hair): I think it would send the right message to our alliance, and also remove any doubts that you are a Wraith Queen if you... uh... what do you human call that thing you do?
                            Teyla (growing increasingly suspicious) What thing?
                            Todd (makes on of his little sounds of frustrationa.) Do read my mind. You can do that!
                            (Telya concentrates and reads Todd's mind.)
                            Teyla (wide eyed.) You want me to do WHAT with you?
                            Todd: What do you humans call it? Ah, I remember! Making whoopy! (Teyla sputters)
                            Todd: And after we accomplish the whoopy, we'll have little Wraiths running around and no one will doubt our alliance, or that you are a Wraith Queen.
                            TEYLA SLAPS TODD.
                            Todd (holding his face and grinning): So, you agree. You are more Wraith than you think, Teyla.

                            OK, I am going to bed.

                            Good night, all!
                            little todd juniors...
                            Last edited by naamiaiset; 29 May 2008, 03:23 AM.


                              Thanks everyone!

                              Risem The keeper banner is the best of all and I'm sure I'll not be able to make one, which looks better than that!

                              and #3



                                Graet art Luciana!

                                WereWraith06 - a very warm and wraithy welcome


