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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
    That is so funny. Good for you! Go spam! Spam Spam BAM! BAM! SPAM FOR WRAITH'S SAKE!
    Oh you mean SPAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


      Oh now there are a lot of new siggys. Now I'm getting jealous I better start working on a new one I think I will make a Shawn one. The siggys are lovely. The Queen is on a Spring break from ruling her hive.
      Now we know why Todd need Tayla to act as his Queen



        Originally posted by Vanaheim View Post
        Si vous voulez pratiquer votre Français, je suis l?* Moi qui pensait ne pas réviser l'anglais pour mon examen, je révise les bases ici lol

        Concernant Mr. Coolidge, je ne l'aime pas..

        If you want practise your French, I'm here Me that thought not to revise the English for my exam, I revise the basis here lol

        Concerning Mr. Coolidge, I don't love her..
        I would love to practice French with you et tu peux la pratique Englais avec moi aussi!
        Last edited by Wraith Cake; 04 May 2008, 08:45 AM.
        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
          For the siggie, how about: "We, Wraith, are not a race without an eye for aesthetics. We, too, appreciate beauty and the finer things in life."

          For the wallie: "Ah, my garden, my beautiful garden. I do, so very much, need this place. Only here do I find peace and restfulness. If the others knew...." It's her one weakness, thus her thoughts trailing off and her pensive expression. If they knew that, in her garden, she relaxes and maybe lets her guard down a little, she'd be very vulnerable.
          Thanks for these suggestions You're great at writing! I especially like the text for the sig Do you mind if I change it a little because I don't want the sig to be very text - heavy?
          Originally posted by MCH View Post
          I like your siggie and wallie lots, like the colours, the position of the Queen, is the backgound made up of leaves in both?
          Thanks And these are flowers in the background
          Originally posted by masterling View Post
          This is for the individual who had a siggy (i think on rotation) of a queen and i believe the words on it were: snow white or snow queen or something to that effect.
          This individual is Fainne
          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post

          I did add what you called me, the "resident gregist" to my signature.
          So you like the neologism after all?
          Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
          The siggys are lovely. The Queen is on a Spring break from ruling her hive.
          Now we know why Todd need Tayla to act as his Queen

          Thanks She needs a break, what were you thinking?



            Originally posted by masterling View Post
            This is for the individual who had a siggy (i think on rotation) of a queen and i believe the words on it were: snow white or snow queen or something to that effect.
            Several weeks ago i got the Evanescence CD, The Open Door. There is a song tilted Snow white Queen. As soon as i saw your siggy i thought of it. I found that I have become obsessive about this album and cant stop listing to it. I believe its because it reminds me of the wraith every time i listen to it.(which is ALOT) It’s powerful, heavy, raw and yet amazingly refined and beautiful.

            Evanescence must in the air because I just down loaded the Evanescence font before I came here. I like listing to their music. There is another band called "Nightwish", I think have the same kind of sound in their music.



              something funny to read.



                Rodney got run over by a wraith dart


                  i just bought two shrimps for my aquarium with my two gold fish(tui and la, named after the spirits of the moon and the ocean from avatar: the last airbender), my snail(Q, from star trek, the Q continuum)
                  and i named the small shrimp michael and the big shrimp todd


                    Originally posted by ijffdrie View Post
                    i just bought two shrimps for my aquarium with my two gold fish(tui and la, named after the spirits of the moon and the ocean from avatar: the last airbender), my snail(Q, from star trek, the Q continuum)
                    and i named the small shrimp michael and the big shrimp todd

                    Long live Michael and Todd!!!



                      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                      That was hilarious LOL

                      For the evanescence fans, have you heard the Amy Lee duet with Korn called Freak on a leash? Its recorded live, and pretty good, but not as dark as her other work.

                      Also, I was wondering if there were any discussions on what kind of art the Wraith would appreciate if exposed to our culture, and if so does any one know where ?(turns out art isn't a long enough search word. I've started reading my way through the old posts, but that will take me time.)

                      Off to bed now, so better say my prayers.

                      O' Sweet Dream Giver
                      Bless me with a kiss tonight
                      From one I worship.



                        There's Michael and Todd shrimps out there, now?

                        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                        I wish I got to know you better.


                          @naamiaiset- Thanks. I’ll try to figure out the best way to explaine my idea better and will get back to you.

                          @naamiaiset and Icarium- thanks for letting me know its Fainne!

                          @LS- I will have to look in to Nightwish. Maybe I’ll have a new album to obsesses over

                          @ijffdrie- Todd and Mikey- awesome

                          @Toomuch- thanks for the Rodney wraith dart song, it’s a good way to start the morning

                          Last edited by masterling; 04 May 2008, 05:28 AM. Reason: spelling


                            do wraith like rap?


                              Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                              Thanks for these suggestions You're great at writing! I especially like the text for the sig Do you mind if I change it a little because I don't want the sig to be very text - heavy?

                              Thanks And these are flowers in the background

                              This individual is Fainne

                              So you like the neologism after all?

                              Thanks She needs a break, what were you thinking?

                              Feel free!


                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Originally Posted By Vanaheim
                                No I don't think they are "Ancients altered" but the first attempt in a line of rescearch that went terriable wrong. The first Wraith had human DNA and the bugs DNA that would allow the body's cell to regenerate but it also gave them aggressive need to feed, absorbing large amounts of human life force to survive. Maybe they killed the sciencists who bred them, but they didn't have the Ancient Gene that would allow the wraith to opperate the Ancients ships, the drone chair ect....

                                Originally Posted By Toomuchchaf

                                I definately think the rescearch was done in secret hence the surprise of the other Ancients who lived in Altantis when they forst meet the Wraith.
                                Hey I'm back from my long 20 hour sleep!! Yea! To add to this discussion, I always thought it was interesting that the "secret wraith scientist" in "The Gift" s#1 epi#18(?) was experimenting on humans to make them 'more compatible' to the wraith feeding process. This is actually pretty huge. When he--I think he was a 'he'--discovered that his tests didn't turn out the way he wanted them to, he abandoned the experiment. All his experiments were able to do was allow the humans to enter the "thought" conversations of the wraith--not a good idea. So, this scientist was experimenting on humans to make them more compatible to the wraith feeding process--hmmm...are the wraith responsible for their own vulnerabilities??? Here's the quote from the transcript:
                                WEIR: Well, I translated the first part of the log that you brought back, and ... are you sure you don't wanna have a seat? (Teyla just looks at her. Elizabeth takes a deep breath.) The Wraith were conducting experiments on your ancestors. I-It was just one Wraith, actually, and he was doing it against the wishes of the other Wraith, which was why he was doing it in secret.

                                TEYLA: What was he doing?

                                BECKETT: I think he was trying to make their food source more compatible with their species.
                                Beckett thinks the wraith are closer in physiology to the iratus bug, but ultimately they are a hybrid. This part is crap science, but Beckett did say it was just a theory.


                                wwii/wraith cake
                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

