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    Originally posted by Icarium View Post

    You already know what I think
    You made me realize that I made wrong size calendars and wallies Time to change it

    thank you but what did you do wrong?


      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      thank you but what did you do wrong?
      Well, I made 1280x960. Or maybe that size is ok, too? I have a widescreen and I'm not sure what it looks like on an average screen. On my screen they looked ok when I had them in the middle.



        Originally posted by Risem View Post
        Ooooh, interesting stuff. It's about time we saw more varied hives and interior design.
        Also, as it's a standing set that must mean it's not just for one episode; presumably "The Queen".
        Now I have images of Wraith interior designers in my head


          To all those who commented on my Queen wallpaper thank you I'm glad you liked it.

          Oh and I've noticed that some of you where thinking of doing just the one format for the calenders now i prefer the way i do them so i hope it's ok if i continue to do them that way?


            Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
            To all those who commented on my Queen wallpaper thank you I'm glad you liked it.

            Oh and I've noticed that some of you where thinking of doing just the one format for the calenders now i prefer the way i do them so i hope it's ok if i continue to do them that way?
            both formats are okay, it just gives a little variety.


              Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
              Oh and I've noticed that some of you where thinking of doing just the one format for the calenders now i prefer the way i do them so i hope it's ok if i continue to do them that way?
              yeah, I think we should keep on doing it this way. The higher the variety the more people can chose which one they want. You make them to print, I make them for my screen, Icarium makes it for her etc. If someone likes a sheet that is not in his screen size or too big to print we still can resize it. And if someone wants to have calender sheets but didn't like the one we posted he/she still can make a request in the calendar thread. What do you think about that?


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                both formats are okay, it just gives a little variety.
                I like variety the only reason why i prefer the way i do them is because...i don't know how to do them any other way i just don't have that much time to experiment with different ways.
                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                yeah, I think we should keep on doing it this way. The higher the variety the more people can chose which one they want. You make them to print, I make them for my screen, Icarium makes it for her etc. If someone likes a sheet that is not in his screen size or too big to print we still can resize it. And if someone wants to have calender sheets but didn't like the one we posted he/she still can make a request in the calendar thread. What do you think about that?
                I like it.


                  another calendar. (surprised? didn't think so. ) this was bluejay's request. I decided to keep it simple.



                    Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                    Oh and I've noticed that some of you where thinking of doing just the one format for the calenders now i prefer the way i do them so i hope it's ok if i continue to do them that way?
                    Absolutely don't worry about that I'm also not going to limit myself to one size etc. I will just try to make some in our 'standard size' to help those who want to print or I will make two sizes of the same calendar. I really don't want anyone to be discouraged because of too much limitation
                    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                    yeah, I think we should keep on doing it this way. The higher the variety the more people can chose which one they want. You make them to print, I make them for my screen, Icarium makes it for her etc. If someone likes a sheet that is not in his screen size or too big to print we still can resize it. And if someone wants to have calender sheets but didn't like the one we posted he/she still can make a request in the calendar thread. What do you think about that?
                    Well, you're right. Variety's good Should I add in the 1st post on calendar thread that some of us are willing to take requests?
                    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                    another calendar. (surprised? didn't think so. ) this was bluejay's request. I decided to keep it simple.

                    Lovely again



                      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                      Quite right! But you forgot to mention that 'aught' also means 'nothing', as in zero.
                      Artists use 'aught', 'double aught' and even 'triple aught' brushes for excrutiatingly fine detail work. My father used those brushes for touching up negatives during the days he did professional moto-cross photography to supplement his income. Yes. Back in the days when people still used film! It was fascinating to watch.
                      I didn't know that. That's really interesting! I'm away for a few days, in another town outside of Toronto. My man's giving me the eye...I'm not suppose to be on the computer for the next few days! Ug! How will I manage? I'll have to get caught up Tuesday. We have a long week-end in Canada (Victoria Week-end) and we're suppose to be away from "everything" Oooo I gotta go.
                      Big Huggggs!

                      wraith cake
                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        the control panel is working fine for me... except for a few red X's.
                        My control panel hasn't changed. Why was I left out!?

                        You make them to print, I make them for my screen, Icarium makes it for her etc. If someone likes a sheet that is not in his screen size or too big to print we still can resize it.
                        I really want to print these calenders, but my computer won't recognize my printer anymore. I'll have to get a new one.



                          My second attempt at Todd.


                          Eventually I got fed up with it and just laid on heavy with the black and white


                            Wow - beautiful Veldt!



                              My picture viewer is ACDSee, and it lets me resize pics in pixels, cm's and inches. It did a lovely job on the Todd calendar I printed on canvas. When I resized it for inches, it now allows me to print it as large as 16in x 16in. I'd have to take it to a printer for that, but I love it so much, I may do that.

                              I plan to continue to make my calendars as I feel like making them. So far, I've done them all as wallies. I do not have any calendar templates for my Paint Shop Pro 9, so all of my calendars are done from the ground up. I did make a brush for the actual calendar frame, but that requires resizing it from the max 500x500 to whatever larger size I need.

                              Although so many wonderful, wonderful calendars have been published on these pages, and on the calendar thread, I am currently using my December 'Season to Weep' calendar as my desktop. It still galls me that Steve's murder has not been redressed!
                              Ish feeling a tad wrathful/Wraithful today.


                                Wow - nice new siggy wraithworshipper!


