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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    2. Anyone notice how hot Wraith Michael was - was that James L. under the make-up? I think so...but not 100% sure...
    I'm looking at those pics of 'full Wraith Michael' now and trying to spot Connor Trineer under the full Wraith makeup. At the end of the story we see 'starting to revert' Michael picked up by two Wraith - one guard and one faced male. Maybe the guy playing this faced male doubled as the full Wraith Michael to save the bother of giving CT full makeup for just a few seconds worth of screen time.

    Originally posted by dolfynnchick
    I do believe this version of Michael was indeed played by James. If you can find a decent still, you can tell that the facial structure is all wrong for Connor, and quite spot-on for James.
    I think it's more likely to be James L under that makeup than CT. 'Almost full Wraith' Michael in 'No Man's Land' is unmistakably CT and nothing like the 'full version' we see in 'Michael'.

    Anyway, on to multiquotes. The way I learned to do it was by picking a post and just clicking on the 'quote' button. This showed me what the quote tags were. There shouldn't be any spaces between the [ quote = name ] but I had to do it that way so it didn't show up as a quote.

    [ quote = insert name of the poster you're replying to here. The numbers after the name aren't necessary because they're put it automatically.

    After the name put ]

    At the end of the bit being quoted put [/quote]

    I have the topic opened in two different windows. This way I can reply to something X said in their post then add something that Y said in their own post. As we don't have to bother with those numbers ourselves I just copy and paste in the names of people I'm replying to along with the relevant text and put in the quote tags wherever they're needed.


      It's definitely James under the makeup - he has a very big mouth, and a very distinctive fact, he has the sexiest Wraith nose of them all! It's got a 'point' on the end that's very clear to see in the Wraith Michael pics - same 'point' that Steve has. Dang, he is so yummy in that makeup, big mouth and all!!



        Okay - here's a question for everyone...

        If YOU were a Wraith, which one would you be most like? One of the Queens? Ellia? The Male Keeper? Steve? Bob? Greg? Shawn? Erik? Michael? Todd? Or someone else??

        I have this terrible feeling that I'd be a cross between Todd (bad hair, grumpy, negative, always hungry) and that dirty boy from The Hive (slightly pervy, poor communication skills) - does he have a name? If not, maybe we should call him...Bruce. .

        So, who are you most like?



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Okay - here's a question for everyone...

          If YOU were a Wraith, which one would you be most like? One of the Queens? Ellia? The Male Keeper? Steve? Bob? Greg? Shawn? Erik? Michael? Todd? Or someone else??

          I have this terrible feeling that I'd be a cross between Todd (bad hair, grumpy, negative, always hungry) and that dirty boy from The Hive (slightly pervy, poor communication skills) - does he have a name? If not, maybe we should call him...Bruce. .

          So, who are you most like?

          I'd be a mix of todd, shawn and steve. todd because he sees things differently, shawn for his "reserved" quality, and steve because of his confidence... which I could surely use some.
          Last edited by naamiaiset; 28 March 2008, 09:21 PM.


            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
            Meh! It's after 2am. I's gots ta go!

            Nighty Nights and Hugs!

            Wraith Worshiper, this is Wraith Worshiper II. I just e-mailed Gate World asking them to change my Username to "Wraith Kake". Typically, they don't allow two people to use the same Username. In any event, this hopefully clears up the confusion. I hope this helps.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              It was in a 'Blind Shep whumping' thread - I brought up the idea of having a Wraith find him, and help him - but for his own, selfish reasons (study this 'Sheppard' he's heard so much about, perhaps - or to gain intel). He can't let Sheppard know he's Wraith, so he can't speak, or make any other sounds that would give him away - only snorts or grunts that would sound human (as opposed to hissing and snarling).

              *Wraith shoves a piece of bloodied, raw meat in Sheppard's hand*

              Sheppard: "Aah...eww...what is this? Liver?" *sniffs it, and wrinkles his nose in disgust* "Where I come from we kill our food first..."

              *Wraith grunts and snatches the meat away*

              Sheppard: "Hey, wait! If that's all I'm getting..." *voice trails off and he strains to hear what his companion is doing* "You still there? Hello?" *mumbles under his breath* "Why do I have the feeling I've just discovered Bigfoot...*

              *Wraith builds a fire and cooks the meat by throwing it directly into the flames. He waits a little bit, then stabs the blackened meat with a stick, and takes the smoldering lump to Sheppard, sticking it in his face with a grunt. Sheppard cautiously feels the hot meat, then finds the stick and takes it from the Wraith who's now forcing it into his hand*

              Sheppard: "Ya know...I'm thinking you're not a waiter in real life, are you?" *he takes a bite of the incinerated meat and makes a face* "Agh...or a cook." *Hears the Wraith snort in disgust* "NOT that I'm complaining...just a little cracked peppercorn would be nice...or a creamy bernaise sauce..." *The Wraith snorts again, this time in aggravation as he trudges off. Sheppard listens for a minute until everything falls silent, and shrugs* "Weird guy...if it is a guy. Doesn't smell so much like a guy...smells more like...shampoo..."


              I followed it up with this:

              It was fun imagining Shep at the mercy of his unseen companion...not knowing if it was a man or woman at you imagine him feeling the Wraith's long hair and assuming it's a woman... then getting all flirty with him??!

              Think about it - Sheppard, emboldened by his blindness, gently stroking the Wraith's long hair, much to the life-sucker's horrified discomfort...

              Sheppard: "Wow...great hair...kinda soft. You must spend hours brushing it... *offers the Wraith a coquettish smile* "What do you think of mine? I do it myself..."

              And the poor Wraith just frozen, not quite sure what to do except glare at Shep with that 'if you keep this crap up, I'm SO gonna eat you' only the audience sees, while Sheppard still thinks he's chatting up a sweet little peasant gal... lol...


              Yeah, I'm weird...

              Oh, this is SO good and funny! Actually, this would make an absolute blast of an episode. Just the image of Shep fingering the Wraith's silky hair (assumeing he doesn't get Todd...) is priceless.

              Mmmmm... they smell of shampoo. Herbal...

              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Yeah - full moon was last Friday/Saturday.

              Humans, we're all about sex. I mean, with porn being the most viewed topic on the net, and all the 'sex sells' advertising, and the constant mention of it in every. single. tv show. and. movie (and talk show and joke and song) me, it all becomes a bit...boring. humans have sex, big whoop. Tell me something I don't know. So, to have the Wraith the same way would be just as predictable and boring (for me). But, to have them to be a mostly-male - likely sexually dormant - society that finds ultimate satisfaction in feeding as opposed to sex...well, that's intriguing.

              First, it may suggest that - unlike human males - they don't sit around talking about sex. Instead, they sit around talking about food! Every girl's REAL dream! LOL! Their existence revolves around - not getting a date - but getting dinner. Instead of 'girly' pictures hanging on the wall, it's pictures of feeding hands in various positions. Their 'porn' would be watching videos of the feeding process...(Todd would be a star!). Take sex out of the equation, and suddenly their life revolves around something much different than the average human male. Feeding is their 'sex' , involving appetite stimulation instead of physical stimulation.

              For me, that's much more erotic (and complicated). For a human who might fancy one of these guys, much more frustrating. But I've always found unrequited love more interesting because, if two people are attracted to one another - but can't be together in the way they want to be (Wraith wants to feed; human wants sex) - then they must find OTHER ways to be close, without touching. Innuendo runs high, as does tension. He's looking seductively at you - is he finally understanding your needs, he simply hungry?

              I think the Wraith worship could be a lot like this, and why it works for both men and women to be enslaved to the Wraith. Wraith passion is not about reproductive sex (which comes with gender-related taboos in some cultures) - but about their food, no need for gender distinction there. A Wraith leers at his male worshipper - it has nothing to do with 'slash', but it's all about the threat of being his next meal if he fails to please. And a female worshipper - perhaps trying to be sexually appealling to a male Wraith, thinking it will gain her favor - fails to realize that he's only looking at her chest because he's thinking of satiating his hunger, and nothing more. It's all about mixed signals, and a failure to understand the basic biology of the other.

              I guess I find such things much more stimulating and interesting than just a tumble in the hay...erm...hive.

              Kidding aside--porn of hand positions--this is a very, very plausible theory. We do have a tendency to look at everything through the filter of what is our biological and need make up. The relationship between Wraiths is quite different and the way they look at humans, although 'food', it is of a very different nature than the way we look at food. Sexuality, as we know it, you are probably right--it is not as we know it among the Wraiths. They probably find our reproductive cycle--multiply and then be culled--quite primitive, and in some ways illogical. I can just about hear the Wraiths: "you know we're waiting for you to reproduce that we can feed on you, so... why, oh why do you insist on doing it? Can't you just have a cup of tea? What better way to defeat us?" And then: "What do you mean you can't help yourselves?" ***Wraith rolls eyes.***

              AND WILL STOP PLAYING WITH MY HAIR ALREADY? And, no, I don't want to take a bath with you in our birthday suits. Eeeeew!

              Sorry, just a little Wraith humor.

              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              First, I just wanna say something to everyone here....

              We have a nice little group of Wraith fans here, from all over the world. The Wraith don't get much love in SGA, so it's up to us to show it. But...if we keep stepping on each other's toes...well...we're no better than those pesky Lanteans who want to destroy everything Wraith.

              So, what do you say to a group hug?? Let's let new ones settle in...let's try to understand the differences in cultural backgrounds and languages and ways of expressing ourselves. I, for one, am amazed at how courageous many here are, to join in the discussions even though English is not their first language. I certainly could not do that in the Netherlands, or Germany, or Japan - lol...I have enough trouble with English, and that is my first, and only language! So I applaud those of you who join in the discussions here, even though English is not your native tongue.

              And, ya know - we all have crappy days. We all have our moods--or things just come out the wrong way. Nobody's perfect. This should be an escape for us, not something that creates tension and animosity. We have so many creative and funny people here, not to mention those with really great insights and ideas. AND, together we have slowly invaded JM's blog, letting him know how important the Wraith, and specifically Todd, are to fans.

              So...let's keep our focus on having a good time, discussing and gushing all things Wraith, and doing our very best not to devour each other in the process!

              Hugs all around!!

              HERE, HERE!!!

              Hugs too.

              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              It's definitely James under the makeup - he has a very big mouth, and a very distinctive fact, he has the sexiest Wraith nose of them all! It's got a 'point' on the end that's very clear to see in the Wraith Michael pics - same 'point' that Steve has. Dang, he is so yummy in that makeup, big mouth and all!!

              Mmmmmm... I think Todd has very sexy nose. And VERY sexy cheekbones. Nice enough to feed on...

              Sorry, more Wraith humor... whatever.
              HONOR. A story.



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                First, I just wanna say something to everyone here....

                We have a nice little group of Wraith fans here, from all over the world. The Wraith don't get much love in SGA, so it's up to us to show it. But...if we keep stepping on each other's toes...well...we're no better than those pesky Lanteans who want to destroy everything Wraith.

                So, what do you say to a group hug?? Let's let new ones settle in...let's try to understand the differences in cultural backgrounds and languages and ways of expressing ourselves. I, for one, am amazed at how courageous many here are, to join in the discussions even though English is not their first language. I certainly could not do that in the Netherlands, or Germany, or Japan - lol...I have enough trouble with English, and that is my first, and only language! So I applaud those of you who join in the discussions here, even though English is not your native tongue.

                And, ya know - we all have crappy days. We all have our moods--or things just come out the wrong way. Nobody's perfect. This should be an escape for us, not something that creates tension and animosity. We have so many creative and funny people here, not to mention those with really great insights and ideas. AND, together we have slowly invaded JM's blog, letting him know how important the Wraith, and specifically Todd, are to fans.

                So...let's keep our focus on having a good time, discussing and gushing all things Wraith, and doing our very best not to devour each other in the process!

                Hugs all around!!

                And - POOR GREG!!! Now Todd and Ronon are blowing him up!! LOLOL!! Next? Captain Jack Sparrow!!! LOL!!

                Take care, everyone!!


                Well put! --WWII

                hopefully, I'll be able to change my Username to "Wraith Kake" from "Wraith Worshiper II" to avoid confusion.

                You know, now that you mentioned it, I think there are a lot of Wraith Worshipers out there. And I do believe the writers/producers of SGA do listen to what fans write. Think of the Carson Save, because fans were so upset about him being killed off they brought him back for five episodes in season five (WHY Why why the producers chose to kill off an important character like him I can only guess). Paul McGillion even said on his website that the producers do listen. I think we could petition them to explore more on the Wraith. This is one of the many reasons I wanted to join a forum.
                Yea! Yea! more more Wraith Yea!
                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Hmmm. Wraith/Sex/Feeding--Wraith finger food porn. Good discussion. I Still think that Wraith view feeding as something more than food and different from sex. I think there is a power thing that fascinates them. Ultimately, they are dependents. Meaning they are disproportionately dependent on humans. Feeding on humans could have something to do with their biological need for regeneration. Our bodies regenerate all the time--the cells in our major organs, the liver for example, continues to regenerate endlessly (not our brain obviously--that dies). Also, because the wraith are a race of humans, and not a different alien species perhaps they need a constant influx of human DNA to replace their own. In other words, I don't know if I'm sold on the feeding/sex frenzy. I think it's more about power, dominance and submission.

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by Traveler64
                    Oh, this is SO good and funny! Actually, this would make an absolute blast of an episode. Just the image of Shep fingering the Wraith's silky hair (assumeing he doesn't get Todd...) is priceless.

                    Mmmmm... they smell of shampoo. Herbal...
                    Thankies! I can just see all those faces that Shep makes, and the Wraith acting kinda like Lurch from the Addams Family...

                    Kidding aside--porn of hand positions--this is a very, very plausible theory. We do have a tendency to look at everything through the filter of what is our biological and need make up. The relationship between Wraiths is quite different and the way they look at humans, although 'food', it is of a very different nature than the way we look at food. Sexuality, as we know it, you are probably right--it is not as we know it among the Wraiths. They probably find our reproductive cycle--multiply and then be culled--quite primitive, and in some ways illogical.
                    Exactly! I mean, if the writers/creators have really thought this all through, then the Wraith should have a totally different concept of eroticism. For instance, there's no reason for human breasts or bottoms to be appealling to a Wraith...but that spot on the upper chest - right below the collar bones where they feed - seeing THAT probably drives 'em wild!

                    Then think about Todd, when he made his little handshake joke...what did he do afterwards as he withdrew his hand? He suppressed it with his other hand. Interesting move there - would LOVE to ask Chris what 'Todd' was thinking.

                    For me, I interpret it as one of two things: either it was just a show for the guards that he had control of himself, or...just reaching out to the humans - even in jest - stimulated his appetite, and he had to consciously suppress the desire to feed. I prefer the latter idea.

                    I can just about hear the Wraiths: "you know we're waiting for you to reproduce that we can feed on you, so... why, oh why do you insist on doing it? Can't you just have a cup of tea? What better way to defeat us?" And then: "What do you mean you can't help yourselves?" ***Wraith rolls eyes.***

                    AND WILL STOP PLAYING WITH MY HAIR ALREADY? And, no, I don't want to take a bath with you in our birthday suits. Eeeeew!

                    Sorry, just a little Wraith humor.

                    THAT was hilarious!! And I can SO see that, especially when we see how reserved the Wraith can for the laugh!

                    Mmmmmm... I think Todd has very sexy nose. And VERY sexy cheekbones. Nice enough to feed on...

                    Sorry, more Wraith humor... whatever.
                    hee! Todd does have a sexy nose - especially profile. It's sexy enough to nibble on...

                    a little HUMAN humor there...

                    @ WWII - Kind of you to do that. I'm sure the mods will understand the confusion. If they don't, well....we'll get by okay with 2 worshippers...we'll just have to give you different wigs. Who wants Steve's, and who wants Todd's?

                    I read where there was talk back in S1/S2 to get rid of some characters...and eventually Weir came up because the character wasn't going anywhere, then - Carson (no reason given). I think they screwed up with Carson because he was an endearing character, and though I *like* Keller, I am very indifferent to her. Carson, however, was special. I'm not sure how I feel about him coming back - only S5 will help me make up my mind.

                    So - do you think we should start the 'Save Todd' campaign, just in case?



                      Travellers is on tonight... at least one makes it out alive...

                      *sigh* Why do they have to be so sexy when they fight...

                      The one who attacks Larrin and gets shot in the back by Shep - I think that's goggle boy from Sateda...and I think that might be the stunt guy I posted a picture of a couple pages back. Not 100% sure, but he did that cool fight scene in Sateda, and now this fight with Larrin, so I'm thinking it might be him....

                      Last edited by dasNdanger; 29 March 2008, 04:33 AM.


                        I definitely think we should start a save Todd campaign. Whether it's Bredan Penny or Chistopher Heyerdahl they're both easy on the eyes and need to stay for our viewing pleasure.
                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          So - do you think we should start the 'Save Todd' campaign, just in case?


                          Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                          I definitely think we should start a save Todd campaign. Whether it's Bredan Penny or Chistopher Heyerdahl they're both easy on the eyes and need to stay for our viewing pleasure.
                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            I'm off to bed now. Sleep sleep time.

                            Once again good night to all.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                              Hmmm. Wraith/Sex/Feeding--Wraith finger food porn. Good discussion. I Still think that Wraith view feeding as something more than food and different from sex. I think there is a power thing that fascinates them.
                              That's actually what I am saying, though. NOT saying that feeding is 'sex' to them (they undoubtedly reproduce, so it's not like sex is unknown). But since it seems that the males far outnumber females, it's unlikely that sex is a major concern for them. The pleasure of sex seems to have been replaced by the pleasure of feeding. Similar sensations, but one acheived by feeding instead of through sex. They would probably view sex as a lesser function - and certainly a different function - from feeding. Feeding is certainly more than food - and different than sex, but giving them the same 'sort' of pleasure, without confusing the two.

                              Now...are YOU confused??

                              Ultimately, they are dependents. Meaning they are disproportionately dependent on humans. Feeding on humans could have something to do with their biological need for regeneration. Our bodies regenerate all the time--the cells in our major organs, the liver for example, continues to regenerate endlessly (not our brain obviously--that dies). Also, because the wraith are a race of humans, and not a different alien species perhaps they need a constant influx of human DNA to replace their own. In other words, I don't know if I'm sold on the feeding/sex frenzy. I think it's more about power, dominance and submission.

                              Again - exactly what I mean. Sex...the fuction of reproduction, etc. with all its sensations - does not come into play when Wraith feed. That's probably the furthest thing from their mind when they are feasting upon a human. Instead, the feelings that we equate with sexual attraction (rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing, excitement, tingling sensations) would be appetite stimulators for Wraith - the tingling would be in their hand, perhaps their arm...the excitement would all center around satisfying their appetite, and nothing to do with satisfying any sort of sexual desire.

                              And I agree - they are totally dependent on humans for their survival - like a parasite, but not. If they could only figure out how to take tiny amounts at a time, and allow a human to fully recover between feedings without losing years...that would be cool. But, alas, they tend to take it all...they're not the sort to just 'sip'...



                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Okay - here's a question for everyone...

                                If YOU were a Wraith, which one would you be most like? One of the Queens? Ellia? The Male Keeper? Steve? Bob? Greg? Shawn? Erik? Michael? Todd? Or someone else??

                                I have this terrible feeling that I'd be a cross between Todd (bad hair, grumpy, negative, always hungry) and that dirty boy from The Hive (slightly pervy, poor communication skills) - does he have a name? If not, maybe we should call him...Bruce. .

                                So, who are you most like?

                                Whichever one collects dolls and My Little Ponies and has Disney Princess stuff all over her apartment.

                                ...Probably that would be Ellia. You know she totally has a huge My Little Pony collection hiding in that cave somewhere. Or maybe Steve had a secret hobby he wasn't telling anyone about. They do have nice silky hair that's fun to brush...

