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Wraith Defenders Club

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    My 4000th is dedicated to WDC.

    as this post should not be ordinary - naamiaset kept poking me to join the siggy making
    So here is the first attempt of mine to put photoshop into good use

    Last edited by Shanthaia; 27 April 2008, 10:12 AM.



      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
      My 4000th is dedicated to WDC.

      as this post should not be ordinary - naamiaset kept poking me to join the siggy making
      So here is the first attempt of mine to put photoshop into good use

      Wow! And you said my siggie was nice? Oooo! Where did you get the quote? Is it yours? It's nice. It sounds like a Norse type saying. Congrats on the 4000 posts!

      Originally posted by fainne
      I'm reall sorry to hear that. Seems to me you need a cheer-up-Todd-kiss
      Thanks for the Todd-kiss Fainne! A body could always use one of those! LOL

      As promised, below is my fanfic story. It's a silly thing, and it's set in the real world of the Atlantis home office. Other than my recent verses, this is the first story I've written in many, many years. I started it on Friday, and I just finished it. I hope you like it.

      Dashing harriedly into his office, already late on a heavily scheduled Monday morning, James Mallozzi (JM to most folks) was not happy to find a note from the Sound Editor placed pointedly in the center of his desktop blotter. He’d been avoiding him for days, and now, it seemed, escape was not possible. He was even less pleased when he read the request for his immediate attention regarding a slew of sound bites for the first 1 ½ episodes of a two part story which had not quite wrapped taping, but he wasn’t in the least surprised to learn that all the bites in question were out of the mouth of their latest, and decidedly oddest, contest winner. She liked to adlib.

      After almost 10 months, it still galled him that he’d allowed himself to be talked into a contest where the winner didn’t get a mere walk-on part, but a full-fledged speaking part which required real acting for two episodes! Thank heavens the woman they’d chosen wasn’t bad. She wasn’t even half bad. Actually, she was pretty good with a knack for timing and manner of delivery, but she really was out there. Waaay out there!

      Giving himself a mental shake, his thoughts returned to the adlibs of their temporary guest star. It was a habit which probably could have been, and definitely should have been, dealt with quickly, nipped in the bud as soon as it started, but her lines tended to be better than the ones which had been written for her by the show’s ‘professional’ writers. Worse, the other actors happily fed off of the openings with which she provided them. Some more than others. He could see already that Hewlett was going to be damn near uncontrollable for the foreseeable future.

      Picking up the phone, he connected with the necessary people to push back his morning meetings for a couple of hours. He figured this could take awhile.

      Moments later, walking into the Sound Editing room, he was greeted with, “Well, looky what we have here! The mountain has finally come to …. What’d you do? Forget to put sugar in your lemonade this morning?”

      Trading his sour expression for one of long suffering, he hoped, JM decided it best to get right to business. “You have multiple sound bites for me to okay or nay this morning?”

      “Yuppers! Sure do.” Queing up the footage, “Well, you know we basically cast her as the ‘Cleaning Lady’ of Atlantis. I mean, we meant for this show to be kinda funny in case the contest winner couldn’t act their way out of a wet paper bag, right? I mean, how much trouble can a mere cleaning lady get into? She’s just on the fringes of everyone else’s lives, right? She’s not part of the main action, but somehow she manages to touch the lives of just about everyone.”

      JM grunted his agreement. “You’re getting to a point when? Just what is the problem?”

      “Keep your pants on! It‘s not so much a problem as it is pronunciation. Some of the things she says just sound odd, little not-quite-right.” Flicking a couple more switches, “Okay, now. Here, Ronan asks her how such a short person can carry so many bottles of cleaning supplies by herself. She replied, “Icarium very carefully.” Then, when McKay, Zelenka, Sheppard, Ronan and Lorne are all arguing about the merits of science versus firepower in the fight against any and all enemies, not just the Wraith, she yells, “Boys! Boys! Boys! With all the testosterone floatin’ ‘round, it’s like dubya dubya 2 (wwii) in here!”

      Next comes when the new soldiers arrive to spell the current contingent on Atlantis. Ronan is about to take one guy’s head off because he made a disparaging remark about how the war with the Wraith hadn’t been completely won, yet. From the background in passing floats, “Risem, rasem, rosem! The Wraith are a fearsome foe-sem!”

      “Okay. That one was weird.”, concedes JM.

      “Uh, yah. One I like, and so did CH, was when she asked Todd, “So Wraithlord…just how many Masterling wanna be’s do you have in you stable?”

      “Yes, and I liked CH’s expression on that one, so we’re keeping it.”, acknowledged JM.

      “Are we keeping the scene where Teyla’s preparing for a party and isn’t sure the ‘look’ she wants?”

      “Yes. Why?”, inquires JM.

      “Because of her advice to Teyla.”

      Looking surprised, JM asks, “She gave fashion advice to Teyla? I missed that. What’d she say?”

      “She told Teyla to, ‘Go Spikey. You know…lot’s of hair product.’ That’s how they played it, too.”

      “Well, a good idea is a good idea. I bet Rachel looked great in the reveal shot, too, not that she doesn’t always look great.” With a sarcastic look from the SE, JM belatedly remembers that tact isn’t always his strong suit, but he’s rather proud of that, too.

      “Rachel always looks great!”, declares the SE. “Are we leaving in where she’s talking to one of the techs in the botany lab? She’s got an oddball comment there, too.”

      JM’s not sure he wants to know, but he asks anyway, “What’d she say?”

      “I just love the myriad of plants in here! It’s like a mini jungle, but there should be birds, too, like Sparrow_hawk and BlueJay!”

      “I don’t know.”, offers JM. “We haven’t sat down for a review of the material, yet. How much more of this is there? I‘ve pushed back a few meetings I really need to get to today.”

      “Just a few more. Bear with me.”, the SE cajoles. “In this scene, Teyla is attempting to teach her how to meditate to relieve stress.”

      “Relieve stress? How much stress could a cleaning lady have?”, blurts JM.

      “Apparently, with the slobs currently populating Atlantis, quite a lot! Now get back to my question! Her meditation chant is quite unusual. (Coming from the console in a smooth monotone) ‘Shanthaiaaaa, Ashimjaraaaa, Naamiaiseeet.’ What’s that mean?”

      Blinking, JM has no answer for that one.

      “Just three more, and we’re done here. You’ll just have to let me know what’s decided.” Quickly queing the three remaining sound bites, the SE continues, “During the outing down on the planet where they took her as a treat for her birthday, McKay is complaining about the rain. The odd accent she affects here makes her pronunciation of rain come out mote like ‘rien’. Here, listen for yourself.”

      “Rien, huh? I prefer to call it LiquidSky.”

      By now, JM is beginning to feel the niggling of concern. He’s not sure why or about quite what, but there’s just something not meshing with their contest winner. “You say there’s two more? Let’s here them!”, JM’s impatience is beginning to wear on his nerves.

      “As you command, Great and Imperious One!” The SE presses a button and the general bustle of a busy hallway is heard. “She’s walking down a hallway, talking to herself. She’s muttering under her breath what sounds like a list, but the list makes no sense.”

      “What’s she muttering?, inquires JM

      “MCH, Sasusc, and JenKM1216. It sounds like a list, but of what?”

      His alarm growing, actual fear rising as something lurking just below consciousness is trying to alert him, JM ponders aloud, “Hmm. You’re right. As a matter of fact, it seems as if every odd thing she has said is part of a list. But of what?”

      “Halloo...I already asked that! Well, anyway, I figure that’s someone else’s problem to parse, but here’s the last bite. I think her quip is funny, and I think we ought to leave it in.”

      Loudly, from the console, blares, “Das-N-danger! That’s a great idea!”

      The blood drains from JM’s face as he begins to sway on his feet. Horrified, he cries, “Call security! We’ve been infiltrated! Breached!”, he screeches.

      “Infiltrated? Breached? What the hell are you babbling on about?”, the SE looks as though he’d rather call an ambulance.

      Near panic, JM all but screams, “Our contest winner isn’t just any Atlantis fan! She’s a member of the WDC!”

      In a breathy whisper, the SE answers, “The WDC? You mean the Wraith Defender’s Club over at Gateworld?” Continuing in an almost normal tone, but with a tinge of worry implied, the SE informs JM, “Uh…not to worry, I’m sure, but Chris just got out of make-up, and he was headed for the soundstage. She’s already there.”

      JM is now driven by pure panic. “Call security! We’ve got to get Chris out of the building! He’s not sa—!”

      * A blood curdling scream reverberates throughout the building. *

      Everyone within earshot rushing to the soundstage, a bizarre scene unfolds. Chris/Todd is backed firmly against an Atlantean computer console with his left hand, palm inward, wedged between his butt and the pedestal. His ‘Wraith’ feeding hand is outstretched towards the contest winner, as if that little bit of fantasy could actually deter the stalking advance of the widely grinning, slightly predatory looking, female.

      Skidding to a stop, JM and the SE take in the tableau. JM stares at her shirt. It was a home-made iron on, but he recognized the image of a Wraith the WDC members had dubbed ‘Rhys’ from a WDC wallpaper. Becoming aware of her speaking, he tunes in to hear her saying, in a scarily reasonable, silky tone of voice, “CH, I’m not going to hurt you. I merely wish to abase myself at your feet.” Smiling broadly, she almost purred, “I am your most devoted servant.”

      As recognition dawns, JM shouts, “Ah, hah! I know who you are! You’re Wraithworshipper from the WDC!” Identification made, now curiosity sets in. “So… what was all that name dropping business about?”

      “Finally caught that, did you? Well, I knew you’d never give the role to a WDC member, and I couldn’t risk losing it by telling the folks in the forum. We know you monitor us, by the way. Anyhoo…I figured I’d drop as many names as possible to get as many of them as I could into the final cut. Then, just before airtime, I’d tell the room and have them listen to my lines for the proof that I really was the contest winner!

      JM’s gaze straying back to a still stricken Chris, he asks, “Chris? What’d she do to you?”

      Chris stammers, “She…my…my…she….”

      Glaring at Wraithworshipper, JM shouts, “Just what the hell did you do to him?”

      “Well, I didn’t hurt him!”, she shouts back. Continuing somewhat meekly, she confesses, “ I simply lost a little control when he bent over in front of me to pick up a pen I’d dropped.”

      Looking closely at Chris, JM had the distinct impression that he was turning red underneath all of the green make-up.

      Now growling, JM demands, “What-did-you-do-to-him?”

      Crowing triumphantly, Wraithworshipper proclaims, “Whoo hoo! Squee! Heh! Heh! Heh! I…Groped the Green!”

      Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 29 April 2008, 02:35 PM.


        Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

        As promised, below is my fanfic story. It's a silly thing, and it's set in the real world of the Atlantis home office. Other than my recent verses, this is the first story I've written in many, many years. I started it on Friday, and I just finished it. I hope you like it.

        Dashing harriedly into his office, already late on a heavily scheduled Monday morning, James Mallozzi (JM to most folks) was not happy to find a note from the Sound Editor placed pointedly in the center of his desktop blotter. He’d been avoiding him for days, and now, it seemed, escape was not possible. He was even less pleased when he read the request for his immediate attention regarding a slew of sound bites for the first 1 ½ episodes of a two part story which had not quite wrapped taping, but he wasn’t in the least surprised to learn that all the bites in question were out of the mouth of their latest, and decidedly oddest, contest winner. She liked to adlib.

        After almost 10 months, it still galled him that he’d allowed himself to be talked into a contest where the winner didn’t get a mere walk-on part, but a full-fledged speaking part which required real acting for two episodes! Thank heavens the woman they’d chosen wasn’t bad. She wasn’t even half bad. Actually, she was pretty good with a knack for timing and manner of delivery, but she really was out there. Waaay out there!

        Giving himself a mental shake, his thoughts returned to the adlibs of their temporary guest star. It was a habit which probably could have been, and definitely should have been, dealt with quickly, nipped in the bud as soon as it started, but her lines tended to be better than the ones which had been written for her by the show’s ‘professional’ writers. Worse, the other actors happily fed off of the openings with which she provided them. Some more than others. He could see already that Hewlett was going to be damn near uncontrollable for the foreseeable future.

        Picking up the phone, he connected with the necessary people to push back his morning meetings for a couple of hours. He figured this could take awhile.

        Moments later, walking into the Sound Editing room, he was greeted with, “Well, looky what we have here! The mountain has finally come to …. What’d you do? Forget to put sugar in your lemonade this morning?”

        Trading his sour expression for one of long suffering, he hoped, JM decided it best to get right to business. “You have multiple sound bites for me to okay or nay this morning?”

        “Yuppers! Sure do.” Queing up the footage, “Well, you know we basically cast her as the ‘Cleaning Lady’ of Atlantis. I mean, we meant for this show to be kinda funny in case the contest winner couldn’t act their way out of a wet paper bag, right? I mean, how much trouble can a mere cleaning lady get into? She’s just on the fringes of everyone else’s lives, right? She’s not part of the main action, but somehow she manages to touch the lives of just about everyone.”

        JM grunted his agreement. “You’re getting to a point when? Just what is the problem?”

        “Keep your pants on! It‘s not so much a problem as it is pronunciation. Some of the things she says just sound odd, little not-quite-right.” Flicking a couple more switches, “Okay, now. Here, Ronan asks her how such a short person can carry so many bottles of cleaning supplies by herself. She replied, “Icarium very carefully.” Then, when McKay, Zelenka, Sheppard, Ronan and Lorne are all arguing about the merits of science versus firepower in the fight against any and all enemies, not just the Wraith, she yells, “Boys! Boys! Boys! With all the testosterone floatin’ ‘round, it’s like dubya dubya 2 (wwii) in here!”

        Next comes when the new soldiers arrive to spell the current contingent on Atlantis. Ronan is about to take one guy’s head off because he made a disparaging remark about how the war with the Wraith hadn’t been completely won, yet. From the background in passing floats, “Risem, rasem, rosem! The Wraith are a fearsome foe-sem!”

        “Okay. That one was weird.”, concedes JM.

        “Uh, yah. One I like, and so did CH, was when she asked Todd, “So Wraithlord…just how many Masterling wanna be’s do you have in you stable?”

        “Yes, and I liked CH’s expression on that one, so we’re keeping it.”, acknowledged JM.

        “Are we keeping the scene where Teyla’s preparing for a party and isn’t sure the ‘look’ she wants?”

        “Yes. Why?”, inquires JM.

        “Because of her advice to Teyla.”

        Looking surprised, JM asks, “She gave fashion advice to Teyla? I missed that. What’d she say?”

        “She told Teyla to, ‘Go Spikey. You know…lot’s of hair product.’ That’s how they played it, too.”

        “Well, a good idea is a good idea. I bet Rachel looked great in the reveal shot, too, not that she doesn’t always look great.” With a sarcastic look from the SE, JM belatedly remembers that tack isn’t always his strong suit, but he’s rather proud of that, too.

        “Rachel always looks great!”, declares the SE. “Are we leaving in where she’s talking to one of the techs in the botany lab? She’s got an oddball comment there, too.”

        JM’s not sure he wants to know, but he asks anyway, “What’d she say?”

        “I just love the myriad of plants in here! It’s like a mini jungle, but there should be birds, too, like Sparrow_hawk and BlueJay!”

        “I don’t know.”, offers JM. “We haven’t sat down for a review of the material, yet. How much more of this is there? I‘ve pushed back a few meetings I really need to get to today.”

        “Just a few more. Bear with me.”, the SE cajoles. “In this scene, Teyla is attempting to teach her how to meditate to relieve stress.”

        “Relieve stress? How much stress could a cleaning lady have?”, blurts JM.

        “Apparently, with the slobs currently populating Atlantis, quite a lot! Now get back to my question! Her meditation chant is quite unusual. (Coming from the console in a smooth monotone) ‘Shanthaiaaaa, Ashimjaraaaa, Naamiaiseeet.’ What’s that mean?”

        Blinking, JM has no answer for that one.

        “Just three more, and we’re done here. You’ll just have to let me know what’s decided.” Quickly queing the three remaining sound bites, the SE continues, “During the outing down on the planet where they took her as a treat for her birthday, McKay is complaining about the rain. The odd accent she affects here makes her pronunciation of rain come out mote like ‘rien’. Here, listen for yourself.”

        “Rien, huh? I prefer to call it LiquidSky.”

        By now, JM is beginning to feel the niggling of concern. He’s not sure why or about quite what, but there’s just something not meshing with their contest winner. “You say there’s two more? Let’s here them!”, JM’s impatience is beginning to wear on his nerves.

        “As you command, Great and Imperious One!” The SE presses a button and the general bustle of a busy hallway is heard. “She’s walking down a hallway, talking to herself. She’s muttering under her breath what sounds like a list, but the list makes no sense.”

        “What’s she muttering?, inquires JM

        “MCH, Sasusc, and JenKM1216. It sounds like a list, but of what?”

        His alarm growing, actual fear rising as something lurking just below consciousness is trying to alert him, JM ponders aloud, “Hmm. You’re right. As a matter of fact, it seems as if every odd thing she has said is part of a list. But of what?”

        “Halloo...I already asked that! Well, anyway, I figure that’s someone else’s problem to parse, but here’s the last bite. I think her quip is funny, and I think we ought to leave it in.”

        Loudly, from the console, blares, “Das-N-danger! That’s a great idea!”

        The blood drains from JM’s face as he begins to sway on his feet. Horrified, he cries, “Call security! We’ve been infiltrated! Breached!”, he screeches.

        “Infiltrated? Breached? What the hell are you babbling on about?”, the SE looks as though he’d rather call an ambulance.

        Near panic, JM all but screams, “Our contest winner isn’t just any Atlantis fan! She’s a member of the WDC!”

        In a breathy whisper, the SE answers, “The WDC? You mean the Wraith Defender’s Club over at Gateworld?” Continuing in an almost normal tone, but with a tinge of worry implied, the SE informs JM, “Uh…not to worry, I’m sure, but Chris just got out of make-up, and he was headed for the soundstage. She’s already there.”

        JM is now driven by pure panic. “Call security! We’ve got to get Chris out of the building! He’s not sa—!”

        * A blood curdling scream reverberates throughout the building. *

        Everyone within earshot rushing to the soundstage, a bizarre scene unfolds. Chris/Todd is backed firmly against an Atlantean computer console with his left hand, palm inward, wedged between his butt and the pedestal. His ‘Wraith’ feeding hand is outstretched towards the contest winner, as if that little bit of fantasy could actually deter the stalking advance of the widely grinning, slightly predatory looking, female.

        Skidding to a stop, JM and the SE take in the tableau. JM stares at her shirt. It was a home-made iron on, but he recognized the image of a Wraith the WDC members had dubbed ‘Rhys’ from a WDC wallpaper. Becoming aware of her speaking, he tunes in to hear her saying, in a scarily reasonable, silky tone of voice, “CH, I’m not going to hurt you. I merely wish to abase myself at your feet.” Smiling broadly, she almost purred, “I am your most devoted servant.”

        As recognition dawns, JM shouts, “Ah, hah! I know who you are! You’re Wraithworshipper from the WDC!” Identification made, now curiosity sets in. “So… what was all that name dropping business about?”

        “Finally caught that, did you? Well, I knew you’d never give the role to a WDC member, and I couldn’t risk losing it by telling the folks in the forum. We know you monitor us, by the way. Anyhoo…I figured I’d drop as many names as possible to get as many of them as I could into the final cut. Then, just before airtime, I’d tell the room and have them listen to my lines for the proof that I really was the contest winner!

        JM’s gaze straying back to a still stricken Chris, he asks, “Chris? What’d she do to you?”

        Chris stammers, “She…my…my…she….”

        Glaring at Wraithworshipper, JM shouts, “Just what the hell did you do to him?”

        “Well, I didn’t hurt him!”, she shouts back. Continuing somewhat meekly, she confesses, “ I simply lost a little control when he bent over in front of me to pick up a pen I’d dropped.”

        Looking closely at Chris, JM had the distinct impression that he was turning red underneath all of the green make-up.

        Now growling, JM demands, “What-did-you-do-to-him?”

        Crowing triumphantly, Wraithworshipper proclaims, “Whoo hoo! Squee! Heh! Heh! Heh! I…Groped the Green!”

        OMG! I laughed so hard my children came to check on me, not quite knowing if I was all right. I didn't expect to see my name in the story since I'm so new here, so that was a nice surprise. This is truly hilarious! The panic is so realistic. JM would die if a WDC member infiltrated the set. And Chris certainly wouldn't stand a chance. LOL I really enjoyed that. Thank you so much for sharing!

        With squees of praise complete, I've updated chapter two of The Distant Journey at FFN and WraithSteve. The rating may be going up slightly in chapters to come, so I'll just link to FFN where I will post an edited version when I get to that part. That way, no PG forum rules will be broken. But this chapter is good, so here are the links:

        I hope it's enjoyed. *hugs*


          Originally Posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
          Todd's hair looks like he's washed it since his escape from the Genii prison. (Which is a 'duhhh' statement) It's not all matted and chunky--this makes me think oooo!! as soon as he got aboard that dart in CG and got "home" he had a good scrub. Now his hair looks happy and fuzzy--still a bush of course, but a happy bush.


          We will have to brush Todd's beautiful fuzzy, fluffy hair.


          Yes! Yes! me first! Or how 'bout a finger comb??

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
            Nice picture Wraith Worshipper - well done
            Thank you, that's very kind of you to say, thought I feel like I'm not as good as I use to be. I would love to do a larger acrylic painting of that original screen cap--this wraith (aka "BOB") looks so vicious here, but I love how they're not in general (or maybe they are and that's why I like them hm.... ) Bob would be the type of wraith to sneak up behind you, as he did with Tayla in her dreams, and go "Boo".

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
              Wow! And you said my siggie was nice? Oooo! Where did you get the quote? Is it yours? It's nice. It sounds like a Norse type saying. Congrats on the 4000 posts!

              Thanks for the Todd-kiss Fainne! A body could always use one of those! LOL

              As promised, below is my fanfic story. It's a silly thing, and it's set in the real world of the Atlantis home office. Other than my recent verses, this is the first story I've written in many, many years. I started it on Friday, and I just finished it. I hope you like it.

              Dashing harriedly into his office, already late on a heavily scheduled Monday morning, James Mallozzi (JM to most folks) was not happy to find a note from the Sound Editor placed pointedly in the center of his desktop blotter. He’d been avoiding him for days, and now, it seemed, escape was not possible. He was even less pleased when he read the request for his immediate attention regarding a slew of sound bites for the first 1 ½ episodes of a two part story which had not quite wrapped taping, but he wasn’t in the least surprised to learn that all the bites in question were out of the mouth of their latest, and decidedly oddest, contest winner. She liked to adlib.

              After almost 10 months, it still galled him that he’d allowed himself to be talked into a contest where the winner didn’t get a mere walk-on part, but a full-fledged speaking part which required real acting for two episodes! Thank heavens the woman they’d chosen wasn’t bad. She wasn’t even half bad. Actually, she was pretty good with a knack for timing and manner of delivery, but she really was out there. Waaay out there!

              Giving himself a mental shake, his thoughts returned to the adlibs of their temporary guest star. It was a habit which probably could have been, and definitely should have been, dealt with quickly, nipped in the bud as soon as it started, but her lines tended to be better than the ones which had been written for her by the show’s ‘professional’ writers. Worse, the other actors happily fed off of the openings with which she provided them. Some more than others. He could see already that Hewlett was going to be damn near uncontrollable for the foreseeable future.

              Picking up the phone, he connected with the necessary people to push back his morning meetings for a couple of hours. He figured this could take awhile.

              Moments later, walking into the Sound Editing room, he was greeted with, “Well, looky what we have here! The mountain has finally come to …. What’d you do? Forget to put sugar in your lemonade this morning?”

              Trading his sour expression for one of long suffering, he hoped, JM decided it best to get right to business. “You have multiple sound bites for me to okay or nay this morning?”

              “Yuppers! Sure do.” Queing up the footage, “Well, you know we basically cast her as the ‘Cleaning Lady’ of Atlantis. I mean, we meant for this show to be kinda funny in case the contest winner couldn’t act their way out of a wet paper bag, right? I mean, how much trouble can a mere cleaning lady get into? She’s just on the fringes of everyone else’s lives, right? She’s not part of the main action, but somehow she manages to touch the lives of just about everyone.”

              JM grunted his agreement. “You’re getting to a point when? Just what is the problem?”

              “Keep your pants on! It‘s not so much a problem as it is pronunciation. Some of the things she says just sound odd, little not-quite-right.” Flicking a couple more switches, “Okay, now. Here, Ronan asks her how such a short person can carry so many bottles of cleaning supplies by herself. She replied, “Icarium very carefully.” Then, when McKay, Zelenka, Sheppard, Ronan and Lorne are all arguing about the merits of science versus firepower in the fight against any and all enemies, not just the Wraith, she yells, “Boys! Boys! Boys! With all the testosterone floatin’ ‘round, it’s like dubya dubya 2 (wwii) in here!”

              Next comes when the new soldiers arrive to spell the current contingent on Atlantis. Ronan is about to take one guy’s head off because he made a disparaging remark about how the war with the Wraith hadn’t been completely won, yet. From the background in passing floats, “Risem, rasem, rosem! The Wraith are a fearsome foe-sem!”

              “Okay. That one was weird.”, concedes JM.

              “Uh, yah. One I like, and so did CH, was when she asked Todd, “So Wraithlord…just how many Masterling wanna be’s do you have in you stable?”

              “Yes, and I liked CH’s expression on that one, so we’re keeping it.”, acknowledged JM.

              “Are we keeping the scene where Teyla’s preparing for a party and isn’t sure the ‘look’ she wants?”

              “Yes. Why?”, inquires JM.

              “Because of her advice to Teyla.”

              Looking surprised, JM asks, “She gave fashion advice to Teyla? I missed that. What’d she say?”

              “She told Teyla to, ‘Go Spikey. You know…lot’s of hair product.’ That’s how they played it, too.”

              “Well, a good idea is a good idea. I bet Rachel looked great in the reveal shot, too, not that she doesn’t always look great.” With a sarcastic look from the SE, JM belatedly remembers that tack isn’t always his strong suit, but he’s rather proud of that, too.

              “Rachel always looks great!”, declares the SE. “Are we leaving in where she’s talking to one of the techs in the botany lab? She’s got an oddball comment there, too.”

              JM’s not sure he wants to know, but he asks anyway, “What’d she say?”

              “I just love the myriad of plants in here! It’s like a mini jungle, but there should be birds, too, like Sparrow_hawk and BlueJay!”

              “I don’t know.”, offers JM. “We haven’t sat down for a review of the material, yet. How much more of this is there? I‘ve pushed back a few meetings I really need to get to today.”

              “Just a few more. Bear with me.”, the SE cajoles. “In this scene, Teyla is attempting to teach her how to meditate to relieve stress.”

              “Relieve stress? How much stress could a cleaning lady have?”, blurts JM.

              “Apparently, with the slobs currently populating Atlantis, quite a lot! Now get back to my question! Her meditation chant is quite unusual. (Coming from the console in a smooth monotone) ‘Shanthaiaaaa, Ashimjaraaaa, Naamiaiseeet.’ What’s that mean?”

              Blinking, JM has no answer for that one.

              “Just three more, and we’re done here. You’ll just have to let me know what’s decided.” Quickly queing the three remaining sound bites, the SE continues, “During the outing down on the planet where they took her as a treat for her birthday, McKay is complaining about the rain. The odd accent she affects here makes her pronunciation of rain come out mote like ‘rien’. Here, listen for yourself.”

              “Rien, huh? I prefer to call it LiquidSky.”

              By now, JM is beginning to feel the niggling of concern. He’s not sure why or about quite what, but there’s just something not meshing with their contest winner. “You say there’s two more? Let’s here them!”, JM’s impatience is beginning to wear on his nerves.

              “As you command, Great and Imperious One!” The SE presses a button and the general bustle of a busy hallway is heard. “She’s walking down a hallway, talking to herself. She’s muttering under her breath what sounds like a list, but the list makes no sense.”

              “What’s she muttering?, inquires JM

              “MCH, Sasusc, and JenKM1216. It sounds like a list, but of what?”

              His alarm growing, actual fear rising as something lurking just below consciousness is trying to alert him, JM ponders aloud, “Hmm. You’re right. As a matter of fact, it seems as if every odd thing she has said is part of a list. But of what?”

              “Halloo...I already asked that! Well, anyway, I figure that’s someone else’s problem to parse, but here’s the last bite. I think her quip is funny, and I think we ought to leave it in.”

              Loudly, from the console, blares, “Das-N-danger! That’s a great idea!”

              The blood drains from JM’s face as he begins to sway on his feet. Horrified, he cries, “Call security! We’ve been infiltrated! Breached!”, he screeches.

              “Infiltrated? Breached? What the hell are you babbling on about?”, the SE looks as though he’d rather call an ambulance.

              Near panic, JM all but screams, “Our contest winner isn’t just any Atlantis fan! She’s a member of the WDC!”

              In a breathy whisper, the SE answers, “The WDC? You mean the Wraith Defender’s Club over at Gateworld?” Continuing in an almost normal tone, but with a tinge of worry implied, the SE informs JM, “Uh…not to worry, I’m sure, but Chris just got out of make-up, and he was headed for the soundstage. She’s already there.”

              JM is now driven by pure panic. “Call security! We’ve got to get Chris out of the building! He’s not sa—!”

              * A blood curdling scream reverberates throughout the building. *

              Everyone within earshot rushing to the soundstage, a bizarre scene unfolds. Chris/Todd is backed firmly against an Atlantean computer console with his left hand, palm inward, wedged between his butt and the pedestal. His ‘Wraith’ feeding hand is outstretched towards the contest winner, as if that little bit of fantasy could actually deter the stalking advance of the widely grinning, slightly predatory looking, female.

              Skidding to a stop, JM and the SE take in the tableau. JM stares at her shirt. It was a home-made iron on, but he recognized the image of a Wraith the WDC members had dubbed ‘Rhys’ from a WDC wallpaper. Becoming aware of her speaking, he tunes in to hear her saying, in a scarily reasonable, silky tone of voice, “CH, I’m not going to hurt you. I merely wish to abase myself at your feet.” Smiling broadly, she almost purred, “I am your most devoted servant.”

              As recognition dawns, JM shouts, “Ah, hah! I know who you are! You’re Wraithworshipper from the WDC!” Identification made, now curiosity sets in. “So… what was all that name dropping business about?”

              “Finally caught that, did you? Well, I knew you’d never give the role to a WDC member, and I couldn’t risk losing it by telling the folks in the forum. We know you monitor us, by the way. Anyhoo…I figured I’d drop as many names as possible to get as many of them as I could into the final cut. Then, just before airtime, I’d tell the room and have them listen to my lines for the proof that I really was the contest winner!

              JM’s gaze straying back to a still stricken Chris, he asks, “Chris? What’d she do to you?”

              Chris stammers, “She…my…my…she….”

              Glaring at Wraithworshipper, JM shouts, “Just what the hell did you do to him?”

              “Well, I didn’t hurt him!”, she shouts back. Continuing somewhat meekly, she confesses, “ I simply lost a little control when he bent over in front of me to pick up a pen I’d dropped.”

              Looking closely at Chris, JM had the distinct impression that he was turning red underneath all of the green make-up.

              Now growling, JM demands, “What-did-you-do-to-him?”

              Crowing triumphantly, Wraithworshipper proclaims, “Whoo hoo! Squee! Heh! Heh! Heh! I…Groped the Green!”

              I laughed so much!
              I think I got one of the best lines in there!

              "“Risem, rasem, rosem! The Wraith are a fearsome foe-sem!”

              “Okay. That one was weird.”, concedes JM."

              *gives you a big cookie*


                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                To everyone who thanked me for uploading the scanned posters YOUR WELCOME. I used the clone stamp tool to get rid of the staple marks and creases. I couldn't get all the poster in because my can't scan over the legal letter size it is a flat bed scanner. Risem and ,Wraith Worshipper great art work. Wraith Worshipper your other drawing are great. I use to draw a long time ago but, nothing like Risem, Wraith Worshipper and the other who contribute to this thread. Don't ask me to upload because my drawing would look a little more like stick people.

                I looking on the net for tutorials on how to draw and paint digtally. I have been creating new sigs with the LM queen and Todd but, not on the same sig. I was thinking on rotating sigs. What program do you guys use?

                Thank you for scanning that poster and the interview. The thing I love about this forum is that people here are just as obsessed as I am about the wraith. So, if I haven't managed to get the latest info on the green men as soon as I'd like, I know where other's have gotten the skinny first--HERE!!!

                You know what would be neat? So many people are posting really talented wraith fan fic art at this thread, it would be so awesome to make a slide show, or website or video or something and send it off to JM? We could make it look really slick, maybe start off with Queen Ruby then have some wraithworshipper's siggies and Shanthaia and Risem and Liquid Sky and and and--what do you think? If you'd like, I will try to put it together. I wouldn't be able to get it done within a week because at this time of year I have a lot of marking to do--June is fast approaching, but let me know. If someone has already thought of this idea in an earlier post, I'll take both my feet out of my mouth and go sit in the corner, but if not why not?

                lemme know wwii
                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                  Wow! And you said my siggie was nice? Oooo! Where did you get the quote? Is it yours? It's nice. It sounds like a Norse type saying. Congrats on the 4000 posts!

                  Thanks for the Todd-kiss Fainne! A body could always use one of those! LOL

                  As promised, below is my fanfic story. It's a silly thing, and it's set in the real world of the Atlantis home office. Other than my recent verses, this is the first story I've written in many, many years. I started it on Friday, and I just finished it. I hope you like it.

                  Dashing harriedly into his office, already late on a heavily scheduled Monday morning, James Mallozzi (JM to most folks) was not happy to find a note from the Sound Editor placed pointedly in the center of his desktop blotter. He’d been avoiding him for days, and now, it seemed, escape was not possible. He was even less pleased when he read the request for his immediate attention regarding a slew of sound bites for the first 1 ½ episodes of a two part story which had not quite wrapped taping, but he wasn’t in the least surprised to learn that all the bites in question were out of the mouth of their latest, and decidedly oddest, contest winner. She liked to adlib.

                  After almost 10 months, it still galled him that he’d allowed himself to be talked into a contest where the winner didn’t get a mere walk-on part, but a full-fledged speaking part which required real acting for two episodes! Thank heavens the woman they’d chosen wasn’t bad. She wasn’t even half bad. Actually, she was pretty good with a knack for timing and manner of delivery, but she really was out there. Waaay out there!

                  Giving himself a mental shake, his thoughts returned to the adlibs of their temporary guest star. It was a habit which probably could have been, and definitely should have been, dealt with quickly, nipped in the bud as soon as it started, but her lines tended to be better than the ones which had been written for her by the show’s ‘professional’ writers. Worse, the other actors happily fed off of the openings with which she provided them. Some more than others. He could see already that Hewlett was going to be damn near uncontrollable for the foreseeable future.

                  Picking up the phone, he connected with the necessary people to push back his morning meetings for a couple of hours. He figured this could take awhile.

                  Moments later, walking into the Sound Editing room, he was greeted with, “Well, looky what we have here! The mountain has finally come to …. What’d you do? Forget to put sugar in your lemonade this morning?”

                  Trading his sour expression for one of long suffering, he hoped, JM decided it best to get right to business. “You have multiple sound bites for me to okay or nay this morning?”

                  “Yuppers! Sure do.” Queing up the footage, “Well, you know we basically cast her as the ‘Cleaning Lady’ of Atlantis. I mean, we meant for this show to be kinda funny in case the contest winner couldn’t act their way out of a wet paper bag, right? I mean, how much trouble can a mere cleaning lady get into? She’s just on the fringes of everyone else’s lives, right? She’s not part of the main action, but somehow she manages to touch the lives of just about everyone.”

                  JM grunted his agreement. “You’re getting to a point when? Just what is the problem?”

                  “Keep your pants on! It‘s not so much a problem as it is pronunciation. Some of the things she says just sound odd, little not-quite-right.” Flicking a couple more switches, “Okay, now. Here, Ronan asks her how such a short person can carry so many bottles of cleaning supplies by herself. She replied, “Icarium very carefully.” Then, when McKay, Zelenka, Sheppard, Ronan and Lorne are all arguing about the merits of science versus firepower in the fight against any and all enemies, not just the Wraith, she yells, “Boys! Boys! Boys! With all the testosterone floatin’ ‘round, it’s like dubya dubya 2 (wwii) in here!”

                  Next comes when the new soldiers arrive to spell the current contingent on Atlantis. Ronan is about to take one guy’s head off because he made a disparaging remark about how the war with the Wraith hadn’t been completely won, yet. From the background in passing floats, “Risem, rasem, rosem! The Wraith are a fearsome foe-sem!”

                  “Okay. That one was weird.”, concedes JM.

                  “Uh, yah. One I like, and so did CH, was when she asked Todd, “So Wraithlord…just how many Masterling wanna be’s do you have in you stable?”

                  “Yes, and I liked CH’s expression on that one, so we’re keeping it.”, acknowledged JM.

                  “Are we keeping the scene where Teyla’s preparing for a party and isn’t sure the ‘look’ she wants?”

                  “Yes. Why?”, inquires JM.

                  “Because of her advice to Teyla.”

                  Looking surprised, JM asks, “She gave fashion advice to Teyla? I missed that. What’d she say?”

                  “She told Teyla to, ‘Go Spikey. You know…lot’s of hair product.’ That’s how they played it, too.”

                  “Well, a good idea is a good idea. I bet Rachel looked great in the reveal shot, too, not that she doesn’t always look great.” With a sarcastic look from the SE, JM belatedly remembers that tack isn’t always his strong suit, but he’s rather proud of that, too.

                  “Rachel always looks great!”, declares the SE. “Are we leaving in where she’s talking to one of the techs in the botany lab? She’s got an oddball comment there, too.”

                  JM’s not sure he wants to know, but he asks anyway, “What’d she say?”

                  “I just love the myriad of plants in here! It’s like a mini jungle, but there should be birds, too, like Sparrow_hawk and BlueJay!”

                  “I don’t know.”, offers JM. “We haven’t sat down for a review of the material, yet. How much more of this is there? I‘ve pushed back a few meetings I really need to get to today.”

                  “Just a few more. Bear with me.”, the SE cajoles. “In this scene, Teyla is attempting to teach her how to meditate to relieve stress.”

                  “Relieve stress? How much stress could a cleaning lady have?”, blurts JM.

                  “Apparently, with the slobs currently populating Atlantis, quite a lot! Now get back to my question! Her meditation chant is quite unusual. (Coming from the console in a smooth monotone) ‘Shanthaiaaaa, Ashimjaraaaa, Naamiaiseeet.’ What’s that mean?”

                  Blinking, JM has no answer for that one.

                  “Just three more, and we’re done here. You’ll just have to let me know what’s decided.” Quickly queing the three remaining sound bites, the SE continues, “During the outing down on the planet where they took her as a treat for her birthday, McKay is complaining about the rain. The odd accent she affects here makes her pronunciation of rain come out mote like ‘rien’. Here, listen for yourself.”

                  “Rien, huh? I prefer to call it LiquidSky.”

                  By now, JM is beginning to feel the niggling of concern. He’s not sure why or about quite what, but there’s just something not meshing with their contest winner. “You say there’s two more? Let’s here them!”, JM’s impatience is beginning to wear on his nerves.

                  “As you command, Great and Imperious One!” The SE presses a button and the general bustle of a busy hallway is heard. “She’s walking down a hallway, talking to herself. She’s muttering under her breath what sounds like a list, but the list makes no sense.”

                  “What’s she muttering?, inquires JM

                  “MCH, Sasusc, and JenKM1216. It sounds like a list, but of what?”

                  His alarm growing, actual fear rising as something lurking just below consciousness is trying to alert him, JM ponders aloud, “Hmm. You’re right. As a matter of fact, it seems as if every odd thing she has said is part of a list. But of what?”

                  “Halloo...I already asked that! Well, anyway, I figure that’s someone else’s problem to parse, but here’s the last bite. I think her quip is funny, and I think we ought to leave it in.”

                  Loudly, from the console, blares, “Das-N-danger! That’s a great idea!”

                  The blood drains from JM’s face as he begins to sway on his feet. Horrified, he cries, “Call security! We’ve been infiltrated! Breached!”, he screeches.

                  “Infiltrated? Breached? What the hell are you babbling on about?”, the SE looks as though he’d rather call an ambulance.

                  Near panic, JM all but screams, “Our contest winner isn’t just any Atlantis fan! She’s a member of the WDC!”

                  In a breathy whisper, the SE answers, “The WDC? You mean the Wraith Defender’s Club over at Gateworld?” Continuing in an almost normal tone, but with a tinge of worry implied, the SE informs JM, “Uh…not to worry, I’m sure, but Chris just got out of make-up, and he was headed for the soundstage. She’s already there.”

                  JM is now driven by pure panic. “Call security! We’ve got to get Chris out of the building! He’s not sa—!”

                  * A blood curdling scream reverberates throughout the building. *

                  Everyone within earshot rushing to the soundstage, a bizarre scene unfolds. Chris/Todd is backed firmly against an Atlantean computer console with his left hand, palm inward, wedged between his butt and the pedestal. His ‘Wraith’ feeding hand is outstretched towards the contest winner, as if that little bit of fantasy could actually deter the stalking advance of the widely grinning, slightly predatory looking, female.

                  Skidding to a stop, JM and the SE take in the tableau. JM stares at her shirt. It was a home-made iron on, but he recognized the image of a Wraith the WDC members had dubbed ‘Rhys’ from a WDC wallpaper. Becoming aware of her speaking, he tunes in to hear her saying, in a scarily reasonable, silky tone of voice, “CH, I’m not going to hurt you. I merely wish to abase myself at your feet.” Smiling broadly, she almost purred, “I am your most devoted servant.”

                  As recognition dawns, JM shouts, “Ah, hah! I know who you are! You’re Wraithworshipper from the WDC!” Identification made, now curiosity sets in. “So… what was all that name dropping business about?”

                  “Finally caught that, did you? Well, I knew you’d never give the role to a WDC member, and I couldn’t risk losing it by telling the folks in the forum. We know you monitor us, by the way. Anyhoo…I figured I’d drop as many names as possible to get as many of them as I could into the final cut. Then, just before airtime, I’d tell the room and have them listen to my lines for the proof that I really was the contest winner!

                  JM’s gaze straying back to a still stricken Chris, he asks, “Chris? What’d she do to you?”

                  Chris stammers, “She…my…my…she….”

                  Glaring at Wraithworshipper, JM shouts, “Just what the hell did you do to him?”

                  “Well, I didn’t hurt him!”, she shouts back. Continuing somewhat meekly, she confesses, “ I simply lost a little control when he bent over in front of me to pick up a pen I’d dropped.”

                  Looking closely at Chris, JM had the distinct impression that he was turning red underneath all of the green make-up.

                  Now growling, JM demands, “What-did-you-do-to-him?”

                  Crowing triumphantly, Wraithworshipper proclaims, “Whoo hoo! Squee! Heh! Heh! Heh! I…Groped the Green!”

                  I found the poem somewhere on the internet -seem unable to find it again - but I changed it a bit , wraith is not mine either but the backgroundpicture is

                  Very nice story - I laughed really hard!



                    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                    oh wow - I really like your style. Am I wrong or do your Fantacism-pictures look like Anne Frank?
                    Thank you, "Fanaticism" is Anne Frank. It was a series I painted for an art collective I was apart of a few years ago. We were asked to contribute pictures on the theme of religious freedom or lack of freedom to an exhibit that was showing in North Toronto. I didn't already have any pictures with that idea, so I decided to paint these for that exhibit. I used a famous picture of Anne Frank from an old Time Life magazine where she is in school at her desk. I painted the last two from memory mostly. I didn't make a negative of the magazine picture so I had to imagine what a negative would look like. I thought "hey, it's in negative so no one's going to know if a did a crap job or not", but when I was scanning the pictures through for this site yesterday there is an option on my scanner where I can reverse the colours. So, I thought "Hell, let's see how I did", and I have to say it wasn't too bad, it wasn't awesome, but not as terrible as I thought.
                    The main theme is: religious rights and freedoms for some means oppression of religious rights and freedoms for others, depending on the religion, or a least how it is practiced.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                      Thank you for scanning that poster and the interview. The thing I love about this forum is that people here are just as obsessed as I am about the wraith. So, if I haven't managed to get the latest info on the green men as soon as I'd like, I know where other's have gotten the skinny first--HERE!!!

                      You know what would be neat? So many people are posting really talented wraith fan fic art at this thread, it would be so awesome to make a slide show, or website or video or something and send it off to JM? We could make it look really slick, maybe start off with Queen Ruby then have some wraithworshipper's siggies and Shanthaia and Risem and Liquid Sky and and and--what do you think? If you'd like, I will try to put it together. I wouldn't be able to get it done within a week because at this time of year I have a lot of marking to do--June is fast approaching, but let me know. If someone has already thought of this idea in an earlier post, I'll take both my feet out of my mouth and go sit in the corner, but if not why not?

                      lemme know wwii
                      Good idea. If you go ahead with it feel free to use my art.


                        Originally posted by BlueJay View Post

                        the rest is completely off topic so feel free to skip it.

                        i wanted to share pics of my animals before but the scanner was being tempermental, it's decided to work for the moment so you all have to suffer now.
                        i apologize for the size, i down sized them three times but for some reason they refuse to be small on this site.


                        her sister tiger



                        large dog is major small is penny

                        Kittttyyyyy cats yessss!

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Risem View Post
                          Your work has loads of emotion. It's wonderful. You should make an account over at DeviantArt.
                          Thank you thank you. I think I might just do that.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                            Thank you thank you. I think I might just do that.

                            Remember to post a link if you do!


                              Originally posted by Risem View Post
                              Good idea. If you go ahead with it feel free to use my art.

                              Okay great. Do you mind which ones I use? Or, when I'm finished I'll preview it here and whoever lets me use their art we can preview it together. Again, this might take me a bit, because I will be neck high in essays and bla bla work stuff. However,,,,,, I neeeeeeed an outlet and this will be my "break" stuff.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                                Okay great. Do you mind which ones I use? Or, when I'm finished I'll preview it here and whoever lets me use their art we can preview it together. Again, this might take me a bit, because I will be neck high in essays and bla bla work stuff. However,,,,,, I neeeeeeed an outlet and this will be my "break" stuff.

                                I don't mind.

                                And I totally feel sorry for you. Marking must be awful, especially as it's in your free time. But in a good note there is no better "outlet" than anything wraith related. Also, can I ask what subject(s) you teach?

