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    for all the toddaholics.


      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
      Oh. my. GUH!!! *drools*

      Dang that Todd!!! No fair him being such a sexy bug, and sooooo far away!!

      Thanks for sharing that - your work is excellent!



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Nails look GREAT!!! I need to grow mine just a tad longer before I can paint them - but I do a lot of gardening and stuff, so not sure they'll hold up...
        Thank you! I, too, am a gardener. I had a lovely salad out of my garden last night. My nails cut the romaine, spinach and Indian Mustard beautifully! They're also fabulous for nipping the dill, basil and coriander, too. The fella at the salon made the suckers solid. I doubt my concern needs to be about them holding up. I'm more concerned about what'll happen to the nail bed should one of these bad boys get flipped back somehow.... It's happened before.

        I'm actually starting to get the hang of typing with these things.

        You in the SCA? Do you do Ren Faires? I almost joined the SCA, then decided my attention span wouldn't warrant the commitment. So, I just go to Ren Faires, and dress up the way I like, costume nazis be damned!!
        As a matter of fact, I am. That's why all the info/knowledge about clothing nobody wears anymore! LOL The fact I B.A.'ed in Humanities with a minor in Secondary Ed. doesn't have anything to do with it, either. Nope. All my life, I've dreampt of the clothes I'll never look cool in because short stature and big boobs ruin the sleek lines of the cut! I don't pay any attention to the garb authenticity nazi's. They're just way too a**l retentive.

        My sis is a big Ren Faire fan, too...she was just down to one about a month ago - south of where you are at.
        On my income, I can't afford the Ren Faires, but I do get to play some. Next Thursday, we're doing a demo at a local middle school's medieval faire.

        Originally posted by Naamiaiset
        for all the toddaholics.
        I fall to my knees in appreciation of your greatness!


        Is in such a quandry! New pics of Todd, Greg, action Steve...must...not...lose...control!


          Hello Wraithies

          I'm back again, I did my part for earth hour shut of all my lights powered down my computer for one hour. Ok, so I didn't go compeletly powerless. Can't sit in the dark and not do nothing so, what I did popped, "SG1 The Ark Of Truth", in the dvd player and, watch it. It was ok,its like the TV show but, I'm more of a SGA fan.

          I remember the first time I watch 'Suspicion' I was making some greeting card doing some rubber stamping and, the TV was on I was have watching and stamping at the same time. The scene where Tayla and Steve. Steve doing his wonderful wraith Kung Fu I had to stop and watch just about burnt a hole though the card i was making with my heat embossing tool I almost burnt my fingers off to. I had to watch. got hooked. Two weeks later when 'TPW' was on I was talking to a friend on the phone. I said, "Georgie, I got to go my favorite show is on. That is where Steve said "I am your death That is all you need to Know".

          So, ever since then I have been hooked on Stargate Atlantis. Well, the next day I went to look for the DVD nobody had it except Future Shop, I'ts funny because when I was looking for SGA there was a lady buying SG1 dvds. I remember grumbling about the price but, she said look at this way you will be always entertained. So when I took them home I popped into the dvd watch the first disc. Then the next few days when I came home from work I had my own SGA marathon. Ok, I'm rambling. I'll shut-up

          Take care


            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper
            Thank you! I, too, am a gardener. I had a lovely salad out of my garden last night. My nails cut the romaine, spinach and Indian Mustard beautifully! They're also fabulous for nipping the dill, basil and coriander, too.
            So jealous!! I can't have that sort of garden...too many trees, and dry, acidic soil. So, instead I have to keep the shrubs trimmed, maintain ivy and other viney plants, and create my new Japanese 'tea' garden - probably the only thing that will work in my yard, since it's stones, and a couple shrubs...and a patch here and there for flowers. It's just small - the walkway between my front and back yards - only about 6-8 ft wide. I have a rock feature, too...and as soon as the weather warms, I'm installing a bamboo fence over my existing (UGLY) chain link. find a fitting water feature. I think I'm just going to go with a still water feature, instead of a fountain - just a hollowed out rock with water in it. So, I do more hard landscaping (stones, flagstones, rocks), and lawn mowing, and pruning, and vine

            As a matter of fact, I am. That's why all the info/knowledge about clothing nobody wears anymore! LOL The fact I B.A.'ed in Humanities with a minor in Secondary Ed. doesn't have anything to do with it, either. Nope. All my life, I've dreampt of the clothes I'll never look cool in because short stature and big boobs ruin the sleek lines of the cut! I don't pay any attention to the garb authenticity nazi's. They're just way too a**l retentive.
            Coolness!! I know several people up my way in the SCA...the chapter just escapes me right now...grrrrr. I could google it - but I really must go to bed. It's Eastern Kingdom...something.

            On my income, I can't afford the Ren Faires, but I do get to play some. Next Thursday, we're doing a demo at a local middle school's medieval faire.
            Yeah, they can be costly. I usually go to the PA Ren Faire - it's pretty nice, but I used to go about 6 times a season, now...maybe once if I'm lucky. Just getting too pricey, and now with gas prices on the rise, it hurts all the way around. Still, it is so much fun dressing up for the day and going back in time...great escape!

            Originally posted by LiquidSky
            Hello Wraithies

            I'm back again, I did my part for earth hour shut of all my lights powered down my computer for one hour. Ok, so I didn't go compeletly powerless. Can't sit in the dark and not do nothing so, what I did popped, "SG1 The Ark Of Truth", in the dvd player and, watch it. It was ok,its like the TV show but, I'm more of a SGA fan.
            I did lights out, too - except for the computer (I'm having trouble starting the thing up, so I don't dare shut it off right now, or I may never get back on-line) and the tv - like you, I had to watch something, and that something is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show - COPS!! WOOT!! Love that show...have watched it since the beginning...

            I enjoyed AoT, even though I really don't know the characters. It was entertaining - the whole fighting bit with the buggy things and the terminator-type dude was awesome - but it's still not SGA.

            Cool story about getting hooked on SGA. I've told mine before - how hubby watched SG1 and SGA (And Babylon 5, and BSG, and all the others) - but I resisted because I didn't want to get involved in another sci fi show (I'm a longtime Trekkie - so I thought watching anything else would be 'cheating'). So, I caught bits and pieces here and there, and was always a bit more interested in SGA, though I never REALLY watched an episode until (start to finish, undistracted)...I think, Sateda. Ronon kicked butt in that one, and it was really good. But didn't watch again until a few weeks later, with Common Ground. Loved the episode, though at the time I was far more concerned about Shep than Todd (I can remember not really knowing who Shep was, so it could be that we saw these in repeat, and I actually saw CG before Sateda). My husband kept reassuring me that Sheppard couldn't be killed because he was the star. Then, when Todd gave him his life back, I felt a bit soft for the big green fella, and was afraid that now HE would be killed. What a relief that they both survived. Still, didn't really watch the show again. I remember when hubby was watching S4...I remember some of the episodes, but when Todd reappeared in The Seer, I started to get interested, but it wasn't until he needed to feed in Miller's Crossing that I was like, 'Wow, having this guy around is pretty cool - creates all sorts of problems.' So, when the second half of the season started, I was ready for it - and BAM!!! Penny Todd definitely caught my 'eye' in BAMSR, but it's the overall character that stole my heart. He was so...Wraithy...with his 'my fellow Wraith' bit, and 'we had to stun him many times'....yummy!!! I remember watching the show, and posting on this other site I'm regularly at, that I had an 'epiphany' while watching SGA - the realization that the Wraith are HAWT! The guys all laughed, and little did I know at the time how addicted I would become.

            Then I bought the DVDs, and discovered Steve, and Shawn, and Bob, and Greg...and all the others (I had seen Michael - in fact, that was probably the first SGA episode I partially watched, simply because it had a Trek actor in it). Now, I can't get enough of these lovely pale fellas in their spiffy coats.

            Night, gals (and any lurking guys - big chickens!)



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

              Maybe Todd moonlighted as a stand-up comedian aboard the hive... "I tell ya, I don't get no respect. The time I was captured by the Genii, they sent my hive a note that said, 'We want five thousand dollars or you will see your commander again.' I tell repsect. My queen said she wanted proof I was captured, so the Genii sent a piece of my finger back to the hive...she wanted more proof. Yeah, what a gal. No respect. One time, when I was lost, I found a worshipper and asked him to help me find my hive. I said to him, 'Do you think we'll ever find them?' He said, 'I don't know...there are so many places they can hide.'" (Yeah, Todd Dangerfield, what a guy!)

              Just love the idea of Todd be a Wraith's Rodney Dangerfield . I can see him on that hive stage saying "I get no repect" too funny


              Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
              Thank-you naamiaiset for the Todd wally. I snerched it


              Ok, I'm trying to do the multi-quote thing. If I messed up anyones post may appogises sorry if i spelled that wrong I'm a bit nervous I never did a multi post before So, here it goes



                I dropped in for a bit here to read what's been happening since I last looked in, and WOW, such great discussions and info. I love Das' long posts. They are so full of stuff. There's so much I won't even attempt to do that multiple quote thingy. My poor brain can't always get around it, especially at this hour; although, as I was reading everyone's posts, I was getting all this ideas and blah, blah, blah in my head.

                But, to let you know--my Wraith/Steve fighting epainting is half way done and I am pleased with it. Now you know how I spent my time. That and feeding on chocolate... Wraiths and chocolate. Hmmmmmm... If my friends only knew how far I am gone from their reality. Hehehehe.

                I got myself Suspicion and Poisoning the Well from Amazon Unbox so that I can watch them tonight and really observe Steve; something I didn't do when I first saw it and didn't know what a gem I was looking at.

                Anyway, I shall say good night!

                Me: Say good night, Todd.

                Todd: ***Aaaargh. Hissss.***

                Me: Are we having a Wraithy hissy fit tonight?

                Todd (giving me a sidelong look): Do you want a good night kiss? (flexes hand.)

                Me: Just blow me a kiss. (runs out of the hive.)

                Todd (calling after me): Just a little Wraith humor! (mutters to himself) These humans have no sense of humor, do they?

                Steve (drawling): They didn't laugh at my jokes.

                Todd: You used Wraith humor on them?

                Steve: I told them the joke about 'I am Death and that's all you need to know' and they killed me.

                Todd (grinning): That was a little human humor.
                HONOR. A story.



                  Ok, that took me all most an hour to learn really, I get worried that it wouldn't go well and, sometimes it takes me a little time to learn things. Why it took me almost an hour it wasn't working so, I would go back and try again Just as long I didn't send reply. Now that I know how to do them I hope I don't forget once I log off.



                    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                    Ok, that took me all most an hour to learn really, I get worried that it wouldn't go well and, sometimes it takes me a little time to learn things. Why it took me almost an hour it wasn't working so, I would go back and try again Just as long I didn't send reply. Now that I know how to do them I hope I don't forget once I log off.

                    It took me a long time to figure it out even though Das pointed me the right way. And it still takes me a long time to do it. I give up most of the time. I need a worshiper to do it for me.
                    HONOR. A story.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                      I did lights out, too - except for the computer (I'm having trouble starting the thing up, so I don't dare shut it off right now, or I may never get back on-line) and the tv - like you, I had to watch something, and that something is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show - COPS!! WOOT!! Love that show...have watched it since the beginning...

                      Oh das now you got me humming," bad boys, bad boys what's your going to when the law gets you, bad boys bad boy ect, ect" Now can't get that tune out of my head.


                      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                      But, to let you know--my Wraith/Steve fighting epainting is half way done and I am pleased with it. Now you know how I spent my time. That and feeding on chocolate... Wraiths and chocolate. Hmmmmmm... If my friends only knew how far I am gone from their reality. Hehehehe.

                      I got myself Suspicion and Poisoning the Well from Amazon Unbox so that I can watch them tonight and really observe Steve; something I didn't do when I first saw it and didn't know what a gem I was looking at.
                      Traveler, I love to see Steve fight Jackie Chan or Jet Li. Hey this is science fiction after all.
                      I hated it when they killed off Steve in Poisoning Well He could have been a very interesting adversary.

                      Take Care


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                        I enjoyed AoT, even though I really don't know the characters. It was entertaining - the whole fighting bit with the buggy things and the terminator-type dude was awesome - but it's still not SGA. das
                        Yeah, I thought of the Terminator, and Indiana Jone and the Raiders of the Lost Ark when I watched AoT then I wonder if tptb get into trouble with copy write infringement copy write wasn't the exact word I was looking for


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Cool story about getting hooked on SGA. I've told mine before - how hubby watched SG1 and SGA (And Babylon 5, and BSG, and all the others) - but I resisted because I didn't want to get involved in another sci fi show (I'm a longtime Trekkie - so I thought watching anything else would be 'cheating').
                        Yeah I'm a long time Trekkie fan too. I always love scifi It is the stuff that imagination is made of. And, you get to think out side of the box.



                          Originally posted by Ashimjara View Post
                          pps this is my lovely sweet husband:

                          He looks great!!! Thanks for sharing!
                          Wait a moment, I've seen this fellow somewhere... Didn't you send your pictures to Andee and they are now on her blog?!

                          Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                          Elder Wraith: “This is the best and cleanest hive for your first experience, and we have the best humans”

                          Young Wraith: “I I I am little nervous. I never have done this before. What if they bite?

                          Elder Wraith: "You will be fine and, humans will not bite as they fear us and, the fear tastes sweet. Now, go on pick one"

                          Young Wraith eagerly points: “I pick that one!”
                          Well just a little human/ Wraith humour

                          Take Care Wraithies
                          Nice one! And I love your new sig. Poor Steve...

                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          That would be me Thanks for sharing, I REALLY love your works!!!

                          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                          Anyway, I shall say good night!

                          Me: Say good night, Todd.

                          Todd: ***Aaaargh. Hissss.***

                          Me: Are we having a Wraithy hissy fit tonight?

                          Todd (giving me a sidelong look): Do you want a good night kiss? (flexes hand.)

                          Me: Just blow me a kiss. (runs out of the hive.)

                          Todd (calling after me): Just a little Wraith humor! (mutters to himself) These humans have no sense of humor, do they?

                          Steve (drawling): They didn't laugh at my jokes.

                          Todd: You used Wraith humor on them?

                          Steve: I told them the joke about 'I am Death and that's all you need to know' and they killed me.

                          Todd (grinning): That was a little human humor.
                          I see more and more people write great funny dialogues. Thanks!

                          Damned time zones! All the best discussion happens when I sleep and then I have 2-3 pages reading in the morning or after work



                            Reed why did you delete your post?
                            Your most welcome here amongst all the ladies.
                            We'd like to have a guys opinion on all things wraith.
                            Please come back, we'll be gentle we promise, *smiles sweetly*
                            FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                              Hi Reed,
                              Welcome to the WDC need more guys in this thread. to get their opinions . Gee, I hope we don't scare the guys away. They are very well welcome here ok.

                              Take Care:



                                Originally posted by Icarium View Post

                                Nice one! And I love your new sig. Poor Steve...

                                That would be me Thanks for sharing, I REALLY love your works!!!

                                Thank you Icarium. I know we joke a lot about Steve hissy fits, clearsil stomping his foot. Hey I still do the hissy fits and stomp my foot when I'm hungry. Everytime I watch TPW it brakes my heart to see him die He is still my favorite Wraith next to Todd


