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Wraith Defenders Club

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    hi omyfid and evreyone else


      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
      that sounds like misbegotten - too slow again
      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
      misbegotten, season three episode two
      thanks, both of you lol.

      die smilies

      i hate bullies

      the fate of the world is hanging in the balance and your've been sitting in your truck finishing this?
      i believe it was double or nothing.
      ok, 3 letters, 23 across, the atomic weight of boron, the answer is 10.
      you wrote the word fat.
      your point?

      proud supporter/player of stargatewars- ask me if you want my help joining.


        omyfid did you enjoy the stargate demo


          yer, you know the percentage rating, that was my idea.
          and i might be doing the music for the demos and the actual story game.

          die smilies

          i hate bullies

          the fate of the world is hanging in the balance and your've been sitting in your truck finishing this?
          i believe it was double or nothing.
          ok, 3 letters, 23 across, the atomic weight of boron, the answer is 10.
          you wrote the word fat.
          your point?

          proud supporter/player of stargatewars- ask me if you want my help joining.


            name ill talk to you on the space shooter forum ok.

            die smilies

            i hate bullies

            the fate of the world is hanging in the balance and your've been sitting in your truck finishing this?
            i believe it was double or nothing.
            ok, 3 letters, 23 across, the atomic weight of boron, the answer is 10.
            you wrote the word fat.
            your point?

            proud supporter/player of stargatewars- ask me if you want my help joining.


              We have never repeated them over here yet, but I'm currently watching my season 1 dvd's again.

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                I don't know if this has already been added here so i'll just put it in just in case. By the same person who did sexy back and i'm too sexy.

                wraith queens.


                funny one, volume needs to go up a bit.

                and another (can you tell i'm bored tonight?)

                not a wraith one but funny! all the different stargate candy! (lifesucking candy!)(we're the remote few)

                Yep. Still bored. here's another. fanmagicks has made some other good ones as well.

                non wraith. OMG OMG! The Words, The Words!
                Last edited by BlueJay; 03 May 2008, 04:32 AM.


                  Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                  I don't know if this has already been added here so i'll just put it in just in case. By the same person who did sexy back and i'm too sexy.

                  wraith queens.

                  2nd - not so much of a michael fan, sorry, but the music is good

                  3rd - definitly funny - but as I have all the DVDs at home - I have seen wraithal discrimination over 30 times now - I'm a bit addicted, I know


                  5th: meh

                  6th: ROFL
                  Last edited by Shanthaia; 03 May 2008, 06:45 AM.



                    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                    I'm helping you,Vanaheim, with two piccies


                    Thank you. I have well slept

                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    First, welcome!!! Bonjour!

                    Second - wonderful Wraithy drawing!! I LOVE the tattoo!! Great job, and thanks for sharing!!!

                    Third - you English will ALWAYS be better than my French! You are doing fine!!

                    Do you go to Joe Mallozzi's blog (one of the producers)??? He speaks French (French Canadian French, but still French) - and if you ask him a question in French, he will answer in French.


                    Go and ask him LOTS of Wraith questions for us all (he's tired of me... )

                    He did answer Spikey, though...about Coolidge, or something. No idea what that was about...

                    Bonjour dasNdanger et merci

                    Thank you for the Joe Mallozzi's blog. I'm going to be your french reporter with pleasure but what's "Spikey" and "Coolidge" ? I don't know

                    Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                    Welcome and I love your drawing
                    It's great that so many people get inspired here

                    Thanks Icarium and I love your banner with my favourite wraith scientific

                    Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                    Je parle Français excusez-moi-le Français Canadien, parce que je suis Canadien!! Et le Français Canadien est le Français!

                    Pardon me, I speak French--French Canadian, because I am Canadian!! And Canadian French IS French.

                    I know what you mean. Welcome Vanaheim, Bienvenue Vanaheim. Pas problème, ton Englais est bon, meilleur que mon Français. Je parle un peu français et je le comprends beaucoup moins!! Ha Ha

                    Bonjour et merci Wraith Worshipper. Tu parles Français mais c'est miraculeux Ton Français est excellent et tu peux continuer
                    Si j'ai bien compris lol, tu penses que les wraiths sont des humains "modifiés" lors d'une manipulation génétique ? Si c'est ça, je pense aussi que c'est le cas. Pour moi, ils n'ont pas évolué a partir de l'insecte.. mais peu de monde partage cette théorie..

                    (English version lol) Hello and thanks Wraith Worshipper. You speak French but it's miraculous. Your French is excellent and you can to continue. If I understand lol, you think that the Wraiths are humans "altered" by genetic manipulation ? If that's it, I think as you. For me, they aren't changed from insect... but few people share this theory...

                    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                    And I just don't get it. I think they're sooo sexy!

                    You still there, Wraith Cake?
                    Me too, they are sexy, fascinating, very impressive, elegant... It's the contradiction attraction and fear..

                    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                    OK, I voted for Todd for the new recurring character. Tomorrow I will go to the Library and use their computers and vote for Todd again. I'm not sure if you vote does it register your computer. Wouldn't want to think I'm spaming the vote.

                    Me too.

                    Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                    That the feeding slit is in the hand made me wonder before - but well - could very well be that this is another proof that the Ancients had a hand in the creation of Wraith.
                    I think we established before that the feeding process is very sensual and that maybe the feeding is something to wraith males like sex is to humans. So their feeding organ must be very sensitive - very possible that using it in touch is pleasureable as well

                    I just have been over at JM's blog and found this about the Queen:

                    I stayed late yet again, wandering over to Stage 2 where The Queen was being shot to take a few snaps of that creepy new wraith, check out the amazing sets, and grab one of the complimentary smokies being served. I returned to the FX Stage as the second unit pizza delivery arrived. “Worksafe B.C. prohibits eating on set,”I informed a bewildered P.A., confiscating his barbecue chicken pizza.

                    It's right. The fact that they feed with the hand is very sensual (as the vampire that feed with the mouth). And the hand is on the bust.. it's "erotic".. no ?

                    @ Toomuchcaf : Welcome anf thank you.

                    I hope that I've forgotten nobody


                      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                      I don't know if this has already been added here so i'll just put it in just in case. By the same person who did sexy back and i'm too sexy.

                      wraith queens.


                      funny one, volume needs to go up a bit.

                      Nice movies


                        Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                        Here's to add to the growing amount of Wraith art...

                        I love the art on this thread. I think the Wraith would be quite pleased that they've amassed such a talented group of followers.
                        Your drawing is magnificent. You have a lot of talent


                          Originally posted by ;
                          Originally Posted by MCH
                          Toomuchcaf you should try to get the Stargate novel 8 called Blood Ties by Sonny Whitlaw and Elizabeth Christensen. The intro on the back of the book basically says The team are called back to Earth see a video of " a wraith attack, taking place on Earth" also there is the "desturbing possibility humans may harbour Wraith DNA"

                          I really enjoyed this story, it also gives the opportunity to show how the SGA people feel about what's happening to them, something that the YV SGA writer don't always have time to do

                          For more info you can go to about the SGA books.

                          Originally posted by ;
                          Originally Posted by Liquid Sky
                          I would like to see this novel turn into a stargate movie like they did with SG1. Though I don't think it will because it's not what they consider 'canon' whatever that means. But, then again you never know.
                          I'm not sure that the SGA writer see the books as canon, but did we deceid that it was. There has been so many siruation explored in the 8 books, and for once we actually see how it effects Shep and the team. But I think your right Liquid Sky it wouldn't be turned into a movie
                          Thanks to DS for my siggy


                            Originally posted by ;
                            Originally Posted By WW11
                            (English version lol) Hello and thanks Wraith Worshipper. You speak French but it's miraculous. Your French is excellent and you can to continue. If I understand lol, you think that the Wraiths are humans "altered" by genetic manipulation ? If that's it, I think as you. For me, they aren't changed from insect... but few people share this theory...
                            Not theought about the Wraith being Human "altered" by genetic mamipulation. By human are we talking about Ancients?
                            When the Ancients arrived in the Pegasus Galaxy they explored and found the bug. After examinating the bug and realising that the bug had regenerative abilities the Ancients tried to manipulate the regenerative gene into their own Ancient DNA, but couldn't manipulate the genes that controls the feeding.Once they realise that they couldn't undo what was something that was terrible wrong the Ancients lefted the altered humans on the planet to survive or perish or the Ancients where killed by the Wraith.
                            The Wraith survivers need humans, to feed Wraith life force, regeneration, using human soul, energy, life force, this drove them to leave their home plant with what Ancient ship technology they had, to roam the planets to find their human food, until they meet the Ancients still in Atlantis

                            As the rescearch was done in secret, the other Ancients based in the city of Atlantis didn't know. Hence their surprise when they eventually meet the Wraith and they didn't realise the danger they where in.

                            So why do the gene manipulation? Could be the some Ancients didn't want to ascend but wanted the longer lifespan and the ability to regenerate to stay in the human world. Morgan La Fay was stopped from helping Daniel when he came to Atlantis, as once you have ascended you can't interfer in human affairs.
                            (Someone has mentioned this before but can't remember or credit them, and I hate not doing that sorry)

                            Maybe if Carson if he had the original gene manipulation rescearch could help Todd with finding a better for humans and Wraith about the feeding
                            Or maybe Michael already knows how sort out how Wraith feeding but he wouldn't want to do that as he hates Human and Wraith.

                            As I said I hadn't given much theought to this Vancheim sorry it turned into a much long theought. Any one else got an idea about this?


                            PS I have always wondered how quickly the bug Wraith turned in the Wraith we see today. hence my interest in Vancheim and WW11 comments.
                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              OK, I voted for Todd for the new recurring character. Tomorrow I will go to the Library and use their computers and vote for Todd again. I'm not sure if you vote does it register your computer. Wouldn't want to think I'm spaming the vote.

                              That is so funny. Good for you! Go spam! Spam Spam BAM! BAM! SPAM FOR WRAITH'S SAKE!
                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Vanaheim View Post
                                Thank you for the Joe Mallozzi's blog. I'm going to be your french reporter with pleasure but what's "Spikey" and "Coolidge" ? I don't know
                                Moi, je suis Spikey!

                                Et je parle français aussi, parce que je viens de la Belgique. C'est ma deuxième langue maternelle, mais mon anglais est plus mieux, beaucoup plus mieux.

                                J'ai demandé ?* Joe Mallozzi si 'Mr. Coolidge', le président, je pense, du IOA va revenir, mais il a dit non. Donc maintenant on sait que l'épisode 'Inquisition' ne l'a pas. (lui?) (Il est dans l'épisode 'Midway').

                                How many mistakes did I make? I mean decent ones, since 'du IOA' shouldn't count since I don't know the French name etc.

                                *Doesn't want to know the results.*

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

