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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by MCH View Post

    Next Chapter pleaseeeeeeee, thank you for a great story, poor Todd I don't think he realise quite what he'd let himself in for. I think he may have met his match with Nia......Hee hee.
    You certainly have opened up a different view of Todd, if the writers of SGA had your perspective then it could explain why he copes with humans and is able to become allied with them. The way he deals with Nia reminds me alot abit of how he deals with Shep. Thanks once again.
    (I tried to post a review but couldn't my PC again)

    Thank you so much! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story. When I began, I was thinking along the exact lines you hit on. I wondered how it was that Todd was able to deal with humans the way he does. It can't possibly be from his interaction with the Genii. That would make him despise humans all the more. So, I took another angle, focusing on the fact that the Wraith do have close, frequent contact with human who are not part of their food supply--the worshippers. I worked very hard at keeping him in the character I perceived during his dealing with Sheppard and the others, so I'm glad you can see the similarities. Means I've managed to keep him something close to in character. I'm just so pleased you're enjoying it so far. I've got chapter two in it's final beta pass with Alauralen right now, so I should have something more to put up soon.

    Oh, and I'm ahead in the writing process. I'm about a third of the way through writing chapter five, so with the beta process, I should be able to keep ahead and not make the wait for new chapters long.

    Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
    I can't get that link to work. It says it's "Most likely out of date"

    I went all the way back to the original link, and that one worked.
    Glad you found the link. I was all set to send to you wraithsteve on LJ if FFN didn't want to play nice. I swear, that site hates me. It hated me with my Harry Potter fiction, and it hates me even more with my SGA fiction. I wanted to bash my head against the wall when posting the first chapter. LOL

    Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
    I read it and left you a review. nice job!
    Thank you! I got the review and replied to it, so hopefully FFN decides to be kind to me for once and you actually get the comment. I'm glad you liked it.

    And to everyone at random, the artwork and photo manips and sigs are all awesome! This is one talented bunch. I enjoy coming here to read everyone's ideas and look at the art. I haven't been commenting much because I've been spending as much spare time as I can writing. I just had to let you all know how much this thread entertains me. The laughs and the thought-provoking discussions are wonderful.

    *hugs to everyone during my sappy moment*


      Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
      I've been on a bit of a Todd bender lately. My latest Art assignment was an abstraction, and this is what happened...

      What do you guys think? My teacher probably won't get it. She's not exactly a Sci-Fi kind of person.
      Great picture! - very well done!

      Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
      This makes me think
      for a wraith Todd takes a lot of risks. This sounds like another one of his hare-brained schemes. Todd's thoughts: "Ah Ha! This human can control a wraith queen can I use this? ...dumdedum de dum I know...." Doesn't this make him sooooo accessible? In many ways this is very human. Great leaders take great risks, obviously for great gain.

      I made a little thing thing on wraith thoughts. This is what I think he's thinking:


      Todd's lovely thoughts.

      - so Todd



        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
        I just bought the Stargate Magazine haven't read Chris Heyerdahl's interview yet because when I came home from work I plugged in my scanner and scanned the two posters into my computer. The poster couldn't all fit but I tried to get the best I can. I also tweeked the pics a bit to get the staples marks and, creases. So I hope the pictures will look good. One is Todd and the other one is the queen from SOW. Hopefully I didn't violate any posting rules on the size of these pictures. They will be in #22 May/June but I thought you would like a little preview.

        Take Care:


        Wonderful! Thanks for these scans!

        Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
        I've been on a bit of a Todd bender lately. My latest Art assignment was an abstraction, and this is what happened...

        What do you guys think? My teacher probably won't get it. She's not exactly a Sci-Fi kind of person.
        Oh pretty! There's a great atmosphere going in it. Also I totally blame you for me having the word "abstraction" on my head all morning at work. lol. Yeah, that was random.

        Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
        This makes me think
        for a wraith Todd takes a lot of risks. This sounds like another one of his hare-brained schemes. Todd's thoughts: "Ah Ha! This human can control a wraith queen can I use this? ...dumdedum de dum I know...." Doesn't this make him sooooo accessible? In many ways this is very human. Great leaders take great risks, obviously for great gain.

        I made a little thing thing on wraith thoughts. This is what I think he's thinking:


        Todd's lovely thoughts.



          Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
          This makes me think
          for a wraith Todd takes a lot of risks. This sounds like another one of his hare-brained schemes. Todd's thoughts: "Ah Ha! This human can control a wraith queen can I use this? ...dumdedum de dum I know...." Doesn't this make him sooooo accessible? In many ways this is very human. Great leaders take great risks, obviously for great gain.

          I made a little thing thing on wraith thoughts. This is what I think he's thinking:


          Todd's lovely thoughts.

          I believe I made some comments about this situation in another thread.

          For Todd to come and ask/demand Teyla's cooperation in this plan, he must be very desperate. He said he had a lot of power before, and it's obvious he's fighting to get it back, but to be powerful, you'd need to be listening to a Queen, perhaps, because there's so little left, they are very important to have in your Hive, for status.

          I can imagine Todd's bluffing his way in again, saying his Queen said to do this, or that, and who would question him? Most Queens wouldn't show their faces, maybe, cos of the betrayals. Commanders must protect their Queens. But maybe he's milked everything he can out of this one alliance, and now he's either questioned about actually having a Queen, or the next step is for the Queens to meet each other. Either way, he's got to hurry, and find himself a female asap. And of course he remembers Teyla and her abilities.

          Again, he must really be desperate. Without Todd presenting a Queen, they might open fire on his Hive, and he doesn't want that, cos it's hard enough finding one loyal to you.

          The fact that Teyla and co actually go ahead with this plan might signify they owe Todd big time. Search and Rescue comes up in my mind, mostly because of the possible 'the Wraith keep the gate open' typo. But without Todd that ep is busy, moves quickly enough, so... Maybe it's Broken Ties. We know that Ronon and Sheppard have been taken on a Hive and there's a Wraith that's going to try make a worshipper out of Ronon. Will Rodney and Teyla go to Todd and ask him to demand their release? Or for general info? The lives of Ronon and Sheppard are important, so the bargain might be 'play my Queen and risk your own life'. They mentioned a Wraith battle in the ep, too, I believe, so maybe Todd attacks that Hive.

          Also something general from an interview with RL: Teyla's going to have to do some serious thinking on whether to join the team again, or not. She of course goes for the team. So that means being willing to sacrifice her own life, again...

          And, oh! Now that I'm saying stuff about Teyla? She mentioned the baby will be in Atlantis for the beginning bit of the season. Hmm, wonder where he'll go to after that. Been thinking about those few Athosians that are left. You can't really put them on a planet in the PG any more, Michael has his spies everywhere, so he'll find them again, and do what he did before, to them. Is Atlantis a permanent solution? There's not that many left, but having people actually live there forever? Hmm. So maybe they'll go to Earth, and they get a home in the Milky Way? Or since Michael might have seen the location in the database, another galaxy? Ori one? Where is it situated compared to the PG?

          Can't wait for season 5!

          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

          I wish I got to know you better.


            On the previous note of art I thought I should post this study I did a week back:



              Beautiful Risem!



                catch up time!!

                naamiaiset thanks for the todd interview, it was very good reading.

                liquid sky thanks for the poster scans, the problem with getting them from the magazine is the bloody staples and creases.

                KalaSathinee like the 'i walk alone' sketch, very moody.

                JenKM1216 update! update! more Todd please.

                Spikey lots of very interesting thoughts on 'the queen'. can't wait for season five and you lot are winding me up even more.
                I get the impression it's more they owe Todd for something, then they are completely onboard with what he is up to. Still, they do seem to be trusting him more to be agreeing to wait on a hive ship surrounded by wraith. Loyal to Todd or not, they could decide to attack if things go badly. Who's Kenny?

                and i love 'hush', never remember all the words though, but now i can memerise them. it's creepy so it fits.

                Das it's a sign. someone somewhere thinks you should have a fifth kitty cat. Sweet little Todd needs a home. Sounds so adorable.

                Wraithie hope you're feeling better. Will come back on Monday to check for that post.

                I was trying to work on some pics but the programs i'm using are not co-operating. I almost had one but then photobucket wouldn't upload it and i can't save it to a file type that will. oh well.

                completely random thought inspired by reading and anticipating fanfics

                we've pretty much agreed that wraith clean themselves, so do you think that it could be some sort of communal bathing. I don't think the wraith would be all bashful considering it's almost all guys. Perhaps it would create a situation where the rules of hierachy were lessened and they were more tolerant of one another, those of lesser standing.

                the rest is completely off topic so feel free to skip it.

                i wanted to share pics of my animals before but the scanner was being tempermental, it's decided to work for the moment so you all have to suffer now.
                i apologize for the size, i down sized them three times but for some reason they refuse to be small on this site.


                her sister tiger



                large dog is major small is penny



                  repond to the off topic post from bluejay - I'm lying on the floor laughing and can't recover OMG

                  Do you know the wraithsteve community on live journal?

                  Ther's a fic about a wraith called basil - nice one too

                  and then there is penny - do I need to explain more?



                    can i have a link to the wraith called basil please.
                    FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE



                      (hope that's allowed to link it like that)



                        Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                        I believe I made some comments about this situation in another thread.

                        For Todd to come and ask/demand Teyla's cooperation in this plan, he must be very desperate. He said he had a lot of power before, and it's obvious he's fighting to get it back, but to be powerful, you'd need to be listening to a Queen, perhaps, because there's so little left, they are very important to have in your Hive, for status.

                        I can imagine Todd's bluffing his way in again, saying his Queen said to do this, or that, and who would question him? Most Queens wouldn't show their faces, maybe, cos of the betrayals. Commanders must protect their Queens. But maybe he's milked everything he can out of this one alliance, and now he's either questioned about actually having a Queen, or the next step is for the Queens to meet each other. Either way, he's got to hurry, and find himself a female asap. And of course he remembers Teyla and her abilities.

                        Again, he must really be desperate. Without Todd presenting a Queen, they might open fire on his Hive, and he doesn't want that, cos it's hard enough finding one loyal to you.

                        The fact that Teyla and co actually go ahead with this plan might signify they owe Todd big time. Search and Rescue comes up in my mind, mostly because of the possible 'the Wraith keep the gate open' typo. But without Todd that ep is busy, moves quickly enough, so... Maybe it's Broken Ties. We know that Ronon and Sheppard have been taken on a Hive and there's a Wraith that's going to try make a worshipper out of Ronon. Will Rodney and Teyla go to Todd and ask him to demand their release? Or for general info? The lives of Ronon and Sheppard are important, so the bargain might be 'play my Queen and risk your own life'. They mentioned a Wraith battle in the ep, too, I believe, so maybe Todd attacks that Hive.

                        Also something general from an interview with RL: Teyla's going to have to do some serious thinking on whether to join the team again, or not. She of course goes for the team. So that means being willing to sacrifice her own life, again...

                        And, oh! Now that I'm saying stuff about Teyla? She mentioned the baby will be in Atlantis for the beginning bit of the season. Hmm, wonder where he'll go to after that. Been thinking about those few Athosians that are left. You can't really put them on a planet in the PG any more, Michael has his spies everywhere, so he'll find them again, and do what he did before, to them. Is Atlantis a permanent solution? There's not that many left, but having people actually live there forever? Hmm. So maybe they'll go to Earth, and they get a home in the Milky Way? Or since Michael might have seen the location in the database, another galaxy? Ori one? Where is it situated compared to the PG?

                        Yes you did! And I just wanted to add in my two cents too.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Go vote Misbegotten or it's OUT!



                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by Risem View Post
                            On the previous note of art I thought I should post this study I did a week back:

                            That is awesome!! Awesome!! I love it! I am always reluctant to reveal much about my personal life on-line, (for obvious privacy reasons) but I know I'll probably spill it at some point especially with all this awesome art you guys post. I teach, I'm not as well versed in digital art as I should be, but I am learning auto-cad among a few other things right now. I have taught at the university level and currently teach (up and around the same level). So, I hope you accept my humble opinion when I tell you, this charcoal sketch (looks like) on manila paper is well done. Please do more.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                              That is awesome!! Awesome!! I love it! I am always reluctant to reveal much about my personal life on-line, (for obvious privacy reasons) but I know I'll probably spill it at some point especially with all this awesome art you guys post. I teach, I'm not as well versed in digital art as I should be, but I am learning auto-cad among a few other things right now. I have taught at the university level and currently teach (up and around the same level). So, I hope you accept my humble opinion when I tell you, this charcoal sketch (looks like) on manila paper is well done. Please do more.

                              Thanks! You should post some stuff sometime. I plaster my stuff all over this thread it'd be nice to have more new stuff.
                              Actually the image is digital. It really show how far the medium has come. I like to make my paintings look like they were done in traditional media, like that study I used a really textured brush.
                              I planning to do a little more work on some Todd "Studies" read to paint him properly sometime when I can actually work out how to get him in an interesting painting. I'm not sure when that idea is gonna happen though...


                                Okay, so here's one of my pics. Traditional medium--ball point pen and paper. I don't love it, or rather I like my drawing but even on my scanner's lowest resolution it still looks sort of ass. It's taken me about an hour, but I love this picture of Bob, so I drew it:

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

